Town falls udner Martial Law for over 10 days for PAROLE VIOLATION

Who is it there they have at gunpoint? Is the the DP?


Just some regular dude. That's why the AP took the photo.

Check out the initial posts on this thread, they LOVE being "tyrannized."

I have an issue with that image then.


How about the forced evacuations of 15 houses for more than a week?

No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner; nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.
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Forced evacuations from their houses and a myriad of checkpoints is Martial Law. Please don't tell me that those pictures are what you call "normal" in a Free State.

Maybe the third time will be the charm so I'll try it again.

Who was under Martial Law for ten days like your title says?

The article says over tens days.

No, asshole, the article doesn't say ten days. The article says at the end that they had been actively searching for Duran ten days prior to the shootout happening. It says right in the very beginning of the article that people had been displaced from their homes for 24 hours. That was your first lie.

Second, you claimed these evacuations were forced. Where does it say that? I don't know what the law is in California, but here in Nevada only the governor can declare a forced evacuation, otherwise, it's completely voluntary. When Mt Charleston was burning down earlier this summer people who lived up there were all evacuated, but they could have stayed if they wanted to. Of course, they didn't, because only a fucking moron like you would stay in your house while all the others are burning down around you. Same here. Why would any reasonable person stay in their house when they know there is a nutcase loose in their neighborhood who just shot two law enforcement officers and risk themselves and/or their family becoming a hostage should he decide to barge into their home to hide from the police? I would have taken my son and left as well and I even own two guns I could shoot the bastard with if he came in, but why put my ten year old son in that position?

Third lie, you said the town was under Martial Law. As already stated, this was not Martial Law, but even if we want to go by your loose interpretation, it was not the whole town of Roseville being locked down. It was one neighborhood of 15 houses.

People like you do NOT help the liberty movement because you turn people off with your hyperbole and your flat out lies and that is why everyone ridicules you and thinks you're a kook. It's like the boy who cried wolf. Unfortunately, your behavior casts that impression upon the rest of us who actually do care about civil liberties abuses and want to see them stopped.
Second, you claimed these evacuations were forced. Where does it say that? I don't know what the law is in California, but here in Nevada only the governor can declare a forced evacuation, otherwise, it's completely voluntary.

Answering a police man's questions are also "voluntary," but more often than not, you'll be tazed, or arrested on a bogus charge for doing so.

Get real kid.

You're problem is that your confined to a "textbook" world, just like the Ivory Tower Elite.

Get in Reality bro.
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Second, you claimed these evacuations were forced. Where does it say that? I don't know what the law is in California, but here in Nevada only the governor can declare a forced evacuation, otherwise, it's completely voluntary.

Answering a police man's questions are also "voluntary," but more often than not, you'll be tazed, or arrested on a bogus charge for doing so.

Get real kid.

Did they do that to anyone?
meh, let them come see me. I'm relaxed


Second, you claimed these evacuations were forced. Where does it say that? I don't know what the law is in California, but here in Nevada only the governor can declare a forced evacuation, otherwise, it's completely voluntary.

Answering a police man's questions are also "voluntary," but more often than not, you'll be tazed, or arrested on a bogus charge for doing so.

Get real kid.

Did they do that to anyone?


I myself have been tazed for handing out Jury Nullification fliers, because I remained silent and refused to move when being pushed.

Fun times.

Try it!

Maybe the third time will be the charm so I'll try it again.

Who was under Martial Law for ten days like your title says?

The article says over tens days.

No, asshole, the article doesn't say ten days. The article says at the end that they had been actively searching for Duran ten days prior to the shootout happening. It says right in the very beginning of the article that people had been displaced from their homes for 24 hours. That was your first lie.

Second, you claimed these evacuations were forced. Where does it say that? I don't know what the law is in California, but here in Nevada only the governor can declare a forced evacuation, otherwise, it's completely voluntary. When Mt Charleston was burning down earlier this summer people who lived up there were all evacuated, but they could have stayed if they wanted to. Of course, they didn't, because only a fucking moron like you would stay in your house while all the others are burning down around you. Same here. Why would any reasonable person stay in their house when they know there is a nutcase loose in their neighborhood who just shot two law enforcement officers and risk themselves and/or their family becoming a hostage should he decide to barge into their home to hide from the police? I would have taken my son and left as well and I even own two guns I could shoot the bastard with if he came in, but why put my ten year old son in that position?

