Toys: The Modern Dream-Wheel


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
There must be a new connection between treasure-hunting and political intellectualization (e.g., Trump Taj Mahal), which explains the social appeal of vaudeville-metaphysics films such as Casino, The Electric Horseman, and Toys.

Will 'TrumpUSA' be fossilized like Reaganomics?

I predict a reactionary pendulum swing-back for the next presidential race in which both parties offer up no populism-romantic (i.e., Barack Obama) or commerce-fanatical (i.e., Donald Trump) candidate.


GOD: Do you know how many Americans own HDTVs?
SATAN: As many as those owning smartphones.
GOD: It's the age of media marketing.
SATAN: Maybe it all began with RadioShack.
GOD: The Laser-Disc will become a relic for future archaeologists to study.
SATAN: The optical-data disc (great for movie media) changed the way we conceived of home-entertainment.
GOD: Remember the days of radio (e.g., Little Orphan Annie)?
SATAN: Industrialization created a consumer demand for customized 'avatars.'
GOD: For example --- Captain Planet, RoboCop, Cap'n Crunch, etc.
SATAN: Exactly!
GOD: Can consumerism change education?
SATAN: There must be a reason why Woody Allen made the confetti-Freudian film Celebrity.
GOD: Ethnic minorities want to buy Black Barbie dolls for their daughters.
SATAN: In that case, eco-sensitive comic book avatars (e.g., Aquaman) should be 'youth-spirit diplomats.'
GOD: Should there be a tax on TV?
SATAN: It would be the inverse of the federally-condoned state lottery system/prizes.
GOD: Bollywood (India) and Al Jazeera TV (Middle East/Arabia) are globally-accessible!
SATAN: It's like a 'Vegas Empire.'


A Kid in King Arthur's Court

There are obviously dreamscape fantasy totems/toys, but I think it's interesting to focus on modern capitalism age related consumerism totems/avatars.

Isn't it interesting that two high-profile Hollywood (USA) actors, Matthew McConaughey and Tom Hanks, made films about fortune-hunting 'sleuths'? In fact, the thief/robber/bandit has been a popular 'avatar' in literature, movies, and Halloween costumes since Industrialization --- e.g., Hamburglar, Toyman, Tron, etc.

It's all about 'utility toys.'

I wouldn't be surprised of McConaughey and Hanks decided to run for political office someday (Senate? Congress?).

President Trump would have received a ton of more nepotism-criticisms if he started nominating celebrities and media personalities left-and-right into his Cabinet.


COP: Do you know how easy hackers make Internet-interference look?
THIEF: Credit card information, Social Security, etc., etc., are info you can retrieve online now.
COP: The Internet is like a giant bank.
THIEF: Maybe that's why we see 'tech' comic book villains such as Electro, Video-Man, Brainiac, and Cyborg-Superman!
COP: Are you training to become an Internet-hacker?
THIEF: No. I prefer old-fashioned banks (Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Citizens Bank, etc., etc.).
COP: Well, those 'old-fashioned' banks now boast computer-controlled alarm systems.
THIEF: There ain't no 'machine' that can't be cracked.
COP: The world is not a safe...
THIEF: You sure wish it was, though!
COP: I suppose. You should help the FBI track down other thieves/bandits.
THIEF: Your bigger concern now is ISIS hacking into American computer networks.
COP: True. American kids love video-games, and that does not sit well with ISIS.
THIEF: Well, terrorists think of American capitalism as a giant toy.
COP: There was nothing 'fun' about 9/11.
THIEF: What scares me is kids copying criminals depicted in crime-glorifying American films!



The People of Hamburger

Maybe the appeal of People Magazine is that it caters to a modern American fascination with candy.

Have people become toys?


AFFLECK: I'm dating Jennifer Garner.
LETO: I'm dating Margot Robbie.
AFFLECK: Garner is more popular.
LETO: Robbie is more artistic.
AFFLECK: Both women are wealthy now.
LETO: Both women like movies.
AFFLECK: You're stuck in the Matrix, Jared.
LETO: You read too many comic books, Ben.
AFFLECK: I'm buying Jen a car for Valentine's Day.
LETO: I'm buying Margot a diamond necklace for Christmas.
AFFLECK: Jennifer is more informed about terrorism/ISIS.
LETO: Margot has done more research about eco-activism/eco-terrorism.


