Trump Blasts CIA, Intel Agencies For Illegal Leaks

The fact is still that there is a lot of Illegal leaking going on, and it needs to end, people need to be made examples of - arrested, convict, & jail! What we are witnessing in part is still the repercussions of Obama's lawless administration / 8 years when no one was held accountable for breaking the law.
To parrot the Trumpanzees when wikileaks was releasing Hillary info, "WHY DOESN'T ANYONE CARE ABOUT THE CONTENT OF THE LEAKS???"
There was nothing illegal in Flynn's conversations with Russian officials, according to Congress that reviewed the transcripts of the wire tapped discussions. The wire tap without a warrant, however....
'Just like Russia': Trump renews fight with intelligence agencies amid leaks

He should immediately FIRE every head of every Intel or otherwise Agency whose people are responsible for leaks .
He is the head of all intel agencies. He's also had members of his own staff leak.
Yet Congress, who has reviewed the transcripts of the discussions, have stated there is nothing illegal or unethical about the discussion Flynn had with the Russians.
I wasn't talking about Flynn
'Just like Russia': Trump renews fight with intelligence agencies amid leaks

He should immediately FIRE every head of every Intel or otherwise Agency whose people are responsible for leaks and immediately hire others. Send the message that if they can't control their agencies then America needs someone who CAN do so in charge of those agencies. Follow that up with criminally charging anyone you can prove was responsible for or partially responsible for the leaks.
Don't forget the "fake media." I think he's once again running them out as an excuse for having been leaked to. He's turning into the President who cried "Wolf!" Not Blitzer. Well, sort of Blitzer.

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