"Transgender" Target Stores: Prepare To Be Sued.

Target's Bathroom Decision Prompts Boycott Petition
Target's Bathroom Decision Prompts Boycott Petition With Over 900,000 Signatures
More than 900,000 people have signed a petition to boycott Target after the company’s announcement last week to allow transgender people to use the bathroom and fitting rooms corresponding with their gender identity, rather than the sex indicated on their birth certificate...“We decided there’s probably a lot of people who wanted to take a stand before Target’s decision started a trend,” AFA President Tim Wildmon told ABC News today. “We found out we were right.”...

SELL....SELL.....SELL!...... :scared1:

Laughing.....Amazon, Comcast, Clorox, Disney and Pepsi are all on the AFA's boycott lists.

It doesn't amount to much.
Will in the end. Jesus said in the last days wrong will be right and right will be wrong.. Good luck.

How is it 'wrong' for someone to go to the bathroom?
Men in men's women in women's, period! Born a man, use men's, born a woman, use women's. Mental delusions don't excuse you.

That doesn't answer my question. Why is it 'wrong' for someone to go to the bathroom.

You're playing the morality card. You're going to need some sound moral justification. Or at the very least, Jesus advocating gender segregated bathrooms for your appeal to authority fallacy.

And you've got neither.
SELL....SELL.....SELL!...... :scared1:

Laughing.....Amazon, Comcast, Clorox, Disney and Pepsi are all on the AFA's boycott lists.

It doesn't amount to much.
Will in the end. Jesus said in the last days wrong will be right and right will be wrong.. Good luck.

How is it 'wrong' for someone to go to the bathroom?
Men in men's women in women's, period! Born a man, use men's, born a woman, use women's. Mental delusions don't excuse you.

That doesn't answer my question. Why is it 'wrong' for someone to go to the bathroom.

You're playing the morality card. You're going to need some sound moral justification. Or at the very least, Jesus advocating gender segregated bathrooms for your appeal to authority fallacy.

And you've got neither.
Don't try to use Jesus to support your evil thinking. I answered, your question was a stupid question.
Laughing.....Amazon, Comcast, Clorox, Disney and Pepsi are all on the AFA's boycott lists.

It doesn't amount to much.
Will in the end. Jesus said in the last days wrong will be right and right will be wrong.. Good luck.

How is it 'wrong' for someone to go to the bathroom?
Men in men's women in women's, period! Born a man, use men's, born a woman, use women's. Mental delusions don't excuse you.

That doesn't answer my question. Why is it 'wrong' for someone to go to the bathroom.

You're playing the morality card. You're going to need some sound moral justification. Or at the very least, Jesus advocating gender segregated bathrooms for your appeal to authority fallacy.

And you've got neither.
Don't try to use Jesus to support your evil thinking. I answered, your question was a stupid question.

What evil? Remember, you have yet to give us any rational justification for someone going to the bathroom being 'wrong'. Let alone 'evil'.

You're still at square one, confounded by the simplest of questions:

Why is it 'wrong' for someone to go to the bathroom?
Will in the end. Jesus said in the last days wrong will be right and right will be wrong.. Good luck.

How is it 'wrong' for someone to go to the bathroom?
Men in men's women in women's, period! Born a man, use men's, born a woman, use women's. Mental delusions don't excuse you.

That doesn't answer my question. Why is it 'wrong' for someone to go to the bathroom.

You're playing the morality card. You're going to need some sound moral justification. Or at the very least, Jesus advocating gender segregated bathrooms for your appeal to authority fallacy.

And you've got neither.
Don't try to use Jesus to support your evil thinking. I answered, your question was a stupid question.

What evil? Remember, you have yet to give us any rational justification for someone going to the bathroom being 'wrong'. Let alone 'evil'.

You're still at square one, confounded by the simplest of questions:

Why is it 'wrong' for someone to go to the bathroom?
Loaded question. Typical libtard, twisting things to mask your stupidity. I have a problem with transgenders using the wrong restroom. As I said, born a man use the men's, period!!!!
How is it 'wrong' for someone to go to the bathroom?
Men in men's women in women's, period! Born a man, use men's, born a woman, use women's. Mental delusions don't excuse you.

