Trump continues to break records and the left is ignoring it

Dream on...You Trumpers live in an alternate universe where you think everyone worships and idolizes Trump as your do. A growing number of Americans see the Trump administration for what it is. An incompetent, inept and corrupt enterprise through and through.
Wow. Talk about living in a land of delusion. I hope you don't jump off of a building.
I'm not hoping for any of the 'tards to jump when Trump is reelected but I no longer care. They've squeezed out all the empathy I had for their pain & misery with their now 40 month long self-pity party. Go ahead, Snowflakes, jump … see if I care.
...Y'all are fucked. The best part is morons like you don't even see it coming which will make it that much better.
Well, that much is true anyway... (1) Dems are screwed and (2) are deluding themselves that it is otherwise.

Unless, of course, the economy continues to tank, in which case the Orange Baboon is screwed, instead.

Nobody will stand for his idiocy and antics and demagoguery unless the economic numbers are too favorable to risk a change.

And, remember, the Market has already tanked, and there's no end in sight.
I'm not worried about the markets right now. The fluctuations suck but the highs are as good as the lows. Right now the only concern I have is the virus and it's effect on production and gdp.
The supply chain is becoming strained... we'll see what happens next.
I think most of it depends on Chinas recovery rate.

Having said that this should give ALL AMERICANS a huge eye opener on what outsourcing could potentially do to us as a nation.
A complete breakdown in China could cripple our nation in the short term and that is unacceptable. For that reason I think Congress needs to look LONG AND HARD at crafting legislation to protect our national interests from being so inexplicably tied to Chinas well being
I would much prefer the gov't stay out of it and have the private sector recognize and relieve the threat posed by such a heavy reliance on one foreign country.
I would agree with you but the large firms that put a heavy reliance on China are all about today's profits not tomorrow's misfortunes.
I don't think congress needs to be overbearing but there are things they could easily do to encourage bringing much of that back to our shores. For instance a LARGE tax on all imports of American made products if a certain percentage of those products are not already produced in our nation. A tax too big to pass on to the consumer and still remain profitable if you will.
I know that doesn't sound real conservative but first and foremost I am PRO AMERICA with political ideology a close second. Maintaining our nations ability to sustain itself is far more important than any political dogma
Did the POS break records for 4 chiefs of staff in 36 months ?? How many AG's How many press sec's ?? Oh that's right slime bag doesn't do that anymore,,,how many lies ?? Are all trump supporters bonkers?
Most watched town hall in cable history. 4.2 million viewers.
Yeah, but only so we could point and laugh.
I will get the last laugh in November when half of you disappear from the board in shame just like 2016.
I wasn't talking about laughing at you but..

View attachment 310991
You realize the man in your meme is a conservative right? Lol
Dream on...You Trumpers live in an alternate universe where you think everyone worships and idolizes Trump as your do. A growing number of Americans see the Trump administration for what it is. An incompetent, inept and corrupt enterprise through and through,

Yep, let us know when your numbers reach double digit...dumbass.
Let me know when Trump’s approval numbers pass 50%, dolt.

Has anyone told Johnlaw that presidents constantly win re-elections without 50% approval? The best president in US history will easily take the re-election. Slo Biden is the right choice for democrats, he won't even remember that he was in the race. Sacrifice to the God-Emperor will be easy for him.
Did the POS break records for 4 chiefs of staff in 36 months ?? How many AG's How many press sec's ?? Oh that's right slime bag doesn't do that anymore,,,how many lies ?? Are all trump supporters bonkers?
What does ANY of that have to do with CLEAR signs of wide public support for Trump?
Your favorite restaurant likely has a high turnover rate yet you still support them with your patronage. If he's getting the job done I don't care if he has new staff every week.
Dream on...You Trumpers live in an alternate universe where you think everyone worships and idolizes Trump as your do. A growing number of Americans see the Trump administration for what it is. An incompetent, inept and corrupt enterprise through and through,

Yep, let us know when your numbers reach double digit...dumbass.
Let me know when Trump’s approval numbers pass 50%, dolt.

They're way past 50%.... The polls will never show it.

Dream on...You Trumpers live in an alternate universe where you think everyone worships and idolizes Trump as your do. A growing number of Americans see the Trump administration for what it is. An incompetent, inept and corrupt enterprise through and through,

Yep, let us know when your numbers reach double digit...dumbass.
Let me know when Trump’s approval numbers pass 50%, dolt.

They're way past 50%.... The polls will never show it.

