Trash bags full of shredded ballots found outside NJ Board of Elections!!!

Otis Mayfield

Diamond Member
Sep 17, 2021
One viral Facebook post shared several videos showing a nighttime scene, which the camera operator says is outside of the Gloucester County Board of Elections office. The man shows multiple trash bins outside the building and claims they contained discarded and shredded ballots.

"Breaking News out of West Deptford NJ:," the post’s caption says. "Trash bins discovered outside the Gloucester County Board Of Elections containing blank ballots as well as bags of shredded ballots from Tuesday’s election!"


The post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.)

In a statement about the videos, the Gloucester County Clerk’s Office said that the prosecutor's office investigated reports that individuals were seen in videos rummaging through recycling containers outside the election office and said that their claims of fraud are false.

On Nov. 3, the office said staff members put the following items into sealed boxes and placed them in the recycling containers:

• One box of outdated yellow business reply mail envelopes (specific to the 2021 primary election);

• Three boxes of outdated instructional inserts illustrating how to complete and return a mail ballot (specific to the 2021 general election); and

• One bag of shredded green certificate envelopes from some undeliverable 2021 general election ballots that were returned by the U.S. Postal Service and spoiled ballots that were brought in by constituents for replacement due to ballots being torn, damaged or incorrectly marked.

"These items have no viable election use and were discarded in accordance with the law," the office concluded.

We rate this post False.

Why are people so susceptible to fake news?
One viral Facebook post shared several videos showing a nighttime scene, which the camera operator says is outside of the Gloucester County Board of Elections office. The man shows multiple trash bins outside the building and claims they contained discarded and shredded ballots.

"Breaking News out of West Deptford NJ:," the post’s caption says. "Trash bins discovered outside the Gloucester County Board Of Elections containing blank ballots as well as bags of shredded ballots from Tuesday’s election!"


The post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.)

In a statement about the videos, the Gloucester County Clerk’s Office said that the prosecutor's office investigated reports that individuals were seen in videos rummaging through recycling containers outside the election office and said that their claims of fraud are false.

On Nov. 3, the office said staff members put the following items into sealed boxes and placed them in the recycling containers:

• One box of outdated yellow business reply mail envelopes (specific to the 2021 primary election);

• Three boxes of outdated instructional inserts illustrating how to complete and return a mail ballot (specific to the 2021 general election); and

• One bag of shredded green certificate envelopes from some undeliverable 2021 general election ballots that were returned by the U.S. Postal Service and spoiled ballots that were brought in by constituents for replacement due to ballots being torn, damaged or incorrectly marked.

"These items have no viable election use and were discarded in accordance with the law," the office concluded.

We rate this post False.

Why are people so susceptible to fake news?

Why did you post this as a real news story in the subject line if you know it is fake?
One viral Facebook post shared several videos showing a nighttime scene, which the camera operator says is outside of the Gloucester County Board of Elections office. The man shows multiple trash bins outside the building and claims they contained discarded and shredded ballots.

"Breaking News out of West Deptford NJ:," the post’s caption says. "Trash bins discovered outside the Gloucester County Board Of Elections containing blank ballots as well as bags of shredded ballots from Tuesday’s election!"


The post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.)

In a statement about the videos, the Gloucester County Clerk’s Office said that the prosecutor's office investigated reports that individuals were seen in videos rummaging through recycling containers outside the election office and said that their claims of fraud are false.

On Nov. 3, the office said staff members put the following items into sealed boxes and placed them in the recycling containers:

• One box of outdated yellow business reply mail envelopes (specific to the 2021 primary election);

• Three boxes of outdated instructional inserts illustrating how to complete and return a mail ballot (specific to the 2021 general election); and

• One bag of shredded green certificate envelopes from some undeliverable 2021 general election ballots that were returned by the U.S. Postal Service and spoiled ballots that were brought in by constituents for replacement due to ballots being torn, damaged or incorrectly marked.

"These items have no viable election use and were discarded in accordance with the law," the office concluded.

We rate this post False.

Why are people so susceptible to fake news?

Good question. Lies are tearing the country apart.
Why are people so susceptible to fake news?
You mean fake like those 4 battleground states stopping the vote count AT THE SAME TIME, with Trump far ahead and then a few hours later, Biden charging to the lead? Like THAT? Save the bullshit, it's a waste of everybody's time.
One viral Facebook post shared several videos showing a nighttime scene, which the camera operator says is outside of the Gloucester County Board of Elections office. The man shows multiple trash bins outside the building and claims they contained discarded and shredded ballots.

"Breaking News out of West Deptford NJ:," the post’s caption says. "Trash bins discovered outside the Gloucester County Board Of Elections containing blank ballots as well as bags of shredded ballots from Tuesday’s election!"


The post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.)

In a statement about the videos, the Gloucester County Clerk’s Office said that the prosecutor's office investigated reports that individuals were seen in videos rummaging through recycling containers outside the election office and said that their claims of fraud are false.

On Nov. 3, the office said staff members put the following items into sealed boxes and placed them in the recycling containers:

• One box of outdated yellow business reply mail envelopes (specific to the 2021 primary election);

• Three boxes of outdated instructional inserts illustrating how to complete and return a mail ballot (specific to the 2021 general election); and

• One bag of shredded green certificate envelopes from some undeliverable 2021 general election ballots that were returned by the U.S. Postal Service and spoiled ballots that were brought in by constituents for replacement due to ballots being torn, damaged or incorrectly marked.

"These items have no viable election use and were discarded in accordance with the law," the office concluded.

We rate this post False.

Why are people so susceptible to fake news?
Using Leftard websites to prove something?
Fakebook banned you for stating the fact the ChiCom Flu is manmade.

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