Trump Caught Lying to Cover-up His Disrespect for Fallen Soldiers

Sure looks like they increase revenue to me:

Do Tax Cuts Increase Government Revenue?


Nice try, buddy, but those receipts aren't adjusted for inflation or as a percentage of GDP.

Inflation causes gov't revenue to increase?

LOL you really are a moron.
How did a thread about Trump's disrespect for fallen soldiers turn into a thread about Reagan's tax cuts? WTF? Can you TRY to stay on topic?

Sooner or later ALL of Joey's posts return to the same central theme, Mechanic! Namely...the GOP hates everyone but the rich and the only good Presidents have been Democrats! He'll make the same tired claims that he always does and he'll ignore anyone who tells him nothing he posts makes any sense at all! It who he's what he does...
You have been deflecting away from the OP topic since long before Joe started posting in this thread. You have been obsessed with derailing and thread killing this thread like you do all threads that you deem negative towards your cult leader. Ir's OK dumb ass. The thread should have faded away days ago but you keep reviving it and keeping the thread title on the front page.
oh oh

too bad another gold star came forward

saying trump was very respectful

looks like your hate

did not make the grade once again

I don’t recall any previous presidents having this kind of problem except Trump.

of course you wouldnt

because you live in libtarded bubble

“When my son died, then President Obama not only made no effort to reach out, but the condolence letter we received was signed by a computer. He didn’t even sign the letter!

“Then, when I received multiple copies of the letter, I was told there was a computer ‘glitch’ that wasn’t fixed yet so more would probably keep coming and I should just throw them away. Not even a Sorry!

“I anonymously reported this to our local news station, which ran it one time versus the three days of Trump mishandling of a Gold star condolence. Sad and hurtful to say the least.”

Big difference. Trump is so obsessed with Obama. And he cannot even get it straight but plugged in lies to make himself big. Man with a coward mission.


of course there is to you a libtard

who can never NEVER admit to fault in a lefty


you are dangerous people

Libtard really? Nah! Just look all over blasting this president. Even psychiatrists concluded that Trump is a dangerous person. Truth hurts.
These links are read all over the world especially Newsweek.

Donald Trump is 'the most dangerous man in the world', claim leading psychiatrists

Trump is ‘the most dangerous man in the world’ according to top psych experts
And these "leading psychiatrists" have examined him? I don't know ANY shrink that would make ANY claim about someone without first giving them a thorough examination in person.

So your "top psyc experts" just proved how "unexpert" they really are.
And these "leading psychiatrists" have examined him? I don't know ANY shrink that would make ANY claim about someone without first giving them a thorough examination in person.

So your "top psyc experts" just proved how "unexpert" they really are.
You just don't know that many leading psychiatrists. Probably don't know any except for maybe in a professional way as a patient.
"Leading"? What they are is totally unprofessional! They know very well that psychiatrists have pledged not to interfere in politics by accusing people they haven't examined of "mental illness"! That dates back to Barry Goldwater! Yet here they are...doing what they KNOW is wrong...simply because they don't like Trump! Grow up for Christ's sake! You lost an election because you ran a terrible candidate! Run a better one next time.
oh oh

too bad another gold star came forward

saying trump was very respectful

looks like your hate

did not make the grade once again

I don’t recall any previous presidents having this kind of problem except Trump.

of course you wouldnt

because you live in libtarded bubble

“When my son died, then President Obama not only made no effort to reach out, but the condolence letter we received was signed by a computer. He didn’t even sign the letter!

“Then, when I received multiple copies of the letter, I was told there was a computer ‘glitch’ that wasn’t fixed yet so more would probably keep coming and I should just throw them away. Not even a Sorry!

“I anonymously reported this to our local news station, which ran it one time versus the three days of Trump mishandling of a Gold star condolence. Sad and hurtful to say the least.”

Big difference. Trump is so obsessed with Obama. And he cannot even get it straight but plugged in lies to make himself big. Man with a coward mission.


of course there is to you a libtard

who can never NEVER admit to fault in a lefty


you are dangerous people

Libtard really? Nah! Just look all over blasting this president. Even psychiatrists concluded that Trump is a dangerous person. Truth hurts.
These links are read all over the world especially Newsweek.

