“Travis told police Arbery “squared up” like he was going to attack.” So he shot him in the chest.

Roddy was pursuing him from behind. McMichael got infront of him.
nope, never. you should watch the video.
Who do you think shot the video silly? It was “Roddy” pursuing him from behind.

You think McMichael’s pickup was there randomly? They went around the block to cut him off from in front.

That’s exactly what happened.
Yep, and then the black man running with absolutely no obstruction ran at a man holding a gun, attempted to take the gun. What did you think the guy holding it would do, let him have it? Hahaha hahaha hahaha

an answer you ain’t got
If you think armed men chasing you and shouting at you to get on the ground doesn’t constitute obstruction, there’s something wrong with your head.
Huh when did that happen? Are you talking about them following arbery the violent criminal?
It happened in the minutes prior to Arbery being shot by McMichael.
But you already know this.
They were following a person that was seen leaving a dwelling that didn’t belong to him on the phone with the cops.. we can’t do that anymore?
Like a lynch mob?

No. You can’t do that anymore.
At no time did they lynch him, they were on the phone with the cops
No, they didn’t lynch him. They shot him.

All Arbery knew was that he was being pursued by armed men shouting at him to lie on the ground. That is threatening and illegal behavior which justifies Arbery acting to defend himself.
No arbery knew he was caught in a dwelling he wasn’t supposed to be in, there is video of him walking to it, stopping looking around, running inside.. all signs he had bad intentions.. and that’s a felony in GA
There are no signs of bad intention unless you resort to profiling, which does not hold up in court.

For the record, McMichael had no knowledge of Arbery being in the house so this excuse likewise will not hold up in court.
So his behavior was normal? Lol and yes they did, Travis confronted arbery previously, than seen my hauling ass , and The presumption was correct he was inside of the dwelling where he should’ve been trespassing with bad intentions
McMichael never confronted Arbery previously. There is no indication of “bad intentions” on the part of Arbery. McMichael admitted he was going based on “gut” which is not sufficient to justify their actions.
Travis said he had previously stopped Aubrey for being on that property..

so what if he had, that doesn't give you the right to at a later date chase the guy down , corner him, and then kill him.

These rednecks are gonna fry. I know you hate that a white man will e punished for murdering a black man, but there it is.
Asking him to wait for the cops isn’t agains the law.. aww was his feeling hurt because he was caught lol

Asking him to wait isn't against the law, cornering him and not giving him any choice is.
Where did you see a corner on the road? This should be good lol

LOL moron
Roddy was pursuing him from behind. McMichael got infront of him.
nope, never. you should watch the video.
Who do you think shot the video silly? It was “Roddy” pursuing him from behind.

You think McMichael’s pickup was there randomly? They went around the block to cut him off from in front.

That’s exactly what happened.
Yep, and then the black man running with absolutely no obstruction ran at a man holding a gun, attempted to take the gun. What did you think the guy holding it would do, let him have it? Hahaha hahaha hahaha

an answer you ain’t got
If you think armed men chasing you and shouting at you to get on the ground doesn’t constitute obstruction, there’s something wrong with your head.
Huh when did that happen? Are you talking about them following arbery the violent criminal?
It happened in the minutes prior to Arbery being shot by McMichael.
But you already know this.
They were following a person that was seen leaving a dwelling that didn’t belong to him on the phone with the cops.. we can’t do that anymore?
Like a lynch mob?

No. You can’t do that anymore.
At no time did they lynch him, they were on the phone with the cops
No, they didn’t lynch him. They shot him.

All Arbery knew was that he was being pursued by armed men shouting at him to lie on the ground. That is threatening and illegal behavior which justifies Arbery acting to defend himself.
No arbery knew he was caught in a dwelling he wasn’t supposed to be in, there is video of him walking to it, stopping looking around, running inside.. all signs he had bad intentions.. and that’s a felony in GA
There are no signs of bad intention unless you resort to profiling, which does not hold up in court.

For the record, McMichael had no knowledge of Arbery being in the house so this excuse likewise will not hold up in court.
So his behavior was normal? Lol and yes they did, Travis confronted arbery previously, than seen my hauling ass , and The presumption was correct he was inside of the dwelling where he should’ve been trespassing with bad intentions
McMichael never confronted Arbery previously. There is no indication of “bad intentions” on the part of Arbery. McMichael admitted he was going based on “gut” which is not sufficient to justify their actions.
Travis said he had previously stopped Aubrey for being on that property..

so what if he had, that doesn't give you the right to at a later date chase the guy down , corner him, and then kill him.

These rednecks are gonna fry. I know you hate that a white man will e punished for murdering a black man, but there it is.
Asking him to wait for the cops isn’t agains the law.. aww was his feeling hurt because he was caught lol
They didn’t ask him. They ordered him because they feel they’re superior.
Where did I say I was in the room? I listened to an hour of testimony from the investigator who talked about what McMichael told the police after the shooting. I assume that is on video tape or recorded.

