Trump Administration moves to ease rules against killing birds.

I have already addressed that issue and it is not completely true.
What is true-
Protect Eagles from Wind Turbine Fatalities
An even more alarming fact is that the data on the number of deaths is gathered by paid consultants to the wind industry. That’s the fox guarding the chicken house. At the infamous Altamont Wind Resource Area alone, more than 2,000 Golden Eagles have been killed by the wind turbines there.
Fish & Wildlife Service’s Eagle Management Plan Presents Grave Risk
In December, 2016, a new eagle-management plan announced a final rule by the federal government that would give wind energy developers 30-year permits to “take” or incidentally kill protected Bald and Golden Eagles, without requiring the industry to share mortality data with the public or take into consideration such critical factors as proper siting. The so-called Eagle Take Rule, finalized by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, puts many thousands of the nation’s protected Bald and Golden Eagles at unacceptable risk.

You are so blind to your own bias, it’s stunning.
The number of birds killed buy wind turbines pales to the number of birds killed by fossil fuel companies and nuclear power plants.
Really? So you are fine with getting rid of the fuel industry, which is necessary for those wind turbines that can’t exist without fossil fuels. Got it. By the way, the analysis regarding how many are killed from fossil fuel, etc. was paid for by green new deal advocates.
Honestly I don't know how you made that leap in logic.
Leap in logic? You mean the analysis of birds killed by fossil fuels, etc was paid for by green new deal advocates? Or the facts that fossil fuel is used to create the components needed in making wind turbines? Or that fossil fuel/nuclear is needed when the wind doesn’t blow or the sun doesn’t shine?
The Trump administration will move as early as Thursday to weaken a century-old law protecting migratory birds by dropping the threat of punishment to oil and gas companies, construction crews and other organizations that kill birds “incidentally” in the course of their operations.

The proposed regulation, if finalized, would cement a legal opinion that the Department of Interior issued in 2017. The agency’s top lawyer argued that previous administrations had interpreted the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 too broadly, and that only actions explicitly intended to kill birds should be forbidden under the federal law. The death of a bird from an oil slick, the blade of a wind turbine or the spraying of illegal pesticides would no longer trigger penalties.

That interpretation has already had significant consequences for thousands of migratory birds. According to internal agency documents recently obtained by The New York Times, the Trump administration has discouraged local governments and businesses from taking simple precautionary measures to protect birds, and federal wildlife officials have all but stopped investigating most bird deaths.

Trump Administration Moves to Ease Rules Against Killing Birds

The bird population has decreased by 3,000,000,000 over the past fifty years.

Birds Are Vanishing From North America

Birds are disappearing. When I was a kid they seemed to be everywhere. Even in the past twenty years at my home, the hummingbirds and cardinals that flew around the house are all gone.

The Migratory Bird Treaty Act is over a hundred years old. This latest plan is just more on Trump's war on the environment.

"In recent weeks, the administration has scrapped a clean water regulation aimed at protecting streams and wetlands, and blocked an effort to require Americans to use energy-efficient light bulbs. Within the next month the administration plans to weaken vehicle emissions standards and a rule restricting mercury, a toxic chemical emitted from coal-burning power plants. Completing the rule curtailing the Migratory Bird Treaty Act before the November presidential election will be difficult, but the agency has indicated it will push aggressively to do so."


"The Migratory Bird Treaty Act makes it illegal “by any means or in any manner” to hunt, take, capture or kill birds, nests or eggs from listed species without a permit. Beginning in the 1970s, federal officials used the act to prosecute and fine companies up to $15,000 per bird for accidental deaths on power lines, in oil pits, in wind turbines and by other industrial hazards.

In 2010, the Deepwater Horizon disaster killed 11 people and spewed more than 210 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. Hundreds of thousands of birds were killed, and BP agreed to pay $100 million for criminal violations under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act."

Trump Administration Moves to Ease Rules Against Killing Birds

Now as I wrote the bird population has been in decline for the past 50 years. You obviously can't blame the Trump administration for that. However, protection of wildlife should not always be secondary to industry and development. It is a shame that so many think that oil companies and other companies that are responsible for despoiling our environment should now get a free pass.

The world is a far different place than the one I grew up in and not for the better.

They will still take precautionary measures, they will just not be held liable when those measures invariably fail from time to time.

This wouldn't cover something like the BP horizon spill, because a spill isn't "normal operations"

This also aids wind power companies from being held liable from the normal operation of their turbines.

Once again you need to exaggerate to make a point.
You missed this most salient part of the OP: "..the Trump administration has discouraged local governments and businesses from taking simple precautionary measures to protect birds, and federal wildlife officials have all but stopped investigating most bird deaths."

