Trump calls Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' at event honoring Native Americans

You know, that is one of the things that bugs me about some of you conservatives. You continually tell everyone that Trump won the election and is president. Yeah, we all get that, we see him on television every day.

We also understand that Hillary lost and is no longer politically viable.

But, apparently some of you conservatives haven't figured out Trump won, because every time someone asks you about things he's done, you immediately deflect to Hillary without answering the question.

But, apparently some of you conservatives haven't figured out Trump won, because every time someone asks you about things he's done, you immediately deflect to Hillary without answering the question.

Does that remind you of Libs talking about Bush every time Obama was discussed?
Bush was brought up every time one of you ignorant fucks blamed Obama for shit Bush did.

And every time Obama wanted an excuse for one of his own failures.
What failures were those?
You going to bitch about the deficits, employment, Iraq?
Let's hear about those failures & how you chickshits blame Obama.

What failures were those?

You been drinking with Hillary?
So you don;t know any. Just as I suspected.
But, apparently some of you conservatives haven't figured out Trump won, because every time someone asks you about things he's done, you immediately deflect to Hillary without answering the question.

Does that remind you of Libs talking about Bush every time Obama was discussed?
Bush was brought up every time one of you ignorant fucks blamed Obama for shit Bush did.

And every time Obama wanted an excuse for one of his own failures.
What failures were those?
You going to bitch about the deficits, employment, Iraq?
Let's hear about those failures & how you chickshits blame Obama.

What failures were those?

You been drinking with Hillary?
So you don;t know any. Just as I suspected.

There....there....have another'll feel better
Let's discuss Donald Trump saying his father came here from Sweden.

Did he lie?

Good idea. It brings up an irony that screams from the rooftops.

Not at all long ago in the days of Rump's antecedents and Warren's antecedents and my antecedents, pretty much all of us, it was socially dangerous to reveal or let it be known that one was "Irish" or "Jewish" or "Italian". And of course if you were Black or Indian but could get away with "passing" for white, it made your ride through life smoother, socially and economically. And a lot of that got written down on self-identified census forms. The socially acceptable thing to do was to play down the "Irish" or "Jewish" or whatever bigot-target was in one's blood. My own family completely played down its Irish roots because in my grandparents' day that's how you survived.

At two times coinciding with the two World Wars, being "German" was one of the despised ethnicities, even though it's perhaps the most prevalent one in the US. People were banning German music, removing the German language from school curricula and stoning Dachshunds to death in the street. In that context Fred Trump disguised his own German heritage as "Swedish" even though he had no genealogical basis for it. And Rump the son believed it until I think the 1980s, simply because that's what he'd been told. No harm no foul there.

--- Which is also exactly what Warren did over the decades: repeat the family lore that she had been told.

Shift over to Elizabeth Warren and yapping dogs like CrusaderFrank yapping about Warren's ancestors self-identifying as "white" on census forms. Well, no shit, again that's how one survived in those times. And there are countless examples of others with African blood or suspected of having African blood (including Abraham Lincoln) who similarly identified as "white" if given the chance.

Yet here comes Rump, who himself believed and repeated his own disguised fake "Swedish" ethnicity, faked to avoid being known as German, implying that somebody else who never pretended such a disguise, is somehow "fake" while --- presumably --- he himself gets off the hook for doing what he accuses somebody else of doing.

Double Standard apparently comes in Orange.

Doesn't get much more ironical than that.

Whatever, the only Indian blood in her heritage came from her white ancestors shooting a real Indian
Trump’s name calling it immature and beneath the office of the President.

This one is worst. It would be like calling a German Hitler, a Brit Chamberlain, a Jew Schwartz, a Vietnamese Ho Chi Min etc. It has racist overtones and is wrong.

He needs to get over this childish behavior and even more childish tweets

Sent from my iPhone using
The DNA test will prove conclusively whether or not Pocohantes has Indian heritage. That she refuses to test is yet additional proof that she's a fraudster and a liar that should be thrown out of the Senate.

Actually, no. You can't.

I posted this earlier but Trumpettes are sofa king stupid that you have to keep reposting.

When you take one of those ancestry DNA tests, they compare your DNA to their daya base of DNA quirks from arpund the world.

The most Warren's DNA would indicate would be from which parts of the world her ancestors came. Like that area of the US that would include OK.

Heck, the Today Show even ran a story on this.

Yeah? On the other hand, if her ancestry shows exlcuively European heritage, which it will, there is no way the crazy bitch has Indian blood. Which as we all know is the case. All of this can be solved with a simple, cheap, DNA test.