Too funny how you refuse to believe anything that doesn’t fit with your narrative. You need to get educated kiddo.
you have no audio or statement from the man. fictional shit that you heard on a tv station. too fking funny. peter still loves you.
Even if true

A) the citizen's arrest law doesn't allow for misdemeanor arrests

B) you can't stop someone because at some point in the past you saw them commit a crime. That's not the law either.
dude, post the statute. be a fking man and back up your stories.

I already posted the Georgia citizen arrest statute much earlier in the thread you idiot.
which post number?

Cause I did a search and under your name and nothing. so now you are a confirmed liar.
Even if true

A) the citizen's arrest law doesn't allow for misdemeanor arrests

B) you can't stop someone because at some point in the past you saw them commit a crime. That's not the law either.
dude, post the statute. be a fking man and back up your stories.

I already posted the Georgia citizen arrest statute much earlier in the thread you idiot.
which post number?

Good Lord

Where did I say I was in the room? I listened to an hour of testimony from the investigator who talked about what McMichael told the police after the shooting. I assume that is on video tape or recorded.

Too funny how you refuse to believe anything that doesn’t fit with your narrative. You need to get educated kiddo.
you have no audio or statement from the man. fictional shit that you heard on a tv station. too fking funny. peter still loves you.
It was testimony under oath in court from the head of the investigation.

Do I have to explain the difference to you?
Bro, my IQ is probably double yours.

Couple that with the fact that I don't view things like this through the lens of "black man wrong, white man right" and my opinions are MUCH more valid than your own.
Naw, you're pretty much a kettle.
It was testimony under oath in court from the head of the investigation.

Do I have to explain the difference to you?
hearsay. still not admissible. McMichael would have to say it in a testimony.
Roddy was pursuing him from behind. McMichael got infront of him.
nope, never. you should watch the video.
Who do you think shot the video silly? It was “Roddy” pursuing him from behind.

You think McMichael’s pickup was there randomly? They went around the block to cut him off from in front.

That’s exactly what happened.
Yep, and then the black man running with absolutely no obstruction ran at a man holding a gun, attempted to take the gun. What did you think the guy holding it would do, let him have it? Hahaha hahaha hahaha

an answer you ain’t got
If you think armed men chasing you and shouting at you to get on the ground doesn’t constitute obstruction, there’s something wrong with your head.
Huh when did that happen? Are you talking about them following arbery the violent criminal?
It happened in the minutes prior to Arbery being shot by McMichael.
But you already know this.
They were following a person that was seen leaving a dwelling that didn’t belong to him on the phone with the cops.. we can’t do that anymore?
Like a lynch mob?

No. You can’t do that anymore.
At no time did they lynch him, they were on the phone with the cops
No, they didn’t lynch him. They shot him.

All Arbery knew was that he was being pursued by armed men shouting at him to lie on the ground. That is threatening and illegal behavior which justifies Arbery acting to defend himself.
No arbery knew he was caught in a dwelling he wasn’t supposed to be in, there is video of him walking to it, stopping looking around, running inside.. all signs he had bad intentions.. and that’s a felony in GA
There are no signs of bad intention unless you resort to profiling, which does not hold up in court.

For the record, McMichael had no knowledge of Arbery being in the house so this excuse likewise will not hold up in court.
So his behavior was normal? Lol and yes they did, Travis confronted arbery previously, than seen my hauling ass , and The presumption was correct he was inside of the dwelling where he should’ve been trespassing with bad intentions
McMichael never confronted Arbery previously. There is no indication of “bad intentions” on the part of Arbery. McMichael admitted he was going based on “gut” which is not sufficient to justify their actions.
Travis said he had previously stopped Aubrey for being on that property..

so what if he had, that doesn't give you the right to at a later date chase the guy down , corner him, and then kill him.

These rednecks are gonna fry. I know you hate that a white man will e punished for murdering a black man, but there it is.
Asking him to wait for the cops isn’t agains the law.. aww was his feeling hurt because he was caught lol
They didn’t ask him. They ordered him because they feel they’re superior.
Ahh so now you’re assuming. Lol this doesn’t have to do with race does it?
Roddy was pursuing him from behind. McMichael got infront of him.
nope, never. you should watch the video.
Who do you think shot the video silly? It was “Roddy” pursuing him from behind.

You think McMichael’s pickup was there randomly? They went around the block to cut him off from in front.

