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Trump cites non-existent terrorist attack ‘last night in Sweden’ to justify Muslim ban at Florida ra

Surely you can do better than this, getting raped isn't very big news these days. But I guess you will pick anything to justify his lies. How about a car crash, or a bank robbery?
Yet, it was a terror attack in Sweden. What you apparently want is more American women raped by Muslims. You see, that is all the justification Trump needs to keep them out of here. The crime they are committing around the world.
A rape is now a terror attack?
I'm sure a woman is terrified when she is getting raped, wouldn't you say?

Oh, wow. So ALL rapes are terrorist acts now?
What else would you define rape of an innocent woman by an unvetted migrant Muslim refugee as?

The crime of rape.
The same crime that's committed twice as often by whites than any other group.
Yet, it was a terror attack in Sweden. What you apparently want is more American women raped by Muslims. You see, that is all the justification Trump needs to keep them out of here. The crime they are committing around the world.
A rape is now a terror attack?
I'm sure a woman is terrified when she is getting raped, wouldn't you say?

Oh, wow. So ALL rapes are terrorist acts now?
What else would you define rape of an innocent woman by an unvetted migrant Muslim refugee as?

The crime of rape.
The same crime that's committed twice as often by whites than any other group.
What? No proof? You don't say.
Sweden is a disaster and the future of the rest of Western civilization unless the Muslim cheap labor migration is stopped.

It's bad enough that you read Stormfront, and watch Info-Wars. What makes you pathetic is that you believe these people. And sadly, so does your orange-faced a$$hat President.
A crime, nothing more and nothing less. You are so pathetically willing to believe anything Trump says, that you don't even know the details of what exactly was supposed to have happened in Sweden
Do you think a Swedish innocent woman feels terror when being attacked and raped by Muslim migrant?
Ask the Swedes, Einstein. On the whole they have no idea what happened last night or what trump was talking about, but conveniently you have all the answers
Okay, let's try this again. Do you think a woman feels terror when being attacked and then raped by a Muslim migrant/migrants?

They feel the same terror when they're raped by a white guy.
I'm sure but let's look at the facts. 77% of rapes on Swedish women have been committed by 2% of the Muslim male population.

Muslim Statistics
This is what Trump was implying before the MSM fake news distorted what he said.

This source provides the truth using common sense!
Surely you can do better than this, getting raped isn't very big news these days. But I guess you will pick anything to justify his lies. How about a car crash, or a bank robbery?
Yet, it was a terror attack in Sweden. What you apparently want is more American women raped by Muslims. You see, that is all the justification Trump needs to keep them out of here. The crime they are committing around the world.

There was no terror attack in Sweden. You've done nothing about white guys raping women, it's just boys will be boys. In fact you blame the women when white guys attack them. Suddenly you're worried that Muslims will rape them? What a hypocrite you are!

They blew off sexual assault when Trump described the way he rolls.
Do you think a Swedish innocent woman feels terror when being attacked and raped by Muslim migrant?
Ask the Swedes, Einstein. On the whole they have no idea what happened last night or what trump was talking about, but conveniently you have all the answers
Okay, let's try this again. Do you think a woman feels terror when being attacked and then raped by a Muslim migrant/migrants?

They feel the same terror when they're raped by a white guy.
I'm sure but let's look at the facts. 77% of rapes on Swedish women have been committed by 2% of the Muslim male population.

Muslim Statistics
absolutely correct
We must pray for the victims of this attack, as well as the victims of the Bowling Green Massacre. We'll keep looking for them.

Apparently there was a film about terrorism in Sweden on cable news on Friday night. Trump can't discern between reality and a movie.
Maybe he was talking about the increase of rape that is happened since the letting of refugees into the country?
Your pm is fake news.
Sexual harassment is not automatically binding to migration and immigration,” Swedish prime minister Stefan Löfven told CNBC at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Wednesday, explaining, “We have had sexual harassment in Sweden for many, many years, unfortunately.”

There are two reasons as to why the prime minister could make his statement without fear of being contradicted: Swedish law forbids registration based on people’s ancestry or religion; and the last time anyone ran a thorough study of rape rates in Sweden was 2005. So if you can’t refer to a rapist by his country of origin, and you don’t count which ethnic minority commits what percentage of the rape, you, too, would have to agree that there’s no proof it’s the Muslims doing the raping in Sweden.
Political correctness is causing the Muslim male raping of Swedish women. The Swedish government doesn't want the truth exposed like Trump did with it last night.

