Transgender Rally Attendees Attacks, Bruises, & Bloodies Conservative Activist

Trans activists are becoming a Domestic Terrorist problem. Not for the Biden Regime. They're going to get all the mileage out of this they can.
Yep Ass kicking drag queens are scaring poor little MAGAs all across the country. MAGAs are frantically search for a safe place.
We're just not going to be provoked into a physical response that will legitimize their contrived victimhood. You'll notice that at any verbal attack these freaks cause they all have their phone cameras pointed at the 'transphobes' hoping someone will take a swing at one of them.
Everyone has a Constitutional Right to peacefully assemble / protest; however, NO ONE EVER HAS THE RIGHT TO OUT THEIR HANDS ON ANYONE ELSE.

Emotions got the better of transgenders, though, at a Transgender rally in Canada. One of the Trans attendees physically attacked a conservative activist who wss being interviewed by the media. The victim.was oeft bruised and bloodied.

Recently a 28yo Transgender attavked a christian school, killing several peiple.

Democrats and the MSM immediately blamed co servatives and christians, painting transgenders as the victims and claiming they were 'under attack'.

In the days that followed, several Trans groups called for trans persons to aatmthemselves, wwithone group calling for the shooting/ murderibg of christians.

Now this incident in which a Transgender Rally attendee attacked a conservative activist.

So much for being victims and the ones being attacked...

The far left on this board laughs at violence committed by trans activists…. …then complains about racism against minorities.

some leftists on the us message board are liars and or mentally ill.

This thread should be book marked.
We're just not going to be provoked into a physical response that will legitimize their contrived victimhood. You'll notice that at any verbal attack these freaks cause they all have their phone cameras pointed at the 'transphobes' hoping someone will take a swing at one of them.
The invent of cellular technology was one heck of an achievement, but put into the hands of bad people with bad intent, and we get what we see today (SET UP).

Obama wanted a cell phone put into the hands of the poor and down trodden in life, and he wanted it to be free, but the unfortunate result was that just because you are poor doesn't mean you have good character right ? So the phones became a two edged sword cutting big in both directions. I've seen these so called poor or downtrodden using technology given them for all sorts of nefarious activities.

One must first earn the right to be trusted, and being poor and down and out doesn't mean shite, because if you have bad character or a penchant for doing bad thing's, then arming the person with the tool's to help them do evil things more efficiently and effectively is one of the most stupid thing's this country has ever been duped on. It's actually leading to the unraveling of CIVILIZED SOCIETY.
The invent of cellular technology was one heck of an achievement, but put into the hands of bad people with bad intent, and we get what we see today (SET UP).

Obama wanted a cell phone put into the hands of the poor and down trodden in life, and he wanted it to be free, but the unfortunate result was that just because you are poor doesn't mean you have good character right ? So the phones became a two edged sword cutting big in both directions. I've seen these so called poor or downtrodden using technology given them for all sorts of nefarious activities.

One must first earn the right to be trusted, and being poor and down and out doesn't mean shite, because if you have bad character or a penchant for doing bad thing's, then arming the person with the tool's to help them do evil things more efficiently and effectively is one of the most stupid thing's this country has ever been duped on. It's actually leading to the unraveling of CIVILIZED SOCIETY.
You could say the same thing about landline phones and internet acces. Bad people will always find bad ways to use any advances we might develop. That's not a valid excuse to not utilize those advances.
You could say the same thing about landline phones and internet acces. Bad people will always find bad ways to use any advances we might develop. That's not a valid excuse to not utilize those advances.
Wrong, people in the past had past the trust test by showing themselves of good character. This meant they were or had become productive citizen's who would pay their bill's and hold a job in society, and they mean no harm to society.

Now if their kid's, grandkids or their outside the family so called sketchy friend's got holt to their things or technology, and then used any of it in a bad way, then the damage was limited because they would quickly stop them or it would be easier to catch them.

Giving free shite to people based on wrongful assumptions of their character's, has now set up the nation and our societies for trouble like never before seen. The Democrat's or leftist are the most confused or diabolical people in the universe it seems, and this is all due to their weak minded or misunderstanding of the law's and/or rule's regarding the recognizing of good character verses bad character, and by ignoring what those types of character's add to a society whether it's in a positive way or a negative way.
Listen to this:

In essence...go violent...nothing will happen to you.

You ever notice that when she starts lying, her eyes start blinking and closing in rapid succession ? Check it out or go back and watch many of her press briefings to see the body language she espouses with her eye lids. I'm surprised the body language experts haven't picked up on it.
Everyone has a Constitutional Right to peacefully assemble / protest; however, NO ONE EVER HAS THE RIGHT TO OUT THEIR HANDS ON ANYONE ELSE.

Emotions got the better of transgenders, though, at a Transgender rally in Canada. One of the Trans attendees physically attacked a conservative activist who wss being interviewed by the media. The victim.was oeft bruised and bloodied.

Recently a 28yo Transgender attavked a christian school, killing several peiple.

Democrats and the MSM immediately blamed co servatives and christians, painting transgenders as the victims and claiming they were 'under attack'.

In the days that followed, several Trans groups called for trans persons to aatmthemselves, wwithone group calling for the shooting/ murderibg of christians.

Now this incident in which a Transgender Rally attendee attacked a conservative activist.

So much for being victims and the ones being attacked...

That's a good for it to get knocked out.
All LGBTQ should be armed qt all times to protect themselves from ChtistoMAGA mass shooters.

There will be another shooting next week.
Yeah, whatever, the community of the genders plus is just a bunch of pretenders.

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