Too funny....'black' NAACP leader outed as white

I prefer the term Uncle Ruckus for Black men who forsake their people.

heh I'm not at all surprised that you cannot find possible good in this turn of events and would prefer to make it racist. On the plus side, most of us are not so bigoted.

Though I will caution you that, as I said, I think this woman might have some psychological issues, so she might not be the best choice for you to hang your hat on as "forsaking white people." Not that it would harm your reputation any more than you already do yourself... ~Hands a pitchfork~ Carry on black warrior.
You must have not read my earlier posts. I support this women 100%. She has done more for Black people than some people that are really Black. She has a great track record. If her only crime is fooling people about her race I could care less if she was Black, White, Purple, or Striped.

I watched her interview and she doesnt strike me as a person that has any mental issues. She was very careful with her words. She never said she was AA or Black. She said she would identify herself as Black which is both a culture and a race.

You must not have read my earlier posts where I said that I have no issue with someone identifying as black what-so-ever.

That aside, so you think it is mentally stable to take stories from other peoples lives and pretend that they happened to you? That would help explain your abrasive personality and bigotry though. You've taken in every horrible story and made it your own? I admit, I'd always simply put you down as a racist troll...
Who does it say the most about, her or the members/followers, that she would have more perceived insight by appearing/posing as black??

How do we know that's the reasoning in the first place?
Everything has selfish reasons.

In her case I see someone, for most of her life, was as white as white can be.
Her "identifying as black" doesn't wash with me.
She started dating, and eventually married, black men. So she may Relate to blacks.....not identify.
She sees a chance to get behind a podium and lecture on the plight of the black race.
Ain't no lilly-white girl gonna have any authority on the subject, so she makes herself look more black.
heh I'm not at all surprised that you cannot find possible good in this turn of events and would prefer to make it racist. On the plus side, most of us are not so bigoted.

Though I will caution you that, as I said, I think this woman might have some psychological issues, so she might not be the best choice for you to hang your hat on as "forsaking white people." Not that it would harm your reputation any more than you already do yourself... ~Hands a pitchfork~ Carry on black warrior.
You must have not read my earlier posts. I support this women 100%. She has done more for Black people than some people that are really Black. She has a great track record. If her only crime is fooling people about her race I could care less if she was Black, White, Purple, or Striped.

I watched her interview and she doesnt strike me as a person that has any mental issues. She was very careful with her words. She never said she was AA or Black. She said she would identify herself as Black which is both a culture and a race.

You must not have read my earlier posts where I said that I have no issue with someone identifying as black what-so-ever.

That aside, so you think it is mentally stable to take stories from other peoples lives and pretend that they happened to you? That would help explain your abrasive personality and bigotry though. You've taken in every horrible story and made it your own? I admit, I'd always simply put you down as a racist troll...
Who does it say the most about, her or the members/followers, that she would have more perceived insight by appearing/posing as black??

How do we know that's the reasoning in the first place?
Everything has selfish reasons.

In her case I see someone, for most of her life, was as white as white can be.
Her "identifying as black" doesn't wash with me.
She started dating, and eventually married, black men. So she may Relate to blacks.....not identify.
She sees a chance to get behind a podium and lecture on the plight of the black race.
Ain't no lilly-white girl gonna have any authority on the subject, so she makes herself look more black.
Uuhh.... She is a professor at a university in AA studies. An expert in her field. She has all the credibility she needs. You do realize there are white people that major in such things, teach as professors and are experts like she is in AA studies right?
heh I'm not at all surprised that you cannot find possible good in this turn of events and would prefer to make it racist. On the plus side, most of us are not so bigoted.

Though I will caution you that, as I said, I think this woman might have some psychological issues, so she might not be the best choice for you to hang your hat on as "forsaking white people." Not that it would harm your reputation any more than you already do yourself... ~Hands a pitchfork~ Carry on black warrior.
You must have not read my earlier posts. I support this women 100%. She has done more for Black people than some people that are really Black. She has a great track record. If her only crime is fooling people about her race I could care less if she was Black, White, Purple, or Striped.

I watched her interview and she doesnt strike me as a person that has any mental issues. She was very careful with her words. She never said she was AA or Black. She said she would identify herself as Black which is both a culture and a race.

You must not have read my earlier posts where I said that I have no issue with someone identifying as black what-so-ever.

