Trudeau walks out of NAFTA negotiations

We have a $13 billion trade surplus with Canada.

When we go to war anywhere in the world, Canada is the first ones with us.

Of course he walked out.

Trump is praising murderers and dictators, and turning his back on our allies.

You're an idiot.
Last I was aware there is a tariff on every, ea. and all items that are imported and exported... the latest hubbub happens to be steel. There exists a tariff on Canadian steel (as there always has) Trump is just tipping the tariffs (on steel) to a more equal / equitable balance.
We have a $13 billion trade surplus with Canada.

When we go to war anywhere in the world, Canada is the first ones with us.

Of course he walked out.

Trump is praising murderers and dictators, and turning his back on our allies.

You're an idiot.

Pffft. Tell me about Chretien and Afghanistan/Iraq asshole. I'm still going after Harper over Syria for even running with Obama on that bullshit.

Trudeau is a left wing commie kid from his father who is now going to host the G7 and demanding that there should be no trade with any country that does not promote free abortions. He demoed NAFTA over SJW shit.

THATS FOR FUCKING STARTERS. You want to dance with me?

Step up your game douchebag.

You have to understand, so is skews. He detests this Nation as founded.
We have a $13 billion trade surplus with Canada.

When we go to war anywhere in the world, Canada is the first ones with us.

Of course he walked out.

Trump is praising murderers and dictators, and turning his back on our allies.

You're an idiot.

Why did you unfriend me on Facebook?
We have a $13 billion trade surplus with Canada.

When we go to war anywhere in the world, Canada is the first ones with us.

Of course he walked out.

Trump is praising murderers and dictators, and turning his back on our allies.

You're an idiot.

Pffft. Tell me about Chretien and Afghanistan/Iraq asshole. I'm still going after Harper over Syria for even running with Obama on that bullshit.

Trudeau is a left wing commie kid from his father who is now going to host the G7 and demanding that there should be no trade with any country that does not promote free abortions. He demoed NAFTA over SJW shit.

THATS FOR FUCKING STARTERS. You want to dance with me?

Step up your game douchebag.

You have to understand, so is skews. He detests this Nation as founded.

Genuinely for me with Boone being the family some funny, white privilege means jack shit. You are in the middle of a forest and clear the land and can plant some of the hardiest seeds, learn your boys to hunt, fish and stay alive

Republican destroyed the New Deal when Reagan was elected and it’s been downhill for working class Americans ever since.
Pres. Reagan revived the economy by finally shedding the last vestiges of the communist New Deal and reinstating free trade.capitalism. ... :thup:

Yes he did, and it resulted in a huge high unemployment, an increase in poverty, a doubling of food stamp usage, a huge stock market crash, a a doubling, and the doubling, tripling of the deficit.

It also resulted in the gradual transfer of wealth from working and middle class Americans, to the wealthiest 10%. Coupled with Reagan’s attacks on unions, which resulted in the stagnation of wages, the erosion of the middle class was begun.

Ultimately, Reagan had to raise taxes a lot. He also substantially increased
Ahhhh STFU...............I posted a bunch of information on how China and other nations are fucking us......

But your LOVE AFFAIR WITH TRUMP will not let you see it...........

Do you have a Trump picture on your wall at blow kisses at......................

We are talking about Canada.

I can tell you right now. Your droppings all over stinks.

Based from your post here. You DON’T know what you are talking about trades and economics.
Negotiating for better deals for our country over others isn't you say...

Other countries ban our goods and use trade barriers against us............Looking for a better deal to keep jobs here is in our best interest.........even if I have to pay a little more.

You would rather the jobs go to other countries to buy more of their stuff and to put other to work in other countries.

Free Trade is BS...........we didn't do this crap for over 200 years and we did just fine. Until people like you said it was broken................

Negotiated deals country to country worked...........and now we become dependent on others for all our goods.............Not in our best interests.

You say there were no free trade deals for over 200 years and the US was fine. That’s because there was no global trade and banking system until after WWII.