You are just too fucking stupid to be alive. Researchers have found nothing to prove one way or the other. Records are incomplete.

You have nothing to base your claim.
Are you trying to say that a DNA test cannot rule out whether or not a person has Indian heritage, fool?

I am saying that with Warren's family history in Oklahoma that answer would be yes. Those test have nothing to do with race.
Let's discuss Donald Trump saying his father came here from Sweden.

Did he lie?
Assuming fake news is true it's true which it isn't, how did it help him get a job or get admitted. Nothing like this ever happened.
^^^^ Pitiful
Yes I agree, Pocohantes and the Left that protected her lying (just like they did with Bill Clinton) and instead focus all their attention on bashing Trump are pitiful hypocrites.
Actually, no. You can't.

I posted this earlier but Trumpettes are sofa king stupid that you have to keep reposting.

When you take one of those ancestry DNA tests, they compare your DNA to their daya base of DNA quirks from arpund the world.

The most Warren's DNA would indicate would be from which parts of the world her ancestors came. Like that area of the US that would include OK.

Heck, the Today Show even ran a story on this.

I did one of those tests. Not because some arrogant fuck demanded it but just because it was offered and I was curious to see where it led.

It led to somewhere around Serbia, an area that is completely devoid of any appearance in any side of my family on either side at all. I mean I'd like to be related to Nikola Tesla but I'm not.
Yeah? On the other hand, if her ancestry shows exlcuively European heritage, which it will, there is no way the crazy bitch has Indian blood. Which as we all know is the case. All of this can be solved with a simple, cheap, DNA test.

No, it cannot. And even if it could you wouldn't accept it since you're already established in a dishonest position making assertions as purported facts that you can't prove. So how would this be any different if you're just going to lie about that too? What the fuck would be the point? You'd just lie about the results, get called out for the fact that you can't prove that lie, and then go on lying, exactly as you're doing now.

So what the fuck would be the point? Hm?
Blah blah blah. If she takes the DNA test and proves she's from one or more regions in Europe, there is no fucking way she's a "Native American", and she knows it. She lied and rigged the system to advance her career, like a typical entitled Leftard. Case closed.

How can you be this degree of fucking stupid. Seriously did you take a mail order course or what?

NOBODY around here is exclusively "from Europe". And that isn't even how the test works. There is no "exclusive" in it,capice? It doesn't "rule out" a fucking thing. It renders relative probabilities, not absolutes.

And again this isn't her issue --- IT'S YOURS.

YOURS is the ass-sertion "she lied" , therefore YOURS is the burden of proof. There is just no way you can weasel out of that. It's part and parcel of the deal when you make an assertion in the first place.

Holy SHIT :banghead:

Yes, you ignorant dickhead, a Somali immgrant testing his / her DNA will trace their DNA to Africa, a WASP like Elizabeth Warren will trace her DNA to Europe, like ALL WASP's. That's why there is so much money in DNA testing now, people want to see where their ancestors are from.

This from one of the companies that do this. Note the use of the word "may" and that it does not say "will".

For the extremely ignorant. that means the test is not accurate enough to determine lack of native American heritage

"The AncestryDNA test may predict if you are at least partly Native American, which includes some tribes that are indigenous to North America, including the U.S., Canada and Mexico. The results do not currently provide a specific tribal affiliation. (Please note that your AncestryDNA ethnicity results cannot be used as a substitute for legal documentation.)"
There ya go proving my point. If the results only show various Western or Eastern European ethnicities such as Poland, England, Romania, then Native American is definitely out of the question.
Trump’s name calling it immature and beneath the office of the President.

This one is worst. It would be like calling a German Hitler, a Brit Chamberlain, a Jew Schwartz, a Vietnamese Ho Chi Min etc. It has racist overtones and is wrong.

He needs to get over this childish behavior and even more childish tweets

Sent from my iPhone using
Agreed. But I'll take this any day over crooked Hillary or Comrade Sander's.
Bush was brought up every time one of you ignorant fucks blamed Obama for shit Bush did.

And every time Obama wanted an excuse for one of his own failures.
What failures were those?
You going to bitch about the deficits, employment, Iraq?
Let's hear about those failures & how you chickshits blame Obama.

What failures were those?

You been drinking with Hillary?
So you don;t know any. Just as I suspected.

There....there....have another'll feel better
I think his fake Indian name is "Braying with the Donkeys"
I did one of those tests. Not because some arrogant fuck demanded it but just because it was offered and I was curious to see where it led.

