Top US General in Afghanistan warns of civil war after troop withdrawal

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
If this is the case after us being there for 20 years, what does that say about our strategy?

Like the US gives a damn about Civil War in Afghanistan.

They only care about Afghanistan because of its strategic position. Look at Syria, did the US care about war there? No enough to do anything about it.
If this is the case after us being there for 20 years, what does that say about our strategy?

Good question, when the Russians decided to cut and run the Bush Administration should have used some common sense.

Well, Bush was trying to create an anti-Muslim feeling, and Afghanistan with ibn Laden was a good nationalistic place to go and bomb.

A poor country (the US only does poor countries) and Muslim.
Can there be anyone who lived through this terrible chapter who would be surprised if Afghanistan devolves into total chaos?

I don't see how.
Can there be anyone who lived through this terrible chapter who would be surprised if Afghanistan devolves into total chaos?

I don't see how.
I agree. And the women and girls will suffer the most. The male jerks are way beyond being a usual asshole, they find shooting and stoning girls going to school shows how tuff they really are. Maybe a civilized ME nation will take them on, and nail them on a cross in the midday sun.
If this is the case after us being there for 20 years, what does that say about our strategy?

Nothing over there was worth one drop of American blood.


Are you allowed to admit that?

Or did it slip like col osman first denying he did it, then wondering how a plane could bring down a steel framed skyscraper..... You forgot to tell him y'all had the towers rigged for demo.....
We could have helped The Norther Alliance (TNA) defeat Taliban, which was the ongoing civil war when we arrived. Israel did not want TNA to take afghan, because TNA was armed and funded by Iran.

Translation - when we arrived, Iran was arming and funding the army fighting against Taliban and Taliban protected orphanage al Qaeda.

Israel ordered W to do the "axis of evil" bullshit, which quickly resulted in TNA shooting at us.

W deployed our troops to country A to fight with ally B against enemy C, and then flipped off ally B with the troops still there because Israel told him to.

W is the worst traitor in US history
They only care about Afghanistan because of its strategic position.
Is there some other reason we should care?

I can give you many good reasons for supporting Taiwan, south korea or Taiwan

But none except an accident of geography for afghanistan
If this is the case after us being there for 20 years, what does that say about our strategy?

Good, let them all kill each other.

If we just left the Middle East alone they’d just kill each other.

All we have to do is stop importing them.
Win win for everyone.
If this is the case after us being there for 20 years, what does that say about our strategy?

Like the US gives a damn about Civil War in Afghanistan.

They only care about Afghanistan because of its strategic position. Look at Syria, did the US care about war there? No enough to do anything about it.
What are you talking about? The Hussein funded the terrorists in Syria and prolonged it.
If this is the case after us being there for 20 years, what does that say about our strategy?

Nothing over there was worth one drop of American blood.
Agreed. We should had nuked that fucking country after 9/11.

Fuck Rumsfeld and his using troops as ground police for a nation of Islamic savages.
If this is the case after us being there for 20 years, what does that say about our strategy?

Our strategy was never to "win", we knew it wasn't possible. Due to the amount of money changing hands in a "war" that lasted two full decades, the longer it dragged on, the more money a lot of people made. It actually worked out perfectly and exactly as planned for many of those strategizing.

Afghanistan will fold up far quicker than South Vietnam. The Taliban has already taken over all the smaller cities that surround Kabul, giving the village elders and federal troops an ultimatum: Turn over all of your weapons and we will let you live when the Americans leave. Every single town has met their demands.
Nobody living in Iraq or Afghanistan in 2001 had anything to do with 911 other than col osman taking credit after denying it.

If you wanted to kill those behind 911, start with the W WH, the CIA, the Mossad, and all NYC synagogues.....
I don't care what happens Afghanistan. Or the Middle East. We should stay the fuck out of it and stop sending our blood/treasury to those forsaken lands.
If this is the case after us being there for 20 years, what does that say about our strategy?

Our strategy was a failure, but then again, any strategy in a country that has Afghainstan’s history and terrain may have been bound for failure.

It did not help that we took our eyes off the ball with the invasion of Iraq, or that we did nothing to stop the endemic corruption or that there were too many unnecessary civilian deaths.

The people also have to want change. As much as we tried to instill Western values, especially as regards to the rights of women, it did not matter because it is ultimately all about religion.

The Taliban is coming back for a reason. Because these people are believers.

The fall of Afghani government will be similar to Vietnam, I suspect. Quick. Then will come the retribution.
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