Trump blew it, Biden dodged it and Wallace tilted it.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
After talking at work with about 7 or 8 folks, my daughter, wife, son and daughter in law... looking at opinions out there and here.
I think the title of this thread captures it pretty well.

Trump blew it. Last night at least 3 or 4 times I face palmed... begging Trump to just stop. Just when Biden would start to struggle to say what he was trying to say, just when he would begin to stumble - in came Trump to the rescue and start mouthing off. Saving him. And then there was the set up by Biden and Wallace to condemn white supremacy... and instead of simply sayin "sure - I condemn white supremacist - now ask Joe to condemn antifa." - would have reversed the setup. But instead, once again he got in his own way and didn't actually answer and went on the attack before doing so. And then with Charlottesville. He just let Biden get away with miss-characterizing it, missed that opportunity. And then the worst of all let Biden get away with saying he handed Trump a great economy. FAR from the truth, but didn't start firing off statistics and once again just started attacking with no real ammunition. Which leads me to....
Biden dodged it. Man did this guy get away with a lot. As mentioned before every time he started to misspeak and fumble, Trump comes to the rescue and starts firing off aimless missiles. Biden got away with a laundry list of outright lies, half truths and repeated garbage news and all Trump did was lose his temper and fire off about something else instead of taking him to task over what he said. Instead of CALMLY and deliberately straight up ask Biden "So you expect the American people to believe Hunter got a board seat at Burisma, earning $50,000 a month, which by the way was more than any other board member, never attended a single meeting... never signed a single piece of paper - and you expect people to think there is nothing shaky about that?" - no... instead he aimlessly yells and talks over him and shaking his head. Of course it didn't help any that....
Wallace tilted it. Who could count the number of times Wallace let Joe not answer a question? And at the same time, repeatedly admonish and interrupt Trump doing the same thing. Biden REFUSED to answer is he for stacking the court - and Wallace let it slide. Inexcusable. Given, Trump didn't let him answer it either without 10 interruptions. But then when Trump flat out told him to answer the question - Biden flat out said he will not answer that question...and did Wallace say anything? No. He actually ended the segment saving Biden. The questions for Trump by Wallace were nearly all accusatory, and idealistic rather than specific. At the same time questions for Biden were generalized and easy to answer, save for the question about packing the court. He asked nothing specific. And we all know Biden struggles with specifics, so he asked none.
After talking at work with about 7 or 8 folks, my daughter, wife, son and daughter in law... looking at opinions out there and here.
I think the title of this thread captures it pretty well.

Trump blew it. Last night at least 3 or 4 times I face palmed... begging Trump to just stop. Just when Biden would start to struggle to say what he was trying to say, just when he would begin to stumble - in came Trump to the rescue and start mouthing off. Saving him. And then there was the set up by Biden and Wallace to condemn white supremacy... and instead of simply sayin "sure - I condemn white supremacist - now ask Joe to condemn antifa." - would have reversed the setup. But instead, once again he got in his own way and didn't actually answer and went on the attack before doing so. And then with Charlottesville. He just let Biden get away with miss-characterizing it, missed that opportunity. And then the worst of all let Biden get away with saying he handed Trump a great economy. FAR from the truth, but didn't start firing off statistics and once again just started attacking with no real ammunition. Which leads me to....
Biden dodged it. Man did this guy get away with a lot. As mentioned before every time he started to misspeak and fumble, Trump comes to the rescue and starts firing off aimless missiles. Biden got away with a laundry list of outright lies, half truths and repeated garbage news and all Trump did was lose his temper and fire off about something else instead of taking him to task over what he said. Instead of CALMLY and deliberately straight up ask Biden "So you expect the American people to believe Hunter got a board seat at Burisma, earning $50,000 a month, which by the way was more than any other board member, never attended a single meeting... never signed a single piece of paper - and you expect people to think there is nothing shaky about that?" - no... instead he aimlessly yells and talks over him and shaking his head. Of course it didn't help any that....
Wallace tilted it. Who could count the number of times Wallace let Joe not answer a question? And at the same time, repeatedly admonish and interrupt Trump doing the same thing. Biden REFUSED to answer is he for stacking the court - and Wallace let it slide. Inexcusable. Given, Trump didn't let him answer it either without 10 interruptions. But then when Trump flat out told him to answer the question - Biden flat out said he will not answer that question...and did Wallace say anything? No. He actually ended the segment saving Biden. The questions for Trump by Wallace were nearly all accusatory, and idealistic rather than specific. At the same time questions for Biden were generalized and easy to answer, save for the question about packing the court. He asked nothing specific. And we all know Biden struggles with specifics, so he asked none.