It was the globalization which followed WWII that made America the richest country in the world. With Europe’s manufacturing capability destroyed in the war, and Japan reeling in the aftermath of two atomic bombings, the USA was the only major world manufacturing power left. The profits made rebuilding Europe and Japan, combined with the New Deal, and a strong education system allowed the US to lead the world and launched the Great American Middle Class.

Republicans have been destroying both since Reagan was elected and killed the New Deal.

Still a communist, are you Mrs. Mao?

It must be difficult going through life and misjudging everyone you meet.

You don't recognize the Marxist rhetoric in your tirade? You actually don't, do you? Democrats are morons, that's why you're so easily manipulated. Just like your husband, the late chairman always did to your people
Republican destroyed the New Deal when Reagan was elected and it’s been downhill for working class Americans ever since.
Pres. Reagan revived the economy by finally shedding the last vestiges of the communist New Deal and reinstating free trade.capitalism. ... :thup:

Yes he did, and it resulted in a huge high unemployment, an increase in poverty, a doubling of food stamp usage, a huge stock market crash, a a doubling, and the doubling, tripling of the deficit.

It also resulted in the gradual transfer of wealth from working and middle class Americans, to the wealthiest 10%. Coupled with Reagan’s attacks on unions, which resulted in the stagnation of wages, the erosion of the middle class was begun.

Ultimately, Reagan had to raise taxes a lot. He also substantially increased
We are talking about Canada.

I can tell you right now. Your droppings all over stinks.

Based from your post here. You DON’T know what you are talking about trades and economics.
Negotiating for better deals for our country over others isn't you say...

Other countries ban our goods and use trade barriers against us............Looking for a better deal to keep jobs here is in our best interest.........even if I have to pay a little more.

You would rather the jobs go to other countries to buy more of their stuff and to put other to work in other countries.

Free Trade is BS...........we didn't do this crap for over 200 years and we did just fine. Until people like you said it was broken................

Negotiated deals country to country worked...........and now we become dependent on others for all our goods.............Not in our best interests.

You say there were no free trade deals for over 200 years and the US was fine. That’s because there was no global trade and banking system until after WWII.

It was the globalization which followed WWII that made America the richest country in the world. With Europe’s manufacturing capability destroyed in the war, and Japan reeling in the aftermath of two atomic bombings, the USA was the only major world manufacturing power left. The profits made rebuilding Europe and Japan, combined with the New Deal, and a strong education system allowed the US to lead the world and launched the Great American Middle Class.

Republicans have been destroying both since Reagan was elected and killed the New Deal.

Still a communist, are you Mrs. Mao?

It must be difficult going through life and misjudging everyone you meet.

You don't recognize the Marxist rhetoric in your tirade? You actually don't, do you? Democrats are morons, that's why you're so easily manipulated. Just like your husband, the late chairman always did to your people

You don’t recognize the ignorance and stupidybin calling all liberals “communists” and “Marxists”? You actually don’t, do you? Right winger are morons, that’s why you were so easily manipulated by Russian propaganda and lies. Just like your hero Putin, who is trying to destroy democracy.
Trudeau says NAFTA negotiations stalled after Pence demanded sunset clause

Does this idiot not realize Canada and Mexico are in NO WIN SITUATIONS here? If they fail to renegotiate NAFTA then we just pull out and laugh as Mexico and Canada come screaming back for deals! Then we do 1 on 1 deals with them each! We hold ALL the cards!
Short and to the point. It was once said the Whosshing sound you will hear is jobs going across the boarder. (Person was Ross Perroe who was running for president.)
Never proven
We have a $13 billion trade surplus with Canada.

When we go to war anywhere in the world, Canada is the first ones with us.

Of course he walked out.

Trump is praising murderers and dictators, and turning his back on our allies.

You're an idiot.
You guys are so dumb

do you like the idea of no steel or aluminum being made here?
Trudeau says NAFTA negotiations stalled after Pence demanded sunset clause

Does this idiot not realize Canada and Mexico are in NO WIN SITUATIONS here? If they fail to renegotiate NAFTA then we just pull out and laugh as Mexico and Canada come screaming back for deals! Then we do 1 on 1 deals with them each! We hold ALL the cards!
All those factories in Mexico owned by US corporations.