Political Correctness Protects Muslim Rape Culture - Breitbart
Come on Stevie, I am still waiting for the details on the rape Trump talked about. Are we to believe you made this up and actually are as dumb as he is?
Trump implied Muslims are a problem in Sweden. They are raping women right and left. Broaden your thinking if possible and use common sense with the factual statistics I provided. When a woman is raped by a Muslim refugee, do you not think terror is taking place in her mind and she's fearful of her life?
you are a liar and FOS
With that response by you, I have prevailed in winning, a trait that Trump and I, Steve McGarrett, excells at. You were defeated by facts, truths and common sense. My superiority over your shined due to my tactical advantage of being an alpha male by the grace of God. I shall forever be defiant in defeating you.
This is what Trump was implying before the MSM fake news distorted what he said.

This source provides the truth using common sense!

Sweden has not experienced a terrorist attack in recent years despite taking in nearly 200,000 refugees from several war-torn countries, including Iraq and Syria, which were both on Trump’s travel ban. The last terrorist attack in Sweden occurred in 2010, when an apparent suicide bomber was killed setting off two bombs in central Stockholm. Two people were injured.

This is the third time a member of the Trump administration has appeared to invent a terrorist incident to garner support for the president’s controversial immigration ban.

Earlier this month, White House press secretary Sean Spicer admitted he misspoke after repeatedly alluding to an attack in Atlanta by an overseas terrorist. Kellyanne Conway, the adviser to President Trump, falsely spoke of a nonexistent “Bowling Green massacre” by Iraqi refugees in Bowling Green, Ky. Conway, who coined the phrase “alternative facts,” later acknowledged and corrected her statement on Twitter.

Nobody distorted what Trump said.
  • What was the context of that part of his speech? Terrorism.
  • What places did he mention?
    • Germany, Brussels, Nice, Paris, Sweden and "all over the world"
      • Nevermind that Germany, Belgium, France and Sweden are not "all over the world." Where are those places? Europe. Northwestern Europe. North Central Europe. Central Europe. Any of those descriptions would have been perfectly fine and accurate enough.


        The World
    • When did Trump claim Sweden had a terrorist attack? "Last night" (Friday, Feb. 17th)
    • Did Sweden have a terrorist attack on Feb. 17, 2017? No
    • How do we know this? The Swedes say they did not.
The distortion is found only in Trumpkins' attempts to claim Trump didn't say what he did in fact say.

Trump never implied or mentioned the words Terrorist Attack as in bombs going off.

You obviously didn't watch the whole speech, so you don't know what you are talking about.

Now if you did watch the whole speech and you are still going to tell me he wasn't talking about terrorism -- mentioning the places hd did to specifically offer examples of places (time and place in the case of Sweden) he thinks have had terrorist acts -- and preventing/minimizing its impact on the U.S., then you are just just fucking stupid.

Rape by a Muslim migrant refugee is terror for a Swedish woman, don't you agree?

You are missing the diversity point. If the woman is in terror of migrants, she is wrong. It is no different than being raped by a Swedish male. The rape.victim in even describing her attacker as migrant or refugee appearing is no better than a Nazi. The left is making so many people Nazis that Nazis may soon make up a majority world wide.
Sexual harassment is not automatically binding to migration and immigration,” Swedish prime minister Stefan Löfven told CNBC at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Wednesday, explaining, “We have had sexual harassment in Sweden for many, many years, unfortunately.”

There are two reasons as to why the prime minister could make his statement without fear of being contradicted: Swedish law forbids registration based on people’s ancestry or religion; and the last time anyone ran a thorough study of rape rates in Sweden was 2005. So if you can’t refer to a rapist by his country of origin, and you don’t count which ethnic minority commits what percentage of the rape, you, too, would have to agree that there’s no proof it’s the Muslims doing the raping in Sweden.
Political correctness is causing the Muslim male raping of Swedish women. The Swedish government doesn't want the truth exposed like Trump did with it last night.