That doesn't answer my question. Why is it 'wrong' for someone to go to the bathroom.

You're playing the morality card. You're going to need some sound moral justification. Or at the very least, Jesus advocating gender segregated bathrooms for your appeal to authority fallacy.

And you've got neither.
Don't try to use Jesus to support your evil thinking. I answered, your question was a stupid question.

What evil? Remember, you have yet to give us any rational justification for someone going to the bathroom being 'wrong'. Let alone 'evil'.

You're still at square one, confounded by the simplest of questions:

Why is it 'wrong' for someone to go to the bathroom?
Loaded question. Typical libtard, twisting things to mask your stupidity. I have a problem with transgenders using the wrong restroom. As I said, born a man use the men's, period!!!!

Laughing......'what evil' is a loaded question.....when you're entire argument is about 'evil'?

There's nothing evil or wrong about going to the bathroom. Ending your silly moralizations.
Men in men's women in women's, period! Born a man, use men's, born a woman, use women's. Mental delusions don't excuse you.

That doesn't answer my question. Why is it 'wrong' for someone to go to the bathroom.

You're playing the morality card. You're going to need some sound moral justification. Or at the very least, Jesus advocating gender segregated bathrooms for your appeal to authority fallacy.

And you've got neither.
Don't try to use Jesus to support your evil thinking. I answered, your question was a stupid question.

What evil? Remember, you have yet to give us any rational justification for someone going to the bathroom being 'wrong'. Let alone 'evil'.

You're still at square one, confounded by the simplest of questions:

Why is it 'wrong' for someone to go to the bathroom?
Loaded question. Typical libtard, twisting things to mask your stupidity. I have a problem with transgenders using the wrong restroom. As I said, born a man use the men's, period!!!!

Laughing......'what evil' is a loaded question.....when you're entire argument is about 'evil'?

There's nothing evil or wrong about going to the bathroom. Ending your silly moralizations.
It's not about going to the bathroom you retarded lib idiot. It is about mentally ill people who think they are not what they really are.
That doesn't answer my question. Why is it 'wrong' for someone to go to the bathroom.

You're playing the morality card. You're going to need some sound moral justification. Or at the very least, Jesus advocating gender segregated bathrooms for your appeal to authority fallacy.

And you've got neither.

Women and girls have enjoyed segregated hygiene retreats in one form or another for thousands of years. Your "men can use women's bathrooms" isn't grandfathered in. Their rights are.

Suck it.
Following the Target Corporation’s decision to allow transgender customers and employees to use whichever bathroom they prefer, the retail brand’s stock has slightly fallen.....The drop may be nothing more than a coincidence, but Target’s stock price has dipped by 5.8 percent since April 19, when the store first announced the “inclusivity” policy...Shares of Target Corporation Common Stock (TGT) have fallen from $84.14 a share on April 19 to $79.27 a share as of Friday evening, 10 days after the transgender policy was enacted....The stock price had fallen by 2.52 percent on Friday alone, as of 4 p.m. Ultimately, the drop “would represent a corporate loss of over $2.5 billion,” according to the Family Policy Institute. Target Stock Drops After Store Announces Controversial ‘Inclusivity’ Policy

Well? How long until shareholders sue or just do a mass Sell?
SELL....SELL.....SELL!...... :scared1:

Laughing.....Amazon, Comcast, Clorox, Disney and Pepsi are all on the AFA's boycott lists.

It doesn't amount to much.
Will in the end. Jesus said in the last days wrong will be right and right will be wrong.. Good luck.

How is it 'wrong' for someone to go to the bathroom?
Men in men's women in women's, period! Born a man, use men's, born a woman, use women's. Mental delusions don't excuse you.

That doesn't answer my question. Why is it 'wrong' for someone to go to the bathroom.

You're playing the morality card. You're going to need some sound moral justification. Or at the very least, Jesus advocating gender segregated bathrooms for your appeal to authority fallacy.

And you've got neither.

They are segregated for the privacy of the user.

Transitioning is elective. No one needs to lose any privacy because another elects to do something to themselves.