Trump can't negotiate shit.
So why are they in Mexico?
Pres. Reagan revived the economy by finally shedding the last vestiges of the communist New Deal and reinstating free trade.capitalism. ... :thup:

Yes he did, and it resulted in a huge high unemployment, an increase in poverty, a doubling of food stamp usage, a huge stock market crash, a a doubling, and the doubling, tripling of the deficit.

It also resulted in the gradual transfer of wealth from working and middle class Americans, to the wealthiest 10%. Coupled with Reagan’s attacks on unions, which resulted in the stagnation of wages, the erosion of the middle class was begun.

Ultimately, Reagan had to raise taxes a lot. He also substantially increased
Negotiating for better deals for our country over others isn't you say...

Other countries ban our goods and use trade barriers against us............Looking for a better deal to keep jobs here is in our best interest.........even if I have to pay a little more.

You would rather the jobs go to other countries to buy more of their stuff and to put other to work in other countries.

Free Trade is BS...........we didn't do this crap for over 200 years and we did just fine. Until people like you said it was broken................

Negotiated deals country to country worked...........and now we become dependent on others for all our goods.............Not in our best interests.

You say there were no free trade deals for over 200 years and the US was fine. That’s because there was no global trade and banking system until after WWII.

It was the globalization which followed WWII that made America the richest country in the world. With Europe’s manufacturing capability destroyed in the war, and Japan reeling in the aftermath of two atomic bombings, the USA was the only major world manufacturing power left. The profits made rebuilding Europe and Japan, combined with the New Deal, and a strong education system allowed the US to lead the world and launched the Great American Middle Class.

Republicans have been destroying both since Reagan was elected and killed the New Deal.

Still a communist, are you Mrs. Mao?

It must be difficult going through life and misjudging everyone you meet.

You don't recognize the Marxist rhetoric in your tirade? You actually don't, do you? Democrats are morons, that's why you're so easily manipulated. Just like your husband, the late chairman always did to your people

You don’t recognize the ignorance and stupidybin calling all liberals “communists” and “Marxists”? You actually don’t, do you? Right winger are morons, that’s why you were so easily manipulated by Russian propaganda and lies. Just like your hero Putin, who is trying to destroy democracy.

I call you a communist specifically when you spew marxists rhetoric like here
Canada would be better off with a separate deal anyways. But really, the only thing that's going to happen is that prices will rise for everyone, us, Canada, Mehico, Europe... It's the little guys getting burned by the rich once again. Welcome to Trump's America, it's what you voted for.
Yeah............we are all going to die because our Gov't is standing up and negotiating deals for Fair Trade instead of allowing them to fuck us over.........................

You do this .................we will do's called negotiating............if they walk out with their fucking panties in a wad............we'll make it ourself............or find another supplier..................

Wah...............If Canada stops sending a Product we are all gonna die................Got news for you........This is a big dang world..........................And we can buy from someone else.....................

Guess you don't see that now do you...............

Most of the fight is over steel and aluminum...............and it isn't that big of a deal.

Other countries haven’t been “fucking you over with trade”. That’s the dumbest part of Trump’s great trade lies. It’s US corporations who have fucked you over in search of lower costs and higher profits.

Walmart was actively encouraging suppliers to offshore manufacturing to lower wholesale costs. One supplier said he felt he had no choice and that he’d lose the contract if he couldn’t give them the lower prices they wanted. Here’s an article from 2003.

The Wal-Mart You Don’t Know

Americans are now the whiniest people on earth and instead of looking in the mirror where the root causes of your problems exist, Trump looks for “others” to blame. It’s not the fault of Americans they don’t buy goods that are “made in America” because they want the cheapest price possible and quality be damned. It’s China’s fault for “taking advantage”.

Canada is the largest importer of US goods and services in the world. You’re driving away your largest customer. We just signed a $40 billion dollar trade deal with the EU. We’re part of TPP. We’re ready with other options.

China, the world’s fastest growing economy is poised to swoop in when Dumb Donald pulls this crap.

Oh and Mexico has an election coming up. The guy who’s leading the polls is the radical who is promising to take a hard line against Trump’s trade policies.

