Torture Works

You've clearly put some thought into it. :lol:

Under threat of torture, do you believe that people are more likely to tell the truth or say what they believe their torturers want to hear? If you faced the method of torture that you dreamed up, would you be willing to confess to, say, a murder that you did not commit in order to avoid it?

On what? Under the American justice system, you'd probably be looking at a couple of decades in prison for involvement with "terrorism", a sentence that would be drastically reduced if you confessed to false charges and falsely implicated other "terrorists." Are you saying that you'd take a lacerated dick over a few years in prison?

I depends on if I would ever be picked up on a battlefield in the middle east.
Haven't you learned, war is not about truth?

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "War is deceit." - Sahih Bukhari, Jihad, no. 268​

What, then, is the point of torture when it will lead only to false confessions and the possible infliction of injustice upon innocent men?
Haven't you learned, war is not about truth?

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "War is deceit." - Sahih Bukhari, Jihad, no. 268​

What, then, is the point of torture when it will lead only to false confessions and the possible infliction of injustice upon innocent men?

you assume they are innocent. i do not.
Haven't you learned, war is not about truth?

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "War is deceit." - Sahih Bukhari, Jihad, no. 268​

What, then, is the point of torture when it will lead only to false confessions and the possible infliction of injustice upon innocent men?

I am not saying waterboarding is torture.

However, in the case when it was used it stopped a major terrorist attack.

If you can just get your brethren to fess up in the first place it would save a lot of time.
On what? Under the American justice system, you'd probably be looking at a couple of decades in prison for involvement with "terrorism", a sentence that would be drastically reduced if you confessed to false charges and falsely implicated other "terrorists." Are you saying that you'd take a lacerated dick over a few years in prison?

I depends on if I would ever be picked up on a battlefield in the middle east.
You said yourself that most men would rather face death. Does that include you? Would you confess to orchestrating 9/11 and face a relatively humane execution if it meant avoiding certain types of torture?
I am not saying waterboarding is torture.
What you say one way or the other doesn't really matter. The fact of the matter is rather apparent to those of us who aren't willfully ignorant.

However, in the case when it was used it stopped a major terrorist attack.
Aside from a confession that was most likely false, what evidence do you have that such an attack was to take place at all?

If you can just get your brethren to fess up in the first place it would save a lot of time.
Al-Qa'idah are munafiquun who are hardly more fond of me than they are of you. Those being wrongfully held, which probably make up the bulk of Guantanamo prisoners, will confess to anything if you torture them enough. Don't worry.
On what? Under the American justice system, you'd probably be looking at a couple of decades in prison for involvement with "terrorism", a sentence that would be drastically reduced if you confessed to false charges and falsely implicated other "terrorists." Are you saying that you'd take a lacerated dick over a few years in prison?

I depends on if I would ever be picked up on a battlefield in the middle east.
You said yourself that most men would rather face death. Does that include you? Would you confess to orchestrating 9/11 and face a relatively humane execution if it meant avoiding certain types of torture?

Since that is an impossibility, I cannot answer.

And i said most men fear death less than emasculation.
I am not saying waterboarding is torture.
What you say one way or the other doesn't really matter. The fact of the matter is rather apparent to those of us who aren't willfully ignorant.

However, in the case when it was used it stopped a major terrorist attack.
Aside from a confession that was most likely false, what evidence do you have that such an attack was to take place at all?

If you can just get your brethren to fess up in the first place it would save a lot of time.
Al-Qa'idah are munafiquun who are hardly more fond of me than they are of you. Those being wrongfully held, which probably make up the bulk of Guantanamo prisoners, will confess to anything if you torture them enough. Don't worry.

1) I already provided the evidence of the Obama declassified CIA memo

2) Waterboarding was used only on 3 people, so your premise is wrong

3) Your opinion of what torture doesn't matter either. Reading your idiotic posts can be considered torture, as well. The definition is subjective.
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To this day I still can't raise a single give a fuck over those shitheads being abused.

They should have cut their nuts off and sowed them in their mouths while they bleed to death.


I like the glass rod inserted into their penises and then smashed torture technique.

That would work a lot better than waterboarding IMHO.

Does the same go for anyone that got more than 3,000 americans killed? Are we in this just for revenge? YIPPIE! Let's do the same to Bush and Cheney! The board of directors of all of the major HMO's and Pharms should be tortured for making a living off of the pain and unneccesary death of 45,000 americans every year. Now I am damn sure down with that idea.
1) I already provided the evidence of the Obama declassified CIA memo
Right, the CIA wouldn't have any interest at all in falsifying information to justify their "enhanced interrogation" methods. :lol:

2) Waterboarding was used only on 3 people, so your premise is wrong
According to the CIA and one of Murdoch's mouthpieces, yes. Of course, even if we were to assume that this was true, your analysis fails to take into account the five other methods of torture that have received the US government's seal of approval.

