Too funny....'black' NAACP leader outed as white

Race is a fluid concept like gender that cannot be determined by appearance, it is purely a social construct and an arbitrary dividing line

While I sense you are just being facetious, if you think about it, such a mind-set would actually eliminate a lot of problems in the country. Perhaps, then, it's not such a bad idea to entertain the prospect as a "new" great American social experiment? Is it not the ultimate goal to make the overall concept of America work?
I am not being facetious at all.

If one can self identify with a different gender from there birth sex, why can't one identify with a race different than their birth race? It is just as valid to feel like a woman trapped in a man's body as it is a black man in a white man's body and vice versa?

It will be interesting to see what else this applies to. Will concepts like age, nationality, species etc become things of the past?

We already have an otherkin community, where humans identify with a species different than their birth species. Hopefully they get more attention as well.

An FAQ on Otherkin for the Perplexed Observer Just An otherkin

If you are being honest, then I concur with your interest myself. It is a curious intellectual path to explore in concept; there are a number out there who have long proclaimed to be vampires and similar. Though I cannot honestly say that I can... "alter" my current understanding of humanity to comprehend... trans-species. That sounds like a bait n trap for "oh they're trying to legalize bestiality," same with trans-age, a bait and trap to "oh their legalizing kiddy sex."

Trans-nationality however, we've already accepted; "African" American, "Hispanic" American, etc. or is that something else?
I am glad you are coming around. But suggesting otherkin are all sexually aroused by other species is a incredibly presumptive stereotype that isn't true. So monitor your words before you speak there. You ought to read the FAQ to get an idea of what an otherkin is. Also, if an otherkind identifies as a species, and they are having sex with that species, how is that beastiality? Mules and horses have sex with one another, are they committing beastiality?
Race is a fluid concept like gender that cannot be determined by appearance, it is purely a social construct and an arbitrary dividing line

While I sense you are just being facetious, if you think about it, such a mind-set would actually eliminate a lot of problems in the country. Perhaps, then, it's not such a bad idea to entertain the prospect as a "new" great American social experiment? Is it not the ultimate goal to make the overall concept of America work?
I am not being facetious at all.

If one can self identify with a different gender from there birth sex, why can't one identify with a race different than their birth race? It is just as valid to feel like a woman trapped in a man's body as it is a black man in a white man's body and vice versa?

It will be interesting to see what else this applies to. Will concepts like age, nationality, species etc become things of the past?

We already have an otherkin community, where humans identify with a species different than their birth species. Hopefully they get more attention as well.

An FAQ on Otherkin for the Perplexed Observer Just An otherkin

If you are being honest, then I concur with your interest myself. It is a curious intellectual path to explore in concept; there are a number out there who have long proclaimed to be vampires and similar. Though I cannot honestly say that I can... "alter" my current understanding of humanity to comprehend... trans-species. That sounds like a bait n trap for "oh they're trying to legalize bestiality," same with trans-age, a bait and trap to "oh their legalizing kiddy sex."

Trans-nationality however, we've already accepted; "African" American, "Hispanic" American, etc. or is that something else?
When you say "we" do you meant white people? Its always been amusing to me that white people think that everyone thinks like they do. I see so many whites get upset about the moniker African-american but have nothing to say about Italian-American or Irish-American etc.
What does "white" and "black" even mean?
Race is a fluid concept like gender that cannot be determined by appearance, it is purely a social construct and an arbitrary dividing line

While I sense you are just being facetious, if you think about it, such a mind-set would actually eliminate a lot of problems in the country. Perhaps, then, it's not such a bad idea to entertain the prospect as a "new" great American social experiment? Is it not the ultimate goal to make the overall concept of America work?
I am not being facetious at all.

If one can self identify with a different gender from there birth sex, why can't one identify with a race different than their birth race? It is just as valid to feel like a woman trapped in a man's body as it is a black man in a white man's body and vice versa?

It will be interesting to see what else this applies to. Will concepts like age, nationality, species etc become things of the past?

