Troops love the president

I guess they (the troops) were also forced to take fotographes of him. I agree with huggy, not all troops were cheering btw (wich would have been the case if they were forced to do so).
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It's clear from the wildly enthusiastic response from the troops this morning that President Obama is a source of inspiration and hope for members of the US military. The beloved President's remarks were repeatedly interrupted by wild cheering from the troops. Who can blame them? He's ending a bloody, needless Republican war and is saving tens of thousands of lives and billions and billions of dollars in the process. God bless him.

Wrong. Troops are forced to cheer, like him or not. I can't imagine many that would be given his world apology tour.

He's not ending shit. Open your eyes, partisan hack.

Forced to cheer???? How??? At gunpoint??? It appeared that was the case when Bush showed up but I watched Obama speaking in front of the troops a few minutes ago and they were whoopin and hollarin and it was clearly spontaneous. He was getting interupted constantly with the crowd noise. Sorry Gunny I know you got medals on your medals but your take on this is wrong. Better clean your sights.

My sights are fine. Might want to take the dustcover off yours and allow the light and world into yours.

You don't know what you're talking about.
I think I know why the AOL board shut down. And lucky us, we get the AOL rejects here. Hooray
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I guess they (the troops) were also forced to take fotographes of him. I agree with huggy, not all troops were cheering btw (wich would have been the case if they were forced to do so).

And here we go with the twisted, dishonest arguments. People like you and huggy require more effort than you rate.

IF, the troops were forced to participate as units, they were also prompted to cheer. That's how it is, doesn't matter who YOU agree with.

IF participation was voluntary, then only the troops that support Obama are going to show up and of course those sheep are going to cheer. Everyone else is going to sleep, eat, or red and write letters home.

I was forced to participate in enough of that shit that I have a clue. I don't recall what ship it was, but when Clinton first took office they arranged a rent-a-crowd for him and two of the Sailors said fuck that and fuck him. They were give nonjudicial punishment for it. It sends a message if you give an ounce of a damn about your rank and pay.

Wake up. This is an all-volunteer force. They don't want to hear some mealy-mouthed asshole apologizing for the US.

Prove me wrong. Lay off the kool aid and go enlist. After you've walked a mile in my combat boots, you can tell me what it's all about.
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See what you Americans did? You dumped the monarchy and immediately you politicise the C in C. :lol:
Wrong. Troops are forced to cheer, like him or not. I can't imagine many that would be given his world apology tour.

He's not ending shit. Open your eyes, partisan hack.

Forced to cheer???? How??? At gunpoint??? It appeared that was the case when Bush showed up but I watched Obama speaking in front of the troops a few minutes ago and they were whoopin and hollarin and it was clearly spontaneous. He was getting interupted constantly with the crowd noise. Sorry Gunny I know you got medals on your medals but your take on this is wrong. Better clean your sights.

My sights are fine. Might want to take the dustcover off yours and allow the light and world into yours.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Whoa there Gunny. You sayin this thread is off limits to all but retired veterans? I know what I've seen and heard and don't come here making false reports. I'll defer to you on the back story. Question? Have you seen the recent Obama meeting the Iraq troops clips or are you assuming its all bs based on past experience.

You are right that my experience with military affairs is limited. I once put on a concert at Fort Lewis for the troops featuring Earth Wind and Fire. That was about the extent of my personal involvement with the military... Well there was one "incident" when a couple of Phantoms pulled up alongside while I was flying in the Carribean.
Forced to cheer???? How??? At gunpoint??? It appeared that was the case when Bush showed up but I watched Obama speaking in front of the troops a few minutes ago and they were whoopin and hollarin and it was clearly spontaneous. He was getting interupted constantly with the crowd noise. Sorry Gunny I know you got medals on your medals but your take on this is wrong. Better clean your sights.

My sights are fine. Might want to take the dustcover off yours and allow the light and world into yours.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Whoa there Gunny. You sayin this thread is off limits to all but retired veterans? I know what I've seen and heard and don't come here making false reports. I'll defer to you on the back story. Question? Have you seen the recent Obama meeting the Iraq troops clips or are you assuming its all bs based on past experience.