This isn't rocket science.
Following the Target Corporation’s decision to allow transgender customers and employees to use whichever bathroom they prefer, the retail brand’s stock has slightly fallen.....The drop may be nothing more than a coincidence, but Target’s stock price has dipped by 5.8 percent since April 19, when the store first announced the “inclusivity” policy...Shares of Target Corporation Common Stock (TGT) have fallen from $84.14 a share on April 19 to $79.27 a share as of Friday evening, 10 days after the transgender policy was enacted....The stock price had fallen by 2.52 percent on Friday alone, as of 4 p.m. Ultimately, the drop “would represent a corporate loss of over $2.5 billion,” according to the Family Policy Institute. Target Stock Drops After Store Announces Controversial ‘Inclusivity’ Policy

Well? How long until shareholders sue or just do a mass Sell?

I give it 60 days max
Following the Target Corporation’s decision to allow transgender customers and employees to use whichever bathroom they prefer, the retail brand’s stock has slightly fallen.....The drop may be nothing more than a coincidence, but Target’s stock price has dipped by 5.8 percent since April 19, when the store first announced the “inclusivity” policy...Shares of Target Corporation Common Stock (TGT) have fallen from $84.14 a share on April 19 to $79.27 a share as of Friday evening, 10 days after the transgender policy was enacted....The stock price had fallen by 2.52 percent on Friday alone, as of 4 p.m. Ultimately, the drop “would represent a corporate loss of over $2.5 billion,” according to the Family Policy Institute. Target Stock Drops After Store Announces Controversial ‘Inclusivity’ Policy
I give it 60 days max
Yes, naturally. Because in just 60 days women and girls will have "gotten over" their discomfort of finding a man in their private segregated hygiene retreats and be perfectly fine with it.

Got anymore of what you're smokin'?
Target just caved to pressure from the Obama administration and liberal activists. They have announced that any “transgendered” person can use the bathroom in their stores, according to the gender they associate with.



Now in Target stores, men are allowed to use the restroom next to your daughter. Once called perverted, this is now a “civil right.” BREAKING: Target Stores Make MASSIVE Announcement... Parents ARE FURIOUS!

Invasion of privacy is a legal cause of action in most states for a civil suit. I suggest quite simply that women start suing their municipalities or businesses who are brazen enough to allow men in their private retreats for personal hygiene.. Emotional distress is also a cause of action. Willful negligence or intentional negligence are also causes of action. There are probably a half dozen more that result from the allowing of men in a women's bathroom.

And rest assured, under examination for facts, the men in question will be asked to lift their skirts so the jury can *see* if the case has merit...

Sue 'em... If it's good enough for the gays, it's good enough for the straights...

Time to start building third bathrooms in each and every store across the nation and in every public building, or get your asses sued off. Hmm, economic stress might actually cause a confrontation of the farce of self-diagnosed "transgenders". This is where the rubber meets the road folks. :popcorn:


Dear Retard - There is no right to privacy in a public restroom. Hell many have open urinals or piss troughs where people openly stand side by side pissing.

Also you can legally change your sex on your birth certificate. So how will you prevent someone with gender marker F on birth certificate from using woman's restroom? Hermaphrodites have both a penis & vagina, how will you decide which restroom they must use?
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Gender segregated bathrooms came about in the 1950s when more women started working, it's based upon Victorian ideals and a kind of chivalry and/or modesty code that just kind of fell into place. Prior to that there was not much need for gender separation; women only shopped at x and y boutique, if they left the house at all. In almost all ancient cities, not only were toilets /not/ gender segregated, they were often located at the main cross roads of cities and towns with zero privacy for anyone.
Dear Retard - There is no right to privacy in a public restroom. Hell many have open urinals or piss troughs where people openly stand side by side pissing.

Dear asshole, there have been longstanding private segregated hygiene retreats marked with the sign "women" above the door for hundreds of years, possibly thousands. That gives women the expectation of privacy AWAY FROM MEN while they perform their hygiene.

Good luck proving otherwise in court, where this will wind up, going all the way to the top....because lower court judges are apparently incapable of confronting pure insanity when it slaps them upside the head like a brick..

