Trump Can Not have Access to the Nuclear Codes Anymore

... He started no new hostile military actions, which is the point. ...

He cancelled for example the INF treaty. Result: Russia will fire now intercontinental rockets directly to the USA in case someone fires an intermediate range rocket from direction Europe to Russia.
... He started no new hostile military actions, which is the point. ...

He cancelled for example the INF treaty. Result: Russia will fire now intercontinental rockets directly to the USA in case someone fires an intermediate range rocket from direction Europe to Russia. A better way in this context would had been, if he had tried to bring China into this treaty too.
IOW, he started no new military actions. He is far more deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize than was the previous president, who got it for doing absolutely nothing, then proceeded to bomb the crap out of countries that posed no threat to us, making a mockery of the prize. Want a peace president? His name is TRUMP!.
... He started no new hostile military actions, which is the point. ...

He cancelled for example the INF treaty. Result: Russia will fire now intercontinental rockets directly to the USA in case someone fires an intermediate range rocket from direction Europe to Russia. A better way in this context would had been, if he had tried to bring China into this treaty too.
IOW, he started no new military actions. ...

You don't call it a military action to cancel disarmament treaties? Donald Trump tries to bring the Iran for example into a helpless situation, so the Iran has politically (and economically) nothing to lose any longer. The end of politics means war. So why was the man, who respects no values except the value "don't get caught", doing such a bullshit - if not on military reasons and to threaten others with the weapons of the USA to do his own personal will - against the agreements the USA had done together with the best allies of the USA?

Do you really think the political stupidities Donald Trump had done in context security architecture of the world had minimized the dangers of terror for the citizens of the USA?

Or did Donald Trump not bring his personal terror directly into the Capitol - while the armed forces there partially supported his criminal attitudes by doing nothing to help this democratic institution of the USA - while their comrades died for? What is any longer clear in the USA? What for heavens sake made this extremist criminal idiot out of your country? What do you see when you take a look in the mirror? An US-American? Proud? Brave? Free? On good reasons member of a great nation, whatever this might be? Donald Trump made the republican to cowards with his terror against themselve, isn't it? And because they were cowards such things were able to happen.

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... He started no new hostile military actions, which is the point. ...

He cancelled for example the INF treaty. Result: Russia will fire now intercontinental rockets directly to the USA in case someone fires an intermediate range rocket from direction Europe to Russia. A better way in this context would had been, if he had tried to bring China into this treaty too.
IOW, he started no new military actions. ...

You don't call it a military action to cancel disarmament treaties? Donald Trump tries to bring the Iran for example into a helpless situation, so the Iran has politically (and economically) nothing to lose any longer. The end of politics means war. So why was the man, who respects no values except the value "don't get caught", doing such a bullshit - if not on military reasons and to threaten others with the weapons of the USA to do his own personal will - against the agreements the USA had done together with the best allies of the USA?

Do you really think the political stupidities Donald Trump had done in context security architecture of the world had minimized the dangers of terror for the citizens of the USA?

Or did Donald Trump not bring his personal terror directly into the Capitol - while the armed forces there partially supported his criminal attitudes by doing nothing to help this democratic institution of the USA - while their comrades died for? What is any longer clear in the USA? What for heavens sake made this extremist criminal idiot out of your country? What do you see when you take a look in the mirror? An US-American? Proud? Brave? Free? On good reasons member of a great nation, whatever this might be? Donald Trump made the republican to cowards with his terror against themselve, isn't it? And because they were cowards such things were able to happen.

Every president for decades has launched military attacks on other countries. TRUMP! has not. It's really just that simple.
... Every president for decades has launched military attacks on other countries. TRUMP! has not. It's really just that simple.

You don't like to see the truth about this criminal idiot or stupid criminal, isn't it? Why do you combine hope with this man? My coffee crema has more moral backbone than has this unreal narcissistic opportunist.
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He is just not fit to be president and not fit to have that kind of power.

Pelosi said it best:

“The situation of this unhinged President could not be more dangerous, and we must do everything that we can to protect the American people from his unbalanced assault on our country and our democracy,” Pelosi, D-Calif., said in a letter to lawmakers.

Trump must be stricken of all power. All he can be allowed to do is sit at Camp David or Mar a Lago , cry and tweet.

The only president in my lifetime that hasn't started or expanded a war and you're worried about him Nuking someone....


Beyond stupid
He is just not fit to be president and not fit to have that kind of power.

Pelosi said it best:

“The situation of this unhinged President could not be more dangerous, and we must do everything that we can to protect the American people from his unbalanced assault on our country and our democracy,” Pelosi, D-Calif., said in a letter to lawmakers.

Trump must be stricken of all power. All he can be allowed to do is sit at Camp David or Mar a Lago , cry and tweet.

Go fuck your whore mother.

Impressing argument against everything what you said in your life - if you said anything at all in your life.
He is just not fit to be president and not fit to have that kind of power.