Political Correctness Protects Muslim Rape Culture - Breitbart
Come on Stevie, I am still waiting for the details on the rape Trump talked about. Are we to believe you made this up and actually are as dumb as he is?
Trump implied Muslims are a problem in Sweden. They are raping women right and left. Broaden your thinking if possible and use common sense with the factual statistics I provided. When a woman is raped by a Muslim refugee, do you not think terror is taking place in her mind and she's fearful of her life?
you are a liar and FOS
With that response by you, I have prevailed in winning, a trait that Trump and I, Steve McGarrett, excells at. You were defeated by facts, truths and common sense. My superiority over your shined due to my tactical advantage of being an alpha male by the grace of God. I shall forever be defiant in defeating you.
Be proud stevie, that you will always be thought of as FOS, at all times. You have forever defined yourself
'Nothing particularly nefarious happened in Sweden on Friday — or Saturday, for that matter — and Swedes were left baffled.

“Sweden? Terror attack? What has [Trump] been smoking? Questions abound,” Carl Bildt, a former prime minister and foreign minister, wrote on Twitter.


Henrik Selin, political scientist and deputy director of the Swedish Institute, a state agency dedicated to promoting Sweden globally, said he was puzzled by Mr. Trump’s remarks.

“I do not have a clue what he was referring to,” he said in a telephone interview. “Obviously, this could be connected to the fact that there has been a lot of negative reporting about Sweden, since Sweden has taken in a lot of refugees.”'


Yet another ridiculous Trump lie, and yet again his reprehensible supporters ignore Trump’s lies.
And now, I have responded to your ridiculous lie.
More Trump fake news. The people complaining about the MSM are silent when Trump lies. Wonder why.
This is what Trump was implying before the MSM fake news distorted what he said.

This source provides the truth using common sense!

Sweden has not experienced a terrorist attack in recent years despite taking in nearly 200,000 refugees from several war-torn countries, including Iraq and Syria, which were both on Trump’s travel ban. The last terrorist attack in Sweden occurred in 2010, when an apparent suicide bomber was killed setting off two bombs in central Stockholm. Two people were injured.

This is the third time a member of the Trump administration has appeared to invent a terrorist incident to garner support for the president’s controversial immigration ban.

Earlier this month, White House press secretary Sean Spicer admitted he misspoke after repeatedly alluding to an attack in Atlanta by an overseas terrorist. Kellyanne Conway, the adviser to President Trump, falsely spoke of a nonexistent “Bowling Green massacre” by Iraqi refugees in Bowling Green, Ky. Conway, who coined the phrase “alternative facts,” later acknowledged and corrected her statement on Twitter.

Nobody distorted what Trump said.
  • What was the context of that part of his speech? Terrorism.
  • What places did he mention?
    • Germany, Brussels, Nice, Paris, Sweden and "all over the world"
      • Nevermind that Germany, Belgium, France and Sweden are not "all over the world." Where are those places? Europe. Northwestern Europe. North Central Europe. Central Europe. Any of those descriptions would have been perfectly fine and accurate enough.


        The World
    • When did Trump claim Sweden had a terrorist attack? "Last night" (Friday, Feb. 17th)
    • Did Sweden have a terrorist attack on Feb. 17, 2017? No
    • How do we know this? The Swedes say they did not.
The distortion is found only in Trumpkins' attempts to claim Trump didn't say what he did in fact say.

Trump never implied or mentioned the words Terrorist Attack as in bombs going off.

You obviously didn't watch the whole speech, so you don't know what you are talking about.

Now if you did watch the whole speech and you are still going to tell me he wasn't talking about terrorism -- mentioning the places hd did to specifically offer examples of places (time and place in the case of Sweden) he thinks have had terrorist acts -- and preventing/minimizing its impact on the U.S., then you are just just fucking stupid.

Rape by a Muslim migrant refugee is terror for a Swedish woman, don't you agree?

You are missing the diversity point. If the woman is in terror of migrants, she is wrong. It is no different than being raped by a Swedish male. The rape.victim in even describing her attacker as migrant or refugee appearing is no better than a Nazi. The left is making so many people Nazis that Nazis may soon make up a majority world wide.

I think the point is that nothing happened in Sweden last night, Trump lied as have everyone of his supporters who have posted
This is what Trump was implying before the MSM fake news distorted what he said.

