True Life Story .. the short version..

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
So .. I'm a 17 year old kid and I got a date tonight.
Yup, I'm all spruced up and ready to go.
It's a date with a fine young lady, sweet, good lookin and a body that cries out for discovery as far as I was concerned, her, not so much; :dunno:

Still, I had high hopes and it was out to the old 69 Camaro and sweet times tonight.
She started .. that was a good sign, she was raring to go .. another good sign.
So, on out the neighborhood, a toot (car horn) ..;) to Brian .. stuck cutting the grass, no date for him I guess..

So .. I've gone a couple blocks and I'm coming up to a stop light, I stop.
All the sudden, all hell breaks loose.
3 maybe 4 cop cars, suddenly, I'm being ripped out of the car, smooshed on the pavement, yelling, screaming .. this was a nightmare! 😧

Still, I was pretty silent, in shock I'm thinkin, then the questions .. your name?.. where are you going? .. your address?
So now the hand cuffs, a lot of squishing and me asking what did I do? 😮

Then they stand me up, push me up against the car, then it's blah blah blah a date, a girl, some version of, “I’m innocent I tells ya”. 🥺

This goes on for some time until some cop comes over and talks to squished me cop, they both start laughing, then looking at me and laughing! .. 😕

Turns out some guy had beat the hell out his wife, drove a car much like mine away from his scene and obviously it wasn't me.. free to go..

Well, that's the short version..
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So .. I'm a 17 year old kid and I got a date tonight.
Yup, I'm all spruced up and ready to go.
It's a date with a fine young lady, sweet, good lookin and a body that cries out for discovery as far as I was concerned, her, not so much; :dunno:

Still, I had high hopes and it was out to the old 69 Camaro and sweet times tonight.
She started .. that was a good sign, she was raring to go .. another good sign.
So, on out the neighborhood, a toot (car horn) ..;) to Brian .. stuck cutting the grass, no date for him I guess..

So .. I've gone a couple blocks and I'm coming up to a stop light, I stop.
All the sudden, all hell breaks loose.
3 maybe 4 cop cars, suddenly, I'm being ripped out of the car, smooshed on the pavement, yelling, screaming .. this was a nightmare!

Still, I was pretty silent, in shock I'm thinkin, then the questions .. your name?.. where are you going? .. your address
So now the hand cuffs, a lot of squishing and me asking what did I do?
Then they stand me up, push me up against the car, then it's blah blah blah for some time until some cop comes over and squished me cop starts laughing.

Turns out some guy had beat the hell out his wife, drove a car much like mine away from his scene and obviously it wasn't me.. free to go..

Well, that's the short version..

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