That aside, so you think it is mentally stable to take stories from other peoples lives and pretend that they happened to you? That would help explain your abrasive personality and bigotry though. You've taken in every horrible story and made it your own? I admit, I'd always simply put you down as a racist troll...
Who does it say the most about, her or the members/followers, that she would have more perceived insight by appearing/posing as black??

How do we know that's the reasoning in the first place?
Everything has selfish reasons.

In her case I see someone, for most of her life, was as white as white can be.
Her "identifying as black" doesn't wash with me.
She started dating, and eventually married, black men. So she may Relate to blacks.....not identify.
She sees a chance to get behind a podium and lecture on the plight of the black race.
Ain't no lilly-white girl gonna have any authority on the subject, so she makes herself look more black.

I agree that everything has a selfish reason. Always thought that. But we don't have enough here AFAIK to extrapolate what her reasoning process was -- if there even was one.

People adopt mannerisms and/or appearance features all the time. A wise guy named M.U. Lation told me that. :eusa_shifty:

I even see baseball fans wearing jerseys with some player's name on them that is clearly not their own. Rock singers have always used a black American diction, even if they're from England. None of those people emulate a person or a culture because it'll give them more perceived insight into singing the blues or baseball.

I'm not a psychologist but I know it's not that simple.
I don't think the issue here is what she knows or doesn't know about being black but that she was dishonest.
In a country where our politicians are viewed as money grubbing liars I dont get why allowing people to think she is Black is really that important?

Hell I lied to get my first job in IT. Do I feel bad? Hell no.

Another thing to remember is that AA is supposed to be for minorities, not just whomever. Where does this madness of pretending to be something you are not end? Also, to even think that an allegedly intelligent and well educated woman would be "unaware" in any way is a bit ridiculous, unless she is suffering from some kind of mental illness.
What its supposed to be for and who benefits from it the most are two different things. She can live in the Black culture and consider herself Black. I have no problem with that. Just because you are intelligent doesnt mean you cant be unaware. I have yet to meet anyone that knows everything or even close to everything.

Stop making excuses for this type of behavior. It's the reason why we can't get anyone good in public office . . . because it is acceptable to some of you and you will excuse it at all costs!!!
Why shouldn't we give a shit? Because fabricating a false life and lying about who you are doesn't matter, or because you can identify as a race other than the one you were born with at birth(transracialism)?

OK that made as much grammatical sense as a bowl of Alpha-Bits, but no, identifying with a race other than the one you were born with doesn't matter.

I mean black people have been forced to do that for centuries.
So to clarify, you are in the transracialism camp? Meaning that like gender, race is a social construct where you can identify with a race other than your birth race?

ie. be a black person in a white person's body, like a woman can be "trapped" in a man's body

It beats me why some of y'all are so hung up on skin color. It's clear to me that when she identifies as "black" it means "black - the cultural term". Again, so what? Jimmie Rodgers did that when he started the genre of "country music". So did Elvis with his physical moves and enunciations. So do (white) sports players with "high fives". On and on. It's all part of the human goulash. Native Americans were shipped off to schools to learn "whiteness" -- involuntarily. And they were hardly unique in that predicament.

Now if there were such a thing as a transracial surgery, that would be silly. But again -- if somebody were to voluntarily choose that route, it's not my business.

This thread makes about as much sense as the Bruce Jenner threads. Let people run their own lives already.

It's not that we are "hung up" on skin color, as you put it.
We are however "hung up" on honesty and character. In the future, you and others on the left should consider exploring that apparent foreign final frontier of the left.

That's ironic (again) because after at least three posters floated out the E. Warren myth, when I threw the challenge flag the only link I got was from a right-wing blog made up to look like a fake Wikipedia page -- and even that didn't make the point the poster claimed it did.

So yes, by all means tell me about this "honesty and character". :rofl:

She's in a leadership position, that makes her honesty and character very important.

As far as Warren, from other articles I've read, it appears she used family stories and lore as her guide for claims of her native blood.
Some education for the uneducated

Many are surprised at the proportion of white faces in our NAACP Branch, but the most recent US Census Bureau data indicate Watauga County is 95% white. Many of us disturbed by actions of the NC legislature these last couple years, have been inspired to action by a renewal of fusion politics through the NAACP NC's Moral Movement. The birth of this new Branch is creating new opportunities for building more diverse local relationships across groups that haven't always mixed. As NC government enacts laws harming yet more and more of the population, people are finding more common ground and more strength in coalitions.


