It won't be easy but it is very possible if his admnistration has the stones and need not worry about Wall street and earnings. That is a fools game jn the short term when the U.S has $36T in debt. First, he has to speak to Americans bluntly, "the first year may be a bit tight for everyone" and try to explain it or have a smart economically literate person explain it, Vivek would be perfect. Second, he must decrease sharply the money supply, this is critical. Next, do as he promised with gas and get the prices down by increasing supply. Finally, with mass deportation. This is critical in driving the rental and housing costs in communities down. Finally, he has to encourage Americans to work and encourage the building of homes across the country. Wages should rise slightly and coupled with decrease rental costs, cheaper gas and more supply of goods, prices could go doisn slightly, and, most importantly,.disposable income will go up along with savings. As long as REAL wages and savings increase, Americans will in effect be paying lower prices as a percentage of income. It is vital he doesnt play the Wall Street game.