That’s exactly what happened.
Yep, and then the black man running with absolutely no obstruction ran at a man holding a gun, attempted to take the gun. What did you think the guy holding it would do, let him have it? Hahaha hahaha hahaha

an answer you ain’t got
If you think armed men chasing you and shouting at you to get on the ground doesn’t constitute obstruction, there’s something wrong with your head.
Huh when did that happen? Are you talking about them following arbery the violent criminal?
It happened in the minutes prior to Arbery being shot by McMichael.
But you already know this.
They were following a person that was seen leaving a dwelling that didn’t belong to him on the phone with the cops.. we can’t do that anymore?
Like a lynch mob?

No. You can’t do that anymore.
At no time did they lynch him, they were on the phone with the cops
No, they didn’t lynch him. They shot him.

All Arbery knew was that he was being pursued by armed men shouting at him to lie on the ground. That is threatening and illegal behavior which justifies Arbery acting to defend himself.
No arbery knew he was caught in a dwelling he wasn’t supposed to be in, there is video of him walking to it, stopping looking around, running inside.. all signs he had bad intentions.. and that’s a felony in GA
There are no signs of bad intention unless you resort to profiling, which does not hold up in court.

For the record, McMichael had no knowledge of Arbery being in the house so this excuse likewise will not hold up in court.
So his behavior was normal? Lol and yes they did, Travis confronted arbery previously, than seen my hauling ass , and The presumption was correct he was inside of the dwelling where he should’ve been trespassing with bad intentions
McMichael never confronted Arbery previously. There is no indication of “bad intentions” on the part of Arbery. McMichael admitted he was going based on “gut” which is not sufficient to justify their actions.
Travis said he had previously stopped Aubrey for being on that property..

so what if he had, that doesn't give you the right to at a later date chase the guy down , corner him, and then kill him.

These rednecks are gonna fry. I know you hate that a white man will e punished for murdering a black man, but there it is.
Asking him to wait for the cops isn’t agains the law.. aww was his feeling hurt because he was caught lol
They didn’t ask him. They ordered him because they feel they’re superior.
Ahh so now you’re assuming. Lol this doesn’t have to do with race does it?
It might. Travis Arbery certainly has demonstrated racial prejudice.
Roddy was pursuing him from behind. McMichael got infront of him.
nope, never. you should watch the video.
Who do you think shot the video silly? It was “Roddy” pursuing him from behind.

You think McMichael’s pickup was there randomly? They went around the block to cut him off from in front.

That’s exactly what happened.
Yep, and then the black man running with absolutely no obstruction ran at a man holding a gun, attempted to take the gun. What did you think the guy holding it would do, let him have it? Hahaha hahaha hahaha

an answer you ain’t got
If you think armed men chasing you and shouting at you to get on the ground doesn’t constitute obstruction, there’s something wrong with your head.
Huh when did that happen? Are you talking about them following arbery the violent criminal?
It happened in the minutes prior to Arbery being shot by McMichael.
But you already know this.
They were following a person that was seen leaving a dwelling that didn’t belong to him on the phone with the cops.. we can’t do that anymore?
Like a lynch mob?

No. You can’t do that anymore.
At no time did they lynch him, they were on the phone with the cops
No, they didn’t lynch him. They shot him.

All Arbery knew was that he was being pursued by armed men shouting at him to lie on the ground. That is threatening and illegal behavior which justifies Arbery acting to defend himself.
No arbery knew he was caught in a dwelling he wasn’t supposed to be in, there is video of him walking to it, stopping looking around, running inside.. all signs he had bad intentions.. and that’s a felony in GA
There are no signs of bad intention unless you resort to profiling, which does not hold up in court.

For the record, McMichael had no knowledge of Arbery being in the house so this excuse likewise will not hold up in court.
So his behavior was normal? Lol and yes they did, Travis confronted arbery previously, than seen my hauling ass , and The presumption was correct he was inside of the dwelling where he should’ve been trespassing with bad intentions
McMichael never confronted Arbery previously. There is no indication of “bad intentions” on the part of Arbery. McMichael admitted he was going based on “gut” which is not sufficient to justify their actions.
Travis said he had previously stopped Aubrey for being on that property..

so what if he had, that doesn't give you the right to at a later date chase the guy down , corner him, and then kill him.

These rednecks are gonna fry. I know you hate that a white man will e punished for murdering a black man, but there it is.
Asking him to wait for the cops isn’t agains the law.. aww was his feeling hurt because he was caught lol
They didn’t ask him. They ordered him because they feel they’re superior.
Ahh so now you’re assuming. Lol this doesn’t have to do with race does it?
It might. Travis Arbery certainly has demonstrated racial prejudice.
And arbery didnt? Lol he’s the one that attacked the white guy
It was testimony under oath in court from the head of the investigation.

Do I have to explain the difference to you?
hearsay. still not admissible. McMichael would have to say it in a testimony.
Absolutely bonkers. It was what McMichael told police shortly after the event. Are you suggesting the statements witnesses made to police aren’t admissible?

You’re out if you’re damn mind.

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