I know, right? I still don't get the point of this thread. :dunno:

Are you guys on the left high or something ?

I would have to go back and read each post, but I don't believe there was ever a claim here that only blacks can belong to the NAACP. If there is that claim it was probably only from one poster.
Please stop insinuating that we are uneducated, or unaware of who is eligible to belong to this organization.

The "point" you are seeking, is simply that we have an official in a leadership role who is going beyond simply trying to make herself physically appear to be black, but she's also "claiming" she is black, and
serves as chair of Spokane's independent police ombudsman commission, and identified herself as white, African-American and Native American when applying for the job.
She's also filed police complaints of racial discrimination, most recently that she received hate mail.

It appears that the left simply could care less about this story. Very puzzling.

So some woman puts fantasy into her identity. Who gives a shit? John Boehner runs around with the same color; it's got nothing to do with his job. Now if she's been reporting fabricated threats, that's a problem and should be dealt with -- but again, it's got nothing to do with the color of her skin.

As for ombudsmen and applications, I still have yet to see one. I do see a lot of wags running around with assumptions like they did with the Elizabeth Warren myth; I don't see any more of an informed source than "Weasel Zippers". Nor do I see the woman in question specifically claiming to be racially African -- again, a lot of assumptions.

As for the claim that only blacks can join the NAACP, somebody here recently -- I thought it was you actually --- strongly implied that in being perceived as black, this woman "brought shame" on the NAACP. So I simply inquired how that works. Any insinuation of "uneducated" would be on your end. If they DID require hires to be black (if they could even do that), then I could see your implied case of fraud. But since they don't -- I can't. Which leaves me back where I started -- if that's not it, what's the point here?


Show me where I implied that only blacks can be NAACP members.

My, you've got a short memory. This was only a few hours ago:

She has harmed the NAACP and made a mockery of herself

-- you even responded when I specifically asked about it.

Pass that doob, pal...

Huh ? Where in that comment do I make the claim a person must be black ? Put down the bong please.
White girl is down for the cause. I like that commitment and the fact that she is an AA professor.

The issue is not her right to advocate for the black community. She has every right to engage this agenda regardless of race. The plain and simple issue is her lack of honesty and inclination toward deceptive behaviors that discredits her from her leadership role. She has harmed the NAACP and made a mockery of herself. I am not sympathetic toward this woman, but it's quite possible that she deserves at least some sympathy from some if she's doing this due to being emotionally unbalanced.
You guys have yet to produce any evidence she lied though. Its not her fault people thought she was Black. Face it. You were snookered again.

In an interview with the Coeur d' Alene Press, Dolezal's mother shot down many other claims her daughter has made in interviews over the years. Specifically:

Dolezal's claim she was born in a tepee.

'Totally false,' said her mother. She and Dolezal's father once lived in a tepee but it was before Dolezal was born.

Dolezal's claim she once had to use bows and arrows to hunt for her own food as a kid.

Not true, says her mother.

Dolezal's claim she once lived in South Africa.

'Rachel did not even ever visit us there,' said Ruthanne, who lived there as a missionary.

Dolezal's claim her parents punished her 'by skin complexion' with a 'baboon whip' reminiscent of those once used on slaves.

'She is fabricating a very false and malicious lie,' Ruthanne said.

Dolezal's claim that Larry Dolezal, who is white, is actually her stepfather.

'Anybody who lives in the town of Troy or Libby knows that Larry is her father,' Ruthanne said.

Read more: Rachel Dolezal pictured after white parents said she is pretending to be black Daily Mail Online
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I suppose you expect me to believe her parents whom she took to court and have a grudge? :laugh:

So in other words you're actually believing the parents are making this entire story up ?
I don't think the issue here is what she knows or doesn't know about being black but that she was dishonest.
In a country where our politicians are viewed as money grubbing liars I dont get why allowing people to think she is Black is really that important?

Hell I lied to get my first job in IT. Do I feel bad? Hell no.

