Top Two Words Used to Describe Democrat Candidates This Year: ‘Dishonest’ and ‘Socialist’

Now you counter with Obama is opening relations with the repressive regime in Cuba still run by a dictator.

Cuba does not behead or crucify people like our very good allies the Saudis


At least the military wins wars. How about we start but cutting underperformers like the Department of Education?

Really that was a big win in Vietnam and in Iraq LOL

the US did not lose Vietnam, we just didn't win and i am not sure what a win would have looked like. that was a terrible war started by democrats and ended by a Republican. Iraq? I am not sure of what measure you use but lose? All objectives were met with a lot less casualty then the defeatnics claimed there would be and Iraq is still a democracy all these years later.
I love to hear you explaining yourself because inside the explanation is your apology.........

Get someone to call 911, you are having a it now.
No, since the economy is booming. We can cut welfare in half. Right? stamps, free Obamaphones, ACA subsidies to the Insurance companies, ....
Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan
When George Bush left office the National Debt was 9 trillion unpatriotic dollars(5 Trillion added by George in 8 year) since then Barrack Hussein Obama, mmm, mmm, mmm has added 9 more trillion dollars in 7 years with 1 year still to come. More American Soldiers have died under Obama and his FAUX war(than Georges), which is killing MUSLIMS, in the middle east, but you don't hear any of this from the lickspittle lapdog media. Don't listen to Tyrone as he is totally clueless when it comes to FACTS.

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Tyrone thinks my post is funny. When I think of a liberal laughing out loud this comes to mind.

When George Bush left office the National Debt was 9 trillion unpatriotic dollars(5 Trillion added by George in 8 year) since then Barrack Hussein Obama, mmm, mmm, mmm has added 9 more trillion dollars in 7 years with 1 year still to come.

Despite 9/11/01, its aftermath, and 2 wars, the Bush administration added $2.5 trillion to the debt in 6 (SIX) Years.

Democrats took over a near-Super majority of Congress Bush's last 2 years in office, controlling the economy, spending, and the budget (which they actually officially ended. Despite it being a law that an annual BUDGET had to be passed Democrats did not pass one - a budget was not passed again until the GOP took over the House years later.) During the last 2 Bush years the DNC-Controlled Congress added another $1.5 Trillion in debt, $1 trillion shy in just 2 years of what Bush had spent over 6 years.

Obama and his Democrats then added OVER $6 trillion (closer to $7) in only 4 years under Obama.

No, you never hear THOSE facts from Liberals.
Nice meme of Hillary laughing under oath about Stevens death and the more than 600 please for additional security she and the State Department rejected...prior to his death.
Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed(Officially acknowledged) In U.S. War And Occupation Of Iraq 4,801
New footage released of Mrs. Bosnia Clinton's trip through hell:

When George Bush left office the National Debt was 9 trillion unpatriotic dollars(5 Trillion added by George in 8 year) since then Barrack Hussein Obama, mmm, mmm, mmm has added 9 more trillion dollars in 7 years with 1 year still to come.

Despite 9/11/01, its aftermath, and 2 wars, the Bush administration added $2.5 trillion to the debt in 6 (SIX) Years.

Democrats took over a near-Super majority of Congress Bush's last 2 years in office, controlling the economy, spending, and the budget (which they actually officially ended. Despite it being a law that an annual BUDGET had to be passed Democrats did not pass one - a budget was not passed again until the GOP took over the House years later.) During the last 2 Bush years the DNC-Controlled Congress added another $1.5 Trillion in debt, $1 trillion shy in just 2 years of what Bush had spent over 6 years.

Obama and his Democrats then added OVER $6 trillion (closer to $7) in only 4 years under Obama.

No, you never hear THOSE facts from Liberals.

Man, you gotta talk to Tyrone correctly......................Yabba-Dabba-Doo, I thought I saw a wabbit, Hey there sheriff ricochet, and when you nail him........EL KABONG, hehehehehehehehe. He understands that cartoonish talk.

And then, and then, and then...................if you actually want to get him into a discussion, just repeat...........which way did it go, which way did it go-)
Now you counter with Obama is opening relations with the repressive regime in Cuba still run by a dictator.

Cuba does not behead or crucify people like our very good allies the Saudis

I wonder why JFK had such a problem with Cuba. Hell he was so worried about them he brought the US to the brink of nuclear war.

Well Cuba was invaded by enemy combatants from the US

Spanish–American War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
After the mysterious sinking of the US Navy battleship Maine in Havana harbor, political pressures from the Democratic Party pushed the administration of Republican President William McKinley into a war he had wished to avoid.[9] Spain promised time and again it would reform but never delivered. The United States sent an ultimatum to Spain demanding it surrender control of Cuba. First Madrid, then Washington, formally declared war.
You can bet that a liberal is totally clueless about history and why America has land in other nations. Liberals should go back to PRIVATE school and get a better education, but then that would require work, and that is a dirty word to libs.


How the embargo began: On April 6, 1960, Lester D. Mallory, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, wrote in an internal memorandum: “The majority of Cubans support Castro … The only foreseeable means of alienating internal support is through disenchantment and disaffection based on economic dissatisfaction and hardship. … every possible means should be undertaken promptly to weaken the economic life of Cuba.” Mallory proposed “a line of action which … makes the greatest inroads in denying money and supplies to Cuba, to decrease monetary and real wages, to bring about hunger, desperation and overthrow of government.”
And then, and then, and then...................

I know you have to be feeling his Love

Trump Celebrates NV Caucus Victory: ‘I Love The Poorly Educated’
At least he is honest, he does love the poorly educated. Liberals on the other hand, hate the poorly educated, keeps them poorly educated, and provides FREE contraception to the poor so they cant propagate, if they do then there is the option of CHOICE.
Forcing the Poor to Stop Having Children
As the video clip shot around the web, public reaction was intense, and overwhelmingly negative—how could anybody think that preventing poor people from being born was the moral way to help poor people out of poverty?


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