Toronto Police Assocatiion giving same COVID bonus to suspended cops as those on frontlines


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
How about this slap in the face to those who are actually working? "Here's a bonus because you are special and deal with the public. Oh, we are also giving it to those cops suspended and facing prison time for crimes, but it's still special!"

The covert TPS, OPP, RCMP have destroyed Canadas economy AND our reputation. I reached out to Sam some time ago, just to share a tidbit or two about a few unscrupulous scumbags. It might be time for a new email and a few more details, now that we all have some downtime. It's not fair for just for the bad apples at TPS to get all the attention.

TPA giving COVID bonus to suspended cops, those on frontlines

The Toronto Police Association is giving all its members — including 31 who are suspended with pay while facing Police Act allegations — a $1,000 bonus for working amid difficult COVID-19 pandemic conditions.


TPA president Mike McMormack said the “unprecedented step” will see all members receive a one-time expense reimbursement of $1,000 between April 2 and April 9 to help them “offset the unforseen costs brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.”

There are 31 TPS members who are suspended with pay. Those suspended officers are now phoning in every day, rather than attending in person due to new COVID-19 measures.

The suspended cops are receiving the extraordinary benefit, despite not working, not incurring costs and not risking their health during the pandemic.
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