Trudeau unleashes Canadian Cossacks

I also am pretty fine with vaccine mandates.
If they mandated Nembutal, you'd step right up, wouldn't you.

Pay attention to dystopian stories like Brave New World and THX-1138, in which drugs are used to pacify an oppressed people, to keep them happy and compliant.

See also, the recent, in many cases successful, efforts to legalize and encourage the use of marijuana.

We're being manipulated, conditioned, to accept the inappropriate use of harmful drugs “for our own good”, and to accept them as an element connected with controlling us and depriving us of our freedom and independence.
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I am perfectly fine with vaccine mandates, so was nearly everyone else until the right decided that this would be the thing to hang an insurgency on. So knock yourself out and accept the consequences of defying public health orders.

That's all we really have to say, people: Okay.

And then act accordingly.
Military and healthcare fields......aren't those the same groups who put their lives on the line tending to the Covid sick and dying for well over a year without being vaxed?

The fed has a record of anyone vaxed....'show ID' (not for voting though)....imagine if they doxed the unvaxed ID's.

There isn’t a federal database or record of who is or isn’t vaxxed.
Those are protected under the law and/or Constitution. Don’t like it? Get another job.

Where in the Constitution does it authorize government to establish special protected classes of people to have different protections under the law from discrimination in employment than those who do not fall under those arbitrary protected classes?

(Hint: It doesn't. In fact, the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment explicitly forbids this.)

Why is it illegal to discriminate against someone for being a depraved faggot, but not only legal, but actually encouraged or required, to discriminate against someone for refusing to be injected with a dangerous experimental drug?
Where in the Constitution does it authorize government to establish special protected classes of people to have different protections under the law from discrimination in employment than those who do not fall under those arbitrary protected classes?

(Hint: It doesn't. In fact, the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment explicitly forbids this.)

Why is it illegal to discriminate against someone for being a depraved faggot, but not only legal, but actually encouraged or required, to discriminate against someone for refusing to be injected with a dangerous experimental drug?
Keep your faggot obsessions to yourself.

If you disagree and feel an uncontrollable need to persecute LGBTQ, racial minorities, religious minorities, then change the laws.
Keep your faggot obsessions to yourself.

If you disagree and feel an uncontrollable need to persecute LGBTQ, racial minorities, religious minorities, then change the laws.

The Constitution is the highest law.

And the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment is part of that highest law.

It is flat-out illegal to enact and enforce laws which prohibit discrimination against some “protected classes” of people, but which allow or even encourage it against other groups against which there is no more rational basis for such discriminations. If it is illegal to discriminate against someone for being a depraved sexual pervert, then it has to be equally illegal to discriminate against someone for refusing to be used as a test subject in a dangerous medical experiment.

Of course, you're someone who openly takes the side of faggots and other depraved sexual perverts, so it is pointless trying to discuss morals or ethics with you; other than to bring your moral vapidity to the surface for all to see.
There isn’t a federal database or record of who is or isn’t vaxxed.

Every COVID-19 vaccine dose is allocated by the federal government’s Operation Warp Speed, ordered by states and tracked by shipping companies and then hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities and other vaccination sites. Systems then track who gets the vaccine and report back to the federal government. There are also systems in place to log adverse reactions and patient follow-up, too.


Where’s the COVID-19 vaccine? Who’s been vaccinated? Here's how we'll know.

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