Trump Booed By Trump Supporters at Trump Rally

Apparently so:

From the link:
View attachment 529290

Gee...I wonder how the anti-vaxxers like having that knife in their back.
Yet I thought you trump haters firmly believe his supporters are brainless cult followers. What’s up with that?
Trump didn't do anything that Obama before him didn't do.

He promised to ban lobbyists from the White House. Nope

He promised to prosecute the bankers that broke financial laws that crashed the economy. Nope

He promised to end the wars. Nope

He promised he wouldn't get us involved in new wars. Nope

Should I continue?
Trump, who?
I know a lot of Blacks and Hispanics that have yet to be vaccinated, so are they all Trumpsters now?
The GOP has allowed a monster to take over the party.

It ain't Trump. It's the many in the party who are even Trumpier.

Again, this has never been about Trump. Never.

You're not so swift there, "Ol Mac"

How many times have you said on this forum that we all worship Trump, that he is a god?

Now there are people disagreeing with him and you change your story AGAIN
It's about a society and a culture that would allow such a man anywhere near the White House.

It's about us, not him.

Well, he did not, and would NEVER have, left tens of thousands of Americans behind in a war zone with deranges savages

That's all on your side, Ol Mac
It's about a society and a culture that would allow such a man anywhere near the White House.
It's about us, not him.
There is no doubt Trump’s an asshole and shouldn’t have been elected. We agree on that. Where we don’t agree is you somehow think Biden is fine being in the WH, yet he and Don agree on all the big issues of the day. If Don is unacceptable, so is Joe.

You need to think better.
Trump didn't do anything that Obama before him didn't do.

He promised to ban lobbyists from the White House. Nope

He promised to prosecute the bankers that broke financial laws that crashed the economy. Nope

He promised to end the wars. Nope

He promised he wouldn't get us involved in new wars. Nope

Should I continue?
<sob> But…..But…..What about Obama?
Apparently so:

From the link:
View attachment 529290

Gee...I wonder how the anti-vaxxers like having that knife in their back.

So let me get this straight, trump holds a super spreader rally in Alabama one of the states that their hospital system is collapsing from being over run by virus patients and at that rally he tells his followers to get vaccinated.

If he cared anything about his followers he wouldn't have that super spreader event in the first place.

I'm sure there was very few if any people wearing masks and no social distancing.

I wonder how many of his followers will get the virus and die because they were at that super spreader rally? If they need to be in the hospital they are out of luck. There is no bed for them. They will have to be sent to another state, if one close has a bed, to get the help they need.

The frustrating thing about this, it can be prevented.

It's about a society and a culture that would allow such a man anywhere near the White House.

There is no doubt Trump’s an asshole and shouldn’t have been elected. We agree on that. Where we don’t agree is you somehow think Biden is fine being in the WH, yet he and Don agree on all the big issues of the day. If Don is unacceptable, so is Joe.

You need to think better.
I don't think that they agree on the big issues of the day.

You're just too smart for me.
Wow. Trumpers throwing TRUMP under the bus.


The Republican Party is starting to realize that they have create a monster that won't go away

Trump could admit there was no "steal" and Trumpers would stone him
I don't think that they agree on the big issues of the day.

You're just too smart for me.
Okay you prove my point. You need to think better.

Compare and contrast their positions on the following:
Tax law, war, imperialism, foreign interventions, military spending, limiting rights ie patriot act spying, healthcare, protecting big corporations with bailouts and Fed actions, spending, raising the MW.

I think they are very similar on the big issues outlined above. In fact, I think you can make a good argument that Don is better on these issues than Joe, though not significantly.
The GOP has allowed a monster to take over the party.

It ain't Trump. It's the many in the party who are even Trumpier.

Again, this has never been about Trump. Never.
Your liberal imagination is misleading you

I didnt hear any boos
Okay you prove my point. You need to think better.

Compare and contrast their positions on the following:
Tax law, war, imperialism, foreign interventions, military spending, limiting rights ie patriot act spying, healthcare, protecting big corporations with bailouts and Fed actions, spending, raising the MW.

I think they are very similar on the big issues outlined above. In fact, I think you can make a good argument that Don is better on these issues than Joe, though not significantly.
interesting how youve glossed over the constitution and rule of law.

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