Trump approval rating is now 48 percent

i polled all of my pets,,,they have trump at 87%

As we always suspected--- --- your dog and cat are smarter than you.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
i wonder what the results would be if we polled about 1000 cows

Are you an idiot?

Hope not
of course not,,,,,cows arent registered to vote,,,maybe in Maxine Waters district

There there :itsok:
One moretime for the extra retarded:

Yes Trump won Electoral College.
No, Trump did not win popular vote, exactly as national polls predicted.

You think you can fit all that into your little pea brain THIS TIME?

You would shovel 500 pounds of coal into your trunk and not pick up a 22 lb. pile of gold nuggets because there was more coal and winter is coming and you have coal stove...................

The popular vote has as much meaning as a down syndrome kid winning a Harvard scholarship...............

Yea yea, thats why you keep coming down to the thread titled

Trump approval rating is now 48 percent

Didn't your Mom ever tell you, if you have nothing to say, to be quiet?

PS. I am here laughing my ass off at peepl like u

Yea? What have you to say about Trump approval rating is now 48 percent?

Is it 48%?

What do the million people who have jobs now that were UNEMPLOUED under Obooba have to say about Trumps approval rating?

Unemployment is at a 16 year low.....................Thanks to Trump, did you poll these people? Do they matter?

U.S. unemployment rate falls to 16-year low

Retard you are seriously clueless,

How does 1 million job growth during Trump stay in office compare to 15 million created 2010-2016?

Unemployment dropped only 0.4% since Trump got into office (compared to 5% 2010-2016) so OBVIOUSLY these specific people with new jobs have very small effect on his approval rating even assuming they are confused enough to think that Trump, not their efforts, got them the job.

Now put you big boy pants and ACTUALLY ANSWER the question.
You would shovel 500 pounds of coal into your trunk and not pick up a 22 lb. pile of gold nuggets because there was more coal and winter is coming and you have coal stove...................

The popular vote has as much meaning as a down syndrome kid winning a Harvard scholarship...............

Yea yea, thats why you keep coming down to the thread titled

Trump approval rating is now 48 percent

Didn't your Mom ever tell you, if you have nothing to say, to be quiet?

PS. I am here laughing my ass off at peepl like u

Yea? What have you to say about Trump approval rating is now 48 percent?

Is it 48%?

What do the million people who have jobs now that were UNEMPLOUED under Obooba have to say about Trumps approval rating?

Unemployment is at a 16 year low.....................Thanks to Trump, did you poll these people? Do they matter?

U.S. unemployment rate falls to 16-year low

You would shovel 500 pounds of coal into your trunk and not pick up a 22 lb. pile of gold nuggets because there was more coal and winter is coming and you have coal stove...................

The popular vote has as much meaning as a down syndrome kid winning a Harvard scholarship...............

Yea yea, thats why you keep coming down to the thread titled

Trump approval rating is now 48 percent

Didn't your Mom ever tell you, if you have nothing to say, to be quiet?

PS. I am here laughing my ass off at peepl like u

Yea? What have you to say about Trump approval rating is now 48 percent?

Is it 48%?

What do the million people who have jobs now that were UNEMPLOUED under Obooba have to say about Trumps approval rating?

Unemployment is at a 16 year low.....................Thanks to Trump, did you poll these people? Do they matter?

U.S. unemployment rate falls to 16-year low

Retard you are seriously clueless,

How does 1 million job growth during Trump stay in office compare to 15 million created 2010-2016?

Unemployment dropped only dropped 0.4% since Trump got into office (compared to 5% since 2010) so OBVIOUSLY these specific people with new jobs have very small effect on his approval rating even assuming they are confused enough to think that Trump, not their efforts, got them the job.

Now put you big boy pants and ACTUALLY ANSWER the question.

How many months has Trump been in office at this point?

Do the math, call your Mommy if you need help, you may also call a friend, if any are still alive that is.

Great life huh?
Yea yea, thats why you keep coming down to the thread titled

Trump approval rating is now 48 percent

Didn't your Mom ever tell you, if you have nothing to say, to be quiet?

PS. I am here laughing my ass off at peepl like u

Yea? What have you to say about Trump approval rating is now 48 percent?

Is it 48%?

