Town falls udner Martial Law for over 10 days for PAROLE VIOLATION

Hey dumbass, "martial law" is MILITARY law, MILITARY rule. NOT police law, police rule.

Police can force an evacuation, under "Emergency Protective Custody" rules, where there is enough reason to believe NOT evacuating would pose a great risk to the persons life. If this guy tried to kill 6 cops, and is loose in the neighborhood, then yes, it applies.

Imagine if the cops and suspect had another shootout....and bullets hit an innocent person.

That's why they evacuate.

You are such a piece of shit.
My problem is had there been an accidental discharge of the rifle, the story would have taken on an entirely different tact.
The officer was not handling the rifle properly.
There is no such thing as an accidental discharge. The officer's trigger finger is well away from the trigger. That gun WILL NOT FIRE.

Bullshit....I have seen it happen. Any piece of equipment with moving parts is subject to malfunction

So a gun itself can discharge, without the trigger being pulled? You saying that?
Maybe we should declare true martial law to handle all domestic law enforcement. Let the Marines do highway traffic enforcement. Let the Army do 911 calls.

And see how quick you idiots BEG for the regular police to come back.
Guns "of this magnitude"? It's not a fucking RPG, it's a rifle.

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So what's your stance on regular citizens owning these types of rifles?

I own more than one.

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I doubt it...since many police departments have SELECT-FIRE rifles. That was very likely NOT a semi-automatic rifle, it was a FULL-AUTO rifle!
I agree that if that police officer was actually pointing his gun at that man without any cause, it would be a big deal. But it's not clear from this picture if that is the case.

The body language of the two police officers and the driver don't seem to match a stressful situation, which makes me think the gun might not actually be pointing at them, but off to the side. It's nearly impossible to tell without seeing from a different angle.

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My problem is had there been an accidental discharge of the rifle, the story would have taken on an entirely different tact.
The officer was not handling the rifle properly.
There is no such thing as an accidental discharge. The officer's trigger finger is well away from the trigger. That gun WILL NOT FIRE.

You have CLEARLY never seen a malfunctioning weapon, then. I have!
Maybe we should declare true martial law to handle all domestic law enforcement. Let the Marines do highway traffic enforcement. Let the Army do 911 calls.

And see how quick you idiots BEG for the regular police to come back.

I suspect there are fewer power-mad bullies in the Marine Corps than in the local police!

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