Tonight's 'Super Blue Moon'

Tom Paine 1949

Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2020
Quick, don’t miss it! All genuine “lunatics” rejoice! Werewolfs too!

The moon has been much in the news this August. For most of the month, uncrewed spacecraft from Russia and India were in a hot cosmic race to see which country would earn the bragging rights of being the first to safely land a ship in the moon’s south polar region. On Aug. 20, Russia’s plans came to ruin, after an engine burn intended to fine-tune the ship’s descent went awry. Three days later, India—very much a newbie in the moon game—successfully stuck its landing, earning this year’s top honors for lunar exploration.

But the moon hardly needs human intervention to make cosmic headlines. Tonight (Aug. 30) at shortly after 8:30 p.m. eastern time, through the morning of Sept. 1, a rare “super blue moon” will rise in the skies, creating a spectacle that thrills photographers, amateur sky watchers and even seasoned astronomers…

Quick, don’t miss it! All genuine “lunatics” rejoice! Werewolfs too!

The moon has been much in the news this August. For most of the month, uncrewed spacecraft from Russia and India were in a hot cosmic race to see which country would earn the bragging rights of being the first to safely land a ship in the moon’s south polar region. On Aug. 20, Russia’s plans came to ruin, after an engine burn intended to fine-tune the ship’s descent went awry. Three days later, India—very much a newbie in the moon game—successfully stuck its landing, earning this year’s top honors for lunar exploration.

But the moon hardly needs human intervention to make cosmic headlines. Tonight (Aug. 30) at shortly after 8:30 p.m. eastern time, through the morning of Sept. 1, a rare “super blue moon” will rise in the skies, creating a spectacle that thrills photographers, amateur sky watchers and even seasoned astronomers…

We'll see if these high tides cause any flooding ... this is what Climate Change Hystericals are prophetizing ...
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Taken less than an hour ago, using my ancient (c. late 1960s-early 1970s) Vivitar 85-205mm ƒ/3.8 Tele-Zoom lens, mounted on my 2013 Nikon D3200. 500²-pixel section of the image, upscaled and enhanced to 2048² pixels using Topaz Photo AI. 1⁄200 of a second, ISO 400. I'm not certain of the aperture setting, but it was very likely ƒ/16.

Here in southern Utah, the moon is completely full and easily visible from my home, currently (1:10 A.M. Mountain Time). As for coloration, it's no different from usual (at least from my vantage point). Nothing blue about it (unless that adjective is describing something other than color). I'm not an astronomy enthusiast, so I'm ignorant about such things.
Could not see any blue here in SE Merry England but it was a very special view Impressive .
Here in southern Utah, the moon is completely full and easily visible from my home, currently (1:10 A.M. Mountain Time). As for coloration, it's no different from usual (at least from my vantage point). Nothing blue about it (unless that adjective is describing something other than color). I'm not an astronomy enthusiast, so I'm ignorant about such things.

The term “blue moon” means the second full moon in a calendar month. Nothing at all to do with any color.
Quick, don’t miss it! All genuine “lunatics” rejoice! Werewolfs too!

The moon has been much in the news this August. For most of the month, uncrewed spacecraft from Russia and India were in a hot cosmic race to see which country would earn the bragging rights of being the first to safely land a ship in the moon’s south polar region. On Aug. 20, Russia’s plans came to ruin, after an engine burn intended to fine-tune the ship’s descent went awry. Three days later, India—very much a newbie in the moon game—successfully stuck its landing, earning this year’s top honors for lunar exploration.

But the moon hardly needs human intervention to make cosmic headlines. Tonight (Aug. 30) at shortly after 8:30 p.m. eastern time, through the morning of Sept. 1, a rare “super blue moon” will rise in the skies, creating a spectacle that thrills photographers, amateur sky watchers and even seasoned astronomers…

It's yuge!

It came up through the clouds tonight its spectacular

I got in about 3 am after my 2 beers a week ....I'm ahead about a month tonight ...shit

It's still out there

It shawizzzz purdy
This is not just a “blue moon” = 2nd full moon of the month.

It is also a “super moon,” hence ”super blue moon.”

A supermoon is a full moon or a new moon that nearly coincides with perigee — the closest that the Moon comes to the Earth in its elliptic orbit — resulting in a … larger-than-usual apparent size of the Moon as viewed from Earth. The technical name is a perigee syzygy (of the Earth–Moon–Sun system) or a full (or new) Moon around perigee. — Wikipedia

Tonight (Aug. 30) at shortly after 8:30 p.m. eastern time, through the morning of Sept. 1, a rare “super blue moon” will rise in the skies, creating a spectacle that thrills photographers, amateur sky watchers and even seasoned astronomers…

Do you even know what it really is? In reality, to the average, untrained person, it will look exactly like the Moon does any other time. Far better to just wait until a moon at full libration--- at least then you will actually see new features you usually don't see.
Quick, don’t miss it! All genuine “lunatics” rejoice! Werewolfs too!

The moon has been much in the news this August. For most of the month, uncrewed spacecraft from Russia and India were in a hot cosmic race to see which country would earn the bragging rights of being the first to safely land a ship in the moon’s south polar region. On Aug. 20, Russia’s plans came to ruin, after an engine burn intended to fine-tune the ship’s descent went awry. Three days later, India—very much a newbie in the moon game—successfully stuck its landing, earning this year’s top honors for lunar exploration.

But the moon hardly needs human intervention to make cosmic headlines. Tonight (Aug. 30) at shortly after 8:30 p.m. eastern time, through the morning of Sept. 1, a rare “super blue moon” will rise in the skies, creating a spectacle that thrills photographers, amateur sky watchers and even seasoned astronomers…

blue moon trump.jpg

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