Too funny....'black' NAACP leader outed as white

I was actually a bit surprised that the NAACP didn't burn her at the proverbial stake. I think that was a good move for them in a lot of ways, I'd always thought of the NAACP has having a strong penchant for the "reverse-discrimination" thing, so their actions there have taken a little chunk out of that long-held belief.

That said, this woman is apparently "stealing" parts of her families lives and proclaiming it her own, she's also making stuff up about being a victim of hate crimes from the sound of it. That's kind of indicative of a mental issue and for her own safety I think she might need to talk over her feelings with a councilor or something.

Other than that, I actually have no problem with someone identifying as "black," "transracial," "#wrongskinned," or w/e name they want to give it. It may even be a good step in the direction of closing the racial divide that's opened up lately. However, I we should now rename all "Uncle Tom's" to whatever agreed upon term for both "#wrongskinned" (that's my favorite I think) to give this social experiment movement its best chance of successfully bridging the gap.
I prefer the term Uncle Ruckus for Black men who forsake their people.

I think Uncle Ruckus is actually white but has some kind of skin pigment disease. That show is hilarious though! :lol:
Reverse Vitiligo
I was actually a bit surprised that the NAACP didn't burn her at the proverbial stake. I think that was a good move for them in a lot of ways, I'd always thought of the NAACP has having a strong penchant for the "reverse-discrimination" thing, so their actions there have taken a little chunk out of that long-held belief.

That said, this woman is apparently "stealing" parts of her families lives and proclaiming it her own, she's also making stuff up about being a victim of hate crimes from the sound of it. That's kind of indicative of a mental issue and for her own safety I think she might need to talk over her feelings with a councilor or something.

Other than that, I actually have no problem with someone identifying as "black," "transracial," "#wrongskinned," or w/e name they want to give it. It may even be a good step in the direction of closing the racial divide that's opened up lately. However, I we should now rename all "Uncle Tom's" to whatever agreed upon term for both "#wrongskinned" (that's my favorite I think) to give this social experiment movement its best chance of successfully bridging the gap.
I prefer the term Uncle Ruckus for Black men who forsake their people.

heh I'm not at all surprised that you cannot find possible good in this turn of events and would prefer to make it racist. On the plus side, most of us are not so bigoted.

Though I will caution you that, as I said, I think this woman might have some psychological issues, so she might not be the best choice for you to hang your hat on as "forsaking white people." Not that it would harm your reputation any more than you already do yourself... ~Hands a pitchfork~ Carry on black warrior.
You must have not read my earlier posts. I support this women 100%. She has done more for Black people than some people that are really Black. She has a great track record. If her only crime is fooling people about her race I could care less if she was Black, White, Purple, or Striped.

I watched her interview and she doesnt strike me as a person that has any mental issues. She was very careful with her words. She never said she was AA or Black. She said she would identify herself as Black which is both a culture and a race.
I was actually a bit surprised that the NAACP didn't burn her at the proverbial stake. I think that was a good move for them in a lot of ways, I'd always thought of the NAACP has having a strong penchant for the "reverse-discrimination" thing, so their actions there have taken a little chunk out of that long-held belief.

That said, this woman is apparently "stealing" parts of her families lives and proclaiming it her own, she's also making stuff up about being a victim of hate crimes from the sound of it. That's kind of indicative of a mental issue and for her own safety I think she might need to talk over her feelings with a councilor or something.

Other than that, I actually have no problem with someone identifying as "black," "transracial," "#wrongskinned," or w/e name they want to give it. It may even be a good step in the direction of closing the racial divide that's opened up lately. However, I we should now rename all "Uncle Tom's" to whatever agreed upon term for both "#wrongskinned" (that's my favorite I think) to give this social experiment movement its best chance of successfully bridging the gap.
I prefer the term Uncle Ruckus for Black men who forsake their people.

heh I'm not at all surprised that you cannot find possible good in this turn of events and would prefer to make it racist. On the plus side, most of us are not so bigoted.