It led to somewhere around Serbia, an area that is completely devoid of any appearance in any side of my family on either side at all. I mean I'd like to be related to Nikola Tesla but I'm not.
No, it cannot. And even if it could you wouldn't accept it since you're already established in a dishonest position making assertions as purported facts that you can't prove. So how would this be any different if you're just going to lie about that too? What the fuck would be the point? You'd just lie about the results, get called out for the fact that you can't prove that lie, and then go on lying, exactly as you're doing now.

So what the fuck would be the point? Hm?
Blah blah blah. If she takes the DNA test and proves she's from one or more regions in Europe, there is no fucking way she's a "Native American", and she knows it. She lied and rigged the system to advance her career, like a typical entitled Leftard. Case closed.

How can you be this degree of fucking stupid. Seriously did you take a mail order course or what?

NOBODY around here is exclusively "from Europe". And that isn't even how the test works. There is no "exclusive" in it,capice? It doesn't "rule out" a fucking thing. It renders relative probabilities, not absolutes.

And again this isn't her issue --- IT'S YOURS.

YOURS is the ass-sertion "she lied" , therefore YOURS is the burden of proof. There is just no way you can weasel out of that. It's part and parcel of the deal when you make an assertion in the first place.

Holy SHIT :banghead:

Yes, you ignorant dickhead, a Somali immgrant testing his / her DNA will trace their DNA to Africa, a WASP like Elizabeth Warren will trace her DNA to Europe, like ALL WASP's. That's why there is so much money in DNA testing now, people want to see where their ancestors are from.

This from one of the companies that do this. Note the use of the word "may" and that it does not say "will".

For the extremely ignorant. that means the test is not accurate enough to determine lack of native American heritage

"The AncestryDNA test may predict if you are at least partly Native American, which includes some tribes that are indigenous to North America, including the U.S., Canada and Mexico. The results do not currently provide a specific tribal affiliation. (Please note that your AncestryDNA ethnicity results cannot be used as a substitute for legal documentation.)"
There ya go proving my point. If the results only show various Western or Eastern European ethnicities such as Poland, England, Romania, then Native American is definitely out of the question.

Clearly your head's completely up your ass about how a process you think you're entitled to force on somebody else, even works.

Once AGAIN --- it does not rule out anything. All it does is point your gene traits to pools of probability. Which itself is demonstrably vague anyway.

As already noted, that test pointed me to a pool of probability in Eastern Europe, which appears nowhere in any of my family history at all. I already knew my derivation before I took the test, and it basically failed.

But it also didn't RULE OUT anything. Because it doesn't work that way.
Let's discuss Donald Trump saying his father came here from Sweden.

Did he lie?

Good idea. It brings up an irony that screams from the rooftops.

Not at all long ago in the days of Rump's antecedents and Warren's antecedents and my antecedents, pretty much all of us, it was socially dangerous to reveal or let it be known that one was "Irish" or "Jewish" or "Italian". And of course if you were Black or Indian but could get away with "passing" for white, it made your ride through life smoother, socially and economically. And a lot of that got written down on self-identified census forms. The socially acceptable thing to do was to play down the "Irish" or "Jewish" or whatever bigot-target was in one's blood. My own family completely played down its Irish roots because in my grandparents' day that's how you survived.

At two times coinciding with the two World Wars, being "German" was one of the despised ethnicities, even though it's perhaps the most prevalent one in the US. People were banning German music, removing the German language from school curricula and stoning Dachshunds to death in the street. In that context Fred Trump disguised his own German heritage as "Swedish" even though he had no genealogical basis for it. And Rump the son believed it until I think the 1980s, simply because that's what he'd been told. No harm no foul there.

--- Which is also exactly what Warren did over the decades: repeat the family lore that she had been told.

Shift over to Elizabeth Warren and yapping dogs like CrusaderFrank yapping about Warren's ancestors self-identifying as "white" on census forms. Well, no shit, again that's how one survived in those times. And there are countless examples of others with African blood or suspected of having African blood (including Abraham Lincoln) who similarly identified as "white" if given the chance.

Yet here comes Rump, who himself believed and repeated his own disguised fake "Swedish" ethnicity, faked to avoid being known as German, implying that somebody else who never pretended such a disguise, is somehow "fake" while --- presumably --- he himself gets off the hook for doing what he accuses somebody else of doing.

Double Standard apparently comes in Orange.

Doesn't get much more ironical than that.