Donald Trump is 'the most dangerous man in the world', claim leading psychiatrists

Trump is ‘the most dangerous man in the world’ according to top psych experts

like i said you only can see the fault in other parties not your own
I don’t recall any previous presidents having this kind of problem except Trump.

of course you wouldnt

because you live in libtarded bubble

“When my son died, then President Obama not only made no effort to reach out, but the condolence letter we received was signed by a computer. He didn’t even sign the letter!

“Then, when I received multiple copies of the letter, I was told there was a computer ‘glitch’ that wasn’t fixed yet so more would probably keep coming and I should just throw them away. Not even a Sorry!

“I anonymously reported this to our local news station, which ran it one time versus the three days of Trump mishandling of a Gold star condolence. Sad and hurtful to say the least.”

Big difference. Trump is so obsessed with Obama. And he cannot even get it straight but plugged in lies to make himself big. Man with a coward mission.


of course there is to you a libtard

who can never NEVER admit to fault in a lefty


you are dangerous people

Libtard really? Nah! Just look all over blasting this president. Even psychiatrists concluded that Trump is a dangerous person. Truth hurts.
These links are read all over the world especially Newsweek.

Donald Trump is 'the most dangerous man in the world', claim leading psychiatrists

Trump is ‘the most dangerous man in the world’ according to top psych experts

like i said you only can see the fault in other parties not your own

btw the pysch should loose he license for making such a claim

leftards never regard the rule of law
Inflation causes gov't revenue to increase?

LOL you really are a moron.

No, you used raw dollars, starting from a time when a dollar bought a lot more than it does now, instead of constant dollars.

Its was a classic "how to lie with graphs".
Sooner or later ALL of Joey's posts return to the same central theme, Mechanic! Namely...the GOP hates everyone but the rich and the only good Presidents have been Democrats! He'll make the same tired claims that he always does and he'll ignore anyone who tells him nothing he posts makes any sense at all! It who he's what he does...

Hey, guy, I don't have to make that claim, You Republicans disown most of your own presidents.

You guys disown both Bushes at this point. You disown Nixon. You Disown Ford. You Disown Eisenhower because the commie built a lot of roads. Fuck, some of you idiots are even disowning LINCOLN and defending Confederate Monuments. A few years, probably after he's frog marched out of the White House, you'll be disowning the Orange Shitgibbon, too.

The only guy you try to claim was a "good" president is Reagan,and you only do that by pretending he didn't do things like raise taxes and give amnesty to illegals.
And these "leading psychiatrists" have examined him? I don't know ANY shrink that would make ANY claim about someone without first giving them a thorough examination in person.

So your "top psyc experts" just proved how "unexpert" they really are.

I think five minutes of watching a Trump speech would be ample evidence of the man's insanity.
"Leading"? What they are is totally unprofessional! They know very well that psychiatrists have pledged not to interfere in politics by accusing people they haven't examined of "mental illness"! That dates back to Barry Goldwater! Yet here they are...doing what they KNOW is wrong...simply because they don't like Trump! Grow up for Christ's sake! You lost an election because you ran a terrible candidate! Run a better one next time.

Actually, it was because they got a lot of flack for pointing out Goldwater really was nuts, that they made that rule.

How much evidence of Trump's mental illness do you need.

The guy is clearly a severe narcissist. This is a guy who needs to put his name on stuff in huge letters. Every issue becomes about him personally.

Donald Trump's malignant narcissism is toxic: Psychologist

His narcissism is evident in his “grandiose sense of self-importance … without commensurate achievements.” From viewing cable news, he knows "more about ISIS than the generals” and believes that among all human beings on the planet, “I alone can fix it.” His "repeated lying," “disregard for and violation of the rights of others” (Trump University fraud and multiple sexual assault allegations) and “lack of remorse” meet the clinical criteria for anti-social personality. His bizarre conspiracy theories, false sense of victimization, and demonization of the press, minorities and anyone who opposes him are textbook paranoia. Like most sadists, Trump has been a bully since childhood, and his thousands of vicious tweets make him perhaps the most prolific cyber bully in history.
And these "leading psychiatrists" have examined him? I don't know ANY shrink that would make ANY claim about someone without first giving them a thorough examination in person.