Though I will caution you that, as I said, I think this woman might have some psychological issues, so she might not be the best choice for you to hang your hat on as "forsaking white people." Not that it would harm your reputation any more than you already do yourself... ~Hands a pitchfork~ Carry on black warrior.
It's not racist or bigoted to point out a liar and a fraud
I was actually a bit surprised that the NAACP didn't burn her at the proverbial stake. I think that was a good move for them in a lot of ways, I'd always thought of the NAACP has having a strong penchant for the "reverse-discrimination" thing, so their actions there have taken a little chunk out of that long-held belief.

That said, this woman is apparently "stealing" parts of her families lives and proclaiming it her own, she's also making stuff up about being a victim of hate crimes from the sound of it. That's kind of indicative of a mental issue and for her own safety I think she might need to talk over her feelings with a councilor or something.

Other than that, I actually have no problem with someone identifying as "black," "transracial," "#wrongskinned," or w/e name they want to give it. It may even be a good step in the direction of closing the racial divide that's opened up lately. However, I we should now rename all "Uncle Tom's" to whatever agreed upon term for both "#wrongskinned" (that's my favorite I think) to give this social experiment movement its best chance of successfully bridging the gap.
I prefer the term Uncle Ruckus for Black men who forsake their people.

heh I'm not at all surprised that you cannot find possible good in this turn of events and would prefer to make it racist. On the plus side, most of us are not so bigoted.

Though I will caution you that, as I said, I think this woman might have some psychological issues, so she might not be the best choice for you to hang your hat on as "forsaking white people." Not that it would harm your reputation any more than you already do yourself... ~Hands a pitchfork~ Carry on black warrior.
It's not racist or bigoted to point out a liar and a fraud

If you are shallow and a non thinker, then they just claim everything is racist and bigoted, it's easier than having to think.
It's not that we are "hung up" on skin color, as you put it.
We are however "hung up" on honesty and character. In the future, you and others on the left should consider exploring that apparent foreign final frontier of the left.

That's ironic (again) because after at least three posters floated out the E. Warren myth, when I threw the challenge flag the only link I got was from a right-wing blog made up to look like a fake Wikipedia page -- and even that didn't make the point the poster claimed it did.

So yes, by all means tell me about this "honesty and character". :rofl
Easy to find, actually

Did Elizabeth Warren check the Native American box when she applied to Harvard and Penn - The Washington Post
Her parents said she NA in her. You guys need to get your story straight. Are her parents credible or do you only believe them when the information fits your narrative?
You really are terrible at reading
Youre really terrible at listening. Her parents claimed they have NA in them.

He knows that. The page he linked is the same one I would have linked to refute the mythmongers.
That, and the lack of evidence to prove the negative.
I was actually a bit surprised that the NAACP didn't burn her at the proverbial stake. I think that was a good move for them in a lot of ways, I'd always thought of the NAACP has having a strong penchant for the "reverse-discrimination" thing, so their actions there have taken a little chunk out of that long-held belief.

That said, this woman is apparently "stealing" parts of her families lives and proclaiming it her own, she's also making stuff up about being a victim of hate crimes from the sound of it. That's kind of indicative of a mental issue and for her own safety I think she might need to talk over her feelings with a councilor or something.

Other than that, I actually have no problem with someone identifying as "black," "transracial," "#wrongskinned," or w/e name they want to give it. It may even be a good step in the direction of closing the racial divide that's opened up lately. However, I we should now rename all "Uncle Tom's" to whatever agreed upon term for both "#wrongskinned" (that's my favorite I think) to give this social experiment movement its best chance of successfully bridging the gap.
I prefer the term Uncle Ruckus for Black men who forsake their people.

heh I'm not at all surprised that you cannot find possible good in this turn of events and would prefer to make it racist. On the plus side, most of us are not so bigoted.

Though I will caution you that, as I said, I think this woman might have some psychological issues, so she might not be the best choice for you to hang your hat on as "forsaking white people." Not that it would harm your reputation any more than you already do yourself... ~Hands a pitchfork~ Carry on black warrior.
You must have not read my earlier posts. I support this women 100%. She has done more for Black people than some people that are really Black. She has a great track record. If her only crime is fooling people about her race I could care less if she was Black, White, Purple, or Striped.

I watched her interview and she doesnt strike me as a person that has any mental issues. She was very careful with her words. She never said she was AA or Black. She said she would identify herself as Black which is both a culture and a race.

