Trey Gowdy for Speaker?


Sheep Dipped Boy Scout
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 12, 2014
Plasticville U.S.A
Looks like Boehner is well received among his colleagues. It will be interesting to see how much support Gowdy can garner. Both He and McConnell drink from the liberal fountain and need to go.

In 2012, AMA stated:

“’Speaker Boehner has been an abysmal failure as speaker, and his latest purge is the nail in the coffin for conservatives.’

Ryun added, ‘Boehner has never won a negation battle with the White House or Senate—and he’s been nothing short of an embarrassing spokesman for the Conservative Movement. It’s time for him to go.’”
Boehner 8217 s 8216 Failures 8217 Might Get Him Tossed as Speaker if Trey Gowdy and His Supporters Have Their Way
Looks like Boehner is well received among his colleagues. It will be interesting to see how much support Gowdy can garner. Both He and McConnell drink from the liberal fountain and need to go.

In 2012, AMA stated:

“’Speaker Boehner has been an abysmal failure as speaker, and his latest purge is the nail in the coffin for conservatives.’

Ryun added, ‘Boehner has never won a negation battle with the White House or Senate—and he’s been nothing short of an embarrassing spokesman for the Conservative Movement. It’s time for him to go.’”
Boehner 8217 s 8216 Failures 8217 Might Get Him Tossed as Speaker if Trey Gowdy and His Supporters Have Their Way

That a given republican politician doesn't adhere to the failed, extreme rightwing agenda doesn't make him a 'liberal.'
You think that Boehner and McConnell are Liberals?


Yep, they sure as heck aren't Conservatives.....that's for sure. Gave O just about everything he wanted.John 'Arlen' Boehner.

Trey Gowdy would make an excellent Speaker. I hope this movement grows and Boehner is kicked to the curb this time around. Get rid of the damn RINOs.
You think that Boehner and McConnell are Liberals?


Yep, they sure as heck aren't Conservatives.....that's for sure. Gave O just about everything he wanted.John 'Arlen' Boehner.


You really, honestly think that?

Oh, my...

Why would Jeb Bush want to figure out how to win the Prez without pandering to the GOP conservative base, which is what the GOP is made up of, except Boehner and McConnell seem to see it differently. There is no such thing as a moderate Republican, they call them Dems.
Looks like Boehner is well received among his colleagues. It will be interesting to see how much support Gowdy can garner. Both He and McConnell drink from the liberal fountain and need to go.

In 2012, AMA stated:

“’Speaker Boehner has been an abysmal failure as speaker, and his latest purge is the nail in the coffin for conservatives.’

Ryun added, ‘Boehner has never won a negation battle with the White House or Senate—and he’s been nothing short of an embarrassing spokesman for the Conservative Movement. It’s time for him to go.’”
Boehner 8217 s 8216 Failures 8217 Might Get Him Tossed as Speaker if Trey Gowdy and His Supporters Have Their Way

That a given republican politician doesn't adhere to the failed, extreme rightwing agenda doesn't make him a 'liberal.'

American principles do not fail... as they're the laws of nature. What fails are those who claim alliance with those laws and who subsequently turn from them, as is consistently witnessed in the likes of Boehner and McConnell... and every other progressive (fascist) POS on earth.
Looks like Boehner is well received among his colleagues. It will be interesting to see how much support Gowdy can garner. Both He and McConnell drink from the liberal fountain and need to go.

In 2012, AMA stated:

“’Speaker Boehner has been an abysmal failure as speaker, and his latest purge is the nail in the coffin for conservatives.’

Ryun added, ‘Boehner has never won a negation battle with the White House or Senate—and he’s been nothing short of an embarrassing spokesman for the Conservative Movement. It’s time for him to go.’”
Boehner 8217 s 8216 Failures 8217 Might Get Him Tossed as Speaker if Trey Gowdy and His Supporters Have Their Way

That a given republican politician doesn't adhere to the failed, extreme rightwing agenda doesn't make him a 'liberal.'

Extreme RW agenda that failed? You must be talking Bush and the '07 economic collapse?
Rightwing extremists are simply going to have to accept the fact that they're a minority in the GOP – a loud, intimidating minority – but a minority nonetheless; and rightwing extremists are also going to have to consider the possibility that starting next year their failed, extreme agenda will be ignored by the GOP mainstream, more interested in responsible governance and retaining control of Congress come 2017 than appeasing the TPM and others on the radical right.

This weekend's budget agreement is likely just the beginning where irresponsible extremists such as Ted Cruz will continue to be frustrated by a GOP establishment focused on retaining political power and influence, not preserving the purity of rightist dogma venerated by the TPM.
The far right and libertarians have lost the war with the mainstream as I said you would.

End of much influence for the freaks. No Trey Gowdy.

To win a Senate majority, which means winning 2/3ds of the vulnerable GOP seats, and the presidency in 2016 will require even more reaching out to women and minorities and dismissing the screamings of the far right.