Dumb. Really fucking dumb.
Ahhhh STFU...............I posted a bunch of information on how China and other nations are fucking us......

But your LOVE AFFAIR WITH TRUMP will not let you see it...........

Do you have a Trump picture on your wall at blow kisses at......................

We are talking about Canada.

I can tell you right now. Your droppings all over stinks.

Based from your post here. You DON’T know what you are talking about trades and economics.
Negotiating for better deals for our country over others isn't you say...

Other countries ban our goods and use trade barriers against us............Looking for a better deal to keep jobs here is in our best interest.........even if I have to pay a little more.

You would rather the jobs go to other countries to buy more of their stuff and to put other to work in other countries.

Free Trade is BS...........we didn't do this crap for over 200 years and we did just fine. Until people like you said it was broken................

Negotiated deals country to country worked...........and now we become dependent on others for all our goods.............Not in our best interests.

So far up to this point there is ZERO or NO negotiations accomplished with our allies and friends by this lousy POTUS.

But he imposed higher tariffs with our closest allies and friends. That’s what he had done.
WE the consumers will face the blunt force of higher prices on ALL commodities. I mean ALL.

Even his own closest lap dogs both senate and congress blasted this lousy dude.

I haven’t seen any less or well known economist or any groups supporting this dude. NONE zero.

Koch brothers just launched anti tariff against Trump today.

Free Trade........ The excellent economy as we see today proves Free Trade works very well for this country.
Yeah............we are all going to die because our Gov't is standing up and negotiating deals for Fair Trade instead of allowing them to fuck us over.........................

You do this .................we will do's called negotiating............if they walk out with their fucking panties in a wad............we'll make it ourself............or find another supplier..................

Wah...............If Canada stops sending a Product we are all gonna die................Got news for you........This is a big dang world..........................And we can buy from someone else.....................

Guess you don't see that now do you...............

Most of the fight is over steel and aluminum...............and it isn't that big of a deal.

Other countries haven’t been “fucking you over with trade”. That’s the dumbest part of Trump’s great trade lies. It’s US corporations who have fucked you over in search of lower costs and higher profits.

Walmart was actively encouraging suppliers to offshore manufacturing to lower wholesale costs. One supplier said he felt he had no choice and that he’d lose the contract if he couldn’t give them the lower prices they wanted. Here’s an article from 2003.

The Wal-Mart You Don’t Know

Americans are now the whiniest people on earth and instead of looking in the mirror where the root causes of your problems exist, Trump looks for “others” to blame. It’s not the fault of Americans they don’t buy goods that are “made in America” because they want the cheapest price possible and quality be damned. It’s China’s fault for “taking advantage”.

Canada is the largest importer of US goods and services in the world. You’re driving away your largest customer. We just signed a $40 billion dollar trade deal with the EU. We’re part of TPP. We’re ready with other options.

China, the world’s fastest growing economy is poised to swoop in when Dumb Donald pulls this crap.

Oh and Mexico has an election coming up. The guy who’s leading the polls is the radical who is promising to take a hard line against Trump’s trade policies.

Dumb. Really fucking dumb.
Ahhhh STFU...............I posted a bunch of information on how China and other nations are fucking us......

But your LOVE AFFAIR WITH TRUMP will not let you see it...........

Do you have a Trump picture on your wall at blow kisses at......................

We are talking about Canada.

I can tell you right now. Your droppings all over stinks.

Based from your post here. You DON’T know what you are talking about trades and economics.
Negotiating for better deals for our country over others isn't you say...

Other countries ban our goods and use trade barriers against us............Looking for a better deal to keep jobs here is in our best interest.........even if I have to pay a little more.

You would rather the jobs go to other countries to buy more of their stuff and to put other to work in other countries.

Free Trade is BS...........we didn't do this crap for over 200 years and we did just fine. Until people like you said it was broken................

Negotiated deals country to country worked...........and now we become dependent on others for all our goods.............Not in our best interests.

So far up to this point there is ZERO or NO negotiations accomplished with our allies and friends by this lousy POTUS.