So your "top psyc experts" just proved how "unexpert" they really are.

I think five minutes of watching a Trump speech would be ample evidence of the man's insanity.

And you base that on your extensive training in the field of mental illness? I think five minutes of reading your posts, Joey would be ample evidence of your blinders wearing bias!
"Leading"? What they are is totally unprofessional! They know very well that psychiatrists have pledged not to interfere in politics by accusing people they haven't examined of "mental illness"! That dates back to Barry Goldwater! Yet here they are...doing what they KNOW is wrong...simply because they don't like Trump! Grow up for Christ's sake! You lost an election because you ran a terrible candidate! Run a better one next time.

Actually, it was because they got a lot of flack for pointing out Goldwater really was nuts, that they made that rule.

How much evidence of Trump's mental illness do you need.

The guy is clearly a severe narcissist. This is a guy who needs to put his name on stuff in huge letters. Every issue becomes about him personally.

Donald Trump's malignant narcissism is toxic: Psychologist

His narcissism is evident in his “grandiose sense of self-importance … without commensurate achievements.” From viewing cable news, he knows "more about ISIS than the generals” and believes that among all human beings on the planet, “I alone can fix it.” His "repeated lying," “disregard for and violation of the rights of others” (Trump University fraud and multiple sexual assault allegations) and “lack of remorse” meet the clinical criteria for anti-social personality. His bizarre conspiracy theories, false sense of victimization, and demonization of the press, minorities and anyone who opposes him are textbook paranoia. Like most sadists, Trump has been a bully since childhood, and his thousands of vicious tweets make him perhaps the most prolific cyber bully in history.

No they made that rule because Goldwater really WASN'T nuts and they were embarrassed as a profession that some of their liberal colleagues stooped to such tactics because of politics! Now all these years later another group of liberal psychologists are doing the exact same thing for the exact same reason. They should be ashamed of themselves and should be sanctioned by their peers!
And you base that on your extensive training in the field of mental illness? I think five minutes of reading your posts, Joey would be ample evidence of your blinders wearing bias!

I think that you guys are in denial. Understandable, this is probably going to be the last time a Republican gets into the White House before the minority vote shifts it permanently to the Dems.

But, man, you wasted your last shot, big time.

No they made that rule because Goldwater really WASN'T nuts and they were embarrassed as a profession that some of their liberal colleagues stooped to such tactics because of politics!

No, Goldwater really was nuts. Everyone at the time knew it. The difference was, back then, blind partisans didn't consider winning more important than the safety of the country.

Now all these years later another group of liberal psychologists are doing the exact same thing for the exact same reason. They should be ashamed of themselves and should be sanctioned by their peers!

Yes, this seems to be a pattern with you guys.

Psychologists give an opinion that Trump is nuts. Sanction them.

Networks say things about Trump that are negative? Pull their broadcast licenses.
And you base that on your extensive training in the field of mental illness? I think five minutes of reading your posts, Joey would be ample evidence of your blinders wearing bias!

I think that you guys are in denial. Understandable, this is probably going to be the last time a Republican gets into the White House before the minority vote shifts it permanently to the Dems.

But, man, you wasted your last shot, big time.

No they made that rule because Goldwater really WASN'T nuts and they were embarrassed as a profession that some of their liberal colleagues stooped to such tactics because of politics!

No, Goldwater really was nuts. Everyone at the time knew it. The difference was, back then, blind partisans didn't consider winning more important than the safety of the country.

Now all these years later another group of liberal psychologists are doing the exact same thing for the exact same reason. They should be ashamed of themselves and should be sanctioned by their peers!

Yes, this seems to be a pattern with you guys.

Psychologists give an opinion that Trump is nuts. Sanction them.

Networks say things about Trump that are negative? Pull their broadcast licenses.