You must not have read my earlier posts where I said that I have no issue with someone identifying as black what-so-ever.

That aside, so you think it is mentally stable to take stories from other peoples lives and pretend that they happened to you? That would help explain your abrasive personality and bigotry though. You've taken in every horrible story and made it your own? I admit, I'd always simply put you down as a racist troll...
I was actually a bit surprised that the NAACP didn't burn her at the proverbial stake. I think that was a good move for them in a lot of ways, I'd always thought of the NAACP has having a strong penchant for the "reverse-discrimination" thing, so their actions there have taken a little chunk out of that long-held belief.

That said, this woman is apparently "stealing" parts of her families lives and proclaiming it her own, she's also making stuff up about being a victim of hate crimes from the sound of it. That's kind of indicative of a mental issue and for her own safety I think she might need to talk over her feelings with a councilor or something.

Other than that, I actually have no problem with someone identifying as "black," "transracial," "#wrongskinned," or w/e name they want to give it. It may even be a good step in the direction of closing the racial divide that's opened up lately. However, I we should now rename all "Uncle Tom's" to whatever agreed upon term for both "#wrongskinned" (that's my favorite I think) to give this social experiment movement its best chance of successfully bridging the gap.
I prefer the term Uncle Ruckus for Black men who forsake their people.

heh I'm not at all surprised that you cannot find possible good in this turn of events and would prefer to make it racist. On the plus side, most of us are not so bigoted.

Though I will caution you that, as I said, I think this woman might have some psychological issues, so she might not be the best choice for you to hang your hat on as "forsaking white people." Not that it would harm your reputation any more than you already do yourself... ~Hands a pitchfork~ Carry on black warrior.
You must have not read my earlier posts. I support this women 100%. She has done more for Black people than some people that are really Black. She has a great track record. If her only crime is fooling people about her race I could care less if she was Black, White, Purple, or Striped.

I watched her interview and she doesnt strike me as a person that has any mental issues. She was very careful with her words. She never said she was AA or Black. She said she would identify herself as Black which is both a culture and a race.

You must not have read my earlier posts where I said that I have no issue with someone identifying as black what-so-ever.

That aside, so you think it is mentally stable to take stories from other peoples lives and pretend that they happened to you? That would help explain your abrasive personality and bigotry though. You've taken in every horrible story and made it your own? I admit, I'd always simply put you down as a racist troll...
Who does it say the most about, her or the members/followers, that she would have more perceived insight by appearing/posing as black??
I was actually a bit surprised that the NAACP didn't burn her at the proverbial stake. I think that was a good move for them in a lot of ways, I'd always thought of the NAACP has having a strong penchant for the "reverse-discrimination" thing, so their actions there have taken a little chunk out of that long-held belief.

That said, this woman is apparently "stealing" parts of her families lives and proclaiming it her own, she's also making stuff up about being a victim of hate crimes from the sound of it. That's kind of indicative of a mental issue and for her own safety I think she might need to talk over her feelings with a councilor or something.

Other than that, I actually have no problem with someone identifying as "black," "transracial," "#wrongskinned," or w/e name they want to give it. It may even be a good step in the direction of closing the racial divide that's opened up lately. However, I we should now rename all "Uncle Tom's" to whatever agreed upon term for both "#wrongskinned" (that's my favorite I think) to give this social experiment movement its best chance of successfully bridging the gap.
I prefer the term Uncle Ruckus for Black men who forsake their people.

heh I'm not at all surprised that you cannot find possible good in this turn of events and would prefer to make it racist. On the plus side, most of us are not so bigoted.

Though I will caution you that, as I said, I think this woman might have some psychological issues, so she might not be the best choice for you to hang your hat on as "forsaking white people." Not that it would harm your reputation any more than you already do yourself... ~Hands a pitchfork~ Carry on black warrior.
It's not racist or bigoted to point out a liar and a fraud

hmm the psychological intrigue in this thread is strong.

Allow me to see if I've got this straight:

If a black man/white identifies as white, they are a liar and a fraud, however, if a white woman/man identifies as black, s/he's not?
I was actually a bit surprised that the NAACP didn't burn her at the proverbial stake. I think that was a good move for them in a lot of ways, I'd always thought of the NAACP has having a strong penchant for the "reverse-discrimination" thing, so their actions there have taken a little chunk out of that long-held belief.