Another thing to remember is that AA is supposed to be for minorities, not just whomever. Where does this madness of pretending to be something you are not end? Also, to even think that an allegedly intelligent and well educated woman would be "unaware" in any way is a bit ridiculous, unless she is suffering from some kind of mental illness.
What its supposed to be for and who benefits from it the most are two different things. She can live in the Black culture and consider herself Black. I have no problem with that. Just because you are intelligent doesnt mean you cant be unaware. I have yet to meet anyone that knows everything or even close to everything.

Stop making excuses for this type of behavior. It's the reason why we can't get anyone good in public office . . . because it is acceptable to some of you and you will excuse it at all costs!!!
I'm not making excuses. I'm a realist. I hope you were not laboring under the illusion people in leadership lying to achieve and end is a new phenomenon are you? If so let me disabuse of that notion. This has been going on in this country since inception. You can be gullible but dont tell me to become a sheep with you.
White girl is down for the cause. I like that commitment and the fact that she is an AA professor.

The issue is not her right to advocate for the black community. She has every right to engage this agenda regardless of race. The plain and simple issue is her lack of honesty and inclination toward deceptive behaviors that discredits her from her leadership role. She has harmed the NAACP and made a mockery of herself. I am not sympathetic toward this woman, but it's quite possible that she deserves at least some sympathy from some if she's doing this due to being emotionally unbalanced.
You guys have yet to produce any evidence she lied though. Its not her fault people thought she was Black. Face it. You were snookered again.

In an interview with the Coeur d' Alene Press, Dolezal's mother shot down many other claims her daughter has made in interviews over the years. Specifically:

Dolezal's claim she was born in a tepee.

'Totally false,' said her mother. She and Dolezal's father once lived in a tepee but it was before Dolezal was born.

Dolezal's claim she once had to use bows and arrows to hunt for her own food as a kid.

Not true, says her mother.

Dolezal's claim she once lived in South Africa.

'Rachel did not even ever visit us there,' said Ruthanne, who lived there as a missionary.

Dolezal's claim her parents punished her 'by skin complexion' with a 'baboon whip' reminiscent of those once used on slaves.

'She is fabricating a very false and malicious lie,' Ruthanne said.

Dolezal's claim that Larry Dolezal, who is white, is actually her stepfather.

'Anybody who lives in the town of Troy or Libby knows that Larry is her father,' Ruthanne said.

Read more: Rachel Dolezal pictured after white parents said she is pretending to be black Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
I suppose you expect me to believe her parents whom she took to court and have a grudge? :laugh:

So in other words you're actually believing the parents are making this entire story up ?
Are you shocked I dont believe them? The apple doesnt fall far from the tree right?
I was actually a bit surprised that the NAACP didn't burn her at the proverbial stake. I think that was a good move for them in a lot of ways, I'd always thought of the NAACP has having a strong penchant for the "reverse-discrimination" thing, so their actions there have taken a little chunk out of that long-held belief.

That said, this woman is apparently "stealing" parts of her families lives and proclaiming it her own, she's also making stuff up about being a victim of hate crimes from the sound of it. That's kind of indicative of a mental issue and for her own safety I think she might need to talk over her feelings with a councilor or something.

Other than that, I actually have no problem with someone identifying as "black," "transracial," "#wrongskinned," or w/e name they want to give it. It may even be a good step in the direction of closing the racial divide that's opened up lately. However, I we should now rename all "Uncle Tom's" to whatever agreed upon term for both "#wrongskinned" (that's my favorite I think) to give this social experiment movement its best chance of successfully bridging the gap.

I think you're cuckoo.
Thats great but pointless. I never called you a bigot so I dont really care about your earlier posts.

I've seen alot of people I worked with do the same thing. They take snippets of experiences and piece them together together to form a history. Thats why lies are so common in our society. People tell them all the time. Fisherman lie about the size of the their catch for one example. The term "mentally stable" relies upon an agreed upon norm. I have found that people who think they are the norm are usually sheep and lack the ability to think for themselves. You seem to fall in that category when you stand behind the term mentally stable. You dont even know what that means.

Fascinating. I have to admit, I had never heard of anyone doing as you say here until this story came out. In my mind it indicates a form of denying reality, though I suppose I could indeed write it up as a "fish tale" with a minor expansion of the concept of why people typically tell "fish tales," as you have pointed out...

Under a "fish tale" theory as you present, and in my analysis of such, I am left with a less "pleasing" opinion of this woman's intentions however, and I much prefer to see the good in peoples actions than the bad; perhaps I too deny reality at times...

