Trump contradicts top U.S. officials, suggests without evidence China behind cyberattack - Trump in the pockets of Putin

Its called having an opinion which he along with everyone else is entitled to have it might very well be Russia but lets not pretend like China has not done it's fair share of hacking over the decades. Russia is a problem and has been for a long time but this nation better wake up to the fact so is China. This is not the China of 60 years ago they are quickly becoming the third superpower if they are not already there and the United States and the the rest of the world better come to terms with this reality pretty dam fast.

Well what did you expect from Russia operative in the pockets of Putin. What a disgust piece of orange TURD Trump is.
Contradicting his secretary of state and other top officials, President Donald Trump on Saturday suggested without evidence that China — not Russia — may be behind the grave cyberattack against the United States and tried to minimized its impact.
Da genius has struck yet again..

Well what did you expect from Russia operative in the pockets of Putin. What a disgust piece of orange TURD Trump is.
Contradicting his secretary of state and other top officials, President Donald Trump on Saturday suggested without evidence that China — not Russia — may be behind the grave cyberattack against the United States and tried to minimized its impact.
[/QUOTE}Thanks for that Trump in putin;s pocket comment I some times forget just how much you tree stumps crack my ass up. I bet you thank God every night for your government dependency. I am also sure at birth you were deprived oxygen till middle age. You would think you would take better care of that brain cell only given one.
1) After 4 years of no evidence directly linking Trump to Russia it might be time to give it break.
2) Any Trump supporters who try to pretend that Biden has direct links to China without giving any evidence are as bad as the lefties they’ve been justifiably crucifying over the past 4 years.

Does it boggle anyone else’s mind to watch the far left and far right literally switch rhetoric? WTF, I thought radicals were supposed to be that way because they believed so deeply in their principles that they never see any room for compromise? It’s like watching two debate clubs switch arguments in midstream.
Is it possible that we’re just simpletons who really can’t be trusted with the keys to car?
WHO WOULD WE LAUGH AT IF WE DIDN'T HAVE THE COLUSION DELUSION? i don't think it is a delusion. It has more to do with just being TO STUPID TO EVER REALIZE THEY WILL NEVER BE IGNORANT. i bet they drink from the toilet..
Indeed, now let’s keep this in mind for the next 4 years.
I'm not inclined to do that, we need to get after Biden with a vengence. He has to pay for 4 years of Democrat lies and his traitorous conduct with Ukraine and China. He has no business being POTUS.
So every complaint/criticism you have levied (fairly) at the left can now apply to you? That does not sound patriotic as much as it does partisan. I have got to believe that We the People can and should be better than that.
1) After 4 years of no evidence directly linking Trump to Russia it might be time to give it break.
2) Any Trump supporters who try to pretend that Biden has direct links to China without giving any evidence are as bad as the lefties they’ve been justifiably crucifying over the past 4 years.

Does it boggle anyone else’s mind to watch the far left and far right literally switch rhetoric? WTF, I thought radicals were supposed to be that way because they believed so deeply in their principles that they never see any room for compromise? It’s like watching two debate clubs switch arguments in midstream.
Is it possible that we’re just simpletons who really can’t be trusted with the keys to car?
WHO WOULD WE LAUGH AT IF WE DIDN'T HAVE THE COLUSION DELUSION? i don't think it is a delusion. It has more to do with just being TO STUPID TO EVER REALIZE THEY WILL NEVER BE IGNORANT. i bet they drink from the toilet..
I have absolutely no idea what you are getting at here. I’m not sure your smelling what I’m stepping in.

Well what did you expect from Russia operative in the pockets of Putin. What a disgust piece of orange TURD Trump is.
Contradicting his secretary of state and other top officials, President Donald Trump on Saturday suggested without evidence that China — not Russia — may be behind the grave cyberattack against the United States and tried to minimized its impact.
Ты поймала нас. Наташа получит машину, которую мы должны оставить
China seems the more likely culprit in terms of scope and scale. Russia isn't what it used to be and most of hack would be useless for them.

Well what did you expect from Russia operative in the pockets of Putin. What a disgust piece of orange TURD Trump is.
Contradicting his secretary of state and other top officials, President Donald Trump on Saturday suggested without evidence that China — not Russia — may be behind the grave cyberattack against the United States and tried to minimized its impact.
But it was OK to say Trump was a Russian agent for 4 years with absolutely no evidence. You are living in lefty fantasy land.
thanks for exposing what a stupid fucjk shill he is.LOL
Even Pompeo admitted that Russia is attacking our systems
Funny how the RWNJs are stating it's a China hack and not a Russian one, if you care about this country it doesn't matter as It happened under Trump's watch regardless.

Trump failed to protect both the citizens of the US and our government systems. His incompetence is mind boggling and his brainwashed supporters mindlessly defend this incompetence to the end.
Funny how the RWNJs are stating it's a China hack and not a Russian one, if you care about this country it doesn't matter as It happened under Trump's watch regardless.

Trump failed to protect both the citizens of the US and our government systems. His incompetence is mind boggling and his brainwashed supporters mindlessly defend this incompetence to the end.

This all started under Obama...remember? He and Biden are both as corrupt as they come. Those two couple with the Clinton machine have severely compromised our country. Brain-dead/ignorant folks voted for Biden/Harris. It is a sad time for the US.
Funny how the RWNJs are stating it's a China hack and not a Russian one, if you care about this country it doesn't matter as It happened under Trump's watch regardless.

Trump failed to protect both the citizens of the US and our government systems. His incompetence is mind boggling and his brainwashed supporters mindlessly defend this incompetence to the end.

This all started under Obama...remember? He and Biden are both as corrupt as they come. Those two couple with the Clinton machine have severely compromised our country. Brain-dead/ignorant folks voted for Biden/Harris. It is a sad time for the US.
You seriously cannot blame everything on Obama when Trump has been POTUS for almost four years. The level of deflection and lack of accountability is incomprehensible.

This massive breach happened during Trump's reign full stop.

The question is; what will be done? A lack of any significant sanctions further reveals just how submissive Trump is to Putin.
Mitt Romney said Trump has a blind spot with Russia as all experts and CIA says Russia attacked America. Just name the fucking turd Trump for what he is - a disgusting traitor of America and a bought stooge of Putin. Disgusting piece of shit and anyone supporting this orange Turd Trump.
Mitt Romney said Trump has a blind spot with Russia as all experts and CIA says Russia attacked America. Just name the fucking turd Trump for what he is - a disgusting traitor of America and a bought stooge of Putin. Disgusting piece of shit and anyone supporting this orange Turd Trump.
Like all TDSers you got it backwards. Mitt Romney is the turd.

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