Trump Defended Murder Of Journalist By Saudi’s To Distract From Ivanka’s Disturbing Emails

John Bolton’s new book claims President Donald Trump defended Saudi Arabia’s grisly murder of a journalist to distract from daughter Ivanka Trump’s wrongdoing.

Ivanka Trump, a White House adviser, conducted government business from a private email account, according to public records obtained in 2017, but they’re getting fresh new attention after excerpts of Bolton’s book were reported in the media, reported the Huffington Post.

Will the House call for hearings? Using a private email account to conduct government business, is the height of treachery. Just ask Mike McCarthy.

So what was disturbing about Ivanka's email? Didn't see a word about it in the OP. Was your title a lie?


Trump was still having small hairy kittens over Hillary's use of private emails when it was revealled that Trump had a private server in the White House, and Jared and Ivanka were sending and receiving government emails on it. There was nothing particularly disturbing about their content but the Trump was ordering investigations left and right over Hillary doing the same thing.
John Bolton’s new book claims President Donald Trump defended Saudi Arabia’s grisly murder of a journalist to distract from daughter Ivanka Trump’s wrongdoing.

Ivanka Trump, a White House adviser, conducted government business from a private email account, according to public records obtained in 2017, but they’re getting fresh new attention after excerpts of Bolton’s book were reported in the media, reported the Huffington Post.

Will the House call for hearings? Using a private email account to conduct government business, is the height of treachery. Just ask Mike McCarthy.

So what was disturbing about Ivanka's email? Didn't see a word about it in the OP. Was your title a lie?


Trump was still having small hairy kittens over Hillary's use of private emails when it was revealled that Trump had a private server in the White House, and Jared and Ivanka were sending and receiving government emails on it. There was nothing particularly disturbing about their content but the Trump was ordering investigations left and right over Hillary doing the same thing.

You know there's nothing illegal about using private email, as long as a copy is sent the the archivist and they don't contain classified information, right? The bitch refused to comply with both in an attempt to avoid records keeping laws and FOIA. If you commies can't see the difference there is no hope for ya.


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