In any event, in my mind, it would boil down to her a) desiring to fit in, b) craving attention or pity, or c) merely "writing" a story to intrigue her audience. As a writer I can understand C well enough, and in the spirit of "taking others experiences as my own," an expanded form of empathy if you will, I can find understanding for A. B however troubles me to grasp, it is difficult for me to combine the dueling concepts of "not being a sheep who thinks for themselves" while simultaneously "accepting the experiences of others as my own history." Despite B, under the "fish tale" theory you present, then yes, I could accept that as a form of "normal."

Unfortunately this "fish tale" theory brings with it concern as well. Now, in any other position, this "fish tale" theory likely wouldn't be a problem, but when you have someone who is an NAACP leader who is supposed to be representing the very /real/ plights of modern blacks, making up "fish tales," there becomes a question of integrity in the position, don’t you agree?

For example, suppose I tell a "fish tale" about a guy hitting me. If I merely tell my friends, then likely no harm done I can agree. However, if I were to start telling that "fish tale" in public, to the media, or the police, are we then not in a whole other world of possible "harm done"? Is it still "acceptable" to continue to portray that "fish tale" as the truth, when that guy may face reputational or legal ramifications from that lie?

In the real story of the OP, she has claimed that her “father,” who is actually her ex-husband as I understand it, beat her with a baboon whip. I suppose given that she had claimed he was abusive to her during their marriage, perhaps her internal justification regarding “lying” about it, is in some ways lessened, beat with hands vs beat with a baboon whip is perhaps a minor embellishment. What if he didn’t actually abuse her at all, what if it was actually one of her friend’s experiences that she “borrowed” and pinned on him to make it more believable? Especially given that she is in a position that is supposed to be the voice for the wrongness of exactly the kind of shit she is doing?

And honestly, either way you look at this situation, you literally have a case of a white chick making up a “fish tale” about a black man abusing her. Yet you are defending her and her telling of that lie. I find this a bit baffling…

If we accept your “fish tale” theory as real and normal within the black community then it only highlights the need for absolute integrity among your community leaders /if/ the ultimate goal is to end racism.

The theory actually does help me comprehend a number of aspects of modern racism and helps explains many of the situations I personally found impossible to understand in recent events. Think about it, if we accept that the community takes a tale told to them, and incorporates such as their own living memory, then we /can/ actually find “reason” behind many of the seemingly bizarre actions and reactions. It is little wonder that they cannot “get over” slavery, not when they are in a sense actually “re-living” slave stories as their own personal experiences every time the word is mentioned. Racism cannot really end under this theory, because any tale or being mistreated told, real or fake, becomes a “shared memory” if you will within the community, with minor embellishments added to make it “personal” perhaps. Deeper consideration theorizes that unable to incorporate any “new” facts that may come out in a case into the self-imprinted memory of the “initial telling of the tale,” and harboring decades worth of stories of slavery as their own memories as well, they violently explode when officers go free for the injustice that exists in the “memory” they have imprinted from that initial tale – to example, the Brown had his hands up in surrender and got shot in the back “fish tale” completely ignoring the evidence that he was attacking officer Wilson. Applying the theoretical precursor of self-imprinted memory, the “bizarre” actually begins to make sense. Even discounting that they recognize they are not actually Mike Brown, with the incorporated living memories of decades old police racism and brutality in a sense “fresh” in their minds, then it becomes almost logical to for them to assume that the police are lying about the evidence that Brown attacked the officer. Perhaps through study of this extreme emotional contagion phenomena we could make lasting progress in "recovering" from slavery...
You must have not read my earlier posts. I support this women 100%. She has done more for Black people than some people that are really Black. She has a great track record. If her only crime is fooling people about her race I could care less if she was Black, White, Purple, or Striped.

I watched her interview and she doesnt strike me as a person that has any mental issues. She was very careful with her words. She never said she was AA or Black. She said she would identify herself as Black which is both a culture and a race.

You must not have read my earlier posts where I said that I have no issue with someone identifying as black what-so-ever.

That aside, so you think it is mentally stable to take stories from other peoples lives and pretend that they happened to you? That would help explain your abrasive personality and bigotry though. You've taken in every horrible story and made it your own? I admit, I'd always simply put you down as a racist troll...
Who does it say the most about, her or the members/followers, that she would have more perceived insight by appearing/posing as black??