Jeb Bush is going to show how do that successfully.
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Rightwing extremists are simply going to have to accept the fact that they're a minority in the GOP – a loud, intimidating minority – but a minority nonetheless; and rightwing extremists are also going to have to consider the possibility that starting next year their failed, extreme agenda will be ignored by the GOP mainstream, more interested in responsible governance and retaining control of Congress come 2017 than appeasing the TPM and others on the radical right.

This weekend's budget agreement is likely just the beginning where irresponsible extremists such as Ted Cruz will continue to be frustrated by a GOP establishment focused on retaining political power and influence, not preserving the purity of rightist dogma venerated by the TPM.

Don't know if you noticed, but more and more Conservative 'extremists' are winning elections. So much that the clowns in charge of GOP are bypassing their base and funding people to run against these people. These clowns have been going against the GOP base for some time. Sooner or later revolt will happen.
It's really quite simple, a very old political paradigm.

For the GOP establishment, when democrats controlled Congress and later the Senate, the TPM and other rightwing extremists were useful as bomb-throwing revolutionaries wreaking havoc and making things difficult for Congressional democrats and by extension the president.

Now with republicans in control of Congress there's no longer a need for the TPM and other bomb-throwing extremists – in fact they present a problem for the GOP establishment, and are being relegated to the political back seat with their bombs and inflammatory rhetoric accordingly.

The question is will the TPM and others on the radical right sit quietly in the back seat or will they mount a 'counter revolution.'

Remember that for revolutionaries such as the TPM the last thing they want is for the revolution to be won and come to an end – throwing bombs is easy, pursuing responsible governance is not.
Boehner is impotent and Trey Gowdy has said some really stupid things.

Sounds like a perfect choice for the low-info RWs.
Rightwing extremists are simply going to have to accept the fact that they're a minority in the GOP – a loud, intimidating minority – but a minority nonetheless; and rightwing extremists are also going to have to consider the possibility that starting next year their failed, extreme agenda will be ignored by the GOP mainstream, more interested in responsible governance and retaining control of Congress come 2017 than appeasing the TPM and others on the radical right.

This weekend's budget agreement is likely just the beginning where irresponsible extremists such as Ted Cruz will continue to be frustrated by a GOP establishment focused on retaining political power and influence, not preserving the purity of rightist dogma venerated by the TPM.

Don't know if you noticed, but more and more Conservative 'extremists' are winning elections. So much that the clowns in charge of GOP are bypassing their base and funding people to run against these people. These clowns have been going against the GOP base for some time. Sooner or later revolt will happen.

The far right is not the base, only the outliers. Nothing more. The delldudes etc are the exceptions that prove the rule.

Tell you what: give us all the Tea Party members for the 2015 term. Then we will compare them to the Tea Party members in congresses of 2010 and 2012.

Guess what? The funding elected moderates and conservatives, not far right nuts.
its tantamount to nominating Firebug (Issa
Rightwing extremists are simply going to have to accept the fact that they're a minority in the GOP – a loud, intimidating minority – but a minority nonetheless; and rightwing extremists are also going to have to consider the possibility that starting next year their failed, extreme agenda will be ignored by the GOP mainstream, more interested in responsible governance and retaining control of Congress come 2017 than appeasing the TPM and others on the radical right.

This weekend's budget agreement is likely just the beginning where irresponsible extremists such as Ted Cruz will continue to be frustrated by a GOP establishment focused on retaining political power and influence, not preserving the purity of rightist dogma venerated by the TPM.
Agreed. They know that if they "overplay their hand" which they are wont to do, they can kiss the '16 Presidential election goodbye C_Clayton_Jones
Rightwing extremists are simply going to have to accept the fact that they're a minority in the GOP – a loud, intimidating minority – but a minority nonetheless; and rightwing extremists are also going to have to consider the possibility that starting next year their failed, extreme agenda will be ignored by the GOP mainstream, more interested in responsible governance and retaining control of Congress come 2017 than appeasing the TPM and others on the radical right.

This weekend's budget agreement is likely just the beginning where irresponsible extremists such as Ted Cruz will continue to be frustrated by a GOP establishment focused on retaining political power and influence, not preserving the purity of rightist dogma venerated by the TPM.

Don't know if you noticed, but more and more Conservative 'extremists' are winning elections. So much that the clowns in charge of GOP are bypassing their base and funding people to run against these people. These clowns have been going against the GOP base for some time. Sooner or later revolt will happen.

The far right is not the base, only the outliers. Nothing more. The delldudes etc are the exceptions that prove the rule.

Tell you what: give us all the Tea Party members for the 2015 term. Then we will compare them to the Tea Party members in congresses of 2010 and 2012.

Guess what? The funding elected moderates and conservatives, not far right nuts.

You have to realize many elected were liked by TP, not ' members '.
What is far right.

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