Trans Activist Lawyer Admits: No Increase in Suicides by Children not Hormonalized and Surgicalized

Perhaps I gave you too much to listen to. Sustaining attention for more than one monutes is difficult for some people. Skip ahead to 3:50, listen for seven seconds, and you will hear athe lawyer from the ACLU say these exact words:

There is no evidence in these studies that this treatment reduces completed suicides
I listened to the whole thing There is nothing to support your lie that the attorney "admitted" that the treatments do not reduce suicides . That is very different than saying that the evidence is insufficient.
Perhaps I gave you too much to listen to. Sustaining attention for more than one monutes is difficult for some people. Skip ahead to 3:50, listen for seven seconds, and you will hear athe lawyer from the ACLU say these exact words:

There is no evidence in these studies that this treatment reduces completed suicides.

I already proved that it happens with two examples.

Your own post said that it happens.

Why are you denying something so obvious?
I did not say that it does not happen. I said that it is very rare and in some cases mistakes have been made. You are presenting a couple of anecdotal cases as evidence that these are common and widespread and condone by trans advocates
If someone wants to be a She-Male or Tranny, there is absolutely no reason for surgery. They can wear a dress, a wig and makeup, doll themselves up any way they want, without undergoing surgery or hormone treatment at all.

Do it without medical treatment saves the Tranny the expense, pain and side effects of taking hormone treatment or getting himself literally emasculated.

Of course, it would take money from the hands of Quacks who walk around and pretend like they can change someone's gender.

A man who has his penis amputated isn't a "woman" no matter how often he insists on it.
Thank you for once again confirming you profound and pathetic ignorance of the issue of gender dysphoria
Thank you for once again confirming you profound and pathetic ignorance of the issue of gender dysphoria

I know all about gender dysphoria. I've seen homos sashaying in public in ladies' attire for decades.

When I was a teenager, the first time I ever drank in a bar, the bartender threw out a "shim" no questions asked, explaining he doesn't put up with that shit in his joint
I know all about gender dysphoria. I've seen homos sashaying in public in ladies' attire for decades.

When I was a teenager, the first time I ever drank in a bar, the bartender threw out a "shim" no questions asked, explaining he doesn't put up with that shit in his joint
Oh really? You're not even smart enough to know the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity
I listened to the whole thing There is nothing to support your lie that the attorney "admitted" that the treatments do not reduce suicides . That is very different than saying that the evidence is insufficient.
The burden is on those who claim an increase in suicides, not on me to prove a negative.

There is no evidence in these studies that this treatment reduces completed suicides. = there is no increase.
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