That said, this woman is apparently "stealing" parts of her families lives and proclaiming it her own, she's also making stuff up about being a victim of hate crimes from the sound of it. That's kind of indicative of a mental issue and for her own safety I think she might need to talk over her feelings with a councilor or something.

Other than that, I actually have no problem with someone identifying as "black," "transracial," "#wrongskinned," or w/e name they want to give it. It may even be a good step in the direction of closing the racial divide that's opened up lately. However, I we should now rename all "Uncle Tom's" to whatever agreed upon term for both "#wrongskinned" (that's my favorite I think) to give this social experiment movement its best chance of successfully bridging the gap.
I prefer the term Uncle Ruckus for Black men who forsake their people.

heh I'm not at all surprised that you cannot find possible good in this turn of events and would prefer to make it racist. On the plus side, most of us are not so bigoted.

Though I will caution you that, as I said, I think this woman might have some psychological issues, so she might not be the best choice for you to hang your hat on as "forsaking white people." Not that it would harm your reputation any more than you already do yourself... ~Hands a pitchfork~ Carry on black warrior.
You must have not read my earlier posts. I support this women 100%. She has done more for Black people than some people that are really Black. She has a great track record. If her only crime is fooling people about her race I could care less if she was Black, White, Purple, or Striped.

I watched her interview and she doesnt strike me as a person that has any mental issues. She was very careful with her words. She never said she was AA or Black. She said she would identify herself as Black which is both a culture and a race.

You must not have read my earlier posts where I said that I have no issue with someone identifying as black what-so-ever.

That aside, so you think it is mentally stable to take stories from other peoples lives and pretend that they happened to you? That would help explain your abrasive personality and bigotry though. You've taken in every horrible story and made it your own? I admit, I'd always simply put you down as a racist troll...
Who does it say the most about, her or the members/followers, that she would have more perceived insight by appearing/posing as black??

How do we know that's the reasoning in the first place?
I was actually a bit surprised that the NAACP didn't burn her at the proverbial stake. I think that was a good move for them in a lot of ways, I'd always thought of the NAACP has having a strong penchant for the "reverse-discrimination" thing, so their actions there have taken a little chunk out of that long-held belief.

That said, this woman is apparently "stealing" parts of her families lives and proclaiming it her own, she's also making stuff up about being a victim of hate crimes from the sound of it. That's kind of indicative of a mental issue and for her own safety I think she might need to talk over her feelings with a councilor or something.

Other than that, I actually have no problem with someone identifying as "black," "transracial," "#wrongskinned," or w/e name they want to give it. It may even be a good step in the direction of closing the racial divide that's opened up lately. However, I we should now rename all "Uncle Tom's" to whatever agreed upon term for both "#wrongskinned" (that's my favorite I think) to give this social experiment movement its best chance of successfully bridging the gap.
I prefer the term Uncle Ruckus for Black men who forsake their people.

heh I'm not at all surprised that you cannot find possible good in this turn of events and would prefer to make it racist. On the plus side, most of us are not so bigoted.

Though I will caution you that, as I said, I think this woman might have some psychological issues, so she might not be the best choice for you to hang your hat on as "forsaking white people." Not that it would harm your reputation any more than you already do yourself... ~Hands a pitchfork~ Carry on black warrior.
You must have not read my earlier posts. I support this women 100%. She has done more for Black people than some people that are really Black. She has a great track record. If her only crime is fooling people about her race I could care less if she was Black, White, Purple, or Striped.

I watched her interview and she doesnt strike me as a person that has any mental issues. She was very careful with her words. She never said she was AA or Black. She said she would identify herself as Black which is both a culture and a race.

You must not have read my earlier posts where I said that I have no issue with someone identifying as black what-so-ever.

That aside, so you think it is mentally stable to take stories from other peoples lives and pretend that they happened to you? That would help explain your abrasive personality and bigotry though. You've taken in every horrible story and made it your own? I admit, I'd always simply put you down as a racist troll...
Thats great but pointless. I never called you a bigot so I dont really care about your earlier posts.

