Toy Guns in America: The 1950s Versus Today (My Have The Libs Screwed Playtime Up For Our Kids)


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Check out this old toy gun commercial from the 1950s or '60s and compare it to how children who play with toy guns (or even their own food or fingers fashioned like a gun) are treated today. Do you think kids today are going to want to uphold their 2nd Amendment rights after they are terrorized and suspended or expelled by their schools for chewing a breakfast tart into an L-shape or being forced at age five to undergo a psych eval for bringing a Hello Kitty bubble gun to class?

How many kids brought guns to their schools and killed other students and teachers back then???
Liberal buffoonery at it's finest
Slowly but surely one step at a time, maybe pause a little while at the legislature and courts, and continuously at every other level of influence to lead to a totalitarian state. Sadly enough they are winning.
I attended a rural high school and can recall guys driving pick ups with guns in racks and to my knowledge none of them have been convicted of a gun crime.

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