Why would local officials need encouragement? It's the feds job at most to set minimum guidelines that localities can improve on.

And where does the OP get said information? Seems more like opinion that actual quantitative reporting.
I think it fairly easy to determine how many bird deaths were investigated, don't you? As to where I get my info it is rather self- evident from the link and other links I cite to.
Here is a summary of bird deaths in the US. Oil, gas and coal don't even make the list.

Causes of Bird Deaths in the U.S. Annually
Power Line Collisions
Communication Towers
Power Line Electrocutions
Wind Turbines
I have already addressed that issue and it is not completely true.
What is true-
Protect Eagles from Wind Turbine Fatalities
An even more alarming fact is that the data on the number of deaths is gathered by paid consultants to the wind industry. That’s the fox guarding the chicken house. At the infamous Altamont Wind Resource Area alone, more than 2,000 Golden Eagles have been killed by the wind turbines there.
Fish & Wildlife Service’s Eagle Management Plan Presents Grave Risk
In December, 2016, a new eagle-management plan announced a final rule by the federal government that would give wind energy developers 30-year permits to “take” or incidentally kill protected Bald and Golden Eagles, without requiring the industry to share mortality data with the public or take into consideration such critical factors as proper siting. The so-called Eagle Take Rule, finalized by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, puts many thousands of the nation’s protected Bald and Golden Eagles at unacceptable risk.

You are so blind to your own bias, it’s stunning.
The number of birds killed buy wind turbines pales to the number of birds killed by fossil fuel companies and nuclear power plants.
Really? So you are fine with getting rid of the fuel industry, which is necessary for those wind turbines that can’t exist without fossil fuels. Got it. By the way, the analysis regarding how many are killed from fossil fuel, etc. was paid for by green new deal advocates.
Honestly I don't know how you made that leap in logic.
Leap in logic? You mean the analysis of birds killed by fossil fuels, etc was paid for by green new deal advocates? Or the facts that fossil fuel is used to create the components needed in making wind turbines? Or that fossil fuel/nuclear is needed when the wind doesn’t blow or the sun doesn’t shine?
What does that have to do with not enforcing the Migratory Bird Treaty Act?
The Trump administration will move as early as Thursday to weaken a century-old law protecting migratory birds by dropping the threat of punishment to oil and gas companies, construction crews and other organizations that kill birds “incidentally” in the course of their operations.

The proposed regulation, if finalized, would cement a legal opinion that the Department of Interior issued in 2017. The agency’s top lawyer argued that previous administrations had interpreted the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 too broadly, and that only actions explicitly intended to kill birds should be forbidden under the federal law. The death of a bird from an oil slick, the blade of a wind turbine or the spraying of illegal pesticides would no longer trigger penalties.

That interpretation has already had significant consequences for thousands of migratory birds. According to internal agency documents recently obtained by The New York Times, the Trump administration has discouraged local governments and businesses from taking simple precautionary measures to protect birds, and federal wildlife officials have all but stopped investigating most bird deaths.

Trump Administration Moves to Ease Rules Against Killing Birds

The bird population has decreased by 3,000,000,000 over the past fifty years.

Birds Are Vanishing From North America

Birds are disappearing. When I was a kid they seemed to be everywhere. Even in the past twenty years at my home, the hummingbirds and cardinals that flew around the house are all gone.

The Migratory Bird Treaty Act is over a hundred years old. This latest plan is just more on Trump's war on the environment.

"In recent weeks, the administration has scrapped a clean water regulation aimed at protecting streams and wetlands, and blocked an effort to require Americans to use energy-efficient light bulbs. Within the next month the administration plans to weaken vehicle emissions standards and a rule restricting mercury, a toxic chemical emitted from coal-burning power plants. Completing the rule curtailing the Migratory Bird Treaty Act before the November presidential election will be difficult, but the agency has indicated it will push aggressively to do so."


"The Migratory Bird Treaty Act makes it illegal “by any means or in any manner” to hunt, take, capture or kill birds, nests or eggs from listed species without a permit. Beginning in the 1970s, federal officials used the act to prosecute and fine companies up to $15,000 per bird for accidental deaths on power lines, in oil pits, in wind turbines and by other industrial hazards.

In 2010, the Deepwater Horizon disaster killed 11 people and spewed more than 210 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. Hundreds of thousands of birds were killed, and BP agreed to pay $100 million for criminal violations under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act."

Trump Administration Moves to Ease Rules Against Killing Birds

Now as I wrote the bird population has been in decline for the past 50 years. You obviously can't blame the Trump administration for that. However, protection of wildlife should not always be secondary to industry and development. It is a shame that so many think that oil companies and other companies that are responsible for despoiling our environment should now get a free pass.

