Tragedy in Ramat Gan: Baby forgotten in vehicle dies

Third Time in Two Weeks: Baby Left in Car Dies
A baby has died after being forgotten in a car for five hours – the second incident in as many days

First Publish: 7/15/2013, 2:41 PM

A baby has died after being forgotten in a car for five hours – the second such incident in as many days and the third in only two weeks.

Magen David Adom (MDA) emergency service was summoned Monday afternoon to the Jewish community of Dolev after an 18-month-old girl was found left in a vehicle in the summer heat by a passerby at about 1:15 p.m.

The community is located in the hills of the Binyamin region, near Jerusalem. The toddler was in critical condition, according to the intensive care paramedic team that worked to try to resuscitate her.

She was rushed to the Chaim Sheba Medical Center at the Tel Hashomer Hospital in Tel Aviv.

Sadly, her condition was fatal and she passed away soon afterwards.

The incident comes less than a day after a five-month-old infant died after she was forgotten in a vehicle in the village of Shilo, also in the Binyamin Region.

The baby died after having been left in the vehicle for nearly seven hours and was found with severe burns.

A similar incident occurred earlier this month when a nine-month-old baby was found unconscious after having been left for several hours in a vehicle in Ramat Gan.

Although MDA paramedics performed CPR on the baby as they rushed her to Sheba Medical Center, she was pronounced dead on arrival.

Third Time in Two Weeks: Baby Left in Car Dies - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News


Child-in-Car Alarm Systems Get Gov't Push

Transport Minister: new Israeli standard for cars to include a system preventing parents from forgetting children in cars.

First Publish: 7/15/2013, 7:42 PM

The Minister of Transport, Infrastructures and Road Safety, Yisrael Katz, said Monday that his ministry asked the Standards Bureau two weeks ago to formulate an Israeli standard for cars that includes a special electronic system to sound an alert if a child has been forgotten inside the vehicle.

The minister instructed his staff to speed up the process of formulating the standard, in order to have it approved as soon as possible.

In addition, Katz spoke to the Prime Minister, who agreed that the new system will be included in the tax incentive package that encourages the sale of vehicles with safety systems.

The minister said that his ministry will also make it mandatory for vehicles that transport groups of children to install such alarms.

The Israeli Standards Institute is in the process of setting an Israeli standard for safety systems that will prevent a bus driver from locking the bus doors at the end of a drive before carrying out a comprehensive check of the vehicle.

In addition, the National Authority for Road Safety will start a wide scale advertising campaign for enhancing parental awareness of the danger of forgetting a child in a car. The subject will also be placed in the material that is studied in courses for preventive driving, and theory tests for new drivers.

An emergency session will be held in the Knesset to discuss the subject.

Child-in-Car Alarm Systems Get Gov't Push - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News
Thank you

A child was forgotten in the vehicle today in Tel Aviv.

Thankfully, this child was not added to the least of tragedies.

good Israeli civilians spotted the child in distress, broke into the car and saved her.

Thank God.
I don't understand it, I really don't. It is beyond belief that a driver does not automatically look in the back seat before walking away from the car.
It is just horrible. Only today four children were forgotten in vehicles.

one of them sadly did not survive.

Yesterday a little girl died.

I fear this is the new epidemic this summer.

so so sad!@
In a lot of these cases one parent thinks the other has the child. Or they break a routine and the parent forgets they have the child that day.

Yes that's true.

Some say, leave the purse or bag next to the child's seat, so it will be impossible to forget. others say to put the seat infront and detach the air bag.

only obvious thing is, we lost beautiful children for lack of attention.

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