We already have an otherkin community, where humans identify with a species different than their birth species. Hopefully they get more attention as well.

An FAQ on Otherkin for the Perplexed Observer Just An otherkin

If you are being honest, then I concur with your interest myself. It is a curious intellectual path to explore in concept; there are a number out there who have long proclaimed to be vampires and similar. Though I cannot honestly say that I can... "alter" my current understanding of humanity to comprehend... trans-species. That sounds like a bait n trap for "oh they're trying to legalize bestiality," same with trans-age, a bait and trap to "oh their legalizing kiddy sex."

Trans-nationality however, we've already accepted; "African" American, "Hispanic" American, etc. or is that something else?
When you say "we" do you meant white people? Its always been amusing to me that white people think that everyone thinks like they do. I see so many whites get upset about the moniker African-american but have nothing to say about Italian-American or Irish-American etc.
What does "white" and "black" even mean?
What did you mean with that illiterate question I asked you to explain?
Race is a fluid concept like gender that cannot be determined by appearance, it is purely a social construct and an arbitrary dividing line

While I sense you are just being facetious, if you think about it, such a mind-set would actually eliminate a lot of problems in the country. Perhaps, then, it's not such a bad idea to entertain the prospect as a "new" great American social experiment? Is it not the ultimate goal to make the overall concept of America work?
I am not being facetious at all.

If one can self identify with a different gender from there birth sex, why can't one identify with a race different than their birth race? It is just as valid to feel like a woman trapped in a man's body as it is a black man in a white man's body and vice versa?

It will be interesting to see what else this applies to. Will concepts like age, nationality, species etc become things of the past?

We already have an otherkin community, where humans identify with a species different than their birth species. Hopefully they get more attention as well.

An FAQ on Otherkin for the Perplexed Observer Just An otherkin

If you are being honest, then I concur with your interest myself. It is a curious intellectual path to explore in concept; there are a number out there who have long proclaimed to be vampires and similar. Though I cannot honestly say that I can... "alter" my current understanding of humanity to comprehend... trans-species. That sounds like a bait n trap for "oh they're trying to legalize bestiality," same with trans-age, a bait and trap to "oh their legalizing kiddy sex."

Trans-nationality however, we've already accepted; "African" American, "Hispanic" American, etc. or is that something else?
By trans-nationality, I mean identification with a nation other than the one you are born into. Like say you were born in America, but identify as a Canadian. You would be a trans-Canadian. The question there is, if you feel like a Canadian trapped in an American's body, constrained by artificial constructs known as "borders" and "citizenship", should they be able to deny you the right to live in said country?
While I sense you are just being facetious, if you think about it, such a mind-set would actually eliminate a lot of problems in the country. Perhaps, then, it's not such a bad idea to entertain the prospect as a "new" great American social experiment? Is it not the ultimate goal to make the overall concept of America work?
I am not being facetious at all.

If one can self identify with a different gender from there birth sex, why can't one identify with a race different than their birth race? It is just as valid to feel like a woman trapped in a man's body as it is a black man in a white man's body and vice versa?

It will be interesting to see what else this applies to. Will concepts like age, nationality, species etc become things of the past?

We already have an otherkin community, where humans identify with a species different than their birth species. Hopefully they get more attention as well.

An FAQ on Otherkin for the Perplexed Observer Just An otherkin

If you are being honest, then I concur with your interest myself. It is a curious intellectual path to explore in concept; there are a number out there who have long proclaimed to be vampires and similar. Though I cannot honestly say that I can... "alter" my current understanding of humanity to comprehend... trans-species. That sounds like a bait n trap for "oh they're trying to legalize bestiality," same with trans-age, a bait and trap to "oh their legalizing kiddy sex."

Trans-nationality however, we've already accepted; "African" American, "Hispanic" American, etc. or is that something else?
When you say "we" do you meant white people? Its always been amusing to me that white people think that everyone thinks like they do. I see so many whites get upset about the moniker African-american but have nothing to say about Italian-American or Irish-American etc.
What does "white" and "black" even mean?
What did you mean with that illiterate question I asked you explain?
What question? Why are you getting so confrontational? I am just asking you to define "white" and "black".
I am not being facetious at all.