That's perfect!
Just confirms your bias. Trump didn't "blow" anything. That would imply he had something of substance to say. Trump walked in and set the place on fire. By any evaluation that is reasonable, he lost last night's debate without even any substantive policy retorts from Biden. Wallace did what he could to salvage it. Without getting outright nasty with both them, it was what it was.
It's accurate for the most part.

If Cruz were debating Biden it would be like Mike Tyson vs Clubber Lang, Trump started fairly well, Wallace helped Biden along also, which was an insult.

Trump wanted to interrupt Biden and force him to crack under the pressure, but, he didn't allow him to. I do think him asking Biden over and over about packing the courts and not showing his judge list was good, but he should have asked the questions and then waited.

Trump didn't do well in his first debate against Hillary either. He has to understand that just going into overdrive isn't good. Save some of your outrage for the moderator too, call out the bias, as Cruz successfully did in 2016. Then, focus on what INDEPENDENTS want, jobs, the economy, confronting China.

I don't know why he always reverts to appeasing the same voters who are going to vote for him anyways. Biden is wisely trying to reach out to the Middle, Trump doesn't hit the sweet spots, he focuses on the voters he already has. Why? His need for certain approval often surpasses what his political objective should be.
After talking at work with about 7 or 8 folks, my daughter, wife, son and daughter in law... looking at opinions out there and here.
I think the title of this thread captures it pretty well.

Trump blew it. Last night at least 3 or 4 times I face palmed... begging Trump to just stop. Just when Biden would start to struggle to say what he was trying to say, just when he would begin to stumble - in came Trump to the rescue and start mouthing off. Saving him. And then there was the set up by Biden and Wallace to condemn white supremacy... and instead of simply sayin "sure - I condemn white supremacist - now ask Joe to condemn antifa." - would have reversed the setup. But instead, once again he got in his own way and didn't actually answer and went on the attack before doing so. And then with Charlottesville. He just let Biden get away with miss-characterizing it, missed that opportunity. And then the worst of all let Biden get away with saying he handed Trump a great economy. FAR from the truth, but didn't start firing off statistics and once again just started attacking with no real ammunition. Which leads me to....
Biden dodged it. Man did this guy get away with a lot. As mentioned before every time he started to misspeak and fumble, Trump comes to the rescue and starts firing off aimless missiles. Biden got away with a laundry list of outright lies, half truths and repeated garbage news and all Trump did was lose his temper and fire off about something else instead of taking him to task over what he said. Instead of CALMLY and deliberately straight up ask Biden "So you expect the American people to believe Hunter got a board seat at Burisma, earning $50,000 a month, which by the way was more than any other board member, never attended a single meeting... never signed a single piece of paper - and you expect people to think there is nothing shaky about that?" - no... instead he aimlessly yells and talks over him and shaking his head. Of course it didn't help any that....
Wallace tilted it. Who could count the number of times Wallace let Joe not answer a question? And at the same time, repeatedly admonish and interrupt Trump doing the same thing. Biden REFUSED to answer is he for stacking the court - and Wallace let it slide. Inexcusable. Given, Trump didn't let him answer it either without 10 interruptions. But then when Trump flat out told him to answer the question - Biden flat out said he will not answer that question...and did Wallace say anything? No. He actually ended the segment saving Biden. The questions for Trump by Wallace were nearly all accusatory, and idealistic rather than specific. At the same time questions for Biden were generalized and easy to answer, save for the question about packing the court. He asked nothing specific. And we all know Biden struggles with specifics, so he asked none.

