Too Simple of a Plan?


Gold Member
Jun 7, 2015
This would be my plan for immigration but maybe it is too naive and simple.

1. Allow anybody to come live in the United States that meet criteria but grant then permanent alien status, never grant them citizenship, never allow them to vote.
2. Criteria one - Do a background check and see if the person is wanted by the authorities in his/her home country.
3. Criteria two - Check for certain communicable diseases the are unwelcome in the United States.
4. Criteria three - Fill out the proper forms and pay the application fee which would change daily based upon the need for workers in the United States.
5. Welcome the new residents to our country with open arms. We could use the extra manpower to exceed the booming Chinese and Indian economies. These countries have more than quadruple the population of the United States. The United States geographically has the capacity to house 3-4 billion people. We are way under capacity.

Allowing these people to vote would be destructive to our country. They left their home countries because of failed policies. This poor thinking goes away after one generation. This kids would be great Americans but the immigrant themselves would make bad citizens. Take the voting out of the equation and folks would be more immigrant friendly in my opinion. Is this plan too naive? Too bigoted?
Most of your policies require taking our tax dollars OUT of politicians' pockets and actually using the peoples money for the peoples purposes. Which will NEVER happen.

Charging illegals a fee for their paperwork to get a greencard instead of making the US tax payers pay for it. I like that. If they don't have the money, they get tossed back over the fence.

MY policy is.........
If you aren't coming here LEGALLY, you run the risk of being shot and/or being shoved onto a military cargo ship with other illegals and dumped off at the southern tip of Chile. Lets see you walk THAT back here!!!

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