This source provides the truth using common sense!
Surely you can do better than this, getting raped isn't very big news these days. But I guess you will pick anything to justify his lies. How about a car crash, or a bank robbery?
Yet, it was a terror attack in Sweden. What you apparently want is more American women raped by Muslims. You see, that is all the justification Trump needs to keep them out of here. The crime they are committing around the world.
A rape is now a terror attack?
Only when done by a Muslim, otherwise they are just good ol white boys having a fun night out
Once again, 2% of the male Muslim population in Sweden has raped 77% of Swedish women there. Do the math Sherlock, what if it was 3%? That's 100% and you don't think Muslims are a problem? They're in a country that their culture can't adapt to. Their cult religion prevents it.
should the left start to insist on not taking Persons of Religion seriously, if they cannot obey Ten simple Commandments from a God?
.....of course Swede's have no idea what Agent Orange is talking about, but this is still just fake news, Trump re-routing the Obama birth certificate team to Stockholm and get to the bottom of this shit...........

LONDON Swedes reacted with confusion, anger and ridicule on Sunday to a vague remark by President Trump that suggested that something terrible had occurred in their country.

During a campaign-style rally on Saturday in Florida, Mr. Trump issued a sharp if discursive attack on refugee policies in Europe, ticking off a list of places that have been hit by terrorists.

You look at whats happening, he told his supporters. Weve got to keep our country safe. You look at whats happening in Germany, you look at whats happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this?

Not the Swedes. Nothing particularly nefarious happened in Sweden on Friday or Saturday, for that matter and Swedes were left baffled. Sweden? Terror attack? What has he been smoking? Questions abound, Carl Bildt, a former prime minister and foreign minister, wrote on Twitter.

Love seeing people, who couldn't place Sweden on a map - from Denmark, sharing their analyses.....

Have you been, JB?

How about the Alex Jones recatapulting douchebag OP?
This is what Trump was implying before the MSM fake news distorted what he said.

This source provides the truth using common sense!

Sweden has not experienced a terrorist attack in recent years despite taking in nearly 200,000 refugees from several war-torn countries, including Iraq and Syria, which were both on Trump’s travel ban. The last terrorist attack in Sweden occurred in 2010, when an apparent suicide bomber was killed setting off two bombs in central Stockholm. Two people were injured.

This is the third time a member of the Trump administration has appeared to invent a terrorist incident to garner support for the president’s controversial immigration ban.

Earlier this month, White House press secretary Sean Spicer admitted he misspoke after repeatedly alluding to an attack in Atlanta by an overseas terrorist. Kellyanne Conway, the adviser to President Trump, falsely spoke of a nonexistent “Bowling Green massacre” by Iraqi refugees in Bowling Green, Ky. Conway, who coined the phrase “alternative facts,” later acknowledged and corrected her statement on Twitter.

Nobody distorted what Trump said.
  • What was the context of that part of his speech? Terrorism.
  • What places did he mention?
    • Germany, Brussels, Nice, Paris, Sweden and "all over the world"
      • Nevermind that Germany, Belgium, France and Sweden are not "all over the world." Where are those places? Europe. Northwestern Europe. North Central Europe. Central Europe. Any of those descriptions would have been perfectly fine and accurate enough.


        The World
    • When did Trump claim Sweden had a terrorist attack? "Last night" (Friday, Feb. 17th)
    • Did Sweden have a terrorist attack on Feb. 17, 2017? No
    • How do we know this? The Swedes say they did not.
The distortion is found only in Trumpkins' attempts to claim Trump didn't say what he did in fact say.

Trump never implied or mentioned the words Terrorist Attack as in bombs going off.

You obviously didn't watch the whole speech, so you don't know what you are talking about.

Now if you did watch the whole speech and you are still going to tell me he wasn't talking about terrorism -- mentioning the places hd did to specifically offer examples of places (time and place in the case of Sweden) he thinks have had terrorist acts -- and preventing/minimizing its impact on the U.S., then you are just just fucking stupid.

Rape by a Muslim migrant refugee is terror for a Swedish woman, don't you agree?

I'm not going to become party to your equivocation and deflection.

Don't reply to any posts I make from this point forward, of if you do, don't expect that I'll know you have done so.

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