Trump blames Sessions in part for Alabama Senate loss

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
The madman goes further.

Trump blames Sessions in part for Alabama Senate loss

The AP dives deep into a two week stretch from July that saw John Kelly take the reigns as chief of staff, the FBI raid Paul Manafort's home and Anthony Scaramucci arrive, and then almost immediately depart, as communications director.
The report flashes back to Trump's attacks on Jeff Sessions at that time, and includes this bit of news: "Recently, Trump bemoaned the Republicans' loss in a special election in Alabama and in part blamed Sessions, whose departure from the Senate to head to Justice necessitated the election." It was Trump, of course, who nominated Sessions in the first place.
Won’t it be great when Trump fires Sessions out of hubris, and all that will have been accomplished by all this is that slimy, traitorous weasel gets booted out of government forever? I can’t wait

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