But he imposed higher tariffs with our closest allies and friends. That’s what he had done.
WE the consumers will face the blunt force of higher prices on ALL commodities. I mean ALL.

Even his own closest lap dogs both senate and congress blasted this lousy dude.

I haven’t seen any less or well known economist or any groups supporting this dude. NONE zero.

Koch brothers just launched anti tariff against Trump today.

Free Trade........ The excellent economy as we see today proves Free Trade works very well for this country.
Just ignore the abuses of other countries..............their quotas..........their tariffs..........and how many jobs lost here as a result..........

They are negotiating better deals for our workers.............and it's high time that we keep losing our industries here and the jobs with them. There is no such thing as Free Trade.........countries all over the world tariff each other and outright ban goods like beef to China...........
Yeah............we are all going to die because our Gov't is standing up and negotiating deals for Fair Trade instead of allowing them to fuck us over.........................

You do this .................we will do's called negotiating............if they walk out with their fucking panties in a wad............we'll make it ourself............or find another supplier..................

Wah...............If Canada stops sending a Product we are all gonna die................Got news for you........This is a big dang world..........................And we can buy from someone else.....................

Guess you don't see that now do you...............

Most of the fight is over steel and aluminum...............and it isn't that big of a deal.

Other countries haven’t been “fucking you over with trade”. That’s the dumbest part of Trump’s great trade lies. It’s US corporations who have fucked you over in search of lower costs and higher profits.

Walmart was actively encouraging suppliers to offshore manufacturing to lower wholesale costs. One supplier said he felt he had no choice and that he’d lose the contract if he couldn’t give them the lower prices they wanted. Here’s an article from 2003.

The Wal-Mart You Don’t Know

Americans are now the whiniest people on earth and instead of looking in the mirror where the root causes of your problems exist, Trump looks for “others” to blame. It’s not the fault of Americans they don’t buy goods
that are “made in America” because they want the cheapest price possible and quality be damned. It’s China’s fault for “taking advantage”.

Canada is the largest importer of US goods and services in the world. You’re driving away your largest customer. We just signed a $40 billion dollar trade deal with the EU. We’re part of TPP. We’re ready with other options.

China, the world’s fastest growing economy is poised to swoop in when Dumb Donald pulls this crap.

Oh and Mexico has an election coming up. The guy who’s leading the polls is the radical who is promising to take a hard line against Trump’s trade policies.

Dumb. Really fucking dumb.
Ahhhh STFU...............I posted a bunch of information on how China and other nations are fucking us......

But your LOVE AFFAIR WITH TRUMP will not let you see it...........

Do you have a Trump picture on your wall at blow kisses at......................

We are talking about Canada.

I can tell you right now. Your droppings all over stinks.

Based from your post here. You DON’T know what you are talking about trades and economics.
Negotiating for better deals for our country over others isn't you say...

Other countries ban our goods and use trade barriers against us............Looking for a better deal to keep jobs here is in our best interest.........even if I have to pay a little more.

You would rather the jobs go to other countries to buy more of their stuff and to put other to work in other countries.

Free Trade is BS...........we didn't do this crap for over 200 years and we did just fine. Until people like you said it was broken................

Negotiated deals country to country worked...........and now we become dependent on others for all our goods.............Not in our best interests.

So far up to this point there is ZERO or NO negotiations accomplished with our allies and friends by this lousy POTUS.

But he imposed higher tariffs with our closest allies and friends. That’s what he had done.
WE the consumers will face the blunt force of higher prices on ALL commodities. I mean ALL.

Even his own closest lap dogs both senate and congress blasted this lousy dude.

I haven’t seen any less or well known economist or any groups supporting this dude. NONE zero.

Koch brothers just launched anti tariff against Trump today.

Free Trade........ The excellent economy as we see today proves Free Trade works very well for this country.

Trump Derangement Syndrome, the Democrat party was anti-free Trade before Trump came and you will be again when he leaves, but for the eight years he's in office ... you just flip, flop and fly ...

Other countries haven’t been “fucking you over with trade”. That’s the dumbest part of Trump’s great trade lies. It’s US corporations who have fucked you over in search of lower costs and higher profits.