What do the million people who have jobs now that were UNEMPLOUED under Obooba have to say about Trumps approval rating?

Unemployment is at a 16 year low.....................Thanks to Trump, did you poll these people? Do they matter?

U.S. unemployment rate falls to 16-year low

Yea yea, thats why you keep coming down to the thread titled

Trump approval rating is now 48 percent

Didn't your Mom ever tell you, if you have nothing to say, to be quiet?

PS. I am here laughing my ass off at peepl like u

Yea? What have you to say about Trump approval rating is now 48 percent?

Is it 48%?

What do the million people who have jobs now that were UNEMPLOUED under Obooba have to say about Trumps approval rating?

Unemployment is at a 16 year low.....................Thanks to Trump, did you poll these people? Do they matter?

U.S. unemployment rate falls to 16-year low

Retard you are seriously clueless,

How does 1 million job growth during Trump stay in office compare to 15 million created 2010-2016?

Unemployment dropped only dropped 0.4% since Trump got into office (compared to 5% since 2010) so OBVIOUSLY these specific people with new jobs have very small effect on his approval rating even assuming they are confused enough to think that Trump, not their efforts, got them the job.

Now put you big boy pants and ACTUALLY ANSWER the question.

How many months has Trump been in office at this point?

Do the math, call your Mommy if you need help, you may also call a friend, if any are still alive that is.

Great life huh?


And now it's excuses why it's not all that amazing. Well done fartbrains.

Trump didn't do much of anything that would be seen in unemployment. Economy is moving along with same inertia it had before he got into office.

Now actually answer the question retard - what is Trumps approval rating?
Last edited:
According to what? Rasmussen? Gallup has him at 36%.

That's about where he was when he won the election.

No it isn't, there is a clear downward trend for approval and growing disapproval.

According to what? Rasmussen? Gallup has him at 36%.

That's about where he was when he won the election.

No it isn't, there is a clear downward trend for approval and growing disapproval.


He was at 34% according to Gallup just before the election. Blackflag said Gallup has him at 36% and not the 48% the OP stated. Hence my comment that's almost where he was when he won the election.

Trump Favorability Up, but Trails Other Presidents-Elect
According to what? Rasmussen? Gallup has him at 36%.

That's about where he was when he won the election.

No it isn't, there is a clear downward trend for approval and growing disapproval.


He was at 34% according to Gallup just before the election. Blackflag said Gallup has him at 36% and not the 48% the OP stated. Hence my comment that's almost where he was when he won the election.

Trump Favorability Up, but Trails Other Presidents-Elect

His approval has clearly been eroding ever since he got into office. He was given a shot of good will from Americans and he squandered all of it with his never ending stream of stupid lying and legislative failures.
According to what? Rasmussen? Gallup has him at 36%.

That's about where he was when he won the election.

No it isn't, there is a clear downward trend for approval and growing disapproval.


He was at 34% according to Gallup just before the election. Blackflag said Gallup has him at 36% and not the 48% the OP stated. Hence my comment that's almost where he was when he won the election.

Trump Favorability Up, but Trails Other Presidents-Elect

His approval has clearly been eroding ever since he got into office. He was given a shot of good will from Americans and he squandered all of it with his never ending stream of stupid lying and legislative failures.

He's been doing a great job. One more campaign promise kept today.
According to what? Rasmussen? Gallup has him at 36%.

That's about where he was when he won the election.

No it isn't, there is a clear downward trend for approval and growing disapproval.


He was at 34% according to Gallup just before the election. Blackflag said Gallup has him at 36% and not the 48% the OP stated. Hence my comment that's almost where he was when he won the election.

Trump Favorability Up, but Trails Other Presidents-Elect

His approval has clearly been eroding ever since he got into office. He was given a shot of good will from Americans and he squandered all of it with his never ending stream of stupid lying and legislative failures.

He's been doing a great job. One more campaign promise kept today.

Well if your definition of "great job" includes constant stupid lying, no legislative success to speak of, a special prosecutor investigation and even Republican murmurs of him not fit for office - then yes, great job Donnald, keep going haha.

Unfortunately for you that is not how most Americans define great job, that's how they define lame duck president down to the bare bones of his base and impotency beyond executive orders and pardons.

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