The world is a far different place than the one I grew up in and not for the better.

They will still take precautionary measures, they will just not be held liable when those measures invariably fail from time to time.

This wouldn't cover something like the BP horizon spill, because a spill isn't "normal operations"

This also aids wind power companies from being held liable from the normal operation of their turbines.

Once again you need to exaggerate to make a point.
You missed this most salient part of the OP: "..the Trump administration has discouraged local governments and businesses from taking simple precautionary measures to protect birds, and federal wildlife officials have all but stopped investigating most bird deaths."

Why would local officials need encouragement? It's the feds job at most to set minimum guidelines that localities can improve on.

And where does the OP get said information? Seems more like opinion that actual quantitative reporting.
I think it fairly easy to determine how many bird deaths were investigated, don't you? As to where I get my info it is rather self- evident from the link and other links I cite to.
Here is a summary of bird deaths in the US. Oil, gas and coal don't even make the list.

Causes of Bird Deaths in the U.S. Annually
Power Line Collisions
Communication Towers
Power Line Electrocutions
Wind Turbines
Please link to the source.
They will still take precautionary measures, they will just not be held liable when those measures invariably fail from time to time.

This wouldn't cover something like the BP horizon spill, because a spill isn't "normal operations"

This also aids wind power companies from being held liable from the normal operation of their turbines.

Once again you need to exaggerate to make a point.
You missed this most salient part of the OP: "..the Trump administration has discouraged local governments and businesses from taking simple precautionary measures to protect birds, and federal wildlife officials have all but stopped investigating most bird deaths."

Why would local officials need encouragement? It's the feds job at most to set minimum guidelines that localities can improve on.

And where does the OP get said information? Seems more like opinion that actual quantitative reporting.
I think it fairly easy to determine how many bird deaths were investigated, don't you? As to where I get my info it is rather self- evident from the link and other links I cite to.
Here is a summary of bird deaths in the US. Oil, gas and coal don't even make the list.

Causes of Bird Deaths in the U.S. Annually
Power Line Collisions
Communication Towers
Power Line Electrocutions
Wind Turbines
Please link to the source.

No one denies wind turbines kill birds.

See Stop the Spin: Turbines Less Deadly Than Fossil Fuels — ecoRI News for a useful discussion on the topic.
The Trump administration will move as early as Thursday to weaken a century-old law protecting migratory birds by dropping the threat of punishment to oil and gas companies, construction crews and other organizations that kill birds “incidentally” in the course of their operations.

The proposed regulation, if finalized, would cement a legal opinion that the Department of Interior issued in 2017. The agency’s top lawyer argued that previous administrations had interpreted the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 too broadly, and that only actions explicitly intended to kill birds should be forbidden under the federal law. The death of a bird from an oil slick, the blade of a wind turbine or the spraying of illegal pesticides would no longer trigger penalties.

That interpretation has already had significant consequences for thousands of migratory birds. According to internal agency documents recently obtained by The New York Times, the Trump administration has discouraged local governments and businesses from taking simple precautionary measures to protect birds, and federal wildlife officials have all but stopped investigating most bird deaths.

Trump Administration Moves to Ease Rules Against Killing Birds

The bird population has decreased by 3,000,000,000 over the past fifty years.

Birds Are Vanishing From North America

Birds are disappearing. When I was a kid they seemed to be everywhere. Even in the past twenty years at my home, the hummingbirds and cardinals that flew around the house are all gone.

The Migratory Bird Treaty Act is over a hundred years old. This latest plan is just more on Trump's war on the environment.

"In recent weeks, the administration has scrapped a clean water regulation aimed at protecting streams and wetlands, and blocked an effort to require Americans to use energy-efficient light bulbs. Within the next month the administration plans to weaken vehicle emissions standards and a rule restricting mercury, a toxic chemical emitted from coal-burning power plants. Completing the rule curtailing the Migratory Bird Treaty Act before the November presidential election will be difficult, but the agency has indicated it will push aggressively to do so."


"The Migratory Bird Treaty Act makes it illegal “by any means or in any manner” to hunt, take, capture or kill birds, nests or eggs from listed species without a permit. Beginning in the 1970s, federal officials used the act to prosecute and fine companies up to $15,000 per bird for accidental deaths on power lines, in oil pits, in wind turbines and by other industrial hazards.

In 2010, the Deepwater Horizon disaster killed 11 people and spewed more than 210 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. Hundreds of thousands of birds were killed, and BP agreed to pay $100 million for criminal violations under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act."

Trump Administration Moves to Ease Rules Against Killing Birds

Now as I wrote the bird population has been in decline for the past 50 years. You obviously can't blame the Trump administration for that. However, protection of wildlife should not always be secondary to industry and development. It is a shame that so many think that oil companies and other companies that are responsible for despoiling our environment should now get a free pass.

