Trump Already Accused Of War Crimes Policy--If Not Anti-Christian, Opposing Hispanic Immigration


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Sooner, now rather than later, the flies are starting to congregate over new fresh substance. Now there is even suggested the likelihood of a War Crimes policy from the White House--given advocacy of killing off civilians unconnected to the Secular Kamikazes. . .if maybe related. In Southern California, the relatives of the now famous alleged shooter in San Bernardino, for example, have been prominently identified, and interviewed, on the various television channels. There is no justification whatsoever for killing any of them.

Israeli expert: Donald Trump's call to kill terrorists' families immoral, ineffective -

Then when it comes to Congregations, It may not be clear that Hispanic Immigrants are actually Catholic, and it is likely that many have been shown in various crowd scenes, right there on the TV. . . or on the computer. . .or on the phone. The many who bypass the checkpoint buildings may wonder if The Republicans plan to send any internet, broadcast, phone or other communication--back across the boarder.

Actually, most people would not think of doing that either.

So far the Trump message, seems to have followers. The Great Imperialist Subjugator, Moses, had followers--somehow not to impressed much, if the stories are to be believed. Even the record goes from, "Multiply, Be Fruitful, Fill All The Earth, Subdue It," going even further(?). . ."And Screw "Em!" (Deuteronomy 23:19-20)

So The Medieval Church had appropriated the Moses Atrocity as its own. No interest allowed to be charged among the believers. Then the other people of The Book, like actual Moslems call them, were in the basic status of sojourners, in a foreign land. How convenient for the Medieval Elitists, called monarchs and princes, and maybe lots of other creative names that history does repeat.. .or record. . .or something.

Killing them off would eventually become know as one of the more horrific War Crimes in all of history, maybe like when the Red Sea killed off Pharaoh's army, and camp followers, and the families(?).

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(From Four Bags of Barley, repayment for a loan of three: To an international, financial, terrorist event(?).All this happens, just in time for Santa and the Eight Days of Reindeer, mainly fairly lit(?)! Everyone knows how stories get told, even in history(?)!)

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