Pelosi said it best:

“The situation of this unhinged President could not be more dangerous, and we must do everything that we can to protect the American people from his unbalanced assault on our country and our democracy,” Pelosi, D-Calif., said in a letter to lawmakers.

Trump must be stricken of all power. All he can be allowed to do is sit at Camp David or Mar a Lago , cry and tweet.

The only president in my lifetime that hasn't started or expanded a war and you're worried about him Nuking someone....


Beyond stupid

I would not be astonished only a little, if Donald Trump would like to wipe my home country Germany with nukes from this planet. This man is a psychopath. He's not the only one. Just a moment ago I read from a German Nazi, who was in intensive care in a hospital, because he had covid-19. He said he is thankful to get a second chance now - but still he says he is convinced it exists no pandemic. No idea what to say about such strange people any longer. Many people seem to lose every contact to reality. To let such people make decisions, which have to do with the life of other people, is as mad as this people are mad on their own. Fire Trump - yesterday!

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He is just not fit to be president and not fit to have that kind of power.

Pelosi said it best:

“The situation of this unhinged President could not be more dangerous, and we must do everything that we can to protect the American people from his unbalanced assault on our country and our democracy,” Pelosi, D-Calif., said in a letter to lawmakers.

Trump must be stricken of all power. All he can be allowed to do is sit at Camp David or Mar a Lago , cry and tweet.

He's had 4 years to start another war, and we were told he would inevitably ignite WWIII. By contrast, he became the first president in decades to NOT start any new hostilities, and in fact did something in the ME presidents before him could only have dreamed of doing. Methinks your rant rings hollow.
I think you're right, hadit. I do believe that Pelosi doesn't want Trump to get us into a war, she wants her tribe to be able to
take full credit for getting us into a war.

I don't see Uncle Joe as a neocon Meister. He's merely going to eliminate chaos and get us on a saner and more competent keel at home and abroad. Plenty to worry about initially with 4,000 people dying each day as we approach the 1/2 million mark. Amiright? ;)


United States
Coronavirus Cases:

I hope Trump is willing to do something spectacular as a final middle finger to the Democrats. (Personally, I would probably empty the Federal prisons.)

Indeed, we must make room for Donald at Club Fed! :cool-45:
It would be just like a spiteful petty asshole like Trump to leave Biden with an even bigger shit storm than he’s already going to leave .
I think there's all sorts of things going on in the upper echelons of power regarding whether to ignore anything coming from the White House for the next two weeks

Yup, kinda like in Nixon's final days when he was pacing about, muttering and drunk in the hallways.
I'm semi-confident of safeguards. Everybody knows Dotard be Kray-Kray!
He is just not fit to be president and not fit to have that kind of power.

Pelosi said it best:

“The situation of this unhinged President could not be more dangerous, and we must do everything that we can to protect the American people from his unbalanced assault on our country and our democracy,” Pelosi, D-Calif., said in a letter to lawmakers.

Trump must be stricken of all power. All he can be allowed to do is sit at Camp David or Mar a Lago , cry and tweet.

Of course he can, don't be stupid.
He is just not fit to be president and not fit to have that kind of power.

Pelosi said it best:

“The situation of this unhinged President could not be more dangerous, and we must do everything that we can to protect the American people from his unbalanced assault on our country and our democracy,” Pelosi, D-Calif., said in a letter to lawmakers.

Trump must be stricken of all power. All he can be allowed to do is sit at Camp David or Mar a Lago , cry and tweet.

He's had 4 years to start another war, and we were told he would inevitably ignite WWIII. By contrast, he became the first president in decades to NOT start any new hostilities, and in fact did something in the ME presidents before him could only have dreamed of doing. Methinks your rant rings hollow.

Historic Hanukah celebration in the UAE. Bless you, President Trump!

No, FUCK YOU pResident RUMP - Pack your bags! :mad:
He is just not fit to be president and not fit to have that kind of power.

Pelosi said it best:

“The situation of this unhinged President could not be more dangerous, and we must do everything that we can to protect the American people from his unbalanced assault on our country and our democracy,” Pelosi, D-Calif., said in a letter to lawmakers.

Trump must be stricken of all power. All he can be allowed to do is sit at Camp David or Mar a Lago , cry and tweet.

He's had 4 years to start another war, and we were told he would inevitably ignite WWIII. By contrast, he became the first president in decades to NOT start any new hostilities, and in fact did something in the ME presidents before him could only have dreamed of doing. Methinks your rant rings hollow.

Historic Hanukah celebration in the UAE. Bless you, President Trump!

No, FUCK YOU pResident RUMP - Pack your bags! :mad:

You only have to hide under your bed for another 11 days little boy.
He is just not fit to be president and not fit to have that kind of power.

Pelosi said it best:

“The situation of this unhinged President could not be more dangerous, and we must do everything that we can to protect the American people from his unbalanced assault on our country and our democracy,” Pelosi, D-Calif., said in a letter to lawmakers.

