Diamond Member
- Apr 5, 2010
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That is ridiculous.
Not at all. Its the view that the government is forced consitutionally to be "race-blind" when it comes to government interaction, and this is carried through to all levels of local government.
Where the government overreached, to me, (and to dave i think) is to force private entities of all types to follow the same regulations. I think this was needed during the breaking of the Jim Crow era, as racism was so entrenched in southern society, but now any organziation that practices racism in hiring or services would probably be out of business rather quickly.
What we are seeing is the same thing in some states where wedding photographers and bakers are being sued for discrimination for not wanting to do gay weddings. This goes beyond government acceptance, and enters into the realm of forced private accptance.
Marriage equality and public accommodation laws are two completely different issues.
One is a follow through to another. Its one thing to say the state can recognize same sex marriage, its another to say you can force a baker to make a cake for one.