Too funny....'black' NAACP leader outed as white

You must not have read my earlier posts where I said that I have no issue with someone identifying as black what-so-ever.

That aside, so you think it is mentally stable to take stories from other peoples lives and pretend that they happened to you? That would help explain your abrasive personality and bigotry though. You've taken in every horrible story and made it your own? I admit, I'd always simply put you down as a racist troll...
Who does it say the most about, her or the members/followers, that she would have more perceived insight by appearing/posing as black??

How do we know that's the reasoning in the first place?
Everything has selfish reasons.

In her case I see someone, for most of her life, was as white as white can be.
Her "identifying as black" doesn't wash with me.
She started dating, and eventually married, black men. So she may Relate to blacks.....not identify.
She sees a chance to get behind a podium and lecture on the plight of the black race.
Ain't no lilly-white girl gonna have any authority on the subject, so she makes herself look more black.
Uuhh.... She is a professor at a university in AA studies. An expert in her field. She has all the credibility she needs. You do realize there are white people that major in such things, teach as professors and are experts like she is in AA studies right?
As if, ESPECIALLY, you would give a white professor in that field any credence

Ding ! Ding ! Ding !!

Exactly, Ascleepee would be the first one to his feet in the room ridiculing an instructor of black anything if they haven't lived the part. Especially if the instructor were a white male, and it wouldn't matter how versed they were in the study.

Due to his attitude here, you have to believe there are plenty other black folk that would never fully respect anyone other than a person of color who was teaching the subject.
It's absolutely a walking the walk along with the talk that his kind would only have ears for.
I mentioned earlier I had met another white woman that was an expert on AA studies/history at a job. She actually majored in it. We talked often at lunch and I was thoroughly impressed with the depth of her knowledge so I know some white people know the truth that is hidden or denied by the rest of whites.
What's this professor's opinion on transracialism?
Look it up and let me know. I'm pretty sure she is all for it.
What's her name?
Did you read the OP?
I am not talking about Rachel, I am talking about the woman you know who majored in it. I didn't mean to call her a professor my mistake. What was your work colleague's view on transracialism?
I want you to answer my question first. One thing at a time.
By lying about the concept. What kind of retarded question was that?
What concept?
You didnt answer my question. What kind of retarded question was that? Are you claiming you cant lie and say for instance you are married? Thats a social construct so your question sounds pretty illiterate.
I never talked about marriage. I am trying to gather whether you are calling transracial individuals liars.
You avoided my question again. When you answer it then I will answer yours.
What's your question?
The first one I asked you.
What's this professor's opinion on transracialism?
Look it up and let me know. I'm pretty sure she is all for it.
What's her name?
Did you read the OP?
I am not talking about Rachel, I am talking about the woman you know who majored in it. I didn't mean to call her a professor my mistake. What was your work colleague's view on transracialism?
I want you to answer my question first. One thing at a time.
what is your question?
What concept?
You didnt answer my question. What kind of retarded question was that? Are you claiming you cant lie and say for instance you are married? Thats a social construct so your question sounds pretty illiterate.
I never talked about marriage. I am trying to gather whether you are calling transracial individuals liars.
You avoided my question again. When you answer it then I will answer yours.
What's your question?
The first one I asked you.
what's that?
I never said it was the Black community. I worked with primarily white guys. They lied all the time about where they graduated from, and their experience,. They had a penchant for claiming responsibility for some good idea or task they actually didn't do, etc. I see lying as a large problem in the white community way more than the Black one. My point is that her letting people believe she was Black and not correcting them is minor. You can only assume she lied on the Black husband. People that lie dont always lie about everything. That has nothing to do with race so dont be baffled. You dont necessarily have to accept my "fish tale" theory. What you accept wont make a difference one way or the other. The fact is that it exists in our society regardless of if you want to believe it or not. We all know it came from white society because they used dishonesty to get next to the NA's and fool the poor among their own. Racism can only be eradicated by whites being honest. I dont see that happening any time soon. They cant even wrap their minds around reparations.

Racism can only be eradicated by BOTH whites AND blacks being honest. I also do not see that happening anytime soon. The African American community can't seem to wrap their minds around following the laws. Still, perhaps rolling back drug laws will curb some of it, the War on Drugs was a bit of a well-intentioned disaster in practice. Fine them for driving high and let them overdose at will for all I care, but there should never be proclaimed a "war" on American citizens imo.