Whatever, the only Indian blood in her heritage came from her white ancestors shooting a real Indian

That's a speculation on a message board, and that's all it is. You haven't proved a negative here, just as you didn't prove the negative three years ago whenever it was we did this.

My point stands untouched.
Let's discuss Donald Trump saying his father came here from Sweden.

Did he lie?

Good idea. It brings up an irony that screams from the rooftops.

Not at all long ago in the days of Rump's antecedents and Warren's antecedents and my antecedents, pretty much all of us, it was socially dangerous to reveal or let it be known that one was "Irish" or "Jewish" or "Italian". And of course if you were Black or Indian but could get away with "passing" for white, it made your ride through life smoother, socially and economically. And a lot of that got written down on self-identified census forms. The socially acceptable thing to do was to play down the "Irish" or "Jewish" or whatever bigot-target was in one's blood. My own family completely played down its Irish roots because in my grandparents' day that's how you survived.

At two times coinciding with the two World Wars, being "German" was one of the despised ethnicities, even though it's perhaps the most prevalent one in the US. People were banning German music, removing the German language from school curricula and stoning Dachshunds to death in the street. In that context Fred Trump disguised his own German heritage as "Swedish" even though he had no genealogical basis for it. And Rump the son believed it until I think the 1980s, simply because that's what he'd been told. No harm no foul there.

--- Which is also exactly what Warren did over the decades: repeat the family lore that she had been told.

Shift over to Elizabeth Warren and yapping dogs like CrusaderFrank yapping about Warren's ancestors self-identifying as "white" on census forms. Well, no shit, again that's how one survived in those times. And there are countless examples of others with African blood or suspected of having African blood (including Abraham Lincoln) who similarly identified as "white" if given the chance.

Yet here comes Rump, who himself believed and repeated his own disguised fake "Swedish" ethnicity, faked to avoid being known as German, implying that somebody else who never pretended such a disguise, is somehow "fake" while --- presumably --- he himself gets off the hook for doing what he accuses somebody else of doing.

Double Standard apparently comes in Orange.

Doesn't get much more ironical than that.

Whatever, the only Indian blood in her heritage came from her white ancestors shooting a real Indian

That's a speculation on a message board, and that's all it is. You haven't proved a negative here, just as you didn't prove the negative three years ago whenever it was we did this.

My point stands untouched.
You have no point. All her ancestors are white. Let it go.

She failed to meet the burden of proof
Let's discuss Donald Trump saying his father came here from Sweden.

Did he lie?

Good idea. It brings up an irony that screams from the rooftops.

Not at all long ago in the days of Rump's antecedents and Warren's antecedents and my antecedents, pretty much all of us, it was socially dangerous to reveal or let it be known that one was "Irish" or "Jewish" or "Italian". And of course if you were Black or Indian but could get away with "passing" for white, it made your ride through life smoother, socially and economically. And a lot of that got written down on self-identified census forms. The socially acceptable thing to do was to play down the "Irish" or "Jewish" or whatever bigot-target was in one's blood. My own family completely played down its Irish roots because in my grandparents' day that's how you survived.

At two times coinciding with the two World Wars, being "German" was one of the despised ethnicities, even though it's perhaps the most prevalent one in the US. People were banning German music, removing the German language from school curricula and stoning Dachshunds to death in the street. In that context Fred Trump disguised his own German heritage as "Swedish" even though he had no genealogical basis for it. And Rump the son believed it until I think the 1980s, simply because that's what he'd been told. No harm no foul there.

--- Which is also exactly what Warren did over the decades: repeat the family lore that she had been told.

Shift over to Elizabeth Warren and yapping dogs like CrusaderFrank yapping about Warren's ancestors self-identifying as "white" on census forms. Well, no shit, again that's how one survived in those times. And there are countless examples of others with African blood or suspected of having African blood (including Abraham Lincoln) who similarly identified as "white" if given the chance.

Yet here comes Rump, who himself believed and repeated his own disguised fake "Swedish" ethnicity, faked to avoid being known as German, implying that somebody else who never pretended such a disguise, is somehow "fake" while --- presumably --- he himself gets off the hook for doing what he accuses somebody else of doing.

Double Standard apparently comes in Orange.

Doesn't get much more ironical than that.

Whatever, the only Indian blood in her heritage came from her white ancestors shooting a real Indian

That's a speculation on a message board, and that's all it is. You haven't proved a negative here, just as you didn't prove the negative three years ago whenever it was we did this.