Walmart was actively encouraging suppliers to offshore manufacturing to lower wholesale costs. One supplier said he felt he had no choice and that he’d lose the contract if he couldn’t give them the lower prices they wanted. Here’s an article from 2003.

The Wal-Mart You Don’t Know

Americans are now the whiniest people on earth and instead of looking in the mirror where the root causes of your problems exist, Trump looks for “others” to blame. It’s not the fault of Americans they don’t buy goods that are “made in America” because they want the cheapest price possible and quality be damned. It’s China’s fault for “taking advantage”.

Canada is the largest importer of US goods and services in the world. You’re driving away your largest customer. We just signed a $40 billion dollar trade deal with the EU. We’re part of TPP. We’re ready with other options.

China, the world’s fastest growing economy is poised to swoop in when Dumb Donald pulls this crap.

Oh and Mexico has an election coming up. The guy who’s leading the polls is the radical who is promising to take a hard line against Trump’s trade policies.

Dumb. Really fucking dumb.
Ahhhh STFU...............I posted a bunch of information on how China and other nations are fucking us......

But your LOVE AFFAIR WITH TRUMP will not let you see it...........

Do you have a Trump picture on your wall at blow kisses at......................

We are talking about Canada.

I can tell you right now. Your droppings all over stinks.

Based from your post here. You DON’T know what you are talking about trades and economics.
Negotiating for better deals for our country over others isn't you say...

Other countries ban our goods and use trade barriers against us............Looking for a better deal to keep jobs here is in our best interest.........even if I have to pay a little more.

You would rather the jobs go to other countries to buy more of their stuff and to put other to work in other countries.

Free Trade is BS...........we didn't do this crap for over 200 years and we did just fine. Until people like you said it was broken................

Negotiated deals country to country worked...........and now we become dependent on others for all our goods.............Not in our best interests.

So far up to this point there is ZERO or NO negotiations accomplished with our allies and friends by this lousy POTUS.

But he imposed higher tariffs with our closest allies and friends. That’s what he had done.
WE the consumers will face the blunt force of higher prices on ALL commodities. I mean ALL.

Even his own closest lap dogs both senate and congress blasted this lousy dude.

I haven’t seen any less or well known economist or any groups supporting this dude. NONE zero.

Koch brothers just launched anti tariff against Trump today.

Free Trade........ The excellent economy as we see today proves Free Trade works very well for this country.
Just ignore the abuses of other countries..............their quotas..........their tariffs..........and how many jobs lost here as a result..........

They are negotiating better deals for our workers.............and it's high time that we keep losing our industries here and the jobs with them. There is no such thing as Free Trade.........countries all over the world tariff each other and outright ban goods like beef to China...........

Charwin95 is anti-free trade too. He's only pretending otherwise because of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

But the answer to your question is that your anti-free trade policies are costing us jobs, free trade expands them. You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts
Trudeau says NAFTA negotiations stalled after Pence demanded sunset clause

Does this idiot not realize Canada and Mexico are in NO WIN SITUATIONS here? If they fail to renegotiate NAFTA then we just pull out and laugh as Mexico and Canada come screaming back for deals! Then we do 1 on 1 deals with them each! We hold ALL the cards!

You are clueless sometimes, we need trading partners as much as they need us. Trump is holding a pair of duces and trying to bluff.

It won’t work.

Sent from my iPhone using
Trudeau says NAFTA negotiations stalled after Pence demanded sunset clause

Does this idiot not realize Canada and Mexico are in NO WIN SITUATIONS here? If they fail to renegotiate NAFTA then we just pull out and laugh as Mexico and Canada come screaming back for deals! Then we do 1 on 1 deals with them each! We hold ALL the cards!
I thought Trump is a master negotiator

He said he could do better than NAFTA......where is it?
Negotiations take time....if they won't come back with a better deal then we just leave NAFTA all together which is fine with me.
Trump has told China to fuck off.
Trump has told the EU to fuck off.'
Trump is now telling Canada to fuck off.
Trump is now telling Mexico to fuck off.

Looks like our only trading partners will be Israel and Russia pretty soon

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