Has Trump ever gotten a fair shake from anyone...ever?
After talking at work with about 7 or 8 folks, my daughter, wife, son and daughter in law... looking at opinions out there and here.
I think the title of this thread captures it pretty well.

Trump blew it. Last night at least 3 or 4 times I face palmed... begging Trump to just stop. Just when Biden would start to struggle to say what he was trying to say, just when he would begin to stumble - in came Trump to the rescue and start mouthing off. Saving him. And then there was the set up by Biden and Wallace to condemn white supremacy... and instead of simply sayin "sure - I condemn white supremacist - now ask Joe to condemn antifa." - would have reversed the setup. But instead, once again he got in his own way and didn't actually answer and went on the attack before doing so. And then with Charlottesville. He just let Biden get away with miss-characterizing it, missed that opportunity. And then the worst of all let Biden get away with saying he handed Trump a great economy. FAR from the truth, but didn't start firing off statistics and once again just started attacking with no real ammunition. Which leads me to....
Biden dodged it. Man did this guy get away with a lot. As mentioned before every time he started to misspeak and fumble, Trump comes to the rescue and starts firing off aimless missiles. Biden got away with a laundry list of outright lies, half truths and repeated garbage news and all Trump did was lose his temper and fire off about something else instead of taking him to task over what he said. Instead of CALMLY and deliberately straight up ask Biden "So you expect the American people to believe Hunter got a board seat at Burisma, earning $50,000 a month, which by the way was more than any other board member, never attended a single meeting... never signed a single piece of paper - and you expect people to think there is nothing shaky about that?" - no... instead he aimlessly yells and talks over him and shaking his head. Of course it didn't help any that....
Wallace tilted it. Who could count the number of times Wallace let Joe not answer a question? And at the same time, repeatedly admonish and interrupt Trump doing the same thing. Biden REFUSED to answer is he for stacking the court - and Wallace let it slide. Inexcusable. Given, Trump didn't let him answer it either without 10 interruptions. But then when Trump flat out told him to answer the question - Biden flat out said he will not answer that question...and did Wallace say anything? No. He actually ended the segment saving Biden. The questions for Trump by Wallace were nearly all accusatory, and idealistic rather than specific. At the same time questions for Biden were generalized and easy to answer, save for the question about packing the court. He asked nothing specific. And we all know Biden struggles with specifics, so he asked none.

Has Trump ever gotten a fair shake from anyone...ever?

No. I won't be watching Fox News the rest of this week. I hope others boycott for a short period also. That was a set-up debate and I'm can't listen to the Big Three at night try and gloss over it or put lipstick on a pig. They have a China First rat working there as far as I am concerned. Only the future of capitalism and your Republic is at stake.

I also disagree with Dan Bongino saying that this is a "base election". Like hell it is. You need the Independents. Trump has them leaning towards him due to the uncertainty of the alt-left socialists, why in the hell would he need red meat during a debate? Focus on the economy, jobs, confronting China and helping those in the Black community achieve. He shouldn't focus on only those who attend his rallies.

You need to balance it and grab Independents. This election will be too close to just rely on winning a few states by a few thousands again.
After talking at work with about 7 or 8 folks, my daughter, wife, son and daughter in law... looking at opinions out there and here.
I think the title of this thread captures it pretty well.