If one can self identify with a different gender from there birth sex, why can't one identify with a race different than their birth race? It is just as valid to feel like a woman trapped in a man's body as it is a black man in a white man's body and vice versa?

It will be interesting to see what else this applies to. Will concepts like age, nationality, species etc become things of the past?

We already have an otherkin community, where humans identify with a species different than their birth species. Hopefully they get more attention as well.

An FAQ on Otherkin for the Perplexed Observer Just An otherkin

If you are being honest, then I concur with your interest myself. It is a curious intellectual path to explore in concept; there are a number out there who have long proclaimed to be vampires and similar. Though I cannot honestly say that I can... "alter" my current understanding of humanity to comprehend... trans-species. That sounds like a bait n trap for "oh they're trying to legalize bestiality," same with trans-age, a bait and trap to "oh their legalizing kiddy sex."

Trans-nationality however, we've already accepted; "African" American, "Hispanic" American, etc. or is that something else?
When you say "we" do you meant white people? Its always been amusing to me that white people think that everyone thinks like they do. I see so many whites get upset about the moniker African-american but have nothing to say about Italian-American or Irish-American etc.
What does "white" and "black" even mean?
What did you mean with that illiterate question I asked you explain?
What question? Why are you getting so confrontational? I am just asking you to define "white" and "black".
Because I have asked you a couple of times to explain your question. I dont care what you are asking me until you answer my question.
If you are being honest, then I concur with your interest myself. It is a curious intellectual path to explore in concept; there are a number out there who have long proclaimed to be vampires and similar. Though I cannot honestly say that I can... "alter" my current understanding of humanity to comprehend... trans-species. That sounds like a bait n trap for "oh they're trying to legalize bestiality," same with trans-age, a bait and trap to "oh their legalizing kiddy sex."

Trans-nationality however, we've already accepted; "African" American, "Hispanic" American, etc. or is that something else?
When you say "we" do you meant white people? Its always been amusing to me that white people think that everyone thinks like they do. I see so many whites get upset about the moniker African-american but have nothing to say about Italian-American or Irish-American etc.
What does "white" and "black" even mean?
What did you mean with that illiterate question I asked you explain?
What question? Why are you getting so confrontational? I am just asking you to define "white" and "black".
Because I have asked you a couple of times to explain your question. I dont care what you are asking me until you answer my question.
what question is that?
When you say "we" do you meant white people? Its always been amusing to me that white people think that everyone thinks like they do. I see so many whites get upset about the moniker African-american but have nothing to say about Italian-American or Irish-American etc.
What does "white" and "black" even mean?
What did you mean with that illiterate question I asked you explain?
What question? Why are you getting so confrontational? I am just asking you to define "white" and "black".
Because I have asked you a couple of times to explain your question. I dont care what you are asking me until you answer my question.
what question is that?
The dumb one when you asked about lying regarding a social construct or something to that effect.
What does "white" and "black" even mean?
What did you mean with that illiterate question I asked you explain?
What question? Why are you getting so confrontational? I am just asking you to define "white" and "black".
Because I have asked you a couple of times to explain your question. I dont care what you are asking me until you answer my question.
what question is that?
The dumb one when you asked about lying regarding a social construct or something to that effect.
I don't know which of your dumb questions you are talking about in particular. If you have a question you want me to answer, why don't you just ask it?
Between you not answering questions or telling me which of your questions you want me to answer, you are being very constructive.
What did you mean with that illiterate question I asked you explain?
What question? Why are you getting so confrontational? I am just asking you to define "white" and "black".
Because I have asked you a couple of times to explain your question. I dont care what you are asking me until you answer my question.
what question is that?
The dumb one when you asked about lying regarding a social construct or something to that effect.
I don't know which of your dumb questions you are talking about in particular. If you have a question you want me to answer, why don't you just ask it?
You dont remember the dumb question you asked? I guess youre out of luck then. If you want me to answer any questions from you I'd suggest you go back in the thread and figure it out. Let me know when you do so. Until that task is completed you are dismissed.
What question? Why are you getting so confrontational? I am just asking you to define "white" and "black".
Because I have asked you a couple of times to explain your question. I dont care what you are asking me until you answer my question.
what question is that?
The dumb one when you asked about lying regarding a social construct or something to that effect.
I don't know which of your dumb questions you are talking about in particular. If you have a question you want me to answer, why don't you just ask it?
You dont remember the dumb question you asked? I guess youre out of luck then. If you want me to answer any questions from you I'd suggest you go back in the thread and figure it out. Let me know when you do so. Until that task is completed you are dismissed.
I didn't ask a dumb question. But now you are all over the place. First you said you won't answer my questions because I wont answer yours. I ask you nicely what those questions might be and now you say you won't answer my questions until I answer my questions. Are you trolling by any chance? I am just trying to be cordial and cooperative. Because honestly, the issues of transracialism and transgenderism aren't a joke and you shouldn't be belittling and "othering" these communities with such an attitude. Shame on you. When you do so, you are marginalizing over 10% of the population. 1 in 10 is transracial.
Looks like her adopted brother has a different take.