The world is a far different place than the one I grew up in and not for the better.

They will still take precautionary measures, they will just not be held liable when those measures invariably fail from time to time.

This wouldn't cover something like the BP horizon spill, because a spill isn't "normal operations"

This also aids wind power companies from being held liable from the normal operation of their turbines.

Once again you need to exaggerate to make a point.
You missed this most salient part of the OP: "..the Trump administration has discouraged local governments and businesses from taking simple precautionary measures to protect birds, and federal wildlife officials have all but stopped investigating most bird deaths."

How exactly is President Trump “discouraging” local governments from taking measures to protect birds? Even if he was “discouraging” them, what is stopping them from taking such actions?
The answer to you question is how many companies have been fined or cited for violating the act in the past three years. The answer is very low, if not zero.

Under the new rules illegal acts are also protected under the plan. For example, a farmer who sprayed a banned pesticide that killed birds would not be held liable as long as the birds were not the “intended target.” See link

In other words you can’t back up the claim, and the President is in no way hindering local or state governments to take measures to protect birds. Not fining companies has nothing to do with what local government can and cannot do.

Carry on, liar.
Here is the justification for the change, if anyone is so inclined to find the truth. This prevents frivolous law suits when there was no intent, nor sheer negligence, which has been occurring due to the broad nature some have chosen to give certain words in the original act and has be used to criminally fine those deaths that have been inadvertent. Even the 9th circuit agreed. Tells you something.
The Trump administration will move as early as Thursday to weaken a century-old law protecting migratory birds by dropping the threat of punishment to oil and gas companies, construction crews and other organizations that kill birds “incidentally” in the course of their operations.

The proposed regulation, if finalized, would cement a legal opinion that the Department of Interior issued in 2017. The agency’s top lawyer argued that previous administrations had interpreted the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 too broadly, and that only actions explicitly intended to kill birds should be forbidden under the federal law. The death of a bird from an oil slick, the blade of a wind turbine or the spraying of illegal pesticides would no longer trigger penalties.

That interpretation has already had significant consequences for thousands of migratory birds. According to internal agency documents recently obtained by The New York Times, the Trump administration has discouraged local governments and businesses from taking simple precautionary measures to protect birds, and federal wildlife officials have all but stopped investigating most bird deaths.

Trump Administration Moves to Ease Rules Against Killing Birds

The bird population has decreased by 3,000,000,000 over the past fifty years.

Birds Are Vanishing From North America

Birds are disappearing. When I was a kid they seemed to be everywhere. Even in the past twenty years at my home, the hummingbirds and cardinals that flew around the house are all gone.

The Migratory Bird Treaty Act is over a hundred years old. This latest plan is just more on Trump's war on the environment.

"In recent weeks, the administration has scrapped a clean water regulation aimed at protecting streams and wetlands, and blocked an effort to require Americans to use energy-efficient light bulbs. Within the next month the administration plans to weaken vehicle emissions standards and a rule restricting mercury, a toxic chemical emitted from coal-burning power plants. Completing the rule curtailing the Migratory Bird Treaty Act before the November presidential election will be difficult, but the agency has indicated it will push aggressively to do so."


"The Migratory Bird Treaty Act makes it illegal “by any means or in any manner” to hunt, take, capture or kill birds, nests or eggs from listed species without a permit. Beginning in the 1970s, federal officials used the act to prosecute and fine companies up to $15,000 per bird for accidental deaths on power lines, in oil pits, in wind turbines and by other industrial hazards.

In 2010, the Deepwater Horizon disaster killed 11 people and spewed more than 210 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. Hundreds of thousands of birds were killed, and BP agreed to pay $100 million for criminal violations under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act."

Trump Administration Moves to Ease Rules Against Killing Birds

Now as I wrote the bird population has been in decline for the past 50 years. You obviously can't blame the Trump administration for that. However, protection of wildlife should not always be secondary to industry and development. It is a shame that so many think that oil companies and other companies that are responsible for despoiling our environment should now get a free pass.

The world is a far different place than the one I grew up in and not for the better.

They will still take precautionary measures, they will just not be held liable when those measures invariably fail from time to time.

This wouldn't cover something like the BP horizon spill, because a spill isn't "normal operations"

This also aids wind power companies from being held liable from the normal operation of their turbines.

Once again you need to exaggerate to make a point.
You missed this most salient part of the OP: "..the Trump administration has discouraged local governments and businesses from taking simple precautionary measures to protect birds, and federal wildlife officials have all but stopped investigating most bird deaths."

Why would local officials need encouragement? It's the feds job at most to set minimum guidelines that localities can improve on.

