Transgender Rally Attendees Attacks, Bruises, & Bloodies Conservative Activist

It is It is sad that people hate transgenders so much they are willing to make up shit to justify it, like claiming they are more violent then the average person. They hate them for who they are, not what they do.
Trannies need therapy. You should be ashamed, but only a human would feel shame for using mentally ill creatures to push a political agenda of division.
Few hate transgenders. Very few. Killing a bunch of children certainly turned A LOT of people against them.

What people DO despise are pedophiles grooming children. A high percentage of which, right now, are trans.

That is patently false. Reading the threads and posts here should make it obvious, even to you.

ESPECIALLY looking at what you just said. ONE commits a mass shooting. Therefore that is cause enough to turn people against all of them?

Let’s look at mass school shootings, the vast majority committed by white males. Is that reason enough to turn against white males?

A high percentage of pedos are trans? Total bullshit. Show your data or admit you are just pulling it out of your ass.

10 people, spewing on an anonymous message board is evidence to you?

Get real. Trannies have now been the perpetrators in the last 5 mass shootings. Your own link claimedc32 have been killed over the last two decades, 15 of those were shot by cops.

There were only three that were probable hate crimes, the majority of the rest were domestic disputes

In other words, they are far more dangerous to themselves, and others, than ANYONE else.

And the trannies are, at THIS moment way over represented in the pedo world.

So much so that the LGBTQ community is separating from them.
10 people, spewing on an anonymous message board is evidence to you?
That seems to your evidence.

Get real. Trannies have now been the perpetrators in the last 5 mass shootings. Your own link claimedc32 have been killed over the last two decades, 15 of those were shot by cops.
That is misleading.

There were only three that were probable hate crimes, the majority of the rest were domestic disputes

In other words, they are far more dangerous to themselves, and others, than ANYONE else.
There is no evidence they are “far more dangerous” to others, quite the opposite,

And the trannies are, at THIS moment way over represented in the pedo world.

So much so that the LGBTQ community is separating from them.
You have YET to provide any data showing that.
Reality check for those that are untethered from reality.

The data tells a different story, according to gender and criminology experts. Mass casualty shootings perpetrated by someone identifying as trans or nonbinary are rare, and in fact, those groups are far more likely to be the victims of violence. Here’s a closer look at the facts.

Why do you object to them arming themselves?
Because they are mentally unstable.
That seems to your evidence.

That is misleading.

There is no evidence they are “far more dangerous” to others, quite the opposite,

You have YET to provide any data showing that.
Data? Watch the evening news.
Why do you object to them arming themselves?
I support the second amendment, PERIOD. These citizens have as much as a right to them as all others. They also should run the same risks as the rest if they abuse their privilege by criminal acts with those weapons.
The woman that slaughtered those six innocents and left a manifesto, should not be protected from exposure. If her beliefs led to their deaths then the public has a right to know that fact.
That seems to your evidence.

That is misleading.

There is no evidence they are “far more dangerous” to others, quite the opposite,

You have YET to provide any data showing that.

Yeah, my evidence is factual. The last FIVE mass shooters, have all been trans.

What do you make of that?
Yeah, my evidence is factual. The last FIVE mass shooters, have all been trans.

What do you make of that?
Correction. 4 1/2 and it isn’t conclusive on the latest. In addition there have been others in between. Since 2016, there have been 3,561 mass shootings of which 4.5 (one shooting involved to people, only one of whom was transgender,might have transgender. That is factual. What do you make of it? Who should I be worried about?
Why do I hate those of the Tranny gestapo who commit assault and battery?

Because they commit assault and battery, dumbo.
What “trannie gestapo”? The fact you label them that way speaks volumes. Do you get similarly outraged at the cisgender gestapo who commit assault and battery?
What “trannie gestapo”? The fact you label them that way speaks volumes. Do you get similarly outraged at the cisgender gestapo who commit assault and battery?
In the video, one very large and very aggressive man in full testosterone rage attacks another man unprovoked. You support this violence for no other reason than the fact the assailant was dressed like a woman (and doing a piss poor job of fooling anybody)

The fact that you support this violence says more about YOU than my opposition to it says about me.
In the video, one very large and very aggressive man in full testosterone rage attacks another man unprovoked. You support this violence for no other reason than the fact the assailant was dressed like a woman (and doing a piss poor job of fooling anybody)

Darlin’, the difference between you and me is that I don’t support ANY violence. When you come up with this weirdo “trannie mafia” claim (and hurl the predictable accusations) it isa perfectly valid to ask what in the hell you are talking about.

Dodge noted.

The fact that you support this violence says more about YOU than my opposition to it says about me.
The fact that you have to make up shit about your opponent says much about you…and why it is a waste of time to engage with you (the old pig in lipstick metaphor).
Still dodging.
Darlin’, the difference between you and me is that I don’t support ANY violence. When you come up with this weirdo “trannie mafia” claim (and hurl the predictable accusations) it isa perfectly valid to ask what in the hell you are talking about.

Dodge noted.

The fact that you have to make up shit about your opponent says much about you…and why it is a waste of time to engage with you (the old pig in lipstick metaphor).
Still dodging.
Light of my light, the real difference between you and I is that I judge people by their actions and not their identity.
Darlin’, the difference between you and me is that I don’t support ANY violence. When you come up with this weirdo “trannie mafia” claim (and hurl the predictable accusations) it isa perfectly valid to ask what in the hell you are talking about.

Dodge noted.

The fact that you have to make up shit about your opponent says much about you…and why it is a waste of time to engage with you (the old pig in lipstick metaphor).
Still dodging.

Clearly you do support violence. All you have done in this thread about a violent trans asshole is post supposed 'stats' of how much trans are abused and attacked, implying that this whacko had every right to physically attack this man. You have not said one word about how the actions of this tranny were wrong, all you have posted is bullshit in trying to detract from the violent tranny, an implied defense of the tranny's actions.

Was this attack wrong? A simple yes or no will suffice.
Everyone has a Constitutional Right to peacefully assemble / protest; however, NO ONE EVER HAS THE RIGHT TO OUT THEIR HANDS ON ANYONE ELSE.

Emotions got the better of transgenders, though, at a Transgender rally in Canada. One of the Trans attendees physically attacked a conservative activist who wss being interviewed by the media. The victim.was oeft bruised and bloodied.

Recently a 28yo Transgender attavked a christian school, killing several peiple.

Democrats and the MSM immediately blamed co servatives and christians, painting transgenders as the victims and claiming they were 'under attack'.

In the days that followed, several Trans groups called for trans persons to aatmthemselves, wwithone group calling for the shooting/ murderibg of christians.

Now this incident in which a Transgender Rally attendee attacked a conservative activist.

So much for being victims and the ones being attacked...

We have a left-wing terrorism problem in this country, and the current administration is complicit in it.
Clearly you do support violence.
It is always the same pattern with this one. She does nothing but attack those who are against something and then claims that she is somehow not actually for it. She then proceeds to call people liars for telling the truth.

This is true whether the issue is Tranny mayhem, Islamic terrorism, the sexualization of young children, leftist domestic terrorism, Muslim rape gangs targeting British children or any other subject she holds near and dear.

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