Trump blew it. Last night at least 3 or 4 times I face palmed... begging Trump to just stop. Just when Biden would start to struggle to say what he was trying to say, just when he would begin to stumble - in came Trump to the rescue and start mouthing off. Saving him. And then there was the set up by Biden and Wallace to condemn white supremacy... and instead of simply sayin "sure - I condemn white supremacist - now ask Joe to condemn antifa." - would have reversed the setup. But instead, once again he got in his own way and didn't actually answer and went on the attack before doing so. And then with Charlottesville. He just let Biden get away with miss-characterizing it, missed that opportunity. And then the worst of all let Biden get away with saying he handed Trump a great economy. FAR from the truth, but didn't start firing off statistics and once again just started attacking with no real ammunition. Which leads me to....
Biden dodged it. Man did this guy get away with a lot. As mentioned before every time he started to misspeak and fumble, Trump comes to the rescue and starts firing off aimless missiles. Biden got away with a laundry list of outright lies, half truths and repeated garbage news and all Trump did was lose his temper and fire off about something else instead of taking him to task over what he said. Instead of CALMLY and deliberately straight up ask Biden "So you expect the American people to believe Hunter got a board seat at Burisma, earning $50,000 a month, which by the way was more than any other board member, never attended a single meeting... never signed a single piece of paper - and you expect people to think there is nothing shaky about that?" - no... instead he aimlessly yells and talks over him and shaking his head. Of course it didn't help any that....
Wallace tilted it. Who could count the number of times Wallace let Joe not answer a question? And at the same time, repeatedly admonish and interrupt Trump doing the same thing. Biden REFUSED to answer is he for stacking the court - and Wallace let it slide. Inexcusable. Given, Trump didn't let him answer it either without 10 interruptions. But then when Trump flat out told him to answer the question - Biden flat out said he will not answer that question...and did Wallace say anything? No. He actually ended the segment saving Biden. The questions for Trump by Wallace were nearly all accusatory, and idealistic rather than specific. At the same time questions for Biden were generalized and easy to answer, save for the question about packing the court. He asked nothing specific. And we all know Biden struggles with specifics, so he asked none.

Has Trump ever gotten a fair shake from anyone...ever?
He can't even get a fair shake after he pees.
After talking at work with about 7 or 8 folks, my daughter, wife, son and daughter in law... looking at opinions out there and here.
I think the title of this thread captures it pretty well.

Trump blew it. Last night at least 3 or 4 times I face palmed... begging Trump to just stop. Just when Biden would start to struggle to say what he was trying to say, just when he would begin to stumble - in came Trump to the rescue and start mouthing off. Saving him. And then there was the set up by Biden and Wallace to condemn white supremacy... and instead of simply sayin "sure - I condemn white supremacist - now ask Joe to condemn antifa." - would have reversed the setup. But instead, once again he got in his own way and didn't actually answer and went on the attack before doing so. And then with Charlottesville. He just let Biden get away with miss-characterizing it, missed that opportunity. And then the worst of all let Biden get away with saying he handed Trump a great economy. FAR from the truth, but didn't start firing off statistics and once again just started attacking with no real ammunition. Which leads me to....
Biden dodged it. Man did this guy get away with a lot. As mentioned before every time he started to misspeak and fumble, Trump comes to the rescue and starts firing off aimless missiles. Biden got away with a laundry list of outright lies, half truths and repeated garbage news and all Trump did was lose his temper and fire off about something else instead of taking him to task over what he said. Instead of CALMLY and deliberately straight up ask Biden "So you expect the American people to believe Hunter got a board seat at Burisma, earning $50,000 a month, which by the way was more than any other board member, never attended a single meeting... never signed a single piece of paper - and you expect people to think there is nothing shaky about that?" - no... instead he aimlessly yells and talks over him and shaking his head. Of course it didn't help any that....
Wallace tilted it. Who could count the number of times Wallace let Joe not answer a question? And at the same time, repeatedly admonish and interrupt Trump doing the same thing. Biden REFUSED to answer is he for stacking the court - and Wallace let it slide. Inexcusable. Given, Trump didn't let him answer it either without 10 interruptions. But then when Trump flat out told him to answer the question - Biden flat out said he will not answer that question...and did Wallace say anything? No. He actually ended the segment saving Biden. The questions for Trump by Wallace were nearly all accusatory, and idealistic rather than specific. At the same time questions for Biden were generalized and easy to answer, save for the question about packing the court. He asked nothing specific. And we all know Biden struggles with specifics, so he asked none.