Trump must be stricken of all power. All he can be allowed to do is sit at Camp David or Mar a Lago , cry and tweet.

He's had 4 years to start another war, and we were told he would inevitably ignite WWIII. By contrast, he became the first president in decades to NOT start any new hostilities, and in fact did something in the ME presidents before him could only have dreamed of doing. Methinks your rant rings hollow.

Historic Hanukah celebration in the UAE. Bless you, President Trump!

No, FUCK YOU pResident RUMP - Pack your bags! :mad:

You only have to hide under your bed for another 11 days little boy.

You're quite the arsehole ain't ya Trumptard?
You've been nominated for Most Deluded Idiot Du Jour!
Time for you to visit LifeNews and Gateway Pundit for comfort since you can no longer follow Dear Leader's Twit feed! :D

He is just not fit to be president and not fit to have that kind of power.

Pelosi said it best:

“The situation of this unhinged President could not be more dangerous, and we must do everything that we can to protect the American people from his unbalanced assault on our country and our democracy,” Pelosi, D-Calif., said in a letter to lawmakers.

Trump must be stricken of all power. All he can be allowed to do is sit at Camp David or Mar a Lago , cry and tweet.

He's had 4 years to start another war, and we were told he would inevitably ignite WWIII. By contrast, he became the first president in decades to NOT start any new hostilities, and in fact did something in the ME presidents before him could only have dreamed of doing. Methinks your rant rings hollow.

Historic Hanukah celebration in the UAE. Bless you, President Trump!

No, FUCK YOU pResident RUMP - Pack your bags! :mad:

You only have to hide under your bed for another 11 days little boy.

You're quite the arsehole ain't ya Trumptard?
You've been nominated for Most Deluded Idiot Du Jour!
Time for you to visit LifeNews and Gateway Pundit for comfort since you can no longer follow Dear Leader's Twit feed! :D

Never been on twitter and did not vote for Rump, you lose. It's cute how you think the only real sources are ones YOU approve of. Sorry kid get back under your bed....11 more days is all yo have to wait.
He is just not fit to be president and not fit to have that kind of power.

Pelosi said it best:

“The situation of this unhinged President could not be more dangerous, and we must do everything that we can to protect the American people from his unbalanced assault on our country and our democracy,” Pelosi, D-Calif., said in a letter to lawmakers.

Trump must be stricken of all power. All he can be allowed to do is sit at Camp David or Mar a Lago , cry and tweet.

He's had 4 years to start another war, and we were told he would inevitably ignite WWIII. By contrast, he became the first president in decades to NOT start any new hostilities, and in fact did something in the ME presidents before him could only have dreamed of doing. Methinks your rant rings hollow.

Historic Hanukah celebration in the UAE. Bless you, President Trump!

No, FUCK YOU pResident RUMP - Pack your bags! :mad:

You only have to hide under your bed for another 11 days little boy.

You're quite the arsehole ain't ya Trumptard?
You've been nominated for Most Deluded Idiot Du Jour!
Time for you to visit LifeNews and Gateway Pundit for comfort since you can no longer follow Dear Leader's Twit feed! :D

Never been on twitter and did not vote for Rump, you lose. It's cute how you think the only real sources are ones YOU approve of. Sorry kid get back under your bed....11 more days is all yo have to wait.

Dear Leader is furious. Shouldn't you be as well? :laugh:

He is just not fit to be president and not fit to have that kind of power.

Pelosi said it best:

“The situation of this unhinged President could not be more dangerous, and we must do everything that we can to protect the American people from his unbalanced assault on our country and our democracy,” Pelosi, D-Calif., said in a letter to lawmakers.

Trump must be stricken of all power. All he can be allowed to do is sit at Camp David or Mar a Lago , cry and tweet.

He's had 4 years to start another war, and we were told he would inevitably ignite WWIII. By contrast, he became the first president in decades to NOT start any new hostilities, and in fact did something in the ME presidents before him could only have dreamed of doing. Methinks your rant rings hollow.

Historic Hanukah celebration in the UAE. Bless you, President Trump!

No, FUCK YOU pResident RUMP - Pack your bags! :mad:

You only have to hide under your bed for another 11 days little boy.

You're quite the arsehole ain't ya Trumptard?
You've been nominated for Most Deluded Idiot Du Jour!
Time for you to visit LifeNews and Gateway Pundit for comfort since you can no longer follow Dear Leader's Twit feed! :D

Never been on twitter and did not vote for Rump, you lose. It's cute how you think the only real sources are ones YOU approve of. Sorry kid get back under your bed....11 more days is all yo have to wait.

Also, your "11" just became TEN! :D

until Wednesday, January 20, 2021 (Washington DC, District of Columbia time)
Last thing we need is a delusional megalomaniac with nothing left to lose having access to the nuclear launch codes.

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