GOP Strategist: Sarah Huckabee Sanders Has A ‘Tiny Shriveled Husk Left In Her Soul’

Maybe she can blame it on her childhood:

Sarah and the dog are the only ones in that picture that doesn't look totally dorky
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For a supposedly devout Christian to sell out her soul to repeatedly lie for the President will earn her a special place in Hell
Is it a racial slur when someone calls a white guy a ****** ? Warren is as much an Indian as I am a Chinaman,

Yeah this whole Pocahontas is a racial slur meme doesn't make sense. How is it a racial slur to call a white woman Pocahontas? Moreover when did it become a racial slur? Was Pocahontas's husband a racist ever time he called his wife's name?

Juvenile and immature? Sure. Racial slur? Come on
Yeah...just like the N word is just a variation on the name of a river in Africa......doesn't make sense that sensitive people are offended.
Here we go again, a tease word turned into a vicious racial attack for purely political advantage.

Does ANYONE, on EITHER side, see how silly this hyperbolic shit is?
Once again, trump apologist Mac dumps on Democrats while claiming to be an honest broker.

trump is in the wrong here. What is the problem when a Democrat uses trump's own spew against him?

Warren is a counter-puncher. When she gets hit, she hits back ten-fold

Where have we heard this before, Mac?
Wow, so Liz is as bad as the Donald.

How proud you must be.
Here we go again, a tease word turned into a vicious racial attack for purely political advantage.

Does ANYONE, on EITHER side, see how silly this hyperbolic shit is?
Once again, trump apologist Mac dumps on Democrats while claiming to be an honest broker.

trump is in the wrong here. What is the problem when a Democrat uses trump's own spew against him?

Warren is a counter-puncher. When she gets hit, she hits back ten-fold

Where have we heard this before, Mac?
Wow, so Liz is as bad as the Donald.

How proud you must be.
Surrendering to a bully is not an option, Mac

trump is a known racist
It’s all too obvious this scumbag’s version of the truth is whatever he thinks he can get away with.
Trump can lie this much only if he has nothing but utter contempt for his supporters. He has to believe they are the dumbest people who have ever lived.
It’s all too obvious this scumbag’s version of the truth is whatever he thinks he can get away with.
Trump can lie this much only if he has nothing but utter contempt for his supporters. He has to believe they are the dumbest people who have ever lived.
Trump uses racial slurs specifically cuz his base loves them. It is why they voted for him.

trump is the racist in chief
Is it a racial slur when someone calls a white guy a ****** ? Warren is as much an Indian as I am a Chinaman,
Which isn’t the point asshole.
A serial congenital liar ( Sanders) is employed by another serial congenital liar and all you can talk about is fake injuns. Get your mind out of the gutter.
A CNN panel on Monday veered off-course after GOP strategist Rick Wilson called White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders “a serial, congenital liar” for her defense of Donald Trump’s “Pocahontas” attack on Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).

“How can Sarah Sanders stand there at the podium and say, ‘Oh it’s not a slur, the president doesn’t mean it as a slur,’” host Don Lemon asked, referring to Trump’s comments at a Native American World War II veteran tribute in the Oval Office on Monday, and Sanders’ subsequent claim it was not a racial attack on Warren.

“Don, the reason she does that is because her job is contingent on her being a serial, congenital liar in defense of Donald Trump’s latest outrages,” Wilson opined. “She probably has some tiny, shriveled husk left in her soul where she realizes this is the wrong thing to do, but she does it anyway because otherwise they’ll replace her.”

Trump defender Mike Shields countered that every press secretary “advocates on behalf of the president,” but Wilson wasn’t buying it.

“Few presidents go out and sling racial overt code words like that,” Wilson replied. “Few presidents go out and crap on the dignity and legacy of people like these code talkers, these heroic veterans, and then send their press secretary out to answer questions in a way that isn’t saying, ‘Wow, the president regrets what he said today, he truly wishes he had not said that.’”

“Instead she goes out and tries to bury people in an avalanche of horsesh*t every day, because this is her job,” Wilson continued. “I get that’s her job. The White House press secretary has to defend the indefensible. In very few other cases in our modern history, has the press secretary had to go out and defend someone who is slinging stuff that is demonstrably racially charged.”

CNN panel derails after Rick Wilson calls Sarah Sanders ‘a congenital liar’ with a ‘shriveled husk left in her soul’

Rick Wilson worked for Jeb Bush. It's understandable why he hates everyone who supports Trump. Republican voters show him the door during the primaries.
Everything Wilson said was 100% accurate.
We know you hate the truth.. but you can’t wash away this President is a racist and a bigot and Sanders keeps lying for him..
It always comes back to racism. It's the only reason Trump was elected. The evidence is just too strong.

No one will ever convince me this election was not about Mexicans and Muslims and every other non-white, non-straight group.

The Tard Herd has let Trump renege on every single campaign lie he told. This is irrefutable evidence all they cared about was darkies and homos.
Mac1958 in anything but an honest broker.

Trump is wrong. Period.

The Alt Right when punching cannot stand, from Trump to Mac to Redfish et al, being counter punched.

The fact is that the Trumpanzis et al have never been able to take what they dish out.

Trump readmits that he called for Pussy Grabbing.
..he said he was just floating a "trial; balloon" to see if he could pull it off

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Monday said President Donald Trump has not “changed his position” on the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape, despite a report that Trump has privately questioned its authenticit
White House: Trump ‘Hasn’t Changed’ Position On ‘Access Hollywood’ Tape
White House: Trump ‘Hasn’t Changed’ Position On ‘Access Hollywood’ Tape
Surprising as it may seem, I don't think he has changed his position on the veracity of the tape's content. I think he never accepted that he said what we all know damn well he did say and that he merely was aware that nobody would believe him if he denied having said it, so he went ahead and admitted to having said it and sort of apologized not for what actually is wrong -- his frame of mind about how women can be treated, by him or any other man -- but for the wrong thing -- having expressed out loud, within earshot of others and on tape what be his mindset about how women can be treated, by him or any other man. What's changed is that it's becoming known what has all along been his mindset on the tape and on the treatment of women.
Trump insulted Native American war veterans in front of the worst possible Presidential portrait
Former President Andrew Jackson was responsible for the 'Trail of Tears' which killed thousands of Native Americans

US President Donald Trump not only used the slur "Pocahontas" at a ceremony honouring Navajo war heroes but did so in front of a portrait of former President Andrew Jackson, who was responsible for the deaths of thousands of Native Americans on the "Trail of Tears".

Mr Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act into law in 1830, which led to the forced evacuation of more than 120,000 Native Americans from Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, and Florida to various points west of the Mississippi River.

The small detail that makes Trump using a 'Pocahontas' slur to Native Americans even worse

Pocahontas was not the worst thing racist in chief did. Doing the event in front of the picture of Jackson was even worse.

trump trolled Native Americans and it was all planned

Comment, Mac?

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