3) Your opinion of what torture doesn't matter either. Reading your idiotic posts can be considered torture, as well.
If some some of the "big words" are giving you pause, I can try to use more elementary vocabulary. Would that be better for you?

3The definition is subjective.
Oh, but it isn't...

"...torture means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions." - UN Convention Against Torture
1) I already provided the evidence of the Obama declassified CIA memo
Right, the CIA wouldn't have any interest at all in falsifying information to justify their "enhanced interrogation" methods. :lol:

2) Waterboarding was used only on 3 people, so your premise is wrong
According to the CIA and one of Murdoch's mouthpieces, yes. Of course, even if we were to assume that this was true, your analysis fails to take into account the five other methods of torture that have received the US government's seal of approval.

3) Your opinion of what torture doesn't matter either. Reading your idiotic posts can be considered torture, as well.
If some some of the "big words" are giving you pause, I can try to use more elementary vocabulary. Would that be better for you?

3The definition is subjective.
Oh, but it isn't...

"...torture means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions." - UN Convention Against Torture

And as I said forcing a terrorist to read your posts can be considered torture as well.

It's subjective.
To this day I still can't raise a single give a fuck over those shitheads being abused.

They should have cut their nuts off and sowed them in their mouths while they bleed to death.


I like the glass rod inserted into their penises and then smashed torture technique.

That would work a lot better than waterboarding IMHO.

Does the same go for anyone that got more than 3,000 americans killed? Are we in this just for revenge? YIPPIE! Let's do the same to Bush and Cheney! The board of directors of all of the major HMO's and Pharms should be tortured for making a living off of the pain and unneccesary death of 45,000 americans every year. Now I am damn sure down with that idea.

[ame=]YouTube - Stripes - Don't Call Me Francis[/ame]
1) I already provided the evidence of the Obama declassified CIA memo
Right, the CIA wouldn't have any interest at all in falsifying information to justify their "enhanced interrogation" methods. :lol:

According to the CIA and one of Murdoch's mouthpieces, yes. Of course, even if we were to assume that this was true, your analysis fails to take into account the five other methods of torture that have received the US government's seal of approval.

If some some of the "big words" are giving you pause, I can try to use more elementary vocabulary. Would that be better for you?

3The definition is subjective.
Oh, but it isn't...

"...torture means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions." - UN Convention Against Torture

And as I said forcing a terrorist to read your posts can be considered torture as well.

It's subjective.

I'm assuming that, with this non-response, you're throwing in the towel. Thank you for conceding so easily. :lol:
Right, the CIA wouldn't have any interest at all in falsifying information to justify their "enhanced interrogation" methods. :lol:

According to the CIA and one of Murdoch's mouthpieces, yes. Of course, even if we were to assume that this was true, your analysis fails to take into account the five other methods of torture that have received the US government's seal of approval.

If some some of the "big words" are giving you pause, I can try to use more elementary vocabulary. Would that be better for you?

Oh, but it isn't...

"...torture means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions." - UN Convention Against Torture

And as I said forcing a terrorist to read your posts can be considered torture as well.

It's subjective.

I'm assuming that, with this non-response, you're throwing in the towel. Thank you for conceding so easily. :lol:

Never assume. You are doing it very poorly too.
And as I said forcing a terrorist to read your posts can be considered torture as well.

It's subjective.

I'm assuming that, with this non-response, you're throwing in the towel. Thank you for conceding so easily. :lol:

Never assume. You are doing it very poorly too.

Right, well feel free to prove me wrong and post a substantive response to that post. I won't hold my breath.
1. waterboarding is not torture. we use it as part of routine training for certain units. Its simply an enhanced interrogation technique.
2. AQ is not a signatory to the Geneva Convention, therefore has no protections from it.
3. AQ routinely beheads US prisoners, so stop whining about waterboarding as being "torture".
4. KSM and the others deserve to be waterboarded 186x a day until they die for killing 3,000 so horribly.
To this day I still can't raise a single give a fuck over those shitheads being abused.

They should have cut their nuts off and sowed them in their mouths while they bleed to death.

Never mind that you have no idea in hell whether or not those being held in Guantanamo are innocent. I suppose they could be tortured for "breathing while Muslim." :rolleyes:
Go play your idiot semantic games with someone else douchebag.

I really have no love for dickheads like you.
Waterboarding was rountinely used in training of CIA personnel as part of their SERS.

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