You are right that my experience with military affairs is limited. I once put on a concert at Fort Lewis for the troops featuring Earth Wind and Fire. That was about the extent of my personal involvement with the military... Well there was one "incident" when a couple of Phantoms pulled up alongside while I was flying in the Carribean.

Is that your best strawman? I said nothing of the sort, as you are well aware. I did not this thread is off limits to all but retired veterans, nor did I say anything was BS except the original post; which, is about as one-sided, kool-aid-drinking, wishful thinking, leftwingnut bullshit as it gets. Nothing but partisan sensationalism, and THAT is what I am arguing against.

Some troops showed up and cheered for Obama. Big fucking deal. Some troops showed up and cheered for Bush, Clinton, Bush I, and Reagan as well. Hell, I've seen them cheer for Darth Cheney. Need I say more than my last?
Dbrod! Welcome! Glad you made it over here.

I can't believe you broke the rules with your very first post! :shock:

Not! ;)

Hey Anne! You know what they say about rules...haha. There seems to be a lot of the old favorites on this board.

If that's your attitude about rules ... hope you didn't unpack.

HAHAHAHA! What the hell are you, a bush wannabe? Making idle threats you can't back up? Too funny.
Hey Anne! You know what they say about rules...haha. There seems to be a lot of the old favorites on this board.

If that's your attitude about rules ... hope you didn't unpack.

HAHAHAHA! What the hell are you, a bush wannabe? Making idle threats you can't back up? Too funny.

I feel so belittled, threatened and emasculated. Guess you told me.:cuckoo:

I suggest you find someone else to try and fuck with, pissant. You weren't threatened. You were warned. You want to test the rules here? Knock yourself out.
And you should never have the fucking balls to bring up Afganistan. If you bring up Afganistan, you automatically lose the arguement, because if anything, Afgan is the shining example of what a failure you and your party are.

Afganistan, Afganistan, Afganistan, Afganistan, Afganistan, Afganistan, Afganistan, Afganistan, Afganistan, from a conservative. lol
it's clear from the wildly enthusiastic response from the troops this morning that president obama is a source of inspiration and hope for members of the us military. The beloved president's remarks were repeatedly interrupted by wild cheering from the troops. Who can blame them? He's ending a bloody, needless republican war and is saving tens of thousands of lives and billions and billions of dollars in the process. God bless him.


(click to enlarge the insanity)
You ever think that they are applauding the position and not the person. They may or may not like him - but the fact that their Commander-in-Chief was there (and their superior officers telling them to "whoop it up"), was probably enough for the display.
It's clear from the wildly enthusiastic response from the troops this morning that President Obama is a source of inspiration and hope for members of the US military. The beloved President's remarks were repeatedly interrupted by wild cheering from the troops. Who can blame them? He's ending a bloody, needless Republican war and is saving tens of thousands of lives and billions and billions of dollars in the process. God bless him.

Wrong. Troops are forced to cheer, like him or not. I can't imagine many that would be given his world apology tour.

He's not ending shit. Open your eyes, partisan hack.

Forced to cheer???? How??? At gunpoint??? It appeared that was the case when Bush showed up but I watched Obama speaking in front of the troops a few minutes ago and they were whoopin and hollarin and it was clearly spontaneous. He was getting interupted constantly with the crowd noise. Sorry Gunny I know you got medals on your medals but your take on this is wrong. Better clean your sights.

The troops will show respect for the office in public. But when you talk to any Vet from Iraq or Afgan. they despise the Bow Man.
I know I've talked to some how about you ?? You know shit about the Military fuckhead
Maybe now -- that the Left thinks the troops love Obama, they'll stop blocking their absentee vote!

Nah. They'll be "hostile" again come election time.

What did I tell you guys last year? I told you the military vote would go to Obama. You all mocked me as if the thought was absurd.

A military guy was on the Ed Schultz show and he said they make a point not to talk against the current commander & chief, but almost all of them went DEMOCRAT.

Block the Absentee vote? Maybe this should be moved to the Conspiracy Theories? :lol:

OpenSecrets | Troops Deployed Abroad Give 6:1 to Obama - Capital Eye

Troops prefer Obama 6 to 1.

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