Has Trump ever gotten a fair shake from anyone...ever?
The fair shake is needed by his voters. He is the one of not that many that is trying to provide it.
Petulant Trump tried to brow beat and bully his way through a so called debate and it didn't turn out well for him, yet we are not surprised at how Trump and Biden act since we have seen them in action many times..
Trump should really lose that whine he has about the media four years on it's very annoying.
After talking at work with about 7 or 8 folks, my daughter, wife, son and daughter in law... looking at opinions out there and here.
I think the title of this thread captures it pretty well.

Trump blew it. Last night at least 3 or 4 times I face palmed... begging Trump to just stop. Just when Biden would start to struggle to say what he was trying to say, just when he would begin to stumble - in came Trump to the rescue and start mouthing off. Saving him. And then there was the set up by Biden and Wallace to condemn white supremacy... and instead of simply sayin "sure - I condemn white supremacist - now ask Joe to condemn antifa." - would have reversed the setup. But instead, once again he got in his own way and didn't actually answer and went on the attack before doing so. And then with Charlottesville. He just let Biden get away with miss-characterizing it, missed that opportunity. And then the worst of all let Biden get away with saying he handed Trump a great economy. FAR from the truth, but didn't start firing off statistics and once again just started attacking with no real ammunition. Which leads me to....
Biden dodged it. Man did this guy get away with a lot. As mentioned before every time he started to misspeak and fumble, Trump comes to the rescue and starts firing off aimless missiles. Biden got away with a laundry list of outright lies, half truths and repeated garbage news and all Trump did was lose his temper and fire off about something else instead of taking him to task over what he said. Instead of CALMLY and deliberately straight up ask Biden "So you expect the American people to believe Hunter got a board seat at Burisma, earning $50,000 a month, which by the way was more than any other board member, never attended a single meeting... never signed a single piece of paper - and you expect people to think there is nothing shaky about that?" - no... instead he aimlessly yells and talks over him and shaking his head. Of course it didn't help any that....
Wallace tilted it. Who could count the number of times Wallace let Joe not answer a question? And at the same time, repeatedly admonish and interrupt Trump doing the same thing. Biden REFUSED to answer is he for stacking the court - and Wallace let it slide. Inexcusable. Given, Trump didn't let him answer it either without 10 interruptions. But then when Trump flat out told him to answer the question - Biden flat out said he will not answer that question...and did Wallace say anything? No. He actually ended the segment saving Biden. The questions for Trump by Wallace were nearly all accusatory, and idealistic rather than specific. At the same time questions for Biden were generalized and easy to answer, save for the question about packing the court. He asked nothing specific. And we all know Biden struggles with specifics, so he asked none.

Has Trump ever gotten a fair shake from anyone...ever?
The fair shake is needed by his voters. He is the one of not that many that is trying to provide it.

You've guys have become the largest victim class in the world.
After talking at work with about 7 or 8 folks, my daughter, wife, son and daughter in law... looking at opinions out there and here.
I think the title of this thread captures it pretty well.

Trump blew it. Last night at least 3 or 4 times I face palmed... begging Trump to just stop. Just when Biden would start to struggle to say what he was trying to say, just when he would begin to stumble - in came Trump to the rescue and start mouthing off. Saving him. And then there was the set up by Biden and Wallace to condemn white supremacy... and instead of simply sayin "sure - I condemn white supremacist - now ask Joe to condemn antifa." - would have reversed the setup. But instead, once again he got in his own way and didn't actually answer and went on the attack before doing so. And then with Charlottesville. He just let Biden get away with miss-characterizing it, missed that opportunity. And then the worst of all let Biden get away with saying he handed Trump a great economy. FAR from the truth, but didn't start firing off statistics and once again just started attacking with no real ammunition. Which leads me to....
Biden dodged it. Man did this guy get away with a lot. As mentioned before every time he started to misspeak and fumble, Trump comes to the rescue and starts firing off aimless missiles. Biden got away with a laundry list of outright lies, half truths and repeated garbage news and all Trump did was lose his temper and fire off about something else instead of taking him to task over what he said. Instead of CALMLY and deliberately straight up ask Biden "So you expect the American people to believe Hunter got a board seat at Burisma, earning $50,000 a month, which by the way was more than any other board member, never attended a single meeting... never signed a single piece of paper - and you expect people to think there is nothing shaky about that?" - no... instead he aimlessly yells and talks over him and shaking his head. Of course it didn't help any that....
Wallace tilted it. Who could count the number of times Wallace let Joe not answer a question? And at the same time, repeatedly admonish and interrupt Trump doing the same thing. Biden REFUSED to answer is he for stacking the court - and Wallace let it slide. Inexcusable. Given, Trump didn't let him answer it either without 10 interruptions. But then when Trump flat out told him to answer the question - Biden flat out said he will not answer that question...and did Wallace say anything? No. He actually ended the segment saving Biden. The questions for Trump by Wallace were nearly all accusatory, and idealistic rather than specific. At the same time questions for Biden were generalized and easy to answer, save for the question about packing the court. He asked nothing specific. And we all know Biden struggles with specifics, so he asked none.