Regardless of whatever else though, this "fish story" theory will make for a very interesting conversation amongst my intellectual peers. Psychology and neurobiology are themes we always enjoy discussing at length. If I remember I will report back with the over all consensus.
Race is a fluid concept like gender that cannot be determined by appearance, it is purely a social construct and an arbitrary dividing line
Who does it say the most about, her or the members/followers, that she would have more perceived insight by appearing/posing as black??

How do we know that's the reasoning in the first place?
Everything has selfish reasons.

In her case I see someone, for most of her life, was as white as white can be.
Her "identifying as black" doesn't wash with me.
She started dating, and eventually married, black men. So she may Relate to blacks.....not identify.
She sees a chance to get behind a podium and lecture on the plight of the black race.
Ain't no lilly-white girl gonna have any authority on the subject, so she makes herself look more black.
Uuhh.... She is a professor at a university in AA studies. An expert in her field. She has all the credibility she needs. You do realize there are white people that major in such things, teach as professors and are experts like she is in AA studies right?
As if, ESPECIALLY, you would give a white professor in that field any credence

Ding ! Ding ! Ding !!

Exactly, Ascleepee would be the first one to his feet in the room ridiculing an instructor of black anything if they haven't lived the part. Especially if the instructor were a white male, and it wouldn't matter how versed they were in the study.

Due to his attitude here, you have to believe there are plenty other black folk that would never fully respect anyone other than a person of color who was teaching the subject.
It's absolutely a walking the walk along with the talk that his kind would only have ears for.
Disagree. A white male would have way less credibility than a white woman. White women have been oppressed by white males as well.
You didnt answer my question. What kind of retarded question was that? Are you claiming you cant lie and say for instance you are married? Thats a social construct so your question sounds pretty illiterate.
I never talked about marriage. I am trying to gather whether you are calling transracial individuals liars.
You avoided my question again. When you answer it then I will answer yours.
What's your question?
The first one I asked you.
what's that?
Go figure it out. I dont really have time to play monkey games.
How do we know that's the reasoning in the first place?
Everything has selfish reasons.

In her case I see someone, for most of her life, was as white as white can be.
Her "identifying as black" doesn't wash with me.
She started dating, and eventually married, black men. So she may Relate to blacks.....not identify.
She sees a chance to get behind a podium and lecture on the plight of the black race.
Ain't no lilly-white girl gonna have any authority on the subject, so she makes herself look more black.
Uuhh.... She is a professor at a university in AA studies. An expert in her field. She has all the credibility she needs. You do realize there are white people that major in such things, teach as professors and are experts like she is in AA studies right?
As if, ESPECIALLY, you would give a white professor in that field any credence

Ding ! Ding ! Ding !!

Exactly, Ascleepee would be the first one to his feet in the room ridiculing an instructor of black anything if they haven't lived the part. Especially if the instructor were a white male, and it wouldn't matter how versed they were in the study.

Due to his attitude here, you have to believe there are plenty other black folk that would never fully respect anyone other than a person of color who was teaching the subject.
It's absolutely a walking the walk along with the talk that his kind would only have ears for.
Disagree. A white male would have way less credibility than a white woman. White women have been oppressed by white males as well.
How do you define "white"? How do you define "male" and "female"?
I never said it was the Black community. I worked with primarily white guys. They lied all the time about where they graduated from, and their experience,. They had a penchant for claiming responsibility for some good idea or task they actually didn't do, etc. I see lying as a large problem in the white community way more than the Black one. My point is that her letting people believe she was Black and not correcting them is minor. You can only assume she lied on the Black husband. People that lie dont always lie about everything. That has nothing to do with race so dont be baffled. You dont necessarily have to accept my "fish tale" theory. What you accept wont make a difference one way or the other. The fact is that it exists in our society regardless of if you want to believe it or not. We all know it came from white society because they used dishonesty to get next to the NA's and fool the poor among their own. Racism can only be eradicated by whites being honest. I dont see that happening any time soon. They cant even wrap their minds around reparations.

Racism can only be eradicated by BOTH whites AND blacks being honest. I also do not see that happening anytime soon. The African American community can't seem to wrap their minds around following the laws. Still, perhaps rolling back drug laws will curb some of it, the War on Drugs was a bit of a well-intentioned disaster in practice. Fine them for driving high and let them overdose at will for all I care, but there should never be proclaimed a "war" on American citizens imo.