And where does the OP get said information? Seems more like opinion that actual quantitative reporting.
I think it fairly easy to determine how many bird deaths were investigated, don't you? As to where I get my info it is rather self- evident from the link and other links I cite to.
Here is a summary of bird deaths in the US. Oil, gas and coal don't even make the list.

Causes of Bird Deaths in the U.S. Annually
Power Line Collisions
Communication Towers
Power Line Electrocutions
Wind Turbines
The Trump administration will move as early as Thursday to weaken a century-old law protecting migratory birds by dropping the threat of punishment to oil and gas companies, construction crews and other organizations that kill birds “incidentally” in the course of their operations.

The proposed regulation, if finalized, would cement a legal opinion that the Department of Interior issued in 2017. The agency’s top lawyer argued that previous administrations had interpreted the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 too broadly, and that only actions explicitly intended to kill birds should be forbidden under the federal law. The death of a bird from an oil slick, the blade of a wind turbine or the spraying of illegal pesticides would no longer trigger penalties.

That interpretation has already had significant consequences for thousands of migratory birds. According to internal agency documents recently obtained by The New York Times, the Trump administration has discouraged local governments and businesses from taking simple precautionary measures to protect birds, and federal wildlife officials have all but stopped investigating most bird deaths.

Trump Administration Moves to Ease Rules Against Killing Birds

The bird population has decreased by 3,000,000,000 over the past fifty years.

Birds Are Vanishing From North America

Birds are disappearing. When I was a kid they seemed to be everywhere. Even in the past twenty years at my home, the hummingbirds and cardinals that flew around the house are all gone.

The Migratory Bird Treaty Act is over a hundred years old. This latest plan is just more on Trump's war on the environment.

"In recent weeks, the administration has scrapped a clean water regulation aimed at protecting streams and wetlands, and blocked an effort to require Americans to use energy-efficient light bulbs. Within the next month the administration plans to weaken vehicle emissions standards and a rule restricting mercury, a toxic chemical emitted from coal-burning power plants. Completing the rule curtailing the Migratory Bird Treaty Act before the November presidential election will be difficult, but the agency has indicated it will push aggressively to do so."


"The Migratory Bird Treaty Act makes it illegal “by any means or in any manner” to hunt, take, capture or kill birds, nests or eggs from listed species without a permit. Beginning in the 1970s, federal officials used the act to prosecute and fine companies up to $15,000 per bird for accidental deaths on power lines, in oil pits, in wind turbines and by other industrial hazards.

In 2010, the Deepwater Horizon disaster killed 11 people and spewed more than 210 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. Hundreds of thousands of birds were killed, and BP agreed to pay $100 million for criminal violations under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act."

Trump Administration Moves to Ease Rules Against Killing Birds

Now as I wrote the bird population has been in decline for the past 50 years. You obviously can't blame the Trump administration for that. However, protection of wildlife should not always be secondary to industry and development. It is a shame that so many think that oil companies and other companies that are responsible for despoiling our environment should now get a free pass.

The world is a far different place than the one I grew up in and not for the better.

You stupid Moon Bats that support those silly wind power farms killed millions of birds each year.
The Trump administration will move as early as Thursday to weaken a century-old law protecting migratory birds by dropping the threat of punishment to oil and gas companies, construction crews and other organizations that kill birds “incidentally” in the course of their operations.

The proposed regulation, if finalized, would cement a legal opinion that the Department of Interior issued in 2017. The agency’s top lawyer argued that previous administrations had interpreted the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 too broadly, and that only actions explicitly intended to kill birds should be forbidden under the federal law. The death of a bird from an oil slick, the blade of a wind turbine or the spraying of illegal pesticides would no longer trigger penalties.

That interpretation has already had significant consequences for thousands of migratory birds. According to internal agency documents recently obtained by The New York Times, the Trump administration has discouraged local governments and businesses from taking simple precautionary measures to protect birds, and federal wildlife officials have all but stopped investigating most bird deaths.

Trump Administration Moves to Ease Rules Against Killing Birds

The bird population has decreased by 3,000,000,000 over the past fifty years.

Birds Are Vanishing From North America

Birds are disappearing. When I was a kid they seemed to be everywhere. Even in the past twenty years at my home, the hummingbirds and cardinals that flew around the house are all gone.

The Migratory Bird Treaty Act is over a hundred years old. This latest plan is just more on Trump's war on the environment.

"In recent weeks, the administration has scrapped a clean water regulation aimed at protecting streams and wetlands, and blocked an effort to require Americans to use energy-efficient light bulbs. Within the next month the administration plans to weaken vehicle emissions standards and a rule restricting mercury, a toxic chemical emitted from coal-burning power plants. Completing the rule curtailing the Migratory Bird Treaty Act before the November presidential election will be difficult, but the agency has indicated it will push aggressively to do so."