Dolezal released her own statement today. "As you probably know by now, there are questions and assumptions swirling in national and global news about my family, my race, my credibility, and the NAACP. I have discussed the situation, including personal matters, with the Executive Committee. I support their decision to wait until Monday to make a statement."

"The national and regional NAACP have recommended this same strategy," she added. "I ask that all members of the NAACP respect this process as well. There are many layers to this situation... My sons and I would appreciate your thoughts, prayers and support during the interlude. I will see you Monday!"

Despite her most recent comments, her adopted brother Ezra, 22, paints a different picture, claiming he was given a warning back in 2012. "She just told me, 'Over here, I'm going to be considered black, and I have a black father. Don't blow my cover,'" he told BuzzFeed News. Ezra added that Rachel never gave him "any logical explanation" for why she wanted to change her identity, but he also never questioned it.

As of Friday, the Spokane Police Department announced that all cases they had involving Dolezal had been suspended. "If new information comes to light we can investigate that information," SPD leaders wrote on Twitter. In the past, Dolezal had filed numerous police reports claiming she had been the victim of hate crimes and threats.

NAACP Leader Rachel Dolezal Speaks Out I Do Consider Myself to Be Black
What question? Why are you getting so confrontational? I am just asking you to define "white" and "black".
Because I have asked you a couple of times to explain your question. I dont care what you are asking me until you answer my question.
what question is that?
The dumb one when you asked about lying regarding a social construct or something to that effect.
I don't know which of your dumb questions you are talking about in particular. If you have a question you want me to answer, why don't you just ask it?
You dont remember the dumb question you asked? I guess youre out of luck then. If you want me to answer any questions from you I'd suggest you go back in the thread and figure it out. Let me know when you do so. Until that task is completed you are dismissed.
Excuse me, you don't get to tell transracial individuals and their allies like myself when they are "dismissed". We won't take no for an answer. Until they have full recognition under the law and no longer face discrimination form hateful bigots, we will not rest.
Looks like her adopted son has strayed off the farm.

Dolezal released her own statement today. "As you probably know by now, there are questions and assumptions swirling in national and global news about my family, my race, my credibility, and the NAACP. I have discussed the situation, including personal matters, with the Executive Committee. I support their decision to wait until Monday to make a statement."

"The national and regional NAACP have recommended this same strategy," she added. "I ask that all members of the NAACP respect this process as well. There are many layers to this situation... My sons and I would appreciate your thoughts, prayers and support during the interlude. I will see you Monday!"

Despite her most recent comments, her adopted brother Ezra, 22, paints a different picture, claiming he was given a warning back in 2012. "She just told me, 'Over here, I'm going to be considered black, and I have a black father. Don't blow my cover,'" he told BuzzFeed News. Ezra added that Rachel never gave him "any logical explanation" for why she wanted to change her identity, but he also never questioned it.