Regardless of whatever else though, this "fish story" theory will make for a very interesting conversation amongst my intellectual peers. Psychology and neurobiology are themes we always enjoy discussing at length. If I remember I will report back with the over all consensus.
BS. Black people have been honest. Honest to a fault. Does no good because Blacks dont control anything. If they did there would be no racism. Black people have long grown tired of waiting for whites to stop the lies. Whites have no credibility in many Blacks eyes. The Black community sees the policing for what it is. A method of control every since Civil Rights were passed. There is no sane person, that if they follow the history, will not see that the environment many Blacks grow up in is simply a reservation.
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Race is a fluid concept like gender that cannot be determined by appearance, it is purely a social construct and an arbitrary dividing line

While I sense you are just being facetious, if you think about it, such a mind-set would actually eliminate a lot of problems in the country. Perhaps, then, it's not such a bad idea to entertain the prospect as a "new" great American social experiment? Is it not the ultimate goal to make the overall concept of America work?
Race is a fluid concept like gender that cannot be determined by appearance, it is purely a social construct and an arbitrary dividing line

While I sense you are just being facetious, if you think about it, such a mind-set would actually eliminate a lot of problems in the country. Perhaps, then, it's not such a bad idea to entertain the prospect as a "new" great American social experiment? Is it not the ultimate goal to make the overall concept of America work?
I am not being facetious at all.

If one can self identify with a different gender from there birth sex, why can't one identify with a race different than their birth race? It is just as valid to feel like a woman trapped in a man's body as it is a black man in a white man's body and vice versa?

It will be interesting to see what else this applies to. Will concepts like age, nationality, species etc become things of the past?

We already have an otherkin community, where humans identify with a species different than their birth species. Hopefully they get more attention as well.

An FAQ on Otherkin for the Perplexed Observer Just An otherkin
I never said it was the Black community. I worked with primarily white guys. They lied all the time about where they graduated from, and their experience,. They had a penchant for claiming responsibility for some good idea or task they actually didn't do, etc. I see lying as a large problem in the white community way more than the Black one. My point is that her letting people believe she was Black and not correcting them is minor. You can only assume she lied on the Black husband. People that lie dont always lie about everything. That has nothing to do with race so dont be baffled. You dont necessarily have to accept my "fish tale" theory. What you accept wont make a difference one way or the other. The fact is that it exists in our society regardless of if you want to believe it or not. We all know it came from white society because they used dishonesty to get next to the NA's and fool the poor among their own. Racism can only be eradicated by whites being honest. I dont see that happening any time soon. They cant even wrap their minds around reparations.

Racism can only be eradicated by BOTH whites AND blacks being honest. I also do not see that happening anytime soon. The African American community can't seem to wrap their minds around following the laws. Still, perhaps rolling back drug laws will curb some of it, the War on Drugs was a bit of a well-intentioned disaster in practice. Fine them for driving high and let them overdose at will for all I care, but there should never be proclaimed a "war" on American citizens imo.

Regardless of whatever else though, this "fish story" theory will make for a very interesting conversation amongst my intellectual peers. Psychology and neurobiology are themes we always enjoy discussing at length. If I remember I will report back with the over all consensus.
BS. Black people have been honest. Honest to a fault. Does no good because Blacks dont control anything. If they did there would be no racism. Black people have long grown tired of waiting for whites to stop the lies. Whites have no credibility in many Blacks eyes. The Black community sees the policing for what it is. A method of control every since Civil Rights were passed. There is no sane person that if they follow the history will see that the environment many Blacks grow up in is simply a reservation.

I feel bad for you and "your people" that you hang around then. Where I live, though admittedly only a few due to the weather, every African American I've met is doing fine. Most own very successful businesses, or are serving the country, none of them seem to "distrust me" nor feel that I am out to get them. I think it is a real shame that you would rather label someone as a bigot and a racist based on nothing more than assumptions, than to consider at the actual person and their words. I have a 20 year old bi racial son for fucks sake. But sure, you are the realist, and I'm just another racist bigot...
I never said it was the Black community. I worked with primarily white guys. They lied all the time about where they graduated from, and their experience,. They had a penchant for claiming responsibility for some good idea or task they actually didn't do, etc. I see lying as a large problem in the white community way more than the Black one. My point is that her letting people believe she was Black and not correcting them is minor. You can only assume she lied on the Black husband. People that lie dont always lie about everything. That has nothing to do with race so dont be baffled. You dont necessarily have to accept my "fish tale" theory. What you accept wont make a difference one way or the other. The fact is that it exists in our society regardless of if you want to believe it or not. We all know it came from white society because they used dishonesty to get next to the NA's and fool the poor among their own. Racism can only be eradicated by whites being honest. I dont see that happening any time soon. They cant even wrap their minds around reparations.

