Transgender is accepted; Can I be transracial?

Since transgender is being shoved upon us...despite a dude with dick and balls obviously being a male we must accept him as a female...because he feels like it....I must ask: Can I be transracial?

I mean...sure I look white. But since birth...on the inside ive felt black. Rap music attracted me. I was good at football and could jump well. I in other areas. I just always felt like a black man...trapped in a white devil cracker body.

So...must society respect me as a black man? Transracial? Racial fluidity?

Moreso than transsexual, transracial at least makes sense. The human animal began in Africa and black. Skin pigments only lightened as we migrated from Africa to more northern or southern climes were UV resistant skin wasn't needed as much. So if a light-skinned person wishes to identify as a more 'original' human, that has some scientific backing.

Short of a chromosomal test showing you're other than 'XX' or 'XY' though, you're not transsexual, just confused.
I feel like I am missing out....

All the talk these days is about gays and lesbians and Bruce Jenner types....
I am an aging white Republican male and I feel like life is passing me by.

So sad....
It looks like people like me no longer have any value in this social media millenial driven society.....
Hey I still feel like I have something to offer.....

But not being gay or lesbian or tranny or trans gender I feel society has cut me out....


Feeling sad and lonely and left out in Brooklyn NY....
The short legal answer to this thread's question is "yes". Once a precedent has been set, blind justice and equality make it so any person feeling they were born as anything other than they are MUST be accepted as that imaginary thing and not disciminated against as insane (which is what they factually are: the definition of insanity being the refusal to accept reality on its terms)
I feel like I am missing out....

All the talk these days is about gays and lesbians and Bruce Jenner types....
I am an aging white Republican male and I feel like life is passing me by.

So sad....
It looks like people like me no longer have any value in this social media millenial driven society.....
Hey I still feel like I have something to offer.....

But not being gay or lesbian or tranny or trans gender I feel society has cut me out....


Feeling sad and lonely and left out in Brooklyn NY....

Looks like you've taken the first step with that avatar though.
Right on, fight the good fight brother-slash-sister....
Since transgender is being shoved upon us...despite a dude with dick and balls obviously being a male we must accept him as a female...because he feels like it....I must ask: Can I be transracial?

I mean...sure I look white. But since birth...on the inside ive felt black. Rap music attracted me. I was good at football and could jump well. I in other areas. I just always felt like a black man...trapped in a white devil cracker body.

So...must society respect me as a black man? Transracial? Racial fluidity?
in a year, the new trend will be "TransPet" where millions will wake up with the urge to be their pet.
Since transgender is being shoved upon us...despite a dude with dick and balls obviously being a male we must accept him as a female...because he feels like it....I must ask: Can I be transracial?

I mean...sure I look white. But since birth...on the inside ive felt black. Rap music attracted me. I was good at football and could jump well. I in other areas. I just always felt like a black man...trapped in a white devil cracker body.

So...must society respect me as a black man? Transracial? Racial fluidity?
My nephews have a white father and a black mother. In America, they are considered black. No question.

No you cannot be trans-racial and the question is deeply stupid and offensive. If you think it is so cool to be transgender or black in this world, you are an idiot of the highest degree. If you think people enjoy being persecuted minorities, you are a complete fool. And your stereotyping description of black people is beyond childish and ignorant.

You are, in fact, ludicrous and stupid beyond measure.

Esmeralda, in light of the recent Rachel Dolezal revelation, you should acknowledge that the OP is not an idiot nor a fool. In fact, bucs90 is a visionary.
I feel like I am missing out....

All the talk these days is about gays and lesbians and Bruce Jenner types....
I am an aging white Republican male and I feel like life is passing me by.

So sad....
It looks like people like me no longer have any value in this social media millenial driven society.....
Hey I still feel like I have something to offer.....

But not being gay or lesbian or tranny or trans gender I feel society has cut me out....


Feeling sad and lonely and left out in Brooklyn NY....
i just cant imagine how many kinds of public restrooms we will have to choose from come 2020.
How about "transbiological"? You can find a quack medico somewhere to alter your body to the semblance of any animal you think you might really be but the DNA don't lie.
If a man can now be a woman and a woman can now be a man then anyone can be anything they 'feel' they are. Either all are accepted for what they 'feel/believe' or none are.
"Transgender is accepted; Can I be transracial?"

You certainly may.

You have the right to make the choice to be whomever you wish, without ignorant, hateful, ridiculous conservatives telling you otherwise through force of law.

It's one of the many things that makes America great.

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