My point stands untouched.
You have no point. All her ancestors are white. Let it go.

She failed to meet the burden of proof

She doesn't have a "burden of proof". YOU do.

And you can't do it.

And my point of the irony stands unaddressed.
Let's discuss Donald Trump saying his father came here from Sweden.

Did he lie?

Good idea. It brings up an irony that screams from the rooftops.

Not at all long ago in the days of Rump's antecedents and Warren's antecedents and my antecedents, pretty much all of us, it was socially dangerous to reveal or let it be known that one was "Irish" or "Jewish" or "Italian". And of course if you were Black or Indian but could get away with "passing" for white, it made your ride through life smoother, socially and economically. And a lot of that got written down on self-identified census forms. The socially acceptable thing to do was to play down the "Irish" or "Jewish" or whatever bigot-target was in one's blood. My own family completely played down its Irish roots because in my grandparents' day that's how you survived.

At two times coinciding with the two World Wars, being "German" was one of the despised ethnicities, even though it's perhaps the most prevalent one in the US. People were banning German music, removing the German language from school curricula and stoning Dachshunds to death in the street. In that context Fred Trump disguised his own German heritage as "Swedish" even though he had no genealogical basis for it. And Rump the son believed it until I think the 1980s, simply because that's what he'd been told. No harm no foul there.

--- Which is also exactly what Warren did over the decades: repeat the family lore that she had been told.

Shift over to Elizabeth Warren and yapping dogs like CrusaderFrank yapping about Warren's ancestors self-identifying as "white" on census forms. Well, no shit, again that's how one survived in those times. And there are countless examples of others with African blood or suspected of having African blood (including Abraham Lincoln) who similarly identified as "white" if given the chance.

Yet here comes Rump, who himself believed and repeated his own disguised fake "Swedish" ethnicity, faked to avoid being known as German, implying that somebody else who never pretended such a disguise, is somehow "fake" while --- presumably --- he himself gets off the hook for doing what he accuses somebody else of doing.

Double Standard apparently comes in Orange.

Doesn't get much more ironical than that.

Whatever, the only Indian blood in her heritage came from her white ancestors shooting a real Indian

That's a speculation on a message board, and that's all it is. You haven't proved a negative here, just as you didn't prove the negative three years ago whenever it was we did this.

My point stands untouched.
You have no point. All her ancestors are white. Let it go.

She failed to meet the burden of proof

She doesn't have a "burden of proof". YOU do.

And you can't do it.

And my point of the irony stands unaddressed.
She claimed that her cheekbones make her an Indian when the actual standard is genealogy. She has no Indian ancestors that she can point to, they're all white. That's the divide: ancestors or cheekbones
Good idea. It brings up an irony that screams from the rooftops.

Not at all long ago in the days of Rump's antecedents and Warren's antecedents and my antecedents, pretty much all of us, it was socially dangerous to reveal or let it be known that one was "Irish" or "Jewish" or "Italian". And of course if you were Black or Indian but could get away with "passing" for white, it made your ride through life smoother, socially and economically. And a lot of that got written down on self-identified census forms. The socially acceptable thing to do was to play down the "Irish" or "Jewish" or whatever bigot-target was in one's blood. My own family completely played down its Irish roots because in my grandparents' day that's how you survived.

At two times coinciding with the two World Wars, being "German" was one of the despised ethnicities, even though it's perhaps the most prevalent one in the US. People were banning German music, removing the German language from school curricula and stoning Dachshunds to death in the street. In that context Fred Trump disguised his own German heritage as "Swedish" even though he had no genealogical basis for it. And Rump the son believed it until I think the 1980s, simply because that's what he'd been told. No harm no foul there.

--- Which is also exactly what Warren did over the decades: repeat the family lore that she had been told.

Shift over to Elizabeth Warren and yapping dogs like CrusaderFrank yapping about Warren's ancestors self-identifying as "white" on census forms. Well, no shit, again that's how one survived in those times. And there are countless examples of others with African blood or suspected of having African blood (including Abraham Lincoln) who similarly identified as "white" if given the chance.

Yet here comes Rump, who himself believed and repeated his own disguised fake "Swedish" ethnicity, faked to avoid being known as German, implying that somebody else who never pretended such a disguise, is somehow "fake" while --- presumably --- he himself gets off the hook for doing what he accuses somebody else of doing.

Double Standard apparently comes in Orange.

Doesn't get much more ironical than that.

