Trump continues to break records and the left is ignoring it

Most watched town hall in cable history. 4.2 million viewers.

Shattering even Obama's voter turn out records in various states.


Baring some catastrophic boondoggle you lefties are in for a metric ton of heartburn. Get your tums, chums!

That’s the problem. Democrats can’t beat him so they demean and make shit up.

Harris just endorsed him More than 50% of voters are women How many do repus think will vote for the perverted pussy grabber...On one hand you have some one who knows what empathy means, Biden, on the other the lowlife skunk Trump

Dude you’re still ranting
Your favorite restaurant likely has a high turnover rate yet you still support them with your patronage.
Your favorite restaurant is probably half empty because the Golfer-in-Chief botched our chance to prepare for the spread of the virus ahead of time.

CBO: Deficits to Top $1 Trillion for Foreseeable Future
Slower economic growth and mounting deficits are expected in the years ahead, driving the U.S. further into debt.

...I would much prefer the gov't stay out of it and have the private sector recognize and relieve the threat posed by such a heavy reliance on one foreign country.

No Sale.

It is greedy assholes in the private sector that offloaded all this manufacturing capability and jobs offshore in the first place.

And, they, collectively, have shown no serious signs of substantive and effective reversal of that decades-old lust for gold.

In this, they are no longer to be trusted, so, it's time for the Federal government to step in and begin forcing the issue.

This pandemic is our one-and-only warning about supply-chain breakdowns and terrible overseas dependencies.

There is too much at-stake to trust corporate a$$holes to get it right on behalf of the American People.

Such intervention will not happen on the Orange Baboon's watch, but it may get underway on the watch of his successor.
Your favorite restaurant likely has a high turnover rate yet you still support them with your patronage.
Your favorite restaurant is probably half empty because the Golfer-in-Chief botched our chance to prepare for the spread of the virus ahead of time.

CBO: Deficits to Top $1 Trillion for Foreseeable Future
Slower economic growth and mounting deficits are expected in the years ahead, driving the U.S. further into debt.

Someone tell me how the least traveled group of people bed ridden were the first infected? Please, old people who don’t leave their rooms died , how?
we all remember 2009, when over 90 million people were out of work and Biden and Yo Bama were just laughing at the suffering middle class while they went on vacations with our tax dollars
Gramps As long as he gets the job done?? What gd job are you talking about ?half America wants to kill the other half because they're AH's The allies we used to have laugh at the stupidity of our leaders Trump is a no nothing blithering moron and what job is he getting done He's a lying fuktard and you support him What does that make you?

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