Only in the alternate universe.
Dream on...You Trumpers live in an alternate universe where you think everyone worships and idolizes Trump as your do. A growing number of Americans see the Trump administration for what it is. An incompetent, inept and corrupt enterprise through and through.

Ahahaha your liberal projection broke the irony meter. :cuckoo:
Trump has utterly destroyed Obama's performance as president, exposing Obama for the rank amateur that he was. The contrast is off the charts while Trump has torn down the liberal media. They can no longer broadcast biased propaganda unopposed. President Trump openly calling out congressional Dems as lying lowlife scum has also reset politics. Remember Dem's have spent decades crafting a narrative, president Trump destroyed it. Naturally the left are freaked out. :auiqs.jpg:
The only person with their head in the sand is you as you sit there ignoring all the evidence of Trumps popularity.

Trump's target audience does not escape those paying attention Gramps

Awe, a little condescension and elitism goes a long way huh.

No where near as far as partisan kool aid

the hype now is no different than O's 2nd run

same cheerleaders , same lame rhetoric


The only person with their head in the sand is you as you sit there ignoring all the evidence of Trumps popularity.

Trump's target audience does not escape those paying attention Gramps

Awe, a little condescension and elitism goes a long way huh.

No where near as far as partisan kool aid

the hype now is no different than O's 2nd run

same cheerleaders , same lame rhetoric


Being observant enough to read the tea leaves blowing in the wind is not cheerleading lol
Did the POS break records for 4 chiefs of staff in 36 months ?? How many AG's How many press sec's ?? Oh that's right slime bag doesn't do that anymore,,,how many lies ?? Are all trump supporters bonkers?
What does ANY of that have to do with CLEAR signs of wide public support for Trump?
Your favorite restaurant likely has a high turnover rate yet you still support them with your patronage. If he's getting the job done I don't care if he has new staff every week.
And you don't care how UN presidential he is ? As long as he cuts taxes for the wealthy you don't care? A man so ignorant in foreign affairs You don't care? A man who speaks down to half or more of Americans ,and you don't care A man who accepted help from Russia for his personal gain ,and you don't care?/ Tell me gramps is there a time when trump pisses you off enough that you DO care?
And you don't care how UN presidential he is ?
Not really so long as the job gets done.

As long as he cuts taxes for the wealthy you don't care?
Everyone got a tax cut including you.

A man so ignorant in foreign affairs You don't care?
How many wars has he started?

A man who speaks down to half or more of Americans ,and you don't care
Manufactured nonsense.

A man who accepted help from Russia for his personal gain ,and you don't care?
Koolaid overdose much?

Tell me gramps is there a time when trump pisses you off enough that you DO care?
I have voiced my share of Trump complaints. From his spending to his cancelation of the CDC visit. You just don't pay attention.

Most watched town hall in cable history. 4.2 million viewers.

Shattering even Obama's voter turn out records in various states.


Baring some catastrophic boondoggle you lefties are in for a metric ton of heartburn. Get your tums, chums!

That’s the problem. Democrats can’t beat him so they demean and make shit up.

Harris just endorsed him More than 50% of voters are women How many do repus think will vote for the perverted pussy grabber...On one hand you have some one who knows what empathy means, Biden, on the other the lowlife skunk Trump
And you don't care how UN presidential he is ?
Not really so long as the job gets done.

As long as he cuts taxes for the wealthy you don't care?
Everyone got a tax cut including you.

A man so ignorant in foreign affairs You don't care?
How many wars has he started?

A man who speaks down to half or more of Americans ,and you don't care
Manufactured nonsense.

A man who accepted help from Russia for his personal gain ,and you don't care?
Koolaid overdose much?

Tell me gramps is there a time when trump pisses you off enough that you DO care?
I have voiced my share of Trump complaints. From his spending to his cancelation of the CDC visit. You just don't pay attention.
Guess this is fine with you too?

ASHINGTON — Erik Prince, the security contractor with close ties to the Trump administration, has in recent years helped recruit former American and British spies for secretive intelligence-gathering operations that included infiltrating Democratic congressional campaigns, labor organizations and other groups considered hostile to the Trump agenda, according to interviews and documents.

And BTW There are a couple of trumps doings I can agree with but overall the man is an unqualified POS who has never done anything for others besides ripping them off I'm so glad you believe the lies that come from the WH You've answered my question There is NOTHING that skank can do that would change your mind Thanks
Dream on...You Trumpers live in an alternate universe where you think everyone worships and idolizes Trump as your do. A growing number of Americans see the Trump administration for what it is. An incompetent, inept and corrupt enterprise through and through.
Well ratings don’t lie . Polls do you should be worried

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