"The Migratory Bird Treaty Act makes it illegal “by any means or in any manner” to hunt, take, capture or kill birds, nests or eggs from listed species without a permit. Beginning in the 1970s, federal officials used the act to prosecute and fine companies up to $15,000 per bird for accidental deaths on power lines, in oil pits, in wind turbines and by other industrial hazards.

In 2010, the Deepwater Horizon disaster killed 11 people and spewed more than 210 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. Hundreds of thousands of birds were killed, and BP agreed to pay $100 million for criminal violations under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act."

Trump Administration Moves to Ease Rules Against Killing Birds

Now as I wrote the bird population has been in decline for the past 50 years. You obviously can't blame the Trump administration for that. However, protection of wildlife should not always be secondary to industry and development. It is a shame that so many think that oil companies and other companies that are responsible for despoiling our environment should now get a free pass.

The world is a far different place than the one I grew up in and not for the better.

They will still take precautionary measures, they will just not be held liable when those measures invariably fail from time to time.

This wouldn't cover something like the BP horizon spill, because a spill isn't "normal operations"

This also aids wind power companies from being held liable from the normal operation of their turbines.

Once again you need to exaggerate to make a point.
You missed this most salient part of the OP: "..the Trump administration has discouraged local governments and businesses from taking simple precautionary measures to protect birds, and federal wildlife officials have all but stopped investigating most bird deaths."

How exactly is President Trump “discouraging” local governments from taking measures to protect birds? Even if he was “discouraging” them, what is stopping them from taking such actions?
The answer to you question is how many companies have been fined or cited for violating the act in the past three years. The answer is very low, if not zero.

Under the new rules illegal acts are also protected under the plan. For example, a farmer who sprayed a banned pesticide that killed birds would not be held liable as long as the birds were not the “intended target.” See link

In other words you can’t back up the claim, and the President is in no way hindering local or state governments to take measures to protect birds. Not fining companies has nothing to do with what local government can and cannot do.

Carry on, liar.
Why do you Trumpers always go off the deep end? It is hilarious. What Trump's Dept. of Interior is proposing is the issue and its effect on the Migratory BirdTreaty Act? The link speaks for itself. If you can't comprehend it, well take it up with your third grade reading teacher.
And the hundreds of thousands of bats killed by wind turbines too, requiring more pesticides to be used.
Just saw an Eagle fly overhead while reading this Chicken Little thread. I see those daily crossing the Mississippi river in MN. In fact I see Red Tailed Hawks, Eagles, Hummingbirds, Cardinals, Eastern Bluebirds, Orioles, Turkeys, Sandhill Cranes, etc. right in my backyard during summer.

OP must live in a Democrat shithole like Jersey.
The Trump administration will move as early as Thursday to weaken a century-old law protecting migratory birds by dropping the threat of punishment to oil and gas companies, construction crews and other organizations that kill birds “incidentally” in the course of their operations.

The proposed regulation, if finalized, would cement a legal opinion that the Department of Interior issued in 2017. The agency’s top lawyer argued that previous administrations had interpreted the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 too broadly, and that only actions explicitly intended to kill birds should be forbidden under the federal law. The death of a bird from an oil slick, the blade of a wind turbine or the spraying of illegal pesticides would no longer trigger penalties.

That interpretation has already had significant consequences for thousands of migratory birds. According to internal agency documents recently obtained by The New York Times, the Trump administration has discouraged local governments and businesses from taking simple precautionary measures to protect birds, and federal wildlife officials have all but stopped investigating most bird deaths.

Trump Administration Moves to Ease Rules Against Killing Birds

The bird population has decreased by 3,000,000,000 over the past fifty years.

Birds Are Vanishing From North America

Birds are disappearing. When I was a kid they seemed to be everywhere. Even in the past twenty years at my home, the hummingbirds and cardinals that flew around the house are all gone.

The Migratory Bird Treaty Act is over a hundred years old. This latest plan is just more on Trump's war on the environment.

"In recent weeks, the administration has scrapped a clean water regulation aimed at protecting streams and wetlands, and blocked an effort to require Americans to use energy-efficient light bulbs. Within the next month the administration plans to weaken vehicle emissions standards and a rule restricting mercury, a toxic chemical emitted from coal-burning power plants. Completing the rule curtailing the Migratory Bird Treaty Act before the November presidential election will be difficult, but the agency has indicated it will push aggressively to do so."


"The Migratory Bird Treaty Act makes it illegal “by any means or in any manner” to hunt, take, capture or kill birds, nests or eggs from listed species without a permit. Beginning in the 1970s, federal officials used the act to prosecute and fine companies up to $15,000 per bird for accidental deaths on power lines, in oil pits, in wind turbines and by other industrial hazards.