How do we know that's the reasoning in the first place?
Everything has selfish reasons.

In her case I see someone, for most of her life, was as white as white can be.
Her "identifying as black" doesn't wash with me.
She started dating, and eventually married, black men. So she may Relate to blacks.....not identify.
She sees a chance to get behind a podium and lecture on the plight of the black race.
Ain't no lilly-white girl gonna have any authority on the subject, so she makes herself look more black.
Uuhh.... She is a professor at a university in AA studies. An expert in her field. She has all the credibility she needs. You do realize there are white people that major in such things, teach as professors and are experts like she is in AA studies right?
As if, ESPECIALLY, you would give a white professor in that field any credence
I don't think the issue here is what she knows or doesn't know about being black but that she was dishonest.
In a country where our politicians are viewed as money grubbing liars I dont get why allowing people to think she is Black is really that important?

Hell I lied to get my first job in IT. Do I feel bad? Hell no.

Another thing to remember is that AA is supposed to be for minorities, not just whomever. Where does this madness of pretending to be something you are not end? Also, to even think that an allegedly intelligent and well educated woman would be "unaware" in any way is a bit ridiculous, unless she is suffering from some kind of mental illness.
What its supposed to be for and who benefits from it the most are two different things. She can live in the Black culture and consider herself Black. I have no problem with that. Just because you are intelligent doesnt mean you cant be unaware. I have yet to meet anyone that knows everything or even close to everything.

Stop making excuses for this type of behavior. It's the reason why we can't get anyone good in public office . . . because it is acceptable to some of you and you will excuse it at all costs!!!
I'm not making excuses. I'm a realist. I hope you were not laboring under the illusion people in leadership lying to achieve and end is a new phenomenon are you? If so let me disabuse of that notion. This has been going on in this country since inception. You can be gullible but dont tell me to become a sheep with you.
You think she is lying? How so?

Do you reject transracialism, the idea that someone can self-identify as a race other than their assigned one at birth?
The issue is not her right to advocate for the black community. She has every right to engage this agenda regardless of race. The plain and simple issue is her lack of honesty and inclination toward deceptive behaviors that discredits her from her leadership role. She has harmed the NAACP and made a mockery of herself. I am not sympathetic toward this woman, but it's quite possible that she deserves at least some sympathy from some if she's doing this due to being emotionally unbalanced.
You guys have yet to produce any evidence she lied though. Its not her fault people thought she was Black. Face it. You were snookered again.

In an interview with the Coeur d' Alene Press, Dolezal's mother shot down many other claims her daughter has made in interviews over the years. Specifically:

Dolezal's claim she was born in a tepee.

'Totally false,' said her mother. She and Dolezal's father once lived in a tepee but it was before Dolezal was born.

Dolezal's claim she once had to use bows and arrows to hunt for her own food as a kid.

Not true, says her mother.

Dolezal's claim she once lived in South Africa.

'Rachel did not even ever visit us there,' said Ruthanne, who lived there as a missionary.

Dolezal's claim her parents punished her 'by skin complexion' with a 'baboon whip' reminiscent of those once used on slaves.

'She is fabricating a very false and malicious lie,' Ruthanne said.

Dolezal's claim that Larry Dolezal, who is white, is actually her stepfather.

'Anybody who lives in the town of Troy or Libby knows that Larry is her father,' Ruthanne said.

Read more: Rachel Dolezal pictured after white parents said she is pretending to be black Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
I suppose you expect me to believe her parents whom she took to court and have a grudge? :laugh:

So in other words you're actually believing the parents are making this entire story up ?
Are you shocked I dont believe them? The apple doesnt fall far from the tree right?

Based on your history here, no, I'm not shocked at all. You live in some sort of warped reality that apparently keeps you from ever conceding facts that stare you in the face, unless they benefit or agree with the realm that you live in.
Thats great but pointless. I never called you a bigot so I dont really care about your earlier posts.

I've seen alot of people I worked with do the same thing. They take snippets of experiences and piece them together together to form a history. Thats why lies are so common in our society. People tell them all the time. Fisherman lie about the size of the their catch for one example. The term "mentally stable" relies upon an agreed upon norm. I have found that people who think they are the norm are usually sheep and lack the ability to think for themselves. You seem to fall in that category when you stand behind the term mentally stable. You dont even know what that means.

Fascinating. I have to admit, I had never heard of anyone doing as you say here until this story came out. In my mind it indicates a form of denying reality, though I suppose I could indeed write it up as a "fish tale" with a minor expansion of the concept of why people typically tell "fish tales," as you have pointed out...

Under a "fish tale" theory as you present, and in my analysis of such, I am left with a less "pleasing" opinion of this woman's intentions however, and I much prefer to see the good in peoples actions than the bad; perhaps I too deny reality at times...

In any event, in my mind, it would boil down to her a) desiring to fit in, b) craving attention or pity, or c) merely "writing" a story to intrigue her audience. As a writer I can understand C well enough, and in the spirit of "taking others experiences as my own," an expanded form of empathy if you will, I can find understanding for A. B however troubles me to grasp, it is difficult for me to combine the dueling concepts of "not being a sheep who thinks for themselves" while simultaneously "accepting the experiences of others as my own history." Despite B, under the "fish tale" theory you present, then yes, I could accept that as a form of "normal."

Unfortunately this "fish tale" theory brings with it concern as well. Now, in any other position, this "fish tale" theory likely wouldn't be a problem, but when you have someone who is an NAACP leader who is supposed to be representing the very /real/ plights of modern blacks, making up "fish tales," there becomes a question of integrity in the position, don’t you agree?

For example, suppose I tell a "fish tale" about a guy hitting me. If I merely tell my friends, then likely no harm done I can agree. However, if I were to start telling that "fish tale" in public, to the media, or the police, are we then not in a whole other world of possible "harm done"? Is it still "acceptable" to continue to portray that "fish tale" as the truth, when that guy may face reputational or legal ramifications from that lie?

In the real story of the OP, she has claimed that her “father,” who is actually her ex-husband as I understand it, beat her with a baboon whip. I suppose given that she had claimed he was abusive to her during their marriage, perhaps her internal justification regarding “lying” about it, is in some ways lessened, beat with hands vs beat with a baboon whip is perhaps a minor embellishment. What if he didn’t actually abuse her at all, what if it was actually one of her friend’s experiences that she “borrowed” and pinned on him to make it more believable? Especially given that she is in a position that is supposed to be the voice for the wrongness of exactly the kind of shit she is doing?

And honestly, either way you look at this situation, you literally have a case of a white chick making up a “fish tale” about a black man abusing her. Yet you are defending her and her telling of that lie. I find this a bit baffling…

If we accept your “fish tale” theory as real and normal within the black community then it only highlights the need for absolute integrity among your community leaders /if/ the ultimate goal is to end racism.

The theory actually does help me comprehend a number of aspects of modern racism and helps explains many of the situations I personally found impossible to understand in recent events. Think about it, if we accept that the community takes a tale told to them, and incorporates such as their own living memory, then we /can/ actually find “reason” behind many of the seemingly bizarre actions and reactions. It is little wonder that they cannot “get over” slavery, not when they are in a sense actually “re-living” slave stories as their own personal experiences every time the word is mentioned. Racism cannot really end under this theory, because any tale or being mistreated told, real or fake, becomes a “shared memory” if you will within the community, with minor embellishments added to make it “personal” perhaps. Deeper consideration theorizes that unable to incorporate any “new” facts that may come out in a case into the self-imprinted memory of the “initial telling of the tale,” and harboring decades worth of stories of slavery as their own memories as well, they violently explode when officers go free for the injustice that exists in the “memory” they have imprinted from that initial tale – to example, the Brown had his hands up in surrender and got shot in the back “fish tale” completely ignoring the evidence that he was attacking officer Wilson. Applying the theoretical precursor of self-imprinted memory, the “bizarre” actually begins to make sense. Even discounting that they recognize they are not actually Mike Brown, with the incorporated living memories of decades old police racism and brutality in a sense “fresh” in their minds, then it becomes almost logical to for them to assume that the police are lying about the evidence that Brown attacked the officer. Perhaps through study of this extreme emotional contagion phenomena we could make lasting progress in "recovering" from slavery...
I didn't realize 10% of people are transracial. Rachel Delozal is like their Rosa Parks, we should honor her for her courage to come out and speak up for this marginalized section of the population.

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