Trans suicide rates double after sex mutilation surgery


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
The Lame Stream media has told these poor unfortunates that Medical Science can make a man into a woman.

But it actuality, all they can do is mutilate the man's penis.

Not everyone takes the facts as well as Mrs. Garrison did, and in the current day, the Planned Parenthood doctor wouldn't be as straight forward with the facts as they were 20 years ago.

Essentially, as this STUDY tells us (looking at you, liberals), when a man gets his penis removed and has it replaced by a fake vagina his suicide attempt rate doubles to 3.3%.

Stats........ :rolleyes: ~S~
Essentially, as this STUDY tells us (looking at you, liberals), when a man gets his penis removed and has it replaced by a fake vagina his suicide attempt rate doubles to 3.3%.

Stats........ :rolleyes: ~S~

National suicide rates are based on per 100,000. Meaning the general population is less than .0002% whereas this group is 3.3%.
Essentially, as this STUDY tells us (looking at you, liberals), when a man gets his penis removed and has it replaced by a fake vagina his suicide attempt rate doubles to 3.3%.

Stats........ :rolleyes: ~S~
Yup, I will NEVER understand this trans crap.

National suicide rates are based on per 100,000. Meaning the general population is less than .0002% whereas this group is 3.3%.
I'm not taking any stance, except your math is wrong.
50,000/333,000,000 = 0.00015 as a decimal
Which is 0.015%

Unless of course you can provide a link verifying your number.

Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 5.55.10 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 5.56.03 PM.png
And all the dingbat trans activists and doctors and politicians all said that turning people into trannies would keep them from committing suicide.

Maybe we need to just learn all trannies are mentally ill and that they need psychological help, not disfiguring them to further indulge their fantasies and reinforce their mental issues by making them even crazier.
Minnesota's transgender lawmaker has proposed making the state a "safe haven for trans people" with taxpayer money
Democratic Minnesota House of Representatives member Lee Finke said the state needs more funding for "transgender medicine."

In order for Minnesota to become a "sanctuary state," taxpayers will have to splurge on internship programs and stipends for health care providers who provide transgender "care."
A high-ranking member of the "World Professional Association for Transgender Health" suggested shaping genitalia into "colors" and "abstract shapes."
Essentially, as this STUDY tells us (looking at you, liberals), when a man gets his penis removed and has it replaced by a fake vagina his suicide attempt rate doubles to 3.3%.

Stats........ :rolleyes: ~S~
Sex change doesn't fix what was making them unhappy. Now they have nothing but misery. Diagnoses of gender Dysphoria are made too quickly and are often wrong. A man who believes himself to be a woman and a lesbian is a cross dresser, not a woman. There are many men who have gone through surgery only to realize they were never women, just gay. Now they went from a successfull guy man to a gay man without a penis.
Sex change doesn't fix what was making them unhappy. Now they have nothing but misery. Diagnoses of gender Dysphoria are made too quickly and are often wrong. A man who believes himself to be a woman and a lesbian is a cross dresser, not a woman. There are many men who have gone through surgery only to realize they were never women, just gay. Now they went from a successfull guy man to a gay man without a penis.
It's who is talking these 'men' into this that seems the problem Evil one......~S~
Yup, I will NEVER understand this trans crap.
Marxists need to destroy the family unit because they see the family unit as the cause of generational wealth and capitalism. Welfare, feminism, and the rainbow agenda are all methods of destroying families.
Sex change doesn't fix what was making them unhappy. Now they have nothing but misery. Diagnoses of gender Dysphoria are made too quickly and are often wrong. A man who believes himself to be a woman and a lesbian is a cross dresser, not a woman. There are many men who have gone through surgery only to realize they were never women, just gay. Now they went from a successfull guy man to a gay man without a penis.

You dumb Bingos pretend to speak with authority but scratching the service quickly reveals you don't know shit. The number one cause for depression and risk of suicide for trans patients is the hate and vitriol and lack of support they recieve from family and community.
You dumb Bingos pretend to speak with authority but scratching the service quickly reveals you don't know shit. The number one cause for depression and risk of suicide for trans patients is the hate and vitriol and lack of support they recieve from family and community.
You are just another ignorant bootstrap giving blacks a bad name. As the newest shoeshine boy on the street you get nothing but giggles.

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