Racism can only be eradicated by BOTH whites AND blacks being honest. I also do not see that happening anytime soon. The African American community can't seem to wrap their minds around following the laws. Still, perhaps rolling back drug laws will curb some of it, the War on Drugs was a bit of a well-intentioned disaster in practice. Fine them for driving high and let them overdose at will for all I care, but there should never be proclaimed a "war" on American citizens imo.

Regardless of whatever else though, this "fish story" theory will make for a very interesting conversation amongst my intellectual peers. Psychology and neurobiology are themes we always enjoy discussing at length. If I remember I will report back with the over all consensus.
BS. Black people have been honest. Honest to a fault. Does no good because Blacks dont control anything. If they did there would be no racism. Black people have long grown tired of waiting for whites to stop the lies. Whites have no credibility in many Blacks eyes. The Black community sees the policing for what it is. A method of control every since Civil Rights were passed. There is no sane person that if they follow the history will see that the environment many Blacks grow up in is simply a reservation.

I feel bad for you and "your people" that you hang around then. Where I live, though admittedly only a few due to the weather, every African American I've met is doing fine. Most own very successful businesses, or are serving the country, none of them seem to "distrust me" nor feel that I am out to get them. I think it is a real shame that you would rather label someone as a bigot and a racist based on nothing more than assumptions, than to consider at the actual person and their words. I have a 20 year old bi racial son for fucks sake. But sure, you are the realist, and I'm just another racist bigot...

If Ascleepeeonus is representive of how most black males, feel about white men, then we might as well divide the nation up right now.

Fortunately however, I'm betting he's in the minority in his own community.
I never said it was the Black community. I worked with primarily white guys. They lied all the time about where they graduated from, and their experience,. They had a penchant for claiming responsibility for some good idea or task they actually didn't do, etc. I see lying as a large problem in the white community way more than the Black one. My point is that her letting people believe she was Black and not correcting them is minor. You can only assume she lied on the Black husband. People that lie dont always lie about everything. That has nothing to do with race so dont be baffled. You dont necessarily have to accept my "fish tale" theory. What you accept wont make a difference one way or the other. The fact is that it exists in our society regardless of if you want to believe it or not. We all know it came from white society because they used dishonesty to get next to the NA's and fool the poor among their own. Racism can only be eradicated by whites being honest. I dont see that happening any time soon. They cant even wrap their minds around reparations.

Racism can only be eradicated by BOTH whites AND blacks being honest. I also do not see that happening anytime soon. The African American community can't seem to wrap their minds around following the laws. Still, perhaps rolling back drug laws will curb some of it, the War on Drugs was a bit of a well-intentioned disaster in practice. Fine them for driving high and let them overdose at will for all I care, but there should never be proclaimed a "war" on American citizens imo.

Regardless of whatever else though, this "fish story" theory will make for a very interesting conversation amongst my intellectual peers. Psychology and neurobiology are themes we always enjoy discussing at length. If I remember I will report back with the over all consensus.
BS. Black people have been honest. Honest to a fault. Does no good because Blacks dont control anything. If they did there would be no racism. Black people have long grown tired of waiting for whites to stop the lies. Whites have no credibility in many Blacks eyes. The Black community sees the policing for what it is. A method of control every since Civil Rights were passed. There is no sane person that if they follow the history will see that the environment many Blacks grow up in is simply a reservation.

