Top Obama Adviser sought names of Trump Associates in Intel


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel

Oh boy....the shit storm keeps coming....this is gonna blow wide open soon...I can't wait!


What's more pathetic is that they did this to help Clinton win and she STILL got her ass handed to her by losing states dems haven't lost in 20 plus years!
From your own cited article, moron......LOL

Rice's requests to unmask the names of Trump transition officials does not vindicate Trump's own tweets from March 4 in which he accused Obama of illegally tapping Trump Tower. There remains no evidence to support that claim.
The O Administration used every branch of government to advance the Dem agenda.

Hopefully, there will be consequences...
The O Administration used every branch of government to advance the Dem agenda.

Hopefully, there will be consequences...

In other words IF there was open collussion between Trump's staff with a country (Russia) under severe sanctions by us, THAT should have been ignored by our intelligence agencies....Correct?
The O Administration used every branch of government to advance the Dem agenda.

Hopefully, there will be consequences...

Geez, they were just doing their jobs, dumbass.

I guess that is something of a shocking contrast to the current administration.
It is absolutely hilarious to think these Left Wingers who wanted to gut our defense spending during the Cold War are now suddenly concerned with Russia.

Susan Rice used taxpayer funded US intelligence assets to spy on the GOP nominee. That's now fact.

The BS about Russia is absolutely laughable.

The "hacks" outed the TRUTH that the DEMS CHEATED...

1. CNN gave debate questions to Hillary
2. paid Hillary workers started fights at Trump events

That TRUTH is what you scumbag lying left wingers really hate = the truth about YOU
vlad hombre - Susan Rice's job is not to use US intelligence assets for partisan political purposes.
vlad hombre - Susan Rice's job is not to use US intelligence assets for partisan political purposes.

There's zero evidence that she did so.

If you don't want to get entangled in investigations of corrupt Russian banks, don't do so much friggin' business with corrupt Russian banks.

This shit ain't rocket science.
Just put Vlad the troll on ignore.....I did.....much easier to hold a REAL conversation without the trolls whining.

We enjoy seeing how desperate the Left is.

Let Vlad post. I laugh at each one...

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