In 2010, the Deepwater Horizon disaster killed 11 people and spewed more than 210 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. Hundreds of thousands of birds were killed, and BP agreed to pay $100 million for criminal violations under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act."

Trump Administration Moves to Ease Rules Against Killing Birds

Now as I wrote the bird population has been in decline for the past 50 years. You obviously can't blame the Trump administration for that. However, protection of wildlife should not always be secondary to industry and development. It is a shame that so many think that oil companies and other companies that are responsible for despoiling our environment should now get a free pass.

The world is a far different place than the one I grew up in and not for the better.
Did you bitch this loudly when Obama gave the wind turbines permission to kill the bald eagles for a period of ten years? Or, are you bitching because it’s Trump?
Please cite to which your refer.
Obama admin regulation allows wind turbines to kill up to 4,200 bald eagles per company

The link is partially true and partially false.
What's True
Proposed revisions to wind power guidelines could allow wind power companies to injure or kill more bald and golden eagles per year without penalty.

What's False
The revised guidelines are unlikely to lead to thousands of additional eagle deaths because they impose more stringent requirements on wind power companies to minimize such accidents, and there's little evidence that wind turbines currently kill anywhere close to 4,200 eagles per year.

FALSE: Obama Issues 'Kill Order' for Bald Eagles
White House gives wind farms 30-year pass on eagle deaths

The link is partially true and partially false.
What's True
Proposed revisions to wind power guidelines could allow wind power companies to injure or kill more bald and golden eagles per year without penalty.

What's False
The revised guidelines are unlikely to lead to thousands of additional eagle deaths because they impose more stringent requirements on wind power companies to minimize such accidents, and there's little evidence that wind turbines currently kill anywhere close to 4,200 eagles per year.

FALSE: Obama Issues 'Kill Order' for Bald Eagles
White House gives wind farms 30-year pass on eagle deaths
I have already addressed that issue and it is not completely true.
What is true-
Protect Eagles from Wind Turbine Fatalities
An even more alarming fact is that the data on the number of deaths is gathered by paid consultants to the wind industry. That’s the fox guarding the chicken house. At the infamous Altamont Wind Resource Area alone, more than 2,000 Golden Eagles have been killed by the wind turbines there.
Fish & Wildlife Service’s Eagle Management Plan Presents Grave Risk
In December, 2016, a new eagle-management plan announced a final rule by the federal government that would give wind energy developers 30-year permits to “take” or incidentally kill protected Bald and Golden Eagles, without requiring the industry to share mortality data with the public or take into consideration such critical factors as proper siting. The so-called Eagle Take Rule, finalized by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, puts many thousands of the nation’s protected Bald and Golden Eagles at unacceptable risk.

You are so blind to your own bias, it’s stunning.
The number of birds killed by wind turbines pales to the number of birds killed by fossil fuel companies and nuclear power plants. See my post #38.
The link is partially true and partially false.
What's True
Proposed revisions to wind power guidelines could allow wind power companies to injure or kill more bald and golden eagles per year without penalty.

What's False
The revised guidelines are unlikely to lead to thousands of additional eagle deaths because they impose more stringent requirements on wind power companies to minimize such accidents, and there's little evidence that wind turbines currently kill anywhere close to 4,200 eagles per year.

FALSE: Obama Issues 'Kill Order' for Bald Eagles
White House gives wind farms 30-year pass on eagle deaths
I have already addressed that issue and it is not completely true.
What is true-
Protect Eagles from Wind Turbine Fatalities
An even more alarming fact is that the data on the number of deaths is gathered by paid consultants to the wind industry. That’s the fox guarding the chicken house. At the infamous Altamont Wind Resource Area alone, more than 2,000 Golden Eagles have been killed by the wind turbines there.
Fish & Wildlife Service’s Eagle Management Plan Presents Grave Risk
In December, 2016, a new eagle-management plan announced a final rule by the federal government that would give wind energy developers 30-year permits to “take” or incidentally kill protected Bald and Golden Eagles, without requiring the industry to share mortality data with the public or take into consideration such critical factors as proper siting. The so-called Eagle Take Rule, finalized by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, puts many thousands of the nation’s protected Bald and Golden Eagles at unacceptable risk.

You are so blind to your own bias, it’s stunning.
The number of birds killed buy wind turbines pales to the number of birds killed by fossil fuel companies and nuclear power plants.
Really? So you are fine with getting rid of the fuel industry, which is necessary for those wind turbines that can’t exist without fossil fuels. Got it. By the way, the analysis regarding how many are killed from fossil fuel, etc. was paid for by green new deal advocates.
The link is partially true and partially false.
What's True
Proposed revisions to wind power guidelines could allow wind power companies to injure or kill more bald and golden eagles per year without penalty.