I feel bad for you and "your people" that you hang around then. Where I live, though admittedly only a few due to the weather, every African American I've met is doing fine. Most own very successful businesses, or are serving the country, none of them seem to "distrust me" nor feel that I am out to get them. I think it is a real shame that you would rather label someone as a bigot and a racist based on nothing more than assumptions, than to consider at the actual person and their words. I have a 20 year old bi racial son for fucks sake. But sure, you are the realist, and I'm just another racist bigot...
Dont feel bad. We are all doing great and own businesses as well. My particular group long ago decided that looking to whites was a fools game. Its akin to hoping that a lion will not eventually attack its food. We overcame despite our circumstances. I dont know what Blacks think of you specifically but I wouldnt put too much stock on appearances. Most Blacks have an ingrained distrust of white people. Keep your enemies close but feed them with a long spoon is the motto. I only label people as bigots and racists if they say things that reveal to me they are such. If I called you a racist bigot then you obviously said something that made me come to that conclusion.
I never said it was the Black community. I worked with primarily white guys. They lied all the time about where they graduated from, and their experience,. They had a penchant for claiming responsibility for some good idea or task they actually didn't do, etc. I see lying as a large problem in the white community way more than the Black one. My point is that her letting people believe she was Black and not correcting them is minor. You can only assume she lied on the Black husband. People that lie dont always lie about everything. That has nothing to do with race so dont be baffled. You dont necessarily have to accept my "fish tale" theory. What you accept wont make a difference one way or the other. The fact is that it exists in our society regardless of if you want to believe it or not. We all know it came from white society because they used dishonesty to get next to the NA's and fool the poor among their own. Racism can only be eradicated by whites being honest. I dont see that happening any time soon. They cant even wrap their minds around reparations.

Racism can only be eradicated by BOTH whites AND blacks being honest. I also do not see that happening anytime soon. The African American community can't seem to wrap their minds around following the laws. Still, perhaps rolling back drug laws will curb some of it, the War on Drugs was a bit of a well-intentioned disaster in practice. Fine them for driving high and let them overdose at will for all I care, but there should never be proclaimed a "war" on American citizens imo.

Regardless of whatever else though, this "fish story" theory will make for a very interesting conversation amongst my intellectual peers. Psychology and neurobiology are themes we always enjoy discussing at length. If I remember I will report back with the over all consensus.
BS. Black people have been honest. Honest to a fault. Does no good because Blacks dont control anything. If they did there would be no racism. Black people have long grown tired of waiting for whites to stop the lies. Whites have no credibility in many Blacks eyes. The Black community sees the policing for what it is. A method of control every since Civil Rights were passed. There is no sane person that if they follow the history will see that the environment many Blacks grow up in is simply a reservation.

I feel bad for you and "your people" that you hang around then. Where I live, though admittedly only a few due to the weather, every African American I've met is doing fine. Most own very successful businesses, or are serving the country, none of them seem to "distrust me" nor feel that I am out to get them. I think it is a real shame that you would rather label someone as a bigot and a racist based on nothing more than assumptions, than to consider at the actual person and their words. I have a 20 year old bi racial son for fucks sake. But sure, you are the realist, and I'm just another racist bigot...

If Ascleepeeonus is representive of how most black males, feel about white men, then we might as well divide the nation up right now.

Fortunately however, I'm betting he's in the minority in his own community.
You have no power to divide up anything. Do you honestly think that is something the wealthy would allow? :laugh:

BTW its not just Black people. Mexicans, Asians, East Indian, etc etc dont trust you. You guys are pretty sheltered so my bet is you will deny that too.
Race is a fluid concept like gender that cannot be determined by appearance, it is purely a social construct and an arbitrary dividing line

While I sense you are just being facetious, if you think about it, such a mind-set would actually eliminate a lot of problems in the country. Perhaps, then, it's not such a bad idea to entertain the prospect as a "new" great American social experiment? Is it not the ultimate goal to make the overall concept of America work?
I am not being facetious at all.

If one can self identify with a different gender from there birth sex, why can't one identify with a race different than their birth race? It is just as valid to feel like a woman trapped in a man's body as it is a black man in a white man's body and vice versa?

It will be interesting to see what else this applies to. Will concepts like age, nationality, species etc become things of the past?

We already have an otherkin community, where humans identify with a species different than their birth species. Hopefully they get more attention as well.

An FAQ on Otherkin for the Perplexed Observer Just An otherkin

If you are being honest, then I concur with your interest myself. It is a curious intellectual path to explore in concept; there are a number out there who have long proclaimed to be vampires and similar. Though I cannot honestly say that I can... "alter" my current understanding of humanity to comprehend... trans-species. That sounds like a bait n trap for "oh they're trying to legalize bestiality," same with trans-age, a bait and trap to "oh their legalizing kiddy sex."

