Topless female activist tries to swipe baby Jesus statue from Vatican Nativity scene


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
What a brutal suppression of a human rights activist by totalitarian Western government!!


A bizarre scene unfolded in Vatican City on Christmas Day when a topless female activist, while screaming “God is woman,” attempted to snatch a baby Jesus statue from a Nativity scene — but was quickly whisked away by police as she lunged for it.

There has been a rash of Baby Jesus being kidnapped. Religious nuts should have an investigation into why.
I know that my neighbors son swiped Mary out of the nativity scene in front of their house.

He left a note that was obviously his hand writing that said, "If you want to see your mother again, leave a bike at the door for Christmas."
There has been a rash of Baby Jesus being kidnapped. Religious nuts should have an investigation into why.

We know why. Leftism is a mental illness


Where exactly do you see anything about "leftism" in this, hackbreath?

What do we see that indicates leftism?

1. Naked. Leftists think nudity is morally acceptable and it gains them attention.
2. She is stealing the statue. Leftists think private property is unjust so they just take what they want.
3. She is attacking a religious prop. Leftists are atheist loving satan worshipers who promote Marxism.
4. She is obviously mentally perturbed if not clinically insane. Nuff said.

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