What's False
The revised guidelines are unlikely to lead to thousands of additional eagle deaths because they impose more stringent requirements on wind power companies to minimize such accidents, and there's little evidence that wind turbines currently kill anywhere close to 4,200 eagles per year.

FALSE: Obama Issues 'Kill Order' for Bald Eagles
White House gives wind farms 30-year pass on eagle deaths
I have already addressed that issue and it is not completely true.
What is true-
Protect Eagles from Wind Turbine Fatalities
An even more alarming fact is that the data on the number of deaths is gathered by paid consultants to the wind industry. That’s the fox guarding the chicken house. At the infamous Altamont Wind Resource Area alone, more than 2,000 Golden Eagles have been killed by the wind turbines there.
Fish & Wildlife Service’s Eagle Management Plan Presents Grave Risk
In December, 2016, a new eagle-management plan announced a final rule by the federal government that would give wind energy developers 30-year permits to “take” or incidentally kill protected Bald and Golden Eagles, without requiring the industry to share mortality data with the public or take into consideration such critical factors as proper siting. The so-called Eagle Take Rule, finalized by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, puts many thousands of the nation’s protected Bald and Golden Eagles at unacceptable risk.

You are so blind to your own bias, it’s stunning.
The number of birds killed buy wind turbines pales to the number of birds killed by fossil fuel companies and nuclear power plants.
Really? So you are fine with getting rid of the fuel industry, which is necessary for those wind turbines that can’t exist without fossil fuels. Got it. By the way, the analysis regarding how many are killed from fossil fuel, etc. was paid for by green new deal advocates.
No. It’s true!
The Trump administration will move as early as Thursday to weaken a century-old law protecting migratory birds by dropping the threat of punishment to oil and gas companies, construction crews and other organizations that kill birds “incidentally” in the course of their operations.

The proposed regulation, if finalized, would cement a legal opinion that the Department of Interior issued in 2017. The agency’s top lawyer argued that previous administrations had interpreted the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 too broadly, and that only actions explicitly intended to kill birds should be forbidden under the federal law. The death of a bird from an oil slick, the blade of a wind turbine or the spraying of illegal pesticides would no longer trigger penalties.

That interpretation has already had significant consequences for thousands of migratory birds. According to internal agency documents recently obtained by The New York Times, the Trump administration has discouraged local governments and businesses from taking simple precautionary measures to protect birds, and federal wildlife officials have all but stopped investigating most bird deaths.

Trump Administration Moves to Ease Rules Against Killing Birds

The bird population has decreased by 3,000,000,000 over the past fifty years.

Birds Are Vanishing From North America

Birds are disappearing. When I was a kid they seemed to be everywhere. Even in the past twenty years at my home, the hummingbirds and cardinals that flew around the house are all gone.

The Migratory Bird Treaty Act is over a hundred years old. This latest plan is just more on Trump's war on the environment.

"In recent weeks, the administration has scrapped a clean water regulation aimed at protecting streams and wetlands, and blocked an effort to require Americans to use energy-efficient light bulbs. Within the next month the administration plans to weaken vehicle emissions standards and a rule restricting mercury, a toxic chemical emitted from coal-burning power plants. Completing the rule curtailing the Migratory Bird Treaty Act before the November presidential election will be difficult, but the agency has indicated it will push aggressively to do so."


"The Migratory Bird Treaty Act makes it illegal “by any means or in any manner” to hunt, take, capture or kill birds, nests or eggs from listed species without a permit. Beginning in the 1970s, federal officials used the act to prosecute and fine companies up to $15,000 per bird for accidental deaths on power lines, in oil pits, in wind turbines and by other industrial hazards.

In 2010, the Deepwater Horizon disaster killed 11 people and spewed more than 210 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. Hundreds of thousands of birds were killed, and BP agreed to pay $100 million for criminal violations under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act."

Trump Administration Moves to Ease Rules Against Killing Birds

Now as I wrote the bird population has been in decline for the past 50 years. You obviously can't blame the Trump administration for that. However, protection of wildlife should not always be secondary to industry and development. It is a shame that so many think that oil companies and other companies that are responsible for despoiling our environment should now get a free pass.

The world is a far different place than the one I grew up in and not for the better.
This is great news for business..especially small businesses....less regulations always free up the innovators and job creators to come up with cutting edge ideas and market solutions....

I know being able to kill more birds doesn't really have anything to do with what I just said -- but it's what one usually says when regulations are cut....
If the birds could be turned to fetuses, Democrats would be shooting them out of the sky.

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