Trump and his greatest accomplishement(s), or contributions to America, or his legacy


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
The Trump presidency is over. But whether you loved him, despised him, admired him, or merely tolerated him, there is one thing he did for America that makes him the most important figure in modern American history: He exposed the farce that America is a healthy, functioning democracy.

Trump has shown Americans, without meaning to, that the institutions that serve as the nuts and bolts of our supposed democracy have all become perversions of the original institutions that made America one of the greatest and most powerful nations on earth. Unfortunately, America has reached its zenith; the election of Joe Biden as President of the United States by those once great institutions is America’s death knell and the beginning of the final assault on a thriving and free society.

The Trump presidency revealed, as no other could have, what a few of our most important institutions have become. It is not pretty.

The mainstream media, which should ideally report the facts in the most neutral manner possible, has now become, with a few exceptions, a political tool of one faction of our broken government. It covered up stories that would have damaged its chosen candidate regardless of the factual content of those stories. And worse, it made zero effort to investigate the truth of the allegations contained in those stories as if it feared turning over a slimy rock because there might be something so ugly underneath it could not be ignored. It stuck its elitist head in the sand like a befuddled ostrich where it saw nothing, heard nothing, and said nothing about any information, whether true or not, that might damage its interests, pet projects, or untouchable personal biases.


The FBI has gone from being famous for the criminals it caught to being infamous for the criminals it let go. America’s premier law enforcement agency should seriously consider changing its motto from “Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity” to “Meddling, Subterfuge, Backstabbing.” The other intelligence agencies are just as suspect of partisan shenanigans and are still likely fuming that Trump wouldn’t listen to all their agenda driven intelligence briefings by refusing to invade a single country during his term of office. He even had the gall to call off an air strike on Iran at the last minute., probably saving the lives of many American servicemen and women. This leads naturally to the question, ‘’Does anyone believe a word that comes out of Washington and its collection of alphabet soup deep state Federal agencies?’’ I think the answer is a resounding no.


Our Congress, which now appears to view itself as an American version of the privileged French nobility, continues to screech about how they were forced headlong into escape tunnels like rats off a sinking ship. They continue to play the innocent victims of a palace revolution who just barely missed a date with the guillotine, all the while whining with a hysteric outrage that would have embarrassed Marie Antoinette. The brave leaders of our democracy were bullied into a shameful retreat by what they swear was an attempt to overthrow the government of the most powerful nation on earth by a ragtag army of Trump zealots armed with fire extinguishers, protest signs, and MAGA baseball caps. They have convinced themselves that a special operations strike team comprised of bartenders, former Olympic athletes, and buffalo-hatted conspiracy theorists drove them from the high seat of congressional power onto the dusty seat of their pants under a desk. They are shocked and surprised that such a thing could happen to our duly elected congressional elite in modern day America. With an approval rating of under 20%, it is only shocking and surprising that the supposed attempted coup took so long to happen.


The winners of the 2020 election and their doddering stooge Joe Biden will now begin the dismantling and destruction of the Trump Administration’s policies and begin to remake America into their vision of a woke, new-age paradise. It doesn’t matter to them that they will have to drag half of an unwilling America kicking and screaming into paradise with them. They have come to realize without even the tiniest hint of doubt that they know what is best for everyone. They are the best and the brightest. They have the media, the internet, and an overbearing, big-mouthed cancel culture that they believe will help them create a new Reich of righteousness with an ease that Hitler would have envied. They may indeed manage to destroy Trump’s policies and succeed in the remake of America but they have failed in destroying the greatest legacy of the Trump presidency. The unpredictable, uncontrollable, irreverent, loved and hated outsider, Donald J. Trump has shown everyone that the democracy that was once the envy of the world has degenerated into a very subtle but vicious form of fascism; a fascism that now poses the greatest threat of all time to the individual freedom that democracy was created to protect. It is a sad and ominous day for America and, regrettably, the world.

Trumps legacy

A symptom, a true cautionary tale, a clear warning about the decaying condition of our politics, our culture, our standards, and our society.
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A symptom, a true cautionary tale, a clear warning about the decaying condition of our politics, our culture, our standards, and our society.
That decay is being driven by the Marxist assholes that have your full throated support, you fucking fraud.
Can the OP tell us when the US was a perfect nation?
Can a Bart Simpson wanna be, being stupid in public, link where I ever said the US was perfect? In fact, MOST of my posts are expressing a disdain for what the US has become-

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