Third lie, you said the town was under Martial Law. As already stated, this was not Martial Law, but even if we want to go by your loose interpretation, it was not the whole town of Roseville being locked down. It was one neighborhood of 15 houses.

People like you do NOT help the liberty movement because you turn people off with your hyperbole and your flat out lies and that is why everyone ridicules you and thinks you're a kook. It's like the boy who cried wolf. Unfortunately, your behavior casts that impression upon the rest of us who actually do care about civil liberties abuses and want to see them stopped.

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Answering a police man's questions are also "voluntary," but more often than not, you'll be tazed, or arrested on a bogus charge for doing so.

Get real kid.

Did they do that to anyone?


I myself have been tazed for handing out Jury Nullification fliers, because I remained silent and refused to move when being pushed.

Fun times.

Try it!


No, we're talking about THIS incident, not your anecdotal stories and none of it justifies your dishonesty throughout this thread about what happened.
The police been going after thugs for the past 100 years like this. :(

I have never had a cop point a gun at me.


I have a few times. Is it bad it doesn't scare me? The last time I just wished he would have pulled the trigger and then my family could sue his bacon ass and get lots of money. I told him so to. :D He didn't seem to thrilled with that.
Do you understand what "martial law" means?

It's becoming clear that you do not.

Forced evacuation of houses is not martial law, then what is?

"Martial law" has a defined meaning. It refers to the military taking control over an area following a collapse in the normal civil system.

It's not a synonym for tyranny, nor a synonym of a police state.

"Forced evacuations of homes" is not "martial law".
Do you understand what "martial law" means?

It's becoming clear that you do not.

Forced evacuation of houses is not martial law, then what is?

"Martial law" has a defined meaning. It refers to the military taking control over an area following a collapse in the normal civil system.

It's not a synonym for tyranny, nor a synonym of a police state.

"Forced evacuations of homes" is not "martial law".

Textbook =/= REALITY

Ivory Tower Intellectuals cannot grasp this.

Leave your fuckin tower.
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Forced evacuation of houses is not martial law, then what is?

"Martial law" has a defined meaning. It refers to the military taking control over an area following a collapse in the normal civil system.

It's not a synonym for tyranny, nor a synonym of a police state.

"Forced evacuations of homes" is not "martial law".

Textbook =/= REALITY

Ivory Tower Intellectuals cannot grasp this.

Leave your fuckin tower.

I'd rather be an "Ivory Tower Intellectual" than an anti-Intellectual Populist.

Aren't you getting sick of all of your threads becoming laughingstocks?
Exactly who was under Martial Law for ten days?

Read the article, the entire suburb was under martial law.

I did read the article, from top to bottom, now tell us who was under Martial Law for ten days like your title says.

well, if it would at least be officially called then it would be LESS worrisome - if they did all they did WITHOUT it - then it is a repeated scenario with Boston yet again and it is a clear violation of the Constitution and a lot of other laws as well. If martial law WAS not called and they behaved as if it was.

And you all, defenders, seem to like it :rolleyes:
Read the article, the entire suburb was under martial law.

I did read the article, from top to bottom, now tell us who was under Martial Law for ten days like your title says.

well, if it would at least be officially called then it would be LESS worrisome - if they did all they did WITHOUT it - then it is a repeated scenario with Boston yet again and it is a clear violation of the Constitution and a lot of other laws as well. If martial law WAS not called and they behaved as if it was.

And you all, defenders, seem to like it :rolleyes:

What exactly do you think was a violation of the Constitution?

Or any other laws?
I did read the article, from top to bottom, now tell us who was under Martial Law for ten days like your title says.

well, if it would at least be officially called then it would be LESS worrisome - if they did all they did WITHOUT it - then it is a repeated scenario with Boston yet again and it is a clear violation of the Constitution and a lot of other laws as well. If martial law WAS not called and they behaved as if it was.

And you all, defenders, seem to like it :rolleyes:

What exactly do you think was a violation of the Constitution?

Or any other laws?

forceful evacuation of the homes as was forceful search in Boston without due procedure - for one

pointing the assault weapon at the innocent driver - is violation of his Constitutional rights as well.
He is NOT a suspect, and this is not a war. or martial law. supposedly
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