Has Trump ever gotten a fair shake from anyone...ever?

No. I won't be watching Fox News the rest of this week. I hope others boycott for a short period also. That was a set-up debate and I'm can't listen to the Big Three at night try and gloss over it or put lipstick on a pig. They have a China First rat working there as far as I am concerned. Only the future of capitalism and your Republic is at stake.

I also disagree with Dan Bongino saying that this is a "base election". Like hell it is. You need the Independents. Trump has them leaning towards him due to the uncertainty of the alt-left socialists, why in the hell would he need red meat during a debate? Focus on the economy, jobs, confronting China and helping those in the Black community achieve. He shouldn't focus on only those who attend his rallies.

You need to balance it and grab Independents. This election will be too close to just rely on winning a few states by a few thousands again.

Well, thanks for confirming the ridiculous allegation that the blob has never gotten a fair shake....

This election is a base election.
Trump should really lose that whine he has about the media four years on it's very annoying.
Is it justified?
Is the whining less annoying than the relentless rage brigade the media plays 24/7?
President Carter, by far the most liberal President in modern history, if not ever, said the media has treated Trump worse than any other President in his lifetime.... including Nixon.
After talking at work with about 7 or 8 folks, my daughter, wife, son and daughter in law... looking at opinions out there and here.
I think the title of this thread captures it pretty well.

Trump blew it. Last night at least 3 or 4 times I face palmed... begging Trump to just stop. Just when Biden would start to struggle to say what he was trying to say, just when he would begin to stumble - in came Trump to the rescue and start mouthing off. Saving him. And then there was the set up by Biden and Wallace to condemn white supremacy... and instead of simply sayin "sure - I condemn white supremacist - now ask Joe to condemn antifa." - would have reversed the setup. But instead, once again he got in his own way and didn't actually answer and went on the attack before doing so. And then with Charlottesville. He just let Biden get away with miss-characterizing it, missed that opportunity. And then the worst of all let Biden get away with saying he handed Trump a great economy. FAR from the truth, but didn't start firing off statistics and once again just started attacking with no real ammunition. Which leads me to....
Biden dodged it. Man did this guy get away with a lot. As mentioned before every time he started to misspeak and fumble, Trump comes to the rescue and starts firing off aimless missiles. Biden got away with a laundry list of outright lies, half truths and repeated garbage news and all Trump did was lose his temper and fire off about something else instead of taking him to task over what he said. Instead of CALMLY and deliberately straight up ask Biden "So you expect the American people to believe Hunter got a board seat at Burisma, earning $50,000 a month, which by the way was more than any other board member, never attended a single meeting... never signed a single piece of paper - and you expect people to think there is nothing shaky about that?" - no... instead he aimlessly yells and talks over him and shaking his head. Of course it didn't help any that....
Wallace tilted it. Who could count the number of times Wallace let Joe not answer a question? And at the same time, repeatedly admonish and interrupt Trump doing the same thing. Biden REFUSED to answer is he for stacking the court - and Wallace let it slide. Inexcusable. Given, Trump didn't let him answer it either without 10 interruptions. But then when Trump flat out told him to answer the question - Biden flat out said he will not answer that question...and did Wallace say anything? No. He actually ended the segment saving Biden. The questions for Trump by Wallace were nearly all accusatory, and idealistic rather than specific. At the same time questions for Biden were generalized and easy to answer, save for the question about packing the court. He asked nothing specific. And we all know Biden struggles with specifics, so he asked none.

