Tranny Activist From Massachusetts Caught Producing & Distributing Child P*rn

There are people of all walks of life that will do evil stuff.
Dennis Hastert isn't fronting for a political movement that is mentally ill and virulently vindictive.

That is arguable. He isn't now but it's arguable he was.
Such a small amount of the population that costs so much and at a higher percentage physically abuses other people including children. The comparison game is fair. The massive percentage difference needs to part of it. Anyway in the end humanity will deal with this as they always do.
There are people of all walks of life that will do evil stuff.

Dennis Hastert: Ex-House speaker can't be alone with children, judge rules - CNN
Hastert is a sick dude, no doubt about it. But this guy cut his dick off on top of the child abuse. Sorry but I just find it hard to consider anyone who cuts their dick off to be normal.

That's fine. I dont consider Hastert or any of the many others that abuse children normal.
What these people are trying to do is claim that since you are progressive, that means you support child abuse -- because they are too dumb to debate you on policies...
Never heard of her. Why does it seem that Republicans seem to know everything about child molesters? Who they are what they do?
You're a fucking moron.
That point he made hurt your feelings didn't it??

Because you still can't tell us how its always folks like you who are always up to date on all pedophile matters...
Because I follow faggot and drag queen news....and they tend to be disproportionately represented in the future "P" (Pedophiles if youre too slow to follow)added to the alphabet soup(LGBTQ in case that went over your retarded ass head) you support, street trash.

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