I've seen alot of people I worked with do the same thing. They take snippets of experiences and piece them together together to form a history. Thats why lies are so common in our society. People tell them all the time. Fisherman lie about the size of the their catch for one example. The term "mentally stable" relies upon an agreed upon norm. I have found that people who think they are the norm are usually sheep and lack the ability to think for themselves. You seem to fall in that category when you stand behind the term mentally stable. You dont even know what that means.
I was actually a bit surprised that the NAACP didn't burn her at the proverbial stake. I think that was a good move for them in a lot of ways, I'd always thought of the NAACP has having a strong penchant for the "reverse-discrimination" thing, so their actions there have taken a little chunk out of that long-held belief.

That said, this woman is apparently "stealing" parts of her families lives and proclaiming it her own, she's also making stuff up about being a victim of hate crimes from the sound of it. That's kind of indicative of a mental issue and for her own safety I think she might need to talk over her feelings with a councilor or something.

Other than that, I actually have no problem with someone identifying as "black," "transracial," "#wrongskinned," or w/e name they want to give it. It may even be a good step in the direction of closing the racial divide that's opened up lately. However, I we should now rename all "Uncle Tom's" to whatever agreed upon term for both "#wrongskinned" (that's my favorite I think) to give this social experiment movement its best chance of successfully bridging the gap.
I prefer the term Uncle Ruckus for Black men who forsake their people.

heh I'm not at all surprised that you cannot find possible good in this turn of events and would prefer to make it racist. On the plus side, most of us are not so bigoted.

Though I will caution you that, as I said, I think this woman might have some psychological issues, so she might not be the best choice for you to hang your hat on as "forsaking white people." Not that it would harm your reputation any more than you already do yourself... ~Hands a pitchfork~ Carry on black warrior.
You must have not read my earlier posts. I support this women 100%. She has done more for Black people than some people that are really Black. She has a great track record. If her only crime is fooling people about her race I could care less if she was Black, White, Purple, or Striped.

I watched her interview and she doesnt strike me as a person that has any mental issues. She was very careful with her words. She never said she was AA or Black. She said she would identify herself as Black which is both a culture and a race.

You must not have read my earlier posts where I said that I have no issue with someone identifying as black what-so-ever.

That aside, so you think it is mentally stable to take stories from other peoples lives and pretend that they happened to you? That would help explain your abrasive personality and bigotry though. You've taken in every horrible story and made it your own? I admit, I'd always simply put you down as a racist troll...
Who does it say the most about, her or the members/followers, that she would have more perceived insight by appearing/posing as black??

I've always been told that "it didn't happen to you so you just can't understand" (by many camps, not just blacks) - I had accepted that has truth in it... Under that belief system, it seems to me that the followers would more readily accept her telling the tales as a black woman, than if she had tried to tell the tales while being perceived as white. Though I honestly could not find fault in the followers perceptions there; a white woman claiming she was beaten by order of color with a baboon whip would be a rather hard tale to not take as some kind of joke being pulled on any actual victims of racial violence, at least in my mind anyway.
I was actually a bit surprised that the NAACP didn't burn her at the proverbial stake. I think that was a good move for them in a lot of ways, I'd always thought of the NAACP has having a strong penchant for the "reverse-discrimination" thing, so their actions there have taken a little chunk out of that long-held belief.

That said, this woman is apparently "stealing" parts of her families lives and proclaiming it her own, she's also making stuff up about being a victim of hate crimes from the sound of it. That's kind of indicative of a mental issue and for her own safety I think she might need to talk over her feelings with a councilor or something.

Other than that, I actually have no problem with someone identifying as "black," "transracial," "#wrongskinned," or w/e name they want to give it. It may even be a good step in the direction of closing the racial divide that's opened up lately. However, I we should now rename all "Uncle Tom's" to whatever agreed upon term for both "#wrongskinned" (that's my favorite I think) to give this social experiment movement its best chance of successfully bridging the gap.
I prefer the term Uncle Ruckus for Black men who forsake their people.

heh I'm not at all surprised that you cannot find possible good in this turn of events and would prefer to make it racist. On the plus side, most of us are not so bigoted.