Very good analysis. I thought Trump could have done better by keeping his mouth shut and let Biden dissemble, and THEN call him on the BS. As it is, Trump came off as a bully picking on the dumb kid and that won't play well with women voters. Some of which won't support him anyway, but I think he lost some voters there. It was IMHO a poor performance all around including Wallace, but I think Biden came out ahead by not losing as much ground.
After talking at work with about 7 or 8 folks, my daughter, wife, son and daughter in law... looking at opinions out there and here.
I think the title of this thread captures it pretty well.

Trump blew it. Last night at least 3 or 4 times I face palmed... begging Trump to just stop. Just when Biden would start to struggle to say what he was trying to say, just when he would begin to stumble - in came Trump to the rescue and start mouthing off. Saving him. And then there was the set up by Biden and Wallace to condemn white supremacy... and instead of simply sayin "sure - I condemn white supremacist - now ask Joe to condemn antifa." - would have reversed the setup. But instead, once again he got in his own way and didn't actually answer and went on the attack before doing so. And then with Charlottesville. He just let Biden get away with miss-characterizing it, missed that opportunity. And then the worst of all let Biden get away with saying he handed Trump a great economy. FAR from the truth, but didn't start firing off statistics and once again just started attacking with no real ammunition. Which leads me to....
Biden dodged it. Man did this guy get away with a lot. As mentioned before every time he started to misspeak and fumble, Trump comes to the rescue and starts firing off aimless missiles. Biden got away with a laundry list of outright lies, half truths and repeated garbage news and all Trump did was lose his temper and fire off about something else instead of taking him to task over what he said. Instead of CALMLY and deliberately straight up ask Biden "So you expect the American people to believe Hunter got a board seat at Burisma, earning $50,000 a month, which by the way was more than any other board member, never attended a single meeting... never signed a single piece of paper - and you expect people to think there is nothing shaky about that?" - no... instead he aimlessly yells and talks over him and shaking his head. Of course it didn't help any that....
Wallace tilted it. Who could count the number of times Wallace let Joe not answer a question? And at the same time, repeatedly admonish and interrupt Trump doing the same thing. Biden REFUSED to answer is he for stacking the court - and Wallace let it slide. Inexcusable. Given, Trump didn't let him answer it either without 10 interruptions. But then when Trump flat out told him to answer the question - Biden flat out said he will not answer that question...and did Wallace say anything? No. He actually ended the segment saving Biden. The questions for Trump by Wallace were nearly all accusatory, and idealistic rather than specific. At the same time questions for Biden were generalized and easy to answer, save for the question about packing the court. He asked nothing specific. And we all know Biden struggles with specifics, so he asked none.

Very good analysis. I thought Trump could have done better by keeping his mouth shut and let Biden dissemble, and THEN call him on the BS. As it is, Trump came off as a bully picking on the dumb kid and that won't play well with women voters. Some of which won't support him anyway, but I think he lost some voters there. It was IMHO a poor performance all around including Wallace, but I think Biden came out ahead by not losing as much ground.
I go along with that.
For Biden, the bar was already set low. No one expected him to do well, but I think he did better than most thought - but mostly due to Trump's constant interruption and badgering never giving Biden much time to speak. And he got away with a lot, both due to Wallace never challenging him, and Trumps continued aimless barbs and rants.
For Trump... no way he gained anything. Impossible. He may have made a few diehard supporters applaud, but he has them no matter what. He certainly didn't gain votes. It was just ugly.
For Wallace. His bias was transparent that a child could see. Asking Trump loaded questions, and asking Biden generalized easy setups, save for the court packing. But then he let him get away with refusing to answer it.

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