Whatever, the only Indian blood in her heritage came from her white ancestors shooting a real Indian

That's a speculation on a message board, and that's all it is. You haven't proved a negative here, just as you didn't prove the negative three years ago whenever it was we did this.

My point stands untouched.
You have no point. All her ancestors are white. Let it go.

She failed to meet the burden of proof

She doesn't have a "burden of proof". YOU do.

And you can't do it.

And my point of the irony stands unaddressed.
She claimed that her cheekbones make her an Indian when the actual standard is genealogy. She has no Indian ancestors that she can point to, they're all white. That's the divide: ancestors or cheekbones

Ummmmm ... no Frank. She claimed her family lore tells its own stories involving Cherokee and Lenape -- not that "cheekbones" make anything. And that family lore has long since been corroborated and has existed for decades. There's no question about that at all, zero.

You on the other hand claim "she lied" about that, and you can't back it up.

You also can't address my point of the irony which I can see is what you're trying to deflect away. So it still stands untouched.
Blah blah blah. If she takes the DNA test and proves she's from one or more regions in Europe, there is no fucking way she's a "Native American", and she knows it. She lied and rigged the system to advance her career, like a typical entitled Leftard. Case closed.

How can you be this degree of fucking stupid. Seriously did you take a mail order course or what?

NOBODY around here is exclusively "from Europe". And that isn't even how the test works. There is no "exclusive" in it,capice? It doesn't "rule out" a fucking thing. It renders relative probabilities, not absolutes.

And again this isn't her issue --- IT'S YOURS.

YOURS is the ass-sertion "she lied" , therefore YOURS is the burden of proof. There is just no way you can weasel out of that. It's part and parcel of the deal when you make an assertion in the first place.

Holy SHIT :banghead:

Yes, you ignorant dickhead, a Somali immgrant testing his / her DNA will trace their DNA to Africa, a WASP like Elizabeth Warren will trace her DNA to Europe, like ALL WASP's. That's why there is so much money in DNA testing now, people want to see where their ancestors are from.

This from one of the companies that do this. Note the use of the word "may" and that it does not say "will".

For the extremely ignorant. that means the test is not accurate enough to determine lack of native American heritage

"The AncestryDNA test may predict if you are at least partly Native American, which includes some tribes that are indigenous to North America, including the U.S., Canada and Mexico. The results do not currently provide a specific tribal affiliation. (Please note that your AncestryDNA ethnicity results cannot be used as a substitute for legal documentation.)"
There ya go proving my point. If the results only show various Western or Eastern European ethnicities such as Poland, England, Romania, then Native American is definitely out of the question.

Clearly your head's completely up your ass about how a process you think you're entitled to force on somebody else, even works.

Once AGAIN --- it does not rule out anything. All it does is point your gene traits to pools of probability. Which itself is demonstrably vague anyway.

As already noted, that test pointed me to a pool of probability in Eastern Europe, which appears nowhere in any of my family history at all. I already knew my derivation before I took the test, and it basically failed.

But it also didn't RULE OUT anything. Because it doesn't work that way.
Sure it did, it ruled out Chinese and African, at least. Can't speak for who you used, but most people nowadays use or 23 and me. It's possible yours got mixed up. Friends of mine did it and it was accurate.

I ordered the expensive option about $250 a person (tells you what diseases you can be susceptible to) but when I received the package I threw it in the trash.

Apparently 23 and me was founded by the spouse of one of google's owners. You can't order a package if they don't have your name, address, and where you live. Even if you check the box "destroy the DNA" they still get to keep a digital copy of your DNA and you have to sign a release that they can use it for whatever purposes such research etc. that they want. They use the same technology as Google when sending out a package, i.e. In other words you have to create an account before ordering, so right of the bat they have your IP location, a legit email, and a legit card they can track, even if you give them a fake name, address, and age.

It get's even more sinister after that, apparently these companies are operating at under cost pricing but they are just doing this to create a vast DNA database that can have unlimited (and very dangerous) use in the future. For example, if there is a tendency for a certain ethnicity in a geographical area to get certain diseases, then an insurance company or govt. can use said information to the disadvantage of those living in that region. All of this data is for sale and open to all kinds of abuse, and there is a soltely ZERO regulation or monitoring overseeing this industry. So in this day and age that govt. officials are constantly violating people's privacy and listening in on US citizen's calls...excuse me for throwing the package into the trash.
Last edited:
How can you be this degree of fucking stupid. Seriously did you take a mail order course or what?

NOBODY around here is exclusively "from Europe". And that isn't even how the test works. There is no "exclusive" in it,capice? It doesn't "rule out" a fucking thing. It renders relative probabilities, not absolutes.