As of Friday, the Spokane Police Department announced that all cases they had involving Dolezal had been suspended. "If new information comes to light we can investigate that information," SPD leaders wrote on Twitter. In the past, Dolezal had filed numerous police reports claiming she had been the victim of hate crimes and threats.

NAACP Leader Rachel Dolezal Speaks Out I Do Consider Myself to Be Black
It is a shame, not all family is supportive of someone coming out and finally being themselves. Rachel should know there is a loving community out there that supports her.
Looks like her adopted son has strayed off the farm.

Dolezal released her own statement today. "As you probably know by now, there are questions and assumptions swirling in national and global news about my family, my race, my credibility, and the NAACP. I have discussed the situation, including personal matters, with the Executive Committee. I support their decision to wait until Monday to make a statement."

"The national and regional NAACP have recommended this same strategy," she added. "I ask that all members of the NAACP respect this process as well. There are many layers to this situation... My sons and I would appreciate your thoughts, prayers and support during the interlude. I will see you Monday!"

Despite her most recent comments, her adopted brother Ezra, 22, paints a different picture, claiming he was given a warning back in 2012. "She just told me, 'Over here, I'm going to be considered black, and I have a black father. Don't blow my cover,'" he told BuzzFeed News. Ezra added that Rachel never gave him "any logical explanation" for why she wanted to change her identity, but he also never questioned it.

As of Friday, the Spokane Police Department announced that all cases they had involving Dolezal had been suspended. "If new information comes to light we can investigate that information," SPD leaders wrote on Twitter. In the past, Dolezal had filed numerous police reports claiming she had been the victim of hate crimes and threats.

NAACP Leader Rachel Dolezal Speaks Out I Do Consider Myself to Be Black
It is a shame, not all family is supportive of someone coming out and finally being themselves. Rachel should know there is a loving community out there that supports her.

I hope you've got your tongue firmly planted in your cheek.
Wow, here's more from the adopted brothers. This bitch be crazy.

Rachel Dolezal’s Brothers Speak Out On Sister’s ‘Blackface’ Makeup and Strange Actions

Rachel Dolazel‘s family relationship grows stranger. A series of Washington Post phone interviews with Dolazel’s brothers revealed that she is indeed white, and they have had their own experiences with their sister’s antics.

Ezra Dolezal compared his sister’s make up and acts to conceal her race to blackface. “Back in the early 1900s, what she did would be considered highly racist,” he said. “You really should not do that. It’s completely opposite – she’s basically creating more racism.”

Zach Dolezal said that he was forbidden to bring up their parents the last time he visited his sister, and called Rachel’s Facebook reference to a black couple as their parents as “a farce…I can understand hairstyles and all that,” he said, “saying her brother is her son, I don’t understand that.”

Indeed, Izaiah Dolezal, Rachel’s youngest brother, lives with his sister. Ezra said that when she withdrew from the family, she alleged abuse and claimed custody over her brother, referring to Izaiah as her son.

Ezra reiterated what his parents said about how the family does not speak with his sister, but alleged that “[Rachel] turned Izaiah kind of racist. Told Izaiah all this stuff about white people, made him really racist toward white people.”

When Lawrence and Ruthanne Dolezal spoke on Friday, they affirmed their parentage of Rachel, while addressing their own confusion over why their daughter is pretending to be African-American. Dolezal’s father told The Post that ever since Rachel got involved in social justice activism at Howard University, “she assimilated into that culture so strongly that that’s where she transferred her identity.”

Ruthanne also said that Rachel’s actions on behalf of the NAACP would have been more meaningful and effective “if she had just been honest with everybody.”

You can see Rachel Dolezal speak at an anti-racism rally here, via the Washington Post:

Rachel Dolezal s Brothers Speak Out On Sister s Blackface Makeup and Strange Actions Mediaite

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