Though I will caution you that, as I said, I think this woman might have some psychological issues, so she might not be the best choice for you to hang your hat on as "forsaking white people." Not that it would harm your reputation any more than you already do yourself... ~Hands a pitchfork~ Carry on black warrior.
You must have not read my earlier posts. I support this women 100%. She has done more for Black people than some people that are really Black. She has a great track record. If her only crime is fooling people about her race I could care less if she was Black, White, Purple, or Striped.

I watched her interview and she doesnt strike me as a person that has any mental issues. She was very careful with her words. She never said she was AA or Black. She said she would identify herself as Black which is both a culture and a race.

You must not have read my earlier posts where I said that I have no issue with someone identifying as black what-so-ever.

That aside, so you think it is mentally stable to take stories from other peoples lives and pretend that they happened to you? That would help explain your abrasive personality and bigotry though. You've taken in every horrible story and made it your own? I admit, I'd always simply put you down as a racist troll...
Who does it say the most about, her or the members/followers, that she would have more perceived insight by appearing/posing as black??
She would never have the same insight because for starters she doesnt have the same family history or same personal experiences Black people do. Will she be more in tune with the Black experience in the US than the average white person? Definitely.
I don't think the issue here is what she knows or doesn't know about being black but that she was dishonest.
In a country where our politicians are viewed as money grubbing liars I dont get why allowing people to think she is Black is really that important?

Hell I lied to get my first job in IT. Do I feel bad? Hell no.
It's not that we are "hung up" on skin color, as you put it.
We are however "hung up" on honesty and character. In the future, you and others on the left should consider exploring that apparent foreign final frontier of the left.

That's ironic (again) because after at least three posters floated out the E. Warren myth, when I threw the challenge flag the only link I got was from a right-wing blog made up to look like a fake Wikipedia page -- and even that didn't make the point the poster claimed it did.

So yes, by all means tell me about this "honesty and character". :rofl
Easy to find, actually

Did Elizabeth Warren check the Native American box when she applied to Harvard and Penn - The Washington Post
Her parents said she NA in her. You guys need to get your story straight. Are her parents credible or do you only believe them when the information fits your narrative?
You really are terrible at reading
Youre really terrible at listening. Her parents claimed they have NA in them.
All you white and black folk claim to have our blood. Lizzie even claims to have our cheeks.
I don't think the issue here is what she knows or doesn't know about being black but that she was dishonest.
In a country where our politicians are viewed as money grubbing liars I dont get why allowing people to think she is Black is really that important?

Hell I lied to get my first job in IT. Do I feel bad? Hell no.

Then, if anyone can do this, we might as well just get rid of AA completely, right?
I don't think the issue here is what she knows or doesn't know about being black but that she was dishonest.
In a country where our politicians are viewed as money grubbing liars I dont get why allowing people to think she is Black is really that important?

Hell I lied to get my first job in IT. Do I feel bad? Hell no.

Another thing to remember is that AA is supposed to be for minorities, not just whomever. Where does this madness of pretending to be something you are not end? Also, to even think that an allegedly intelligent and well educated woman would be "unaware" in any way is a bit ridiculous, unless she is suffering from some kind of mental illness.
I don't think the issue here is what she knows or doesn't know about being black but that she was dishonest.
In a country where our politicians are viewed as money grubbing liars I dont get why allowing people to think she is Black is really that important?

Hell I lied to get my first job in IT. Do I feel bad? Hell no.

Then, if anyone can do this, we might as well just get rid of AA completely, right?
Do what? AA will never go away. Either it will be white males getting it like what happened for 400 years or someone else will get it like white women have since the 60's.
I don't think the issue here is what she knows or doesn't know about being black but that she was dishonest.
In a country where our politicians are viewed as money grubbing liars I dont get why allowing people to think she is Black is really that important?

Hell I lied to get my first job in IT. Do I feel bad? Hell no.

Another thing to remember is that AA is supposed to be for minorities, not just whomever. Where does this madness of pretending to be something you are not end? Also, to even think that an allegedly intelligent and well educated woman would be "unaware" in any way is a bit ridiculous, unless she is suffering from some kind of mental illness.
What its supposed to be for and who benefits from it the most are two different things. She can live in the Black culture and consider herself Black. I have no problem with that. Just because you are intelligent doesnt mean you cant be unaware. I have yet to meet anyone that knows everything or even close to everything.

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