And again this isn't her issue --- IT'S YOURS.

YOURS is the ass-sertion "she lied" , therefore YOURS is the burden of proof. There is just no way you can weasel out of that. It's part and parcel of the deal when you make an assertion in the first place.

Holy SHIT :banghead:

Yes, you ignorant dickhead, a Somali immgrant testing his / her DNA will trace their DNA to Africa, a WASP like Elizabeth Warren will trace her DNA to Europe, like ALL WASP's. That's why there is so much money in DNA testing now, people want to see where their ancestors are from.

This from one of the companies that do this. Note the use of the word "may" and that it does not say "will".

For the extremely ignorant. that means the test is not accurate enough to determine lack of native American heritage

"The AncestryDNA test may predict if you are at least partly Native American, which includes some tribes that are indigenous to North America, including the U.S., Canada and Mexico. The results do not currently provide a specific tribal affiliation. (Please note that your AncestryDNA ethnicity results cannot be used as a substitute for legal documentation.)"
There ya go proving my point. If the results only show various Western or Eastern European ethnicities such as Poland, England, Romania, then Native American is definitely out of the question.

Clearly your head's completely up your ass about how a process you think you're entitled to force on somebody else, even works.

Once AGAIN --- it does not rule out anything. All it does is point your gene traits to pools of probability. Which itself is demonstrably vague anyway.

As already noted, that test pointed me to a pool of probability in Eastern Europe, which appears nowhere in any of my family history at all. I already knew my derivation before I took the test, and it basically failed.

But it also didn't RULE OUT anything. Because it doesn't work that way.
Sure it did, it ruled out Chinese and African, at least. Can't speak for who you used, but most people nowadays use or 23 and me. It's possible yours got mixed up. Friends of mine did it and it was accurate.

I ordered the expensive option about $250 a person (tells you what diseases you can be susceptible to) but when I received the package I threw it in the trash.

Apparently 23 and me was founded by the spouse of one of google's owners. You can't order a package if they don't have your name, address, and where you live. Even if you check the box "destroy the DNA" they still get to keep a digital copy of your DNA and you have to sign a release that they can use it for whatever purposes such research etc. that they want. They use the same technology as Google when sending out a package, i.e. In other words you have to create an account before ordering, so right of the bat they have your IP location, a legit email, and a legit card they can track, even if you give them a fake name, address, and age.

It get's even more sinister after that, apparently these companies are operating at under cost pricing but they are just doing this to create a vast DNA database that can have unlimited (and very dangerous) use in the future. For example, if there is a tendency for a certain ethnicity in a geographical area to get certain diseases, then an insurance company or govt. can use said information to the disadvantage of those living in that region. All of this data is for sale and open to all kinds of abuse, and there is a soltely ZERO regulation or monitoring overseeing this industry. So in this day and age that govt. officials are constantly violating people's privacy and listening in on US citizen's calls...excuse me for throwing the package into the trash.

So let's get this straight.

You dropped two-fitty on a product that you immediately threw in the trash ----- and you want to be taken seriously on "she lied" claims.

Allllllllll righty then.

It might interest you to know that your address IS where you live. They're the same thing. Moreover the Post Office is notoriously bad at delivering packages that have no address.

Who knew, right?
Yes, you ignorant dickhead, a Somali immgrant testing his / her DNA will trace their DNA to Africa, a WASP like Elizabeth Warren will trace her DNA to Europe, like ALL WASP's. That's why there is so much money in DNA testing now, people want to see where their ancestors are from.

This from one of the companies that do this. Note the use of the word "may" and that it does not say "will".

For the extremely ignorant. that means the test is not accurate enough to determine lack of native American heritage

"The AncestryDNA test may predict if you are at least partly Native American, which includes some tribes that are indigenous to North America, including the U.S., Canada and Mexico. The results do not currently provide a specific tribal affiliation. (Please note that your AncestryDNA ethnicity results cannot be used as a substitute for legal documentation.)"
There ya go proving my point. If the results only show various Western or Eastern European ethnicities such as Poland, England, Romania, then Native American is definitely out of the question.

Clearly your head's completely up your ass about how a process you think you're entitled to force on somebody else, even works.

Once AGAIN --- it does not rule out anything. All it does is point your gene traits to pools of probability. Which itself is demonstrably vague anyway.

As already noted, that test pointed me to a pool of probability in Eastern Europe, which appears nowhere in any of my family history at all. I already knew my derivation before I took the test, and it basically failed.