Gender segregated bathrooms came about in the 1950s when more women started working, it's based upon Victorian ideals and a kind of chivalry and/or modesty code that just kind of fell into place. Prior to that there was not much need for gender separation; women only shopped at x and y boutique, if they left the house at all. In almost all ancient cities, not only were toilets /not/ gender segregated, they were often located at the main cross roads of cities and towns with zero privacy for anyone.

Gender segregation in hygiene retreats has been going on much longer than that. Likely before Roman times. And it wasn't because of an old fashioned Victorian ideal, it was because men surge with testosterone and when they find women with their pants down peeing in alcoves, they tend to want to take advantage of them and copulate with them.

In fact, on the farm all of our males from billy goats to rams to stallions and bulls become excessively aroused when the females crouch down to pee. This is seen as a reptilian signal to sample their urine smell and then mount and mate with them. Males will come barreling in, running full tilt from the opposite side of the pasture if they see a female crouching to pee. Often they will fight with other males nearby to be the first to get to her urine stream and sample the smell. The fights can even get bloody. Don't think this escaped the attention of the Romans or the Victorians or anyone else with half a whit in their head from time immemorial.

I'll bet more men (who have women they care about) are adamantly opposed to men using women's restrooms precisely because they know their gender better than women do. Men know men. And they know what men alone in a room with a half-naked peeing women equals, via instinct..
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Dear Retard - There is no right to privacy in a public restroom. Hell many have open urinals or piss troughs where people openly stand side by side pissing.

Dear asshole, there have been longstanding private segregated hygiene retreats marked with the sign "women" above the door for hundreds of years, possibly thousands. That gives women the expectation of privacy AWAY FROM MEN while they perform their hygiene.

There's no expectation of privacy anywhere in a bathroom save the stalls. And they're single use only.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Good luck proving otherwise in court, where this will wind up, going all the way to the top....because lower court judges are apparently incapable of confronting pure insanity when it slaps them upside the head like a brick.

You....you do realize that you've hallucinated this entire 'court' babble, right? There are no such cases. There is no such right to privacy outside of a bathroom stall. Every tenet of this is your imagination.

Good luck convincing a judge to use your imagination as a legal standard.
SELL....SELL.....SELL!...... :scared1:

Laughing.....Amazon, Comcast, Clorox, Disney and Pepsi are all on the AFA's boycott lists.

It doesn't amount to much.
Will in the end. Jesus said in the last days wrong will be right and right will be wrong.. Good luck.

How is it 'wrong' for someone to go to the bathroom?
Men in men's women in women's, period! Born a man, use men's, born a woman, use women's. Mental delusions don't excuse you.

That doesn't answer my question. Why is it 'wrong' for someone to go to the bathroom.

You're playing the morality card. You're going to need some sound moral justification. Or at the very least, Jesus advocating gender segregated bathrooms for your appeal to authority fallacy.

And you've got neither.

It's not wrong

And they are supplied

Just go into the right one and everyone's cool
Bullshit Sil, gender segregated bathrooms came about at the same time as "ladies waiting rooms" and "ladies train cars" and a hundred other gender segregated areas that were designed to both protect women new to the work place, as well as to reaffirm male superiority. None of this shit was the norm before then because women were expected to be at home with the kids or tending the household. There are only a few exceptions, and even those are more related to social segregation than to sexual segregation.

Your Islamic ideals about men not being able to help themselves when seeing the flesh of a woman were not the norm for most civilized societies...
Bullshit Sil, gender segregated bathrooms came about at the same time as "ladies waiting rooms" and "ladies train cars" and a hundred other gender segregated areas that were designed to both protect women new to the work place, as well as to reaffirm male superiority. None of this shit was the norm before then because women were expected to be at home with the kids or tending the household. There are only a few exceptions, and even those are more related to social segregation than to sexual segregation.

Your Islamic ideals about men not being able to help themselves when seeing the flesh of a woman were not the norm for most civilized societies...

We progressed. Women have an expectation that those behind a door marked "women" are as advertised

I'm not sure why this is rocket science to anyone.
I've got no dog in this fight, I refuse to use public bathrooms for sanitation reasons. I'm just stating the history because Sil in her quest of LGBT hatred is making shit up again.

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