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The Right Stuff

Here's a mock dialogue about 'modernism ID recognition' between Krishna (Hindu god of negotiation), Shiva (Hindu god of destruction), and Vishnu (Hindu god of protection).


KRISHNA: It's all about communication in the modern age.
SHIVA: Yep. Facebook, eTrade, The View, etc., etc.
VISHNU: Linguistics has become a popular subject.

KRISHNA: In the film The Omen, the AntiChrist is given the name 'Damien.'
SHIVA: 'Damien' sounds human but also lyrical/romantic.
VISHNU: So does the name 'Alex,' but 'Damien' sounds more shrewd, no?

KRISHNA: Internet-users (e.g., Facebook) often pick colorful 'avatars' (or aliases).
SHIVA: Yes, I use 'Batman' (DC Comics).
VISHNU: I pretend I'm Tom Hanks.

KRISHNA: Do you think 'names' have become 'toys'?
SHIVA: Yes, comic book avatars mirror this 'trend' in civilization 'mechanics' (e.g., 'Iceman,' 'Electro,' 'Scarecrow,' etc.).
VISHNU: It's why Woody Allen made the sardonic film Celebrity.

KRISHNA: Sports teams/associates often get colorful 'nicknames.'
SHIVA: Yea: e.g., Cameron Crazies (Duke fans), The Dream Team (Olympic USA basketball), Da Bears (Chicago/NFL), etc.
VISHNU: Yes, and derogatory names do not last (usually!).

KRISHNA: "What's in a name?" as Shakespeare (Juliet) wrote (said)!
SHIVA: Why honor a name-heavy Shakespearean play such as Titus Andronicus or Julius Caesar?
VISHNU: Internet avatars/aliases make 'names' rather colloquial/casual/crude.

KRISHNA: It must be why Woody Allen made the 'name-and-place' film Zelig.
SHIVA: I prefer the Woody Allen film Manhattan.
VISHNU: Literature and cinema remind us that life is like a costume party!

KRISHNA: So never use 'names' as if they're toys.
SHIVA: Even when it's tempting to do so --- e.g., Halloween!
VISHNU: Treat Internet avatars/aliases with decorum and integrity.



I thought I'd add some actual toy items kids would like (since this thread is about the symbolism/metaphysics/pseudo-anthropology of toys!).

I'm putting these toys in the context of a mock dialogue between Richie Rich and Mr. Monopoly (aka, 'Rich Uncle Pennybags') about the general human appeal of symbolic toys.

Writing this thread reminded me of the movies Tron and Toys.


RICHIE RICH: I'm a big fan of water-pistols.
MR. MONOPOLY: Anti-violence themed toys (or toys that dissuade violence), eh?
RICHIE RICH: That's right. Kids should play with water-guns (not real guns)!
MR. MONOPOLY: So you don't like weapons-themed comic book villains (e.g., Nuclear Man)?
RICHIE RICH: I prefer war/violence themes in robot toys (e.g., Cyclonus Transformers robot-toy).
MR. MONOPOLY: Cyclonus is a handsome purple robot (transforms into a jet-fighter) with laser-guns.
RICHIE RICH: Cyclonus is a 'wolfish' robot symbolizing pure ruthlessness.
MR. MONOPOLY: Why is a violent robot toy better than a 'human doll/figurine' with a gun?
RICHIE RICH: G.I. Joe action figures (e.g., Snake-Eyes) are human soldier-toys with miniature guns.
MR. MONOPOLY: You disapprove of G.I. Joe comic books?
RICHIE RICH: I like the toy company attached to the G.I. Joe franchise --- Hasbro!
MR. MONOPOLY: Hasbro is a great (and lucrative!) toy company.
RICHIE RICH: I also like the fact that they're making ethnic Barbie dolls now.
MR. MONOPOLY: Are you a fan of board games and interactive games?
RICHIE RICH: Of course! Monopoly (Parker Brothers), Connect Four (Milton Bradley), Stratego (Netherlands), etc.
MR. MONOPOLY: I like the new video games --- e.g., Mortal Kombat X, Grand Theft Auto, SimCity, etc.




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