But it also didn't RULE OUT anything. Because it doesn't work that way.
Sure it did, it ruled out Chinese and African, at least. Can't speak for who you used, but most people nowadays use or 23 and me. It's possible yours got mixed up. Friends of mine did it and it was accurate.

I ordered the expensive option about $250 a person (tells you what diseases you can be susceptible to) but when I received the package I threw it in the trash.

Apparently 23 and me was founded by the spouse of one of google's owners. You can't order a package if they don't have your name, address, and where you live. Even if you check the box "destroy the DNA" they still get to keep a digital copy of your DNA and you have to sign a release that they can use it for whatever purposes such research etc. that they want. They use the same technology as Google when sending out a package, i.e. In other words you have to create an account before ordering, so right of the bat they have your IP location, a legit email, and a legit card they can track, even if you give them a fake name, address, and age.

It get's even more sinister after that, apparently these companies are operating at under cost pricing but they are just doing this to create a vast DNA database that can have unlimited (and very dangerous) use in the future. For example, if there is a tendency for a certain ethnicity in a geographical area to get certain diseases, then an insurance company or govt. can use said information to the disadvantage of those living in that region. All of this data is for sale and open to all kinds of abuse, and there is a soltely ZERO regulation or monitoring overseeing this industry. So in this day and age that govt. officials are constantly violating people's privacy and listening in on US citizen's calls...excuse me for throwing the package into the trash.

So let's get this straight.

You dropped two-fitty on a product that you immediately threw in the trash ----- and you want to be taken seriously on "she lied" claims.

Allllllllll righty then.

It might interest you to know that your address IS where you live. They're the same thing. Moreover the Post Office is notoriously bad at delivering packages that have no address.

Who knew, right?
I ordered it because a family member wanted it, and while it was on the way did some research and found some alarming information. So it was actually $500 that went down the toilet.

When you create an online account (as with Google) they already know who and where you are based on your IP address. Your email provider can also do the same. Like I said their goal at this point is not to profit but rather to collect as much of the DNA of the world's population, because THAT will be the next information revolution and who ever is the holder of this database is in essence in an extremely powerful and dangerous position.

I did figure out a way to do it totally anonymously, but you realize that the holders of your DNA information can virtually create a whole new identical you at some point in the future.
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Calling out Warren's blatant hypocrisy is perfectly reasonable, though I agree, less than the presidential. Then again, Americans didn't send Trump to Washington to be presidential, they sent him to drain the swamp. In this regard, I would argue he's failed, but that's another conversation.

Stated differently, couldn't care less if Trump calls out Warren's lying ass.

This was a non-political event. There was no reason for doing this.

Again, he wasn't send to DC to be political. He was sent there to drain the swamp.

That's he not doing that is a different subject, but you can't expect the thug to play nice.

As a hard core libertarian, I do not support Trump, but I understand him. I do not expect presidential-like behavior. You shouldn't either.
Calling out Warren's blatant hypocrisy is perfectly reasonable, though I agree, less than the presidential. Then again, Americans didn't send Trump to Washington to be presidential, they sent him to drain the swamp. In this regard, I would argue he's failed, but that's another conversation.

Stated differently, couldn't care less if Trump calls out Warren's lying ass.

This was a non-political event. There was no reason for doing this.

Again, he wasn't send to DC to be political. He was sent there to drain the swamp.

That's he not doing that is a different subject, but you can't expect the thug to play nice.

As a hard core libertarian, I do not support Trump, but I understand him. I do not expect presidential-like behavior. You shouldn't either.

That's an copout. Yes, we should expect presidential behavior, even if we know he is not capable. We shouldn't lower our standards just because a failed manbaby got elected.
Navajo Nation president: Yes, Trump quip is an ethnic slur

President Trump's use of the name "Pocahontas" to refer to Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is an ethnic slur, the president of the Navajo Nation said Tuesday.

In an interview with CNN's "New Day," Russell Begaye said that Trump's use of the term repeatedly in the past as well as on Monday during an event honoring Navajo Code Talkers was “uncalled for.”

“I feel that the way it was used, yes, it was [a racial slur],” Begaye told CNN.

“Pocahontas is a real person," he continued. "It’s not a caricature. It’s not something that’s just made up. This is a person, a young lady and Native American woman, that played a critical role in the life of this nation. And to use that person in that way is unnecessary and being culturally insensitive.”

Navajo Nation president: Yes, Trump quip is an ethnic slur

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