Gee, Joey...didn't you progressives claim that the GOP was "dead" back in 2008 when Obama and the Democrats swept into power? I remember scores of you gloating that Republicans wouldn't take back the Oval Office or the Congress for decades! Then two years the very next election...the Democrats got handed their asses in what Barack Obama rightly described as a "shellacking"! claim that "everyone" knew that Goldwater was nuts? Care to explain why he won a libel suit against the magazine that printed the story with those psychologists "diagnosing" him as nuts?
Gee, Joey...didn't you progressives claim that the GOP was "dead" back in 2008 when Obama and the Democrats swept into power?

No, I never claimed that... I don't know anyone credible who did.
I mean, I could see why you might think that, after Bush crashed the economy and got thousands of people KILLED through his sheer fucking incompetence....

But as long as you have enough angry old white people who live in fear of a Mexican fucking their daughter, you are going to have a GOP. claim that "everyone" knew that Goldwater was nuts? Care to explain why he won a libel suit against the magazine that printed the story with those psychologists "diagnosing" him as nuts?

you mean the libel suit where Crazy Barry was awarded all of $1.00 for compensatory damages.

Since you are bringing it up, the thing was that 1800 psychiatrists were asked about Goldwater's mental state, and 1189 of them responded he was too nuts to be president.

The people agreed. He only won 35% of the vote and only won 6 states, five of them being racist southern states upset about Civil rights.

Ahhhh, the good old days when we used to put the good of the country ahead of politics.
Gee, Joey...didn't you progressives claim that the GOP was "dead" back in 2008 when Obama and the Democrats swept into power?

No, I never claimed that... I don't know anyone credible who did.
I mean, I could see why you might think that, after Bush crashed the economy and got thousands of people KILLED through his sheer fucking incompetence....

But as long as you have enough angry old white people who live in fear of a Mexican fucking their daughter, you are going to have a GOP. claim that "everyone" knew that Goldwater was nuts? Care to explain why he won a libel suit against the magazine that printed the story with those psychologists "diagnosing" him as nuts?

you mean the libel suit where Crazy Barry was awarded all of $1.00 for compensatory damages.

Since you are bringing it up, the thing was that 1800 psychiatrists were asked about Goldwater's mental state, and 1189 of them responded he was too nuts to be president.

The people agreed. He only won 35% of the vote and only won 6 states, five of them being racist southern states upset about Civil rights.

Ahhhh, the good old days when we used to put the good of the country ahead of politics.

As usual, don't have a clue what you're talking about! The magazine FACT had mailed questionnaires to over 12,000 psychologists...only 2,417 bothered to respond and 1,189 felt Goldwater was mentally incapable of holding the Presidency.

As for the libel suit? Yes, Goldwater was awarded only $1 in damages from one part of the suit but was awarded $50,000 from FACT and $20,000 from Ralph Ginzberg the publisher of the magazine...two sums that were quite substantial back in 1964!
As usual, don't have a clue what you're talking about! The magazine FACT had mailed questionnaires to over 12,000 psychologists...only 2,417 bothered to respond and 1,189 felt Goldwater was mentally incapable of holding the Presidency.

Do you have links, or are you just making shit up?

Point was, everyone knew Goldwater was nuts....

That's why he lost.

and his pain was only, $1.00. That's what his reputation was worth.
As usual, don't have a clue what you're talking about! The magazine FACT had mailed questionnaires to over 12,000 psychologists...only 2,417 bothered to respond and 1,189 felt Goldwater was mentally incapable of holding the Presidency.

Do you have links, or are you just making shit up?

Point was, everyone knew Goldwater was nuts....

That's why he lost.

and his pain was only, $1.00. That's what his reputation was worth.

Once again,'re talking out of your ass! I just told you that Goldwater was awarded $70,000 which in 1964 was a rather large sum of money!

Unlike YOU...I don't make things up and when I'm you are now...I don't double down on another untrue statement!
Once again,'re talking out of your ass! I just told you that Goldwater was awarded $70,000 which in 1964 was a rather large sum of money!

For punitive damages, not actual damages.... and, no, it really wasn't for a major national magazine.

He won $1.00 for damages to his reputation. It was probably overpriced.

The magazine saved us from a nuclear holocaust, so we should be happy for that.

Unlike YOU...I don't make things up and when I'm you are now...I don't double down on another untrue statement!

No, you just repeat the same dumb racist, misogynistic crap over and over again, thinking you made a point the 300th time you said it.

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