Trans-nationality however, we've already accepted; "African" American, "Hispanic" American, etc. or is that something else?
I never said it was the Black community. I worked with primarily white guys. They lied all the time about where they graduated from, and their experience,. They had a penchant for claiming responsibility for some good idea or task they actually didn't do, etc. I see lying as a large problem in the white community way more than the Black one. My point is that her letting people believe she was Black and not correcting them is minor. You can only assume she lied on the Black husband. People that lie dont always lie about everything. That has nothing to do with race so dont be baffled. You dont necessarily have to accept my "fish tale" theory. What you accept wont make a difference one way or the other. The fact is that it exists in our society regardless of if you want to believe it or not. We all know it came from white society because they used dishonesty to get next to the NA's and fool the poor among their own. Racism can only be eradicated by whites being honest. I dont see that happening any time soon. They cant even wrap their minds around reparations.

Racism can only be eradicated by BOTH whites AND blacks being honest. I also do not see that happening anytime soon. The African American community can't seem to wrap their minds around following the laws. Still, perhaps rolling back drug laws will curb some of it, the War on Drugs was a bit of a well-intentioned disaster in practice. Fine them for driving high and let them overdose at will for all I care, but there should never be proclaimed a "war" on American citizens imo.

Regardless of whatever else though, this "fish story" theory will make for a very interesting conversation amongst my intellectual peers. Psychology and neurobiology are themes we always enjoy discussing at length. If I remember I will report back with the over all consensus.
BS. Black people have been honest. Honest to a fault. Does no good because Blacks dont control anything. If they did there would be no racism. Black people have long grown tired of waiting for whites to stop the lies. Whites have no credibility in many Blacks eyes. The Black community sees the policing for what it is. A method of control every since Civil Rights were passed. There is no sane person that if they follow the history will see that the environment many Blacks grow up in is simply a reservation.

I feel bad for you and "your people" that you hang around then. Where I live, though admittedly only a few due to the weather, every African American I've met is doing fine. Most own very successful businesses, or are serving the country, none of them seem to "distrust me" nor feel that I am out to get them. I think it is a real shame that you would rather label someone as a bigot and a racist based on nothing more than assumptions, than to consider at the actual person and their words. I have a 20 year old bi racial son for fucks sake. But sure, you are the realist, and I'm just another racist bigot...

If Ascleepeeonus is representive of how most black males, feel about white men, then we might as well divide the nation up right now.

Fortunately however, I'm betting he's in the minority in his own community.
You have no power to divide up anything. Do you honestly think that is something the wealthy would allow? :laugh:

BTW its not just Black people. Mexicans, Asians, East Indian, etc etc dont trust you. You guys are pretty sheltered so my bet is you will deny that too.
None of those artificially defined groups like one another either at the moment. What does it even mean to be an "Asian" or "East Indian" or "Mexican"? Once we break down the construct of race, which doesn't exist, and support transracial individuals like Rachel, who is a pioneer of our generation in this regard. She is taking all the slings and arrows from the haters so the rest in her transracial community have a safe path.
Race is a fluid concept like gender that cannot be determined by appearance, it is purely a social construct and an arbitrary dividing line

While I sense you are just being facetious, if you think about it, such a mind-set would actually eliminate a lot of problems in the country. Perhaps, then, it's not such a bad idea to entertain the prospect as a "new" great American social experiment? Is it not the ultimate goal to make the overall concept of America work?
I am not being facetious at all.

If one can self identify with a different gender from there birth sex, why can't one identify with a race different than their birth race? It is just as valid to feel like a woman trapped in a man's body as it is a black man in a white man's body and vice versa?

It will be interesting to see what else this applies to. Will concepts like age, nationality, species etc become things of the past?

We already have an otherkin community, where humans identify with a species different than their birth species. Hopefully they get more attention as well.

An FAQ on Otherkin for the Perplexed Observer Just An otherkin

If you are being honest, then I concur with your interest myself. It is a curious intellectual path to explore in concept; there are a number out there who have long proclaimed to be vampires and similar. Though I cannot honestly say that I can... "alter" my current understanding of humanity to comprehend... trans-species. That sounds like a bait n trap for "oh they're trying to legalize bestiality," same with trans-age, a bait and trap to "oh their legalizing kiddy sex."

Trans-nationality however, we've already accepted; "African" American, "Hispanic" American, etc. or is that something else?
When you say "we" do you meant white people? Its always been amusing to me that white people think that everyone thinks like they do. I see so many whites get upset